pol-ahmeda · 19 days
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В городе Липецке бесстыжий преступник и извращенец Амар Касимов собрал вокруг себя многонациональную банду, цель которой - уничтожать души и вымогать кровные средства у беззащитных подростков. Его страница в соцсети ВКонтакте полна типичным контентом абу-бандитов: символика АУЭ, криминальные гимны, агрессивные видео с обращением к оружию. Неудивительно, что под видом занятий боксом Амар приобрел навыки для еще более грубых преступлений. Участники шайки не только пестрят роликами о своих подвигах, они еще и успешно внедряют культ абу-бандитов в местную молодежь. Этот печально-знаменательный «культурный обмен» подтверждает, что, парафразируя Макарчука, никогда не знаешь, что может принести «обогащенный» межличностный опыт — в этом случае нечистые на руку не только вовлекают, но и разрушают.
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evropac · 2 years
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🙌 Уважаемые коллеги! 🇦🇪 С 6 по 8 декабря в Абу-Даби, ОАЭ, проходит Международная продовольственная выставка Abu Dhabi International Food Exhibition. 🇷🇺 "Европак" участвует в выставке в составе российской делегации! ☝️ Выставка организована Национальной выставочной компанией Абу-Даби (ADNEC) в сотрудничестве с Управлением сельского хозяйства и безопасности пищевых продуктов Абу-Даби (ADAFSA) и принимает на своей площадке широкий перечень местных и международных участников, специализирующихся в секторах продуктов питания, напитков и гостеприимства, а также профильных экспертов и специалистов. 🤗 А мы приглашаем экспортёров воспользоваться преимуществами нашего сервиса для отправки наливных, насыпных и фасованных грузов! ⠀ ❓По всем вопросам вы можете получить консультацию по телефону: 📞+7 (495) 690-34-07, +7 (495) 066-90-34, а также на сайте компании: 🌐 https://evropac.ru через формы обратной связи. ⠀ #абу-даби #выставка #internationalfoodexhibition #foodexhibition #европак #evropac #россия #russia #флекситанк #флекситанки #флексипоезд #контейнерныйпоезд #наливныегрузы #перевозканаливных #перевозканаливныхгрузов #экспорт #экспортвконтейнерах #экспортпродукцииапк #мультимодальныеперевозки #апк #экспортапк #контейнерныегрузоперевозки #агроэкспорт #насыпныегрузы #перевозканасыпных #вкладышвконтейнер #морскиеперевозкигрузов https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl4A0svKHuj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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redfield-by · 2 months
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Тэрмінал аэрапорта ў Абу-Дабі на маю думку падобны на танцуючага робата, ці вясёлага хлапчука.
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А стары тэрмінал нагадвае планету Татуін (Зорныя войны)
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Аб'яднаныя Арабскія Эміраты
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viandede-porque · 4 months
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The only reason why Zenit didn't get rid of all the russian players this season. The 80th Anniversary. How could I forget.
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tigermousse · 1 year
It's Orthodox Easter today and I'm so happy that I am with my family today
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dinaragoksu · 2 months
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laralarimar · 3 months
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businessarticlesclone · 4 months
купить квартиру в оаэ Шардже недорого | купить квартиру в абу даби, оаэ
Хотите купить квартиру в ОАЭ? Откройте для себя и купите квартиру в Шардже в ОАЭ! Исследуйте апартаменты в Абу-Даби с кухней и узнайте, как арендовать квартиру в Абу-Даби.
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agnabeyainfo · 5 months
В портах Абу-Даби будут работать три египетских круизных терминала
Это следует из 30-летнего концессионного соглашения о развитии терминала Safaga с инвестициями в размере 200 млн долларов США.... Читать дальше »
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generaltime02 · 8 months
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pol-ahmeda · 1 month
В Новороссийске произошел инцидент: пьяный абу-бандит въехал в забор в Станице Раевской, чуть не сбив при этом детей. Жителей села напугали и угрожали расправой «братская помощь», приехавшая на место. Полиция уже выехала на вызов, и надеемся, что это не ограничится простыми административными мерами, а возбудят уголовное дело по статье «Хулиганство» как минимум. Интересно, что информатор утверждает, будто дело сейчас пытаются уладить «старшие» личности. Важно, чтобы правосудие восторжествовало и ответственные за происшествие были привлечены к ответственности.
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emmarozz · 9 months
A Complete Guide To Buying Apartment in UAE For Expats
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Are you an expat considering the prospect of buy apartments in uae [квартиры в оаэ купить] ?  Look no further, as this comprehensive guide, compiled by seasoned experts in real estate, will walk you through the process and provide valuable insights into making a successful investment in the UAE property market.
Understanding the UAE Property Market
Before delving into the intricacies of buying an apartment in the UAE, it's crucial to grasp the dynamics of the local property market. The UAE, renowned for its robust economy and thriving real estate sector, offers a plethora of opportunities for expats seeking to invest in property. As experts in this field, we understand the nuances of the market and are here to guide you every step of the way.
