revvnant · 1 year
i know the typical william reaction to the bite is for him to be like ‘you killed my precious bugaboo whomst i forced to have his birthday party at a place he hates, i think his name was ethan?’ ( i will never be convinced that william actually gave two shits about his son why is he crying alone 24/7 why did you make him have his birthday party at a restaurant filled with characters he’s petrified of, which does not exempt him from post-death being like ‘but but but i loved him’ but at the very least he was neglectful ) but i love when he does one or more of the following:
- you’re just like me fr! ( derogatory ) - this has opened my eyes to a whole world of child murder! - i’m about to act my heart out so the police never suspect me of any future wrongdoing, thanks sport! - fell asleep and had to be told of the murder later. - UNPLUGGED EVAN’S LIFE SUPPORT TO CHARGE HIS PHONE.
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thisismeracing · 4 months
bonnington-schumi kiddos 
pls include the bono-schumi mood board i sent ya over email in your response
ok i’ve mentioned them enough, lets dig into the bonnington-schumi kiddos
history has a funny way of repeating itself and for bon and mick it manifests in their kids birth order and gender
because much like when corrina had gina and mick, bon had her daughter first and son second. and both came out looking like two more schumacher clones to add to the collection 
but bon isn't complaining because how could she be mad when her two babies share those unmistakable blue eyes 
their first born is named: Eloise “Ellie” Suzanne Bonnington-Schumacher 
and their second born is: Mike “Mikey” Sebastian Bonnington-Schumacher 
imagine bon and mick introducing little ellie to susie in the hospital and when susie asks what her name is and bon goes “eloise suzanne” susie just melts because this little bundle of joy is named after her. 
and the same goes for sebastian when mikey is born 
the f1 crew just going though the cycle of watching another kid grow up in the paddock start up again with miss ellie. but this time it’s the kid of the original kid you watched grow up, and this time around there’s two of them because mikey is born a few years after 
and everyone jokes about how “oh ellie is going to be an engineer like her mama” and “oh mikey is a future f1 champ like his papa” 
but the opposite happens where ellie is the driver, and mikey is an engineer 
And imagine the timelapse of the headphones to protect their little ears and how they look so giant on them cause they’re so small, but give it a few years and now they look proportionate to their bodies 
(i feel like that would make a lot of people just so soft and heartbroken because their favorite little kids are growing up and so fast, like pls make it stop 😢) 
[also the people who watched bon grow up just get deja vu whenever they are interacting with ellie, because wow does she act just like bon when she was this age]
and best believe these two are championship babies. you can't tell me no on this one. 
When they announced they were pregnant with ellie, people both in real life and online are so quick to do the math on when she could’ve been conceived, and they all land on the fact she was conceived around the time of abu dhabi 
and after mikey is born, toto sits the both of them down and says “i love that the team is winning championships with mick, and i love the kids. but next time you two do it after winning a championship please for the love of god put a condom on. because two little kids are going to be enough with them running around the paddock.”
and mick is just mortified, while bon is laughing her ass off and she’s the one to reassure him that they wont be having anymore kids anytime soon
[i told myself i had to finish this before showering and i did! also it breached the second page of the google doc so quickly]
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skjgksdjg OMG I LOVED LOVED IT!!! <3<3
totally agree on mikey engineer and ellie driver!!! espec bc I think ellie is more of a social butterfly while mikey is a bit shy like mick, he's funny and friendly, but usually he'll only talk if you talk to him first (the paddock experience helps it a little with this, but he keeps a bit of the shyness, its so cute and bb loves it bc he's such a momma's boy - its makes up for ellie being dada's girl)
adding more: ellie's first word will be angie while mikey's will probably be something from bb's work because she'll work with him on her hips sometimes so his big blue eyes are always watching the engineers go around and listening to everything, she'll only connect the dots bc he says it right after a meeting (to which he was silent throughout it all, only munching on a pencil and grabbing things from the table to curiously analyse)
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gayseyjones · 2 years
what is it abt? does it follow the anime or the game story? or is it a more original story?
OMG HIIII putting this under a readmore because damn I did not expect to ramble that much
So like groundwork stuff susie, kris, and ralsei r a trio w kris as the meister. susie is an axe ofc and ralsei is. Okay I've gotta be honest the only idea I have for him is like a crazy strong scarf like armor but that sounds stupid so???? Yeah. He's there. Kris is also a weapon themself (knife) but after a previous bad experience w a shitty meister (the vessel) they decided to become a meister. they cannot stand being wielded at all
berdly and noelle are also partners! noelle is the meister and berdly is her weapon (a halberd)
gaster is lord death and jevil is asura. it kind of works scarily well. and imagining gaster acting like lord death is fucking hilarious
card king is a witch and lancer is his son, rouxls is their body guard. I think lancer and rouxls would be in a sort of "mifune and angela" type situation :) and also they have to save lancer from card king similar to crona & medusa. I think he'd be a big recurring villain in general also similar to medusa
asriel and dess WERE partners, but after a mission gone wrong dess was killed and it gave asriel crippling guilt because he's her weapon, and he should've saved her. he uses that guilt to push himself to become stronger and becomes a self wielding weapon, similar to justin. he becomes a death scythe and gets shipped off to another country in true childhood prodigy fashion and it stresses kris out because they feel like they have to live up with that, but they cant.
in general I think the main trio starts off very very rocky. their wavelengths are compatible, but they can't get along to save their lives. susie wants to go solo but she can't, kris is five seconds away from dropping out, and ralsei is desperately trying to hold them all together. similar to deltarune they need a couple missions and moments to bond to really strengthen their bond and become an actual functioning team. once they do they work together scarily well. since I'm so picky about aus I really try to keep their original characters & struggles and just apply it in a new light & context because I cannot stand aus that are just "acts exactly like this character But Trust Me it's really this character!"
noelle pushes herself hard. way too hard. which isn't good because they are kind of risking their lives every day already. she over exerts herself to the limit regularly but it brings results so she sees no reason to stop. She's able to perform soul resonance well, she has a highly compatible soul, she's killed loads of kishin eggs etc so she keeps working herself into an early grave. similarly berdly does the same and they do worry for eachother. despite this, neither of them will stop.
