#क्या_कहती_है_पाक_कुरान In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif /Majeed) do not know about him. To
parveensingh1122 · 2 months
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पवित्र कुरान शरीफ
सुरत-फुर्कानि नं. 25 आयत 58:- व तवक्कल् अलल् हरिूल्लजी ला यमूतु व सब्बिह् बिहम्दिही व कफा बिही बिजुनूबि अिबादिही खबीरा(कबीरा)।58।
हजरत मुहम्मद जी जिसे अपना प्रभु मानते हैं वह कुरान ज्ञान दाता अल्लाह (प्रभु) किसी और पूर्ण प्रभु की तरफ संकेत कर रहा है कि ऐ पैगम्बर उस कबीर परमात्मा पर विश्वास रख जो तुझे जिंदा महात्मा के रूप में आकर मिला था। वह कभी मरने वाला नहीं है अर्थात् वास्तव में अविनाशी है
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kabirkamplay · 1 month
In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif/Majeed) do not know about him.
To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran"
- Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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tinytreekid · 2 months
➡️In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif / Majeed) do not know about him.
To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran"
Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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shobha12sblog · 2 months
In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif / Majeed) do not know about him. To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran"
Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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neerajgundarisblog · 2 months
In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif / Majeed) do not know about him.
To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran"
Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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sahildahiya · 2 months
#क्या_कहती_है_पाक_कुरान In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif /Majeed) do not know about him. To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran" Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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chaman-singh · 2 months
In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif/Majeed) do not know about him.
To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran"
- Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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rabji · 2 months
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In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif /Majeed) do not know about him. To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran" Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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jyoti000 · 2 months
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➡️In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif / Majeed) do not know about him.
To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran"
Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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77599sumankumari · 2 months
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➡️In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif / Majeed) do not know about him.
To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran"
Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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princekumargupta · 2 months
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➡️In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif / Majeed) do not know about him.
To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran"
Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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➡️In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif / Majeed) do not know about him.
To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran"
Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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tinytreekid · 2 months
➡️In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif / Majeed) do not know about him.
To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran"
Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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kabirkamplay · 2 months
#क्या_कहती_है_पाक_कुरान In fact he is Allah Kabir Rahman. I (the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif /Majeed) do not know about him. To know, Download the sacred book "Musalman nahi samjhe gyan Quran" Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji
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