Legal Requirements for Expat Buyers
As an expatriate, it's essential to be aware of the legal requirements for property ownership in the UAE. The country has specific regulations in place, and navigating them can be daunting without expert guidance. We, as experts, will ensure that you meet all the legal prerequisites and facilitate a smooth and secure transaction.
Choosing the Right Location
Selecting the right location for your apartment is a critical decision. The UAE boasts a diverse range of cities, each offering a unique lifestyle and investment potential. Whether you prefer the bustling metropolis of Dubai, the cultural charm of Abu Dhabi, or the serene coastal towns, we'll provide you with expert insights to make an informed choice.
Financing Options
Understanding your financing options is pivotal in the UAE's real estate landscape. As experts in the field, we have a deep knowledge of the local banking and mortgage systems. We can assist you in securing the most favorable financing arrangements tailored to your needs, ensuring your investment aligns with your financial goals.
Property Selection
With a plethora of apartment options available, it's essential to choose a property that aligns with your investment objectives. Our expertise in the UAE real estate market allows us to identify properties that offer excellent value, potential for capital appreciation, and attractive rental returns.
The Buying Process
Navigating the buying process in a foreign country can be complex. However, with our guidance, you can be confident that every step, from property inspections to negotiations and legal documentation, will be executed smoothly and efficiently.
Property Management and Rental Income
If you're considering renting out your apartment, we can provide advice on property management services, tenant screening, and maximizing rental income. Our expert knowledge ensures that your investment remains a lucrative asset.
In conclusion, buying an apartment in the UAE as an expatriate is a rewarding endeavor. With the right guidance and expert assistance, you can navigate the UAE's property market with confidence and make a sound investment that aligns with your financial goals.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to secure your future in this vibrant and thriving country. Contact us today, and let our expertise guide you towards a successful investment in your dream apartment in the UAE. rent an apartment in abu dhabi [снять апартаменты в абу даби] and find best deals on dubai real estate investment [инвестиции в недвижимость дубая].
Purchasing an apartment in the UAE as an expatriate is a decision that can lead to long-term financial security and a high quality of life. With our guidance and expertise, you can navigate the intricacies of the UAE property market with ease and confidence.
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eastnews · 10 months
Хива объявлена туристической столицей исламского мира 2024 года
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Хива объявлена столицей туризма исламского мира 2024 года на XI сессии Организации исламского сотрудничества в Баку. В городе пройдут заседание министров туризма 57 стран-членов ОИС, конференции, выставки и другие события.
В столице Азербайджана Баку на XI сессии Организации исламского сотрудничества (ОИС) принято решение объявить Хиву столицей туризма исламского мира 2024 года, сообщила пресс-служба Министерство туризма и культурного наследия Узбекистана.
Помимо Хивы, на звание туристической столицы исламского мира претендовали ещё четыре города: Абу-Даби (ОАЭ), Шанлиурфа (Турция), Лагос (Нигерия) и Душанбе (Таджикистан).
В течение года в Хиве запланированы заседание министров туризма и руководителей туристических администраций 57 стран-членов ОИС, конференции, семинары, фотовыставки и другие мероприятия, отметил заместитель премьер-министра, министр туризма и культурного наследия Азиз Абдухакимов.
На заседании члены ОИС признали реформы Узбекистана в сфере туризма — упрощение визового режима, сохранение культурного наследия и благоустройство исторических городов, отметили в Минтуризма.
Кроме того, отмечено восстановление исторического облика Хивы, реставрационные и консервационные работы, улучшение инфраструктуры и создание условий для большего потока туристов, строительство пятизвёздочных гостиниц, бутик-отелей и хостелов.
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israeleconews · 2 years
Полиция конфисковала 17 млн шекелей за мошенничество с выплатами от Битуах Леуми
Полиция конфисковала 17 млн шекелей за мошенничество с выплатами от Битуах Леуми
фото flash90. на фото: иллюстрация Полиция задержала социального работника муниципального объединения Абу-Гош (арабский поселок на территории Израиля в 2 км северо-западнее Иерусалима), а также несколько владельцев компаний по оказанию услуг недееспособным пенсионерам, которые подозреваются в мошенничестве с выплатами от Битуах Леуми. По информации 12 канала ИТВ, социальный работник вступила в…
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laralarimar · 3 months
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businessarticlesclone · 5 months
Tips for Choosing the Best Apartments in Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, is a vibrant and cosmopolitan metropolis that attracts residents and expatriates alike. As the demand for housing continues to grow, choosing the best apartments in Abu Dhabi (апартаменты в абу даби) can be a daunting task. Whether you are a first-time buyer, a seasoned investor, or someone looking for a new rental, these tips will guide you through the process of finding the perfect apartments in Abu Dhabi (апартаменты в абу даби).
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1. Define Your Budget:
Before embarking on your apartment search, it's crucial to establish a clear budget. Abu Dhabi offers a diverse range of housing options, from luxurious penthouses to more affordable flats. Determine your financial capacity and be realistic about what you can afford. Consider additional costs such as maintenance fees, utilities, and potential association fees. This step will help narrow down your options and streamline the decision-making process.