I think a lot of kris' main struggle is learning how to trust again. the incident with the vessel was... bad. I have no concrete say to what it is but the main idea I have right now is them being used to kill a human against their will. and up until that it's a lot of little things- being bossed around more, having less agency and control, etc basically textbook unhealthy relationship but even worse because it's meister and weapon. kris felt kinda obligated to stay in it because their wavelengths matched up and they wanted to live up to everyone's expectations but... it didn't end well. Because of the incident they had all their previous kishin eggs forfeited and basically start off at 0 when they join susie and ralsei, but they dont care because they aren't letting anyone wield them ever again. (And then they get really close with all their friends and feel loved and then susie also becomes a meister and wields kris regularly and they're besties <3)
On a lighter note asgore is a death scythe and his relationship with kris is very reminiscent of maka and spirit because I think it's hilarious. other death scythes include noelles mom and... idk who else actually. queen is a teacher who is secretly a witch similar to medusa but she's not evil or anything she's just there for the vibes. She's also a terrible teacher but gaster can't fire her because they have a labor shortage
ummm these are all very very VERY messy thoughts I just threw down I'm probably forgetting stuff but <3 I am cringe and I am free
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magnumdays · 3 years
Magnum PI 3.08 - Someone to Watch Over Me
Why am I such a sap and the end scene basically had me tearing up?
(Also why is the last scene now- some an hour later - the only thing I remember of the whole episode? Selective amnesia anyone?)
Anyhow, let’s take a breath and try to bring some thoughts back...
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We start off with our somewhat clingy “Higgy and Ethan acting like they’re in high school” scene... then progressing into being college students leaving a party to go hook up...
Which I mean...alright, at least we got interrupted with a phone call (also someone i having way too much fun with everyone personalizing their ring tones!)
Honestly, I kind of like Ethan at this moment. 
(When he’s leaving to go take care of a patient, like a good doctor, leaving Higgy all frustrated and ready to play poker and take everyone’s money!)
Then we get one of my favorite moments:
Higgy just casually walking into Magnum’s bedroom and poking him, trying to wake him, and then pouring some water on him to get the job done. I can’t imagine how much fun that was to film (well for Perdie at least).
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Anyhow, let’s run down the ep. 
Case of the week is finding Ethan’s dying patient before he...well... dies. 
Magnum/ Higgy are annoyed with each other because she’s trying to help with his sleeping problems  and he is upset she talked to Ethan about him. I kind of see both points of view but I fully agree with Magnum on the whole “What’s between us stays between us, cone of silence”. Which Higgy realizes is right too at the end and that gives us that fab #soft ending! 
Then there is also the side plot with the recruit and the painter girl from last season coming back and maybe being Rick’s love interest (which was on my season 3 wish list!! Yay! Well Rick having a GF/ some more female characters) 
It felt like there was just kind of a lot of things, or so it seemed to me, which meant I only focused on what I felt was most important. Which is Higgy and Magnum, Higgy and Ethan and kinda a bit on the case. 
The case for me was the weakest we’ve had for a few episodes. There was nothing wrong with it really. Some twists and turns, yadayada, feel good moment, take responsibility, at least you have each other... I liked it BUT wasn’t it a little hard to connect with? 
I wish they’d have shown us an actual picture of the person we were looking for at the start (rather than just his lung scans...). Given us a second where Ethan met him even? Or the two brothers taking care of on another in some way? It was like it took too long for me to actually care even though I felt pretty awful for the little kid getting shot, he didn’t feel connected to the adult dying missing character. Does that make sense?
Some of my favorite moments through out this was...
Higgy coming back to the poker table and everyone being just a little confused and then smug about it (presumably until she starts taking their money). 
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Magnum being sulky about being dragged along to help Ethan (well for a minute).
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TC being honorable and all about the right thing through out the ep.
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Higgy trying to explain why Magnum is wrong to be upset about her talking to Ethan about him...
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(I really liked this, because she’s all “YOU CAN’T BE MAD I CARE ABOUT YOU!” and I think she does have a point, even if you know it’s not really right -or in Ethan’s case, professional- of a thing to do, it is coming from a good place. She cares about Magnum. He isn’t doing anything about his sleeplessness and so she talks to the person she’s getting closer to who is also a doctor... I can see why to Higgy that makes sense.)
Continuation of this is the Abby-thing!
OMG, I love the Abby conversation. 
I love every single thing about it.
Juliet: Um, what did Abby know about me? 
Magnum: Huhm? 
Juliet: Well, you seem to have this issue with Ethan and I discussing you, but you and Abby were pretty serious there for a minute. And since it's absolutely normal to discuss your partner with your...partner. Surely I must have come up in conversation?
Magnum: No. Not at all.
Juliet: *surprised Pikachu face*
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(Okay, I tried to get a good screenshot of just how upset this makes her but I couldn’t. But I think she was actually genuinely surprised and hurt he hadn’t talked about her to Abby!)
Also is it weird I have a dream that I’ll one day find someone to stand next to and just have us look half as good as these two mange all the time?
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Moving on...
So yeah, we get a bit too much surgery/ hospital stuff there for my taste. I don’t know what was going on, like where they trying to show off Ethan’s doctor skills? Make us worried about the outcome? But honestly I’m not watching Grey’s Anatomy, I’m watching Magnum PI!
IDK, I for one would maybe have liked the guy to have died and the brother to have gone off the deep end and for the dad to have been a bit less remorseful and really have gone off the island and into hiding! Like an actual Not So Good ending for once? Perhaps the dad comes back to say goodbye before doing the right thing and going prison but his son is dead?
Because sure, I love me my happy ending and I’m glad that’s what we get most of the time but come on folks, once in a while you gotta throw some else in there. IDK, this was nice too, but maybe one out of 20 cases ONE should be a total fail?
This was a nice moment through.
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The most important question I have after this episode is however...
Is Rick not the bartender at La Marianna?
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Like I thought that was kind of what he did. Owner and bartender. Apparently not? (I mean I don’t really care if it means we’re getting Susie as a regular character, like come on, how can we have only 2 recurring female characters and 6 male ones?)
Also, not really a question but... can two people just be any more adorable together?
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Just look at that; two (NS)SM having a beer and being soft together... does life get any better than that really?
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elizabeth-baelish · 4 years
Life’s a Sick Joke pt 14
wohoo, finally!!
Would like to start from the beginning? Here is Part 1!
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14. Truth and Lies
After that thing happened on the bus and that chick Tommy became a bit calmer than he usually was. It scared you cause he was the always energetic one who annoyed you all the time.
"So, what will you do in the Christmas break?" Doc asked reading through his papers and walking around on the stage to see if everything was ready for the last concert in 1983. You were dealing with your camera while Nikki was drinking a beer next to you before the concert started.
"Christmas? This wasn't last year?" Nikki asked drinking a beer next to you.
"It's in every year, you know." You sighed while angrily pushing the buttons on your camera.
"Did that poor camera hurt you?" He asked laughing.
"It's just messing with me." You snapped. "Go, take it before I smash into small pieces." You handed the item in question into his hand.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing. Just the usual. Not that my life is a fucking joke this camera can't even work properly." You huffed.
"Do you say this because neither your brother nor your sister will spend the holidays with you?" Vince spoke up who just finished with his costume and makeup session. You sent him a death glare as he took next to Nikki. You hated that he knew you this well, it was pretty annoying not being able to hide any of your emotions in front of them.
"What?" The bassist inquired. "You don't have any relatives or what?"
"Why? Do you have any?" You asked back. You didn't mean to fill your anger on them, to be honest, but they were the curious ones. "Sorry, it was rude." You apologized to him. "It will be just weird not spending it with them. And enough of me. I'm always talking about them."
"Hey, it's okay. We understand." Vince said giving you a big smile.
"Anyway, why don't you spend the holidays at Mick's family? Not that, I ever heard him speaking of them so I don't know if they exist at all." Nikki added. He was surprised that he didn't even know about his bandmate's family's existence.
"I don't know. I don't want to interrupt anything and to be honest, Mick doesn't talk about his personal life too much." It frustrated you that he knew almost everything about you whereas you only knew that he has three brothers which you doubted now. And there was the thing with those child support envelopes back in the hotel. It still didn't let you rest, but you didn't want to bring it up, it wasn't your business.
"I thought at least he told you something. Creepy man." Vince said adjusting his fluffy hair. "But I don't think you should worry, I'm sure he will open up, someday...at least I hope so."
"May the odds be ever in our favor, guys." You said jumping down the stage.
"Where are you going?"
"I need some fresh air before the concert starts." You yelled and headed toward the back door. When you were out you sniffed in the air and filled your lungs with fresh air though it's wasn't that good as at the camping.
"Hey, (Y/N)." Tommy greeted you when he saw you exiting the building. You took a seat next to him. Tommy noticed your not so satisfied face so he offered you a cigarette which you took happily.
"Thanks." You muttered while he held the lighter for you. For a few minutes, you were sitting there in silence, just enjoying the silence. Tommy and silence still didn't sound good together. "How are you?" You asked rubbing his thigh.
"Well, that's not a lot."
"And what about you? What was that face? Did they annoy you?" He asked smirking.
"Imagine, this time it wasn't them." You laughed.
"Wow, miracle still happens. Then I bet it was your sister right? To be honest, I miss her, too." You glanced at him.
"You can call her anytime, you know that right?" You called her almost every day but it wasn't the same. And Tommy was aware of that, too."
"I know."
"Tommy, I know I told you this many times, but it wasn't your fault. That chick. She was just crazy and rude. She didn't know when to say when. Also, I hate to see you this. I miss your goofy self." You pushed him playfully in the arm.
"Thanks, (Y/N). I just need some time. I've never hit a woman before and I feel like a monster." He looked at his hands then smiled at you. "I miss annoying you, Cooper. Be prepared." He smirked.
"Not now, please." You chuckled but tried to keep the serious face on.
"Finally, it's over." Mick sighed putting his guitar down and sitting down the couch.
"It's not over yet, there will be still a Christmas party," Nikki added.
"No way I'm going. The tour next year with Ozzy will be more than enough." Mick muttered opening a bottle.
"Speaking of Christmas...how will you spent it?" Vince tried to bring up the subject since you didn't dare.
"I thought we have already discussed it with (Y/N)," Nikki said when Vince elbowed him in the stomach. Mick just raised one of his eyebrows. He was thinking of spending it at home with his sister and parents since he was sure you will spend it at your relatives' far away.
"So, Mick?" Vince asked again.
"Well, maybe at home, in silence and peace." He smiled from the thought.
"And what about (Y/N)?" Tommy spoke up after a long time among his bandmates.
"So, you are speaking now. Good to know." Mick said knowing that it must be your hands in it. "And back to the question...well I don't know. You mentioned that you already know, why are you asking me?"
"Cause...for the fuck's sake she will spend the whole Christmas alone. Well, I wouldn't let that but I'm sure she wouldn't want to spend it with me while she has other options." Vince said crossing his arms. Mick looked concerned for a bit.
"You should talk to her," Nikki said after he could get some air after that punch from the singer.
"If you don't bring her with you, I will," Tommy added smirking at Mick.
"No, neither of you are taking her, understood?" Mick didn't understand why you didn't tell him this yet. It
"Yes, sir."
"Hey." You put your smiling and happy face on not to let him know the situation.
After you went back to the hotel, you went to your room and started packing. You left the stadium without a word to anyone, just called a taxi. You wanted to be alone. You didn't want Mick to see you this miserable.
"(Y/N)?" He said after entering the room. You were sitting by the window and was gazing at the city night.
"Can we talk?" He asked while taking your hand and pulling on his lap on the sofa.
"So what is it?" You bit down your lip. Maybe those bastards told him everything.
"The boys told me that..." Of course, they did. "That you are spending Christmas...alone?" He asked still not believing it. You sighed and looked away.
"And why didn't you tell me? Those teenagers are thinking that I'm a careless bastard for letting you alone. Whereas the truth is that I didn't know." He put his finger under your chin making you look in his eyes. "I thought that you will spend it with some of your relatives or friends."
"I don't have any relatives. We either aren't on speaking terms or they don't know about my existence. And won't visit them by 'Hey, I'm (Y/N), your cousin can I spend the holidays here. I don't know a thing about you and maybe I'm a serial killer but I hope you will let me in your house.'"
"Okay, that sounds ridiculous, I will give you that. But why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I thought that you will be with your family and I don't want to disturb." He placed a kiss on the top of your hand.
"You will never disturb, understand? And stop thinking about yourself like you were worthless."
"So then?" You asked.
"I don't know, Mick. Are you sure that they will like me?" You bit down your lip while adjusting your coat on yourself. He pulled you by your hand towards the entrance of the house.
"It's high time for them to finally meet you." He said opening the gate for you and letting your forward. You were standing in front of the door playing with your hair. 
"Don't worry, okay? You are perfect and they will like you I'm sure." He pecked your lips and knocked on the door. You were sure you would've faint if he wasn't holding your hand.
"Omg, Robert! I missed you so much." Her mother hugged her son tightly which made Mick smile.
"I missed you, too, mom."
"And you must be (Y/N), right? Hi, I'm Mick's mother." She offered a hand and you shook it happily.
"Nice to meet you, ma'am."
"Call me, Tina, please." She said smiling and invited you to the house. Mick helped you taking down your coat and put it on a hanger while you took the opportunity to look around. The whole house was decorated and there was a huge tree in the living room still blank. "Come, Frank and Susie are in the kitchen making a mess, I guess." She whispered turning back to you while heading towards the mentioned place. You could smell gingerbread in the air which remembered you the recent holidays. When you entered the kitchen you saw Susie and Frank throwing flour on each other while laughing from the top of their lungs. Tina rolled her eyes and shook his head while Mick was just smirking. You liked the way his family made him feel.
"So that's my family. I told you not to worry that they will be crazier than you. " He whispered in your ear.
"Alright, I surrender, and I advise you to do the same. Our guests arrived." Tina announced gesturing towards you and Mick.
"Mickey!" Susie screamed while running in the arms of his older brother. You can't help but smile at them.
"Susie, dad, I would like you to meet (Y/N). She is my..what we are for each other?" He asked you playfully.
"We are just acquaintances. I think." You joked.
"No, we are more than that." He chuckled gripping your hand.
"Oh, you look so cute together." Susie blubbered. "By the way, I'm Susie, his little annoying sister." You offered a hand but she put it away and hugged you tightly.
"Sorry for manners. I'm Frank." You shook with hands with him smiling.
"Nice to meet you." You said. They all seemed super nice. You didn't understand why Mick never talks about them. If you had a family like this, you would talk about them 24/7.
"Come on in, there is much more space in the living room and you must be tired, you may go and bring your bags up in your room," Tina said while going back to the kitchen cleaning up the mess Susie and Frank did.
"I will bring up our luggage then I will come back. Don't run away while I'm away." Mick said to you when Frank took the bags out of his hand.
"I will do it, don't bother about it." Mick's family was aware of his condition, too and they cared about him, even if Mick didn't feel himself a man like that.
"Thanks, dad." Mick sighed and sat down next to you.
"Okay, so I want to know everything. Tell me from the beginning!" Susie giggled, she was all ears.
"Calm down. You will know everything, I promise. Just wait a bit, we have just arrived. And don't annoy (Y/N), she drove all way here."
"You did?" Susie turned to you.
"I didn't let him drive my car. I'm too overprotective." You laughed. "And you are not bothering me."
"She is a great girl, I don't even know how you are with her." She joked to Mick. Mick gave her a fake smile and threw a pillow in her face.
"So what do you think?" Mick asked while packing your clothes in the wardrobe. You were sitting on the bed handing him your stuff.
"They are all kind and generous. It must've been good to spend your childhood with them in this lovely house."
"Things weren't always this decent, (Y/N)."
"So that's why you never talk about them?"
"Yeah." The truth was that he was afraid that his family would say something, you shouldn't know. Now, he prepared himself for those conversations and it was time to let you know the truth.
"It's really delicious, Tina." You said while consuming the food which covered the whole table.
"Thank you, honey. You want the receipt?"
"Oh, I don't know. It must a family receipt."
"You are family, now." You gulped and almost choke on the food but you managed to smile and nod.
"Thanks." You cleared your throat and drank a bit. It wasn't that you didn't want to be part of this wonderful family. The fact made you choke was that they barely know you.
"Mickey, now talk. I'm dying of curiousness!" Susie pouted pointing with her fork at her brother and you. Mick glanced at you then back at his sister.
"What do you want to know?"
"E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G." She snapped.
"Where did you meet?" Frank asked dealing with his turkey.
"Umm, at my job interview." You chuckled remembering back the day.
"Mickey gave you the job?" Susie asked.
"No, he just saw how stressed I was and encouraged me. His manager hired me." You said.
"Really? Are you sure, it wasn't Mick?" She laughed staring at Mick. Mick jaws tightened. He gave a death glare at his sister and took a deep breath. You blinked and glanced at him.
"Shut it." He snapped. You bit down your lip now knowing he was the reason you got the job. Not your qualifications or photos. You knew it wasn't the best place and time to fight over it so you just calm down and continued eating. You felt Mick's hand on your thigh on the table but you didn't react anything.
"You have a beautiful house, Tina. Have you always lived here?" You asked to break the awkward silence.
"Thank you, you are kind. And no, we moved here when Mick was 7 years old and went to primary school. Frank got a new job so we had to move here."
"I see. And did you like going to school here, Susie?"
"Yes, much better and more than Mickey. He was absent many times unless I. I had a pretty good time there."
"Really?" You thought Mick was a nerd, but maybe studies and music weren't hand in hand. "And what about your brothers. Mick told me you have three brothers." Susie spit out her food, Tina and Frank shared a look. Mick placed his face in his palms.
"We don't have any more children. They were more than enough." Tina laughed. You pouted and you felt your face burn from embarrassment.
"I'm sorry. I might misunderstand something. If you excuse me, I have to go to the restroom. Be right back."
"Sure, darling. It's at the end of the corridor." Frank told you.
You needed some time to calm down. Mick lied about you now in two things as well. You were upset and you wanted to scream his head off for lying. But on the other side, you were grateful for him to arrange this job for you. And about that brother's topic. You were completely clueless.
"Robert, why did you lie to that poor girl that you have three brothers?" Tina whispered to her son while you were away.
"Just let it go, okay? She could be back at any moment." He drummed with his fingers on the table from the stress.
"Then until she arrives, do you know anything about Stormy, Erik, or Les Paul?" She whispered. Well, you heard everything. You knew it was rude but you needed to know the truth after all these lies.
"I don't know, mom. But can we talk about it later?" He hissed through his teeth. Stormy, Erik, and Les Paul? Who were they? No, they can't be. But that child support mails at the hotel. Something big was going on. You walked back to the table when neither of them talked and sat down.
"Did I miss anything?" You asked smiling but deep down you wanted to scream.
"Just how clumsy Mick was back in the days. Omg, can I show you pictures?" Susie went into a crazy mood.
"Yes, that's a wonderful idea," Tina added.
"Mom, Susie, please don't!" Mick said shaking his head. He still didn't dare to look at you which he did well cause you were on the edge of punching him or at least kick him under the table. Frank gave you an empathetic smile, so exactly knew that they were lying to you. Nice. At least someone was on your side, too.
"Look at him! Isn't he adorable?" Tina asked while pointing at a picture of Mick who was posing with his Mickey Mouse guitar.
"Sure, he is." You chuckled. Frank and Mick didn't want to be there so they went into Frank's working room to talk.
"Son, I understand that you don't want to tell her your past, but I think you can be honest with her. She deserves it." Frank said watching his son watching the books on the shelves.
"I know. I just haven't got the perfect occasion to tell her. Lots of things happened recently and I didn't want to put his pressure on her as well." He sighed.
"You love her, don't you?"
"Of course, I love her. That's why I dared to bring her here, but maybe it wasn't the best idea after all." He rolled his eyes regretting the whole night.
"I think it was a good idea. I'm happy to see you and I think Susie and your mother think the same. And if you are happy with her then you are making us glad as well. Just talk to her. I'm sure she will understand it." Frank gave an encouraging smile to Mick.
"Come on, (Y/N), you can do this!" Tina supported you as you were sitting on the shoulder of Frank and were about to put the star on the top of the tree. When you managed to you cheered and Frank put you down cautiously. He gave you a high-five smiling.
"Good job." He said.
"It's beautiful," Susie said admiring the tree. Mick was standing behind you, his hands on your hips.
"Now it's time to let Santa bring all the presents. Go to your rooms." Tina said smirking.
"Oh, mom. But I'm an adult now. I know it's not the Santa."
"I don't care, young lady." You were just laughing along with Mick seeing Susie. Mick took your hand and pulled you towards his room.
"Good night." You said.
"What?" You asked noticing his facial expression.
"Good night, darling." Tina greeted back waving.
You went upstairs and entered Mick's room. While you looked around he closed the door even with a key. He was standing there with his face to the door and was gazing at you. You deserved the truth.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for lying to you. I didn't te you everything and I would like to tell you if you are even willing to stay here with me. You probably hate me." He put his hands in his pockets.
"Hate you? Never? Wanted to punch you? Maybe." You chuckled. He smiled but he was relieved. So he didn't fuck up everything in the end. "Look, I'm grateful that you got me the job, but you could've told me." He sat down beside you on the bed.
"I know. But I owed you this. You looked so stressed that day that I thought I might help you."
"Thank you, really. But I wanted to hear from you, not your family."
"Speaking of family...I don't have three brothers." He smirked.
"No shit. I figured it out now." You laughed. Mick rubbed the back of his head then he stood up and searched in his pockets. He handed you his wallet.
"Open it."
"Um, okay?" You opened the layers. Mick pointed in a little secret pocket in it. You sighed and found three tiny pictures.
"She is Stormy. She is 10 by now. He is Les Paul, he is 12 and there is Erik, he is 7. They are my...my children." His lips curved into a smile seeing his children even if just only in a picture. You hummed.
"They look cute. And where are they?"
"At their mother's, I guess. But I don't know much about them. Their mother took them from me cause I didn't have the money back then. I didn't have work so the court took them away."
"I'm so sorry, Mick." You hugged him tightly while rubbing his back.
"I'm sorry for not  telling you. I was just afraid."
"Don't apologize. It's okay." You hushed.
"Good morning, fellas!" Susie knocked on your door yelling. You groaned from the noise not wanting to get up. Mick stroked your hair and your bareback with his fingers. He loved you with your messy hair and sleepy face. It made you so much younger.
"Good morning." You murmured into the white pillow.
"Morning." He leaned closer and started kissing your back from your neck down your waist. You smiled but didn't move. "I think we need to get ready. Susie won't stop until we get down."
"I think you are right. We can finish this later." He leaned closer to your ear. "If you want." He whispered making you chuckle.
"Come on, doves! Santa was here!" Susie yelled again.
"Give us a minute!" Mick yelled back rubbing his face. "Or two." He muttered.
After you got dressed you went down the living room and admired all the big presents under the tree.
"Wow, someone was a good boy." You said when you noticed all the presents behind Mick's name card.
"Look who is talking." You raised your eyebrows when you saw the number of boxes with your name on them.
"Finally, your respect is with your presence." Susie snapped sitting on the couch.
"So who's gonna start?" Tina asked bringing a camera in her hand.
"I will." Susie giggled. She was a few years younger than you, whereas she acted like a 10-year-old. But she was happy. After she opened all of her boxes she insisted that you would be next.
"Alright. Let's see." You took a quite heavy box in your hand and cautiously opened it. When you saw it your lips curved into a big, happy smile.
"I heard that your current one didn't work properly. I hope it's all good." Mick said from the couch.
"It's perfect, thank you." You felt tears running down your cheek from happiness. You walked over to him and pecked his lips when you heard a click. Tina held the camera in her hand and smiled.
"This goes to the family album," Frank spoke up watching the picture. After all of you finished, you sat down on the floor and Susie showed you what she got. "(Y/N), Mick there is one more." They handed you an envelope. Mick took it and opened it. "We thought, you might need some time off." Frank pulled his wife in a sideways hug.
"A whole holiday to Hawaii?!" You gasped. "No, we can't accept this. This is.."
"Stop, both of you deserve it. And there is no payback so it will go waste if you don't use it."
"I will happily use it if you won't," Susie added.
"We will go," Mick said. "Thank you."
"Thank you for everything. And the food, too." You thanked hugging each of them.
"Very welcome."
"Thanks, mom."
"We would like to see our grandkids next time," Tina added. Mick's facial expression made you laugh. After you sat in the car Mick glanced at you. "You know, if we continue this night routine we might bring their grandkids next Christmas." You blushed and covered your face. "Just kidding." He chuckled and started the car.
Tags: @cmft-jr-winchester​ @leatherandheels​ @karrotkate​
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disneyphantomlover · 4 years
Thoughts on BATIM’s Crack-Up Comics, Part 2
“Now, to tackle the Dime-Store Comics!
Good Golly, Charley is such an overzealous bad guy! It’s rather hilarious.
Also, the “door” for the ship has a cannon. I think that’s a decent “No Solicitors” warning.
OMG the damn soup....
Is it just me, or does Alice look like someone completely different? I know it can be chalked up to style and all, but seriously. Boris and Bendy look just like their comic strip selves, just a little more animated. But Alice? She’s got a different face, her eyes are much larger, her body is SIGNIFICANTLY slimmer, she’s lost her cleavage and her stockings, her heels are flats, and her hair is thinner. Not to mention she has a slightly different personality. Is... Is this meant to be taken as Susie was replaced by Allison between 1935 and 1936?
This... This is so absurd. The Bendy Scouts of America thing just makes me laugh though.
Okay! Okay, okay, okay... Boris saying “Good Golly Gosh” is too good for me. 
Well. There he go!
Again! Alice’s horns getting huge and her halo shrinking, along with that serpent tongue?! Please tell me this gag continues whenever she gets pissed off!
...These guys look like Instant Martians from Looney Toons. I’m not the only one thinking this, right?
Boris, your alliteration is impeccable. Somehow I wasn’t expecting that out of you. 
Bendy. My dude. Little Devil Darling. HOW the HELL do you continue to dig your own grave here? Alice is so done with your shit. 
I’m just imagining Boris saying all this in the most deadpan voice ever, and complete with the image of the moon? I died laughing.
I know it’s a plot device, but having the main character apologize for his actions, leading to finding a way out of the predicament he’s in? I love that shit. 
Also, that’s a lotta cheese. 
Sheesh Alice, leaving Boris to the vultures?
....These last two pages are absolute madness. Now there’s lasers? Boris can understand the vultures? They can catch a shooting star home? They landed on Charley?! What IS this?? Did they suddenly run out of paper and had to chop up the writing or something?
...What is this postman? WHAT IS THIS?? It’s a fucking clone with wings and a mustache, that’s what!
Huh. So that’s interesting. Yes, they got Pluto’s name and title right, but looking at the pitchfork and the later picture of him? He looks more like a Christian form of Satan rather than the staff-wielding, helm-wearing Pluto. I’m guessing it’s because they wanted to throw in a little flair and not directly reference Satan.
And can we appreciate that the letter had a little heart on it? And worry that it was signed “Hate, Papa Pluto”?
Somehow, I feel kinda sad at this. Bendy got all this power thanks to someone he knows, and he tries to better himself and others around him. And you just know it’s gonna get fucked up. 
Boris, your personality is getting a bit food-based.
Alice blushing is the cutest image ever. 
....Again. Feel kinda sad that Bendy is getting screwed over by something his dad gave him. 
Okay, can Alice just... float? For no reason whatsoever? I’m okay with this, I just need to know. 
AND she can charm a tree into doing what she wants?
Of course it takes an angel to shatter a devilish pitchfork. 
BENDY. At least retain your lessons for 5 GD MINUTES. 
Wait, again? What have you two idiots done to get a bounty on you a first time?!
Constable Alice is amazing and I love her. Even when she’s being a lil shit.
YES, the gag’s back!
I thought “parka squirrel” was a joke. Nope. Actual name for an Artic ground squirrel. Especially in Alaska.
The dialogue in this one is great. As is the slapstick. It has an almost Wile E. Coyote feel to it. 
Also, Bendy is the one having all the ideas that just fall flat. Sounds a lot like some asshole named Joey Drew we all know.
That is a legit river of gold. I don’t know if it’s making fun of the Klondike Gold Rush, or the “liquid gold” known as oil in Alaska, but I love it.
Much as I love the hijinks of the two going down the mountain, what the HELL kinda skeleton IS THAT?!
I don’t even care this comic is ripping off old superhero comics. It’s too damn funny and it’s the right amount of absurd. 
I just noticed all the irradiated bacon soup in the china cabinet. If that’s a reference to Fiesta Ware, I’m going to scream. 
“Fiesta commenced commercial sales of colored dinnerware in 1936. Most colored ceramics made prior to World War II, including Fiesta Ware, contained uranium oxide.” SON OF A BITCH! 
Yep. Had to pay homage to Superman. But it’s Boris, so I’ll let it go. I like the implication that Boris is a strong boi.
....I’m sure many have said this but... That CameraMan is too damn similar to the Projectionist. 
UMMMMMMMMMM. HI BRUTE. You are um... Something. 
Not sure what I think of Miss Twisted. Adore her design! But... Man, what’s with this random shoe-ing in of the antagonists of the game?
...Okay, as menacing as they try to be, I love that the Camera Man and Brute think the worst thing to do is knock apples out of trees and steal candy from babies.
This whole fight is silly, but it works! It’s just stupidly cute and simple. Wish it was that easy to beat the Projectionist in the games. Or take Brute Boris down. 
....They 100% referenced Spiderman there. Like, it’s clear as day. What the hey?
I kinda like the idea of Alice being a pilot. Yah know, since she was in the skies so often anyways. 
I almost want to make fun of the nun OF COURSE showing up asking Alice for help. But... I mean... Who better to ask help from other than an angel who knows how to fly well?
“Niuport 17″... Why is that familiar?
“The Nieuport 17 C.1 ... was a French sesquiplane fighter designed and manufactured by the Nieuport company during World War I.” .....Huh. We’re learning things today! It even looks like Alice’s plane!
Kinda amazed the Morse code is correct.
This is so zany and silly. Also, I don’t think pills work that quick.
I feel like I should call bullshit on that. But at the same time I like the idea of all the nuns in that abbey running an undergrounds mechanic shop for the Allies. 
Hang on. Either this is a minor mistake or someone messed up the timing again. But War Bonds in comics didn’t start until December 1941. And this is supposed to be between 1936 and 1940. I mean, they were originally called Defense Bonds, but specifically “War Bonds” were after Pearl Harbor.  
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lynxgriffin · 6 years
Straight Outta Monster Narnia
Here we GOOOOOOO~!
Survey Program! Nice! Ominous!
I am here yes!
Truly excellent dude
OH MAKING A VESSEL NOW what are we Xehanort
NEATO I can pick Chara or Frisk heads or others…
Let’s do someone new. This kinda longish hair head.
STRIPES FOR DAYS! Longish sleeves, methinks
The legs are almost all the same LMAO
This is so friggin creepy I l OVE IT
Favorite food is PAIN nah it’s soft
You have been gifted with kindness, not-XionFrisk
Pain AND seizure. Kinda wonder what happens if you say no tho…
But I don’t want to start over so let’s go with yes
Hi Toriel, you’re looking nice!
That’s a lot of friggin trophies over there
Also Kris, you need some eyes
So we have overachieving perfect child and sad boring child, okay
Awww Gerson wrote a book! How neat
It’s only you…..FOR NOW!!!!
It just isn’t home without white fur stuck in the drain, is it
Also there’s some weird graphical flicker going on when I move and I wonder if it’s not because I’m playing full screen here
“Spray For The Boys, Flamin’ Hot Pizza Flavor” Damn Toby I missed your incredible sense of humor
DAMN who do I pick as my partner
Like…I really want Temmie…but also Snowdrake…
Random snake is also very good…
Ahhh I see this is gonna be pre-determined
Thank you cool snake I love your origin story
Oh this reindeer girl is very cute
I instantly love her, goodbye
Oh Alphys you’re so not good at putting anyone in trouble
Susie are you eating chalk
Oh sheet I like Susie less now
Susie, Kris doesn’t even HAVE a face
Haha totally cut off my answer there
Hmm. I sense…a theme here.
Wow this really is putting on the restrictive aspects here
Now that’s a spooky face
Oh it ain’t gonna be that simple, mean girls
Well, this sure seems like an underground! Also…Kris is green now, okay
Hi there creepy waving things!
To reiterate: this is soooo creepy AND I LOVE IT
Puzzles! We got puzzles again! CREEPY PUZZLES
Whelp, we found Susie, just kinda hiding out in a…dead dust bunny thingie
LOL so much for a party member following you around
Well this is a new and interesting take on the bullet hell mechanics
Such interesting and different architecture
Yes let’s take a sudden HARD SHIFT into Final Fantasy
THE QUEST OF THE DELTA KNIGHTS that was an MST3K ep you know
About like…Leonardo da Vinci actually. Except he was a whiny bitch
LMAO Susie just “nah destroying the world sounds neat”
“Dunno how I got an ax but like, that’s cool”
Dunno if there’s a pacifist version of this game but I stick to tradition so I’m gonna try it
The heckin heck Ralsei is so cute
Yup yup we gonna try pacifist this first time!
“If you’re reading this…I guess you’re dead.” Fair enough.
Gaster noises when trying to use the cell phone, hmmmm…
It’s an inverse papou fruit!
Susie just up and attacks this cake, all right
Battle is cool but it’s gonna take some getting used to, think I accidentally used both of my items
“It’s like a dinner made out of three glasses of milk” Ralsei you’re SO CUTE
Now to see if TP stays leveled between battles…
“I thought you were running away.” / “Yeah, I finished.”
Fugdamn I want —pictures of Spiderman— remixes of this music ON MY DESK TODAY
Damn that puzzle still is tricky
Gah damn that was hilarious but also terrifying
We have the power of FLUFFY BOYS and MEAN GIRLS we are UNSTOPPABLE
Ohhh so that’s what the heart outline does!
Now that is a coooool cat and I like him already
Awww I don’t have enough money for the spooky sword
Susie just roastin’ everybody left and right
These mechanics continue to be interesting and a bit more complex
“Damn, didn’t get to impale myself” I’m sure you’ll get your chance Susie
It’s really interesting how we’re basically group-battling to PREVENT the tank from beating the crap out of everyone
Oh now that light trick is weird
They keep throwing the usual chess and playing card guys at us and somehow I’m Suspicious
LMAO did Susie call us the Fuckboys or something
Oh, the Shit Squad, I guess!
“I, Mr. Society, am far too intelligent to ever bow down to such a tyrant!” Hmmm.
Oh, it’s Sir Lion Plateface again
Well Ralsei got kinda junked there but WE DEFEATED SIR LION PLATEFACE
Cakes…are also my enemy…
Yeeeeah kinda saw that one coming
Susie I get the feeling you’re not going to enjoy being a bad guy either
Dang son I have no clue what’s going on anymore WE JUST HAD SOME SALSA IN A TREE STUMP
This jack’s got my number
That sure is a three-eyed three-headed cat thingamajig
Awww I like Clover
“All proceeds go to kicking your ass” CAN I USE THIS LINE IN REAL LIFE PLEASE
Hot damn we just squeaky hammered our broken cake into ULTIMATE CAKE
Why does a sweet little boy have a mustache indeed.
Create a machine to thrash your own ass, nice
It’s my beautiful death laser duck! Tops in GUN’S
Man Susie and Lancer are just having the time of their lives here
Finally, respect for pinecone-eaters!
Awww Susie, are you actually starting to worry about someone who respects your eating of chalk and pinecones
Oh thank goodness, got through that maze thing
Yes, finally, it’s our DUCK TANK LASER
Why does it say Tuna on it
“Your design sucked so we blew it up” This is like that one Berlin tour guide I had
Whelp, back to telling enemies that Susie will kick them in the shins I guess!
Hey we’ve got a full Final Fantasy team now! Neat
I like how Lancer just sliiiiiides around outside the party instead of walking with
Hmmm well that friendship feeling didn’t last long
You done got locked in the dungeon
Yup sure did eat that jail moss two minutes in
HUH, we’re controlling Susie now
In which choices do not matter…
And we can’t control her actions…but why controlling the human soul?
A pair of eyes got arrested?! What IS the world coming to?!!
Oh dear, we found a bunch of kings in baby jail
Why are these filthy cages so happy-looking
Awwww Susie joined the party for realizes!
So, this about final boss point for this business?
Why are you guys just sitting on a pile of loot
And just who is this sassy lost child?
I am now BED INSPECTOR yes
Hello again fancy blue boy
“Can…can we see it” / “No.”
This sure is a jammin party with CLUB MUSIC OH HO HO HO
Awww he put his bicycle to bed
‘Welcome to my shop, you ungrateful worms” HELL YEAH
I do not wisheth to hear your MP3s! I would rather listen to the sweet song of Death!
Prepare for a battle with…WHATEVER THIS IS!!!!
Six dollars, for all of that?! Geez
WHELP this looks like final boss time…
Hiiiii there Lancer
Oh dang is gettin serious now
Oh woooow that’s…someone’s fetish right there
HOKAY that was tricky but! Having the defense abilities certainly helped with pacifism through that…
Despite ending this peacefully, I don’t think this scene is gonna end on a happy note…
DAYUM that face from Susie!!
Awwww poor Ralsei
We only have BAD-byes WUAH WUAH WUAAAH
DAWWW lil’ Asriel-lookin dude with glasses (and YES I see that anagram there)
LMAO Susie’s face
Also I’ve really been enjoying the color effects
Awww look at this epic adventure you two had in the closet
So basically we went to Monster Narnia, neat
Awww Susie likes Monster Narnia
Oh no we worried Toriel! THE WORST
Hiiii Toby you busy makin’ something!
I like reindeer girl’s rowdy hospitalized dad
I like how there’s just a poster on the wall in this room that reads PAIN
The police tape simply reads NGGAAAAAHHHHH!
Snowdrakes don’t have arms, oh no!!!
“Does it hurt to be made of blood??” ….Yes. Yes it does.
Woah woah woah WOAH WOAH SANS
Everyone is here! Even Ice Wolf!
Yes I’ll take a Double Ice Pizza you weirdos
That was brilliant, Burgerpants, thank you for existing
Catty!!! Hey where’s Bratty!
Noooo you gotta be besties with Bratty!
Brother Doug…?
Oh no, Mettaton, come out and talk to us!
OMG Asgore hugs
Soul flowers….???
Awwww got some flowers for Toriel
It’s so late but I can’t stop until I’ve talked to LITERALLY EVERYONE
Thaaaat’s politics! …Rarely.
Comes to church for the fruit juice, sounds about right
Let’s go into the woods…what could go wrong…
Why can’t I get into the creepy shed…
Well, I think I got everything, so let’s go home now…
Awwww Toriel is not big on Asgore’s bouquet!
OKAY decided to go to sleep here.
…Well that didn’t work out great
No really Toby please WHAAAAAAATTT
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creacherkeeper · 7 years
omg please write something about a little 9 year old (or whatever age) Fitz having a crush on a boy that DOESN'T end badly. not sure how one would approach that but I wanna see it. or OR just the first time realizing that he likes guys AND girls as a little kid. I guess if he was comfortable enough to say he was bi to Jemma by academy age he would have figured this all out for himself fairly early.
read on AO3 
Eleanore Fitz started as her son spoke. He’d been speakingfairly regularly for almost a year now, since just past his 6thbirthday, but it still surprised her every time. She secretly thought that hemight clam up again one day, so she treasured every conversation she got tohave with him (even if most of them were about monkeys—which she didn’t mindnearly as much as Alistair). But, he’d speak if he wanted to. And just then itseemed he wanted to.
“Yes, Leo?”
Leo was looking down at the sidewalk as they walked homefrom his school. She always reminded him to walk with his head up, so he couldsee cars coming, but he never did.
“What’s a crush?”
“A crush is when you like someone as different than friends.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you can like people in different ways. You can likepeople as friends. Or like people as family. You can respect-like people, likeyour teachers. And you can like people in a romantic way. That’s called acrush.”
“Like you and da?”
“Well, when you know someone well enough, a crush can turninto love. It evolves like that. I love your father, but I used to have a crushon him, when I was first getting to know him.”
Leo seemed to consider that, his hands twisting up in thebottom of his shirt, which he hated to keep tucked.
“What’s got you wondering about that, Leo?”
“Some girls at school.”
Eleanore grinned. “Oh, do you have a crush on one of them,then?”
Leo shook his head, but didn’t respond.
Eleanore’s grin faded. “They weren’t teasing you, were they?”
Slowly, Leo nodded. “But I … I think they were wrong.”
“Teasing is always wrong.”
“No, I mean- About what they said.”
“And what was that?”
“That I have a crush. But it- it doesn’t make sense.”
“What doesn’t?”
“Well … Rosa has a crush on John, she said, and Susie has acrush on Max. And you had a crush on da. And on TV it’s the same.”
Eleanore wasn’t following. “What’s the same?”
“It’s different.”
“I thought you said it was the same, Leo.”
Leo growled under his breath. “No, no. They’re different. Rosa’s a girl and John’s a boy, and you and da …”
“What are you getting at, love?”
“Well I … I can’t have a crush if it’s on another boy. We’resupposed to be different, that’s how it works.”
“Well—” Already she could hear the lecture that Alistairwould give her about this. Of course, he wouldn’t lecture her if she never toldhim. “Not always.”
Leo’s head popped up, the first time she’d seen his facesince they left the school. He looked up at her hopefully. “Really?”
“Sure.” She nodded. “It doesn’t happen as often that way.Usually people have crushes on people of the opposite gender. But not always.Sometimes people like people the same as them.”
Leo stared up at her, eyes scanning her face, and thennodded, and looked away. “Rosa said I have a crush on Darren.”
“Well, Darren is a cute boy. Polite, too. I don’t blame you.”
The tips of Leo’s ears had gone red. ���He asked me to be hispartner for our art assignment today. Rosa said I blushed.”
Eleanore snickered, tugging on Leo’s ear with the tips oftwo fingers. “You’re blushing right now.”
Leo ducked away from her touch, but let out a little laugh,so she counted it as a win.
“Is … Is it bad if I do have a crush on him?”
“No, Leo, that’s not bad.”
“The girls said it was bad.”
“Don’t listen to them. They’re just being mean.”
“Okay.” Leo’s fingers flickered at his sides. “Do I have todo anything about it?”
“I think you’re a little young for a relationship, don’tyou?”
He sighed, sounding relieved. “Yeah.”
“You just enjoy it, and don’t listen to anyone else.”
Leo stopped, and Eleanore stopped beside him. After a momentof deliberation he lifted his arms, fingers reaching out for her.
With a laugh she stooped and scooped him up, settling him onher hip with a grunt. He clung to her blouse, propping his chin on hershoulder.
“You’re getting too big for this, Leo.”
“Not yet, though.”
“That’s right. Not yet. Right now you’re still just mylittle boy.”
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htbthomas · 5 years
Chocolate Box 2019 letter
It's Chocolate Box time! I'm htbthomas on AO3, and below you'll find my likes, DNWs and info from my signup.
Likes: humor, secrets/reveals/identity porn, wacky hijinks/absurd situations, fake dating/pretend relationships, humorous misunderstandings, found families, first times, realizing you have feelings, superpowers being used in unusual ways, soulbond AUs
DNWs: AUs that change the canon-typical setting
Happy Together (TV)
Claire Davis & Jake Davis & Cooper James (Happy Together (TV)) Claire