2. Choose the Right Neighborhood:
Abu Dhabi is made up of various neighborhoods, each with its own unique character and amenities. The choice of neighborhood depends on your lifestyle, preferences, and priorities. Do you prefer a bustling city center or a quieter suburban area? Consider proximity to your workplace, schools, hospitals, and recreational facilities. Research the safety and security of the neighborhood to ensure a comfortable living environment.
3. Identify Your Priorities:
Make a list of your priorities when it comes to apartment features. Are you looking for a spacious living area, multiple bedrooms, or a modern kitchen? Consider your lifestyle requirements, such as proximity to public transportation, parking facilities, and recreational spaces. Identifying your priorities will help you focus on apartments that align with your needs, saving time and effort in the search process.
4. Research Property Developers:
Abu Dhabi boasts a thriving real estate market with numerous property developers offering a variety of projects. Researching the reputation and track record of property developers is essential. Look for reviews, testimonials, and the quality of their previous projects. Reliable developers prioritize construction quality, timely delivery, and customer satisfaction. This information will guide you in making an informed decision and ensure the longevity and value of your investment.
5. Consider Amenities and Facilities:
Different apartment buildings come with various amenities and facilities. Evaluate your lifestyle preferences and inquire about the offerings of each property. Common amenities include swimming pools, gyms, play areas, and security services. Some luxury apartments in Abu Dhabi (апартаменты в абу даби) may even offer concierge services. Assessing these features will enhance your overall living experience and contribute to the property's long-term value.
6. Inspect the Apartment:
Once you've shortlisted potential apartments in Abu Dhabi (апартаменты в абу даби), schedule visits to inspect them in person. Pay attention to the condition of the property, including the quality of construction, fixtures, and appliances. Check for any signs of damage or wear and tear. Don't hesitate to ask questions about the maintenance history and recent renovations. A thorough inspection ensures that the apartment meets your standards and helps you avoid unexpected issues down the line.
7. Understand Lease Terms and Conditions:
For those considering rental options, understanding the lease terms and conditions is crucial. Read the lease agreement thoroughly, paying attention to rent escalation clauses, maintenance responsibilities, and termination conditions. Clarify any uncertainties with the landlord or property management to avoid misunderstandings during your tenancy. This step is essential for a smooth and hassle-free living experience.
8. Explore Financing Options:
If you're planning to purchase an apartment, exploring financing options is a key step. Research mortgage providers, interest rates, and repayment terms. Consult with financial experts to determine the most suitable financing arrangement for your situation. Understanding the financial aspect of your investment is essential for long-term planning and ensuring that you can comfortably meet your financial obligations.
9. Evaluate Public Transportation Access:
Abu Dhabi has a well-established public transportation system, including buses and an efficient Metro system. Consider the proximity of your chosen apartment to public transportation hubs, especially if you rely on these services for daily commuting. Access to public transportation not only enhances your convenience but can also contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.
10. Check for Future Developments:
Abu Dhabi is a city constantly evolving with ongoing development projects. Before finalizing your decision, research upcoming developments in the vicinity of your chosen apartment. Future infrastructure projects, commercial centers, and recreational facilities can significantly impact the value and desirability of your property. Being aware of these developments will help you make a more informed investment decision.
11. Evaluate Security Measures:
Safety and security are paramount when choosing an apartment. Investigate the security measures implemented in the building and the surrounding neighborhood. This includes the presence of security personnel, surveillance cameras, and access control systems. A secure living environment ensures peace of mind and contributes to the overall well-being of residents.
12. Consider Resale Value:
Whether you are buying an apartment for personal use or investment, considering its resale value is prudent. Evaluate the potential for appreciation in the property's value over time. Factors such as location, nearby amenities, and the reputation of the developer can influence resale value. A property with strong resale potential provides a sense of financial security and flexibility for future decisions.
13. Engage with the Community:
Before committing to an apartment, engage with the local community to get a sense of the neighborhood dynamics. Attend community events, visit nearby establishments, and connect with current residents. Understanding the community atmosphere will help you determine if it aligns with your lifestyle and preferences. Building a sense of community enhances your overall living experience.
14. Seek Professional Advice:
Engaging the services of a real estate agent or property consultant can be invaluable. Professionals in the field have extensive knowledge of the local real estate market, can help you navigate complex processes, and provide valuable insights. Their expertise can streamline the apartment search, negotiations, and transaction processes, ensuring a smoother experience for you.
15. Stay Informed about Market Trends:
The real estate market is dynamic, and influenced by economic conditions, government policies, and global trends. Stay informed about market trends, property values, and upcoming regulations. Regularly monitoring the market allows you to make informed decisions and adapt your strategy based on changing conditions. Being proactive in staying updated will empower you in the decision-making process.
Choosing the best apartments in Abu Dhabi (апартаменты в абу даби) requires careful consideration of various factors, from budget constraints to lifestyle preferences. By defining your priorities, conducting thorough research, and seeking professional advice, you can navigate the real estate landscape with confidence. Whether you are a potential buyer or a prospective tenant, these tips will guide you toward finding the perfect apartment that aligns with your needs and enhances your overall living experience in this dynamic and vibrant city.
For more: купить квартиру в оаэ, купить квартиру в оаэ недорого, and купить квартиру в оаэ шарджа.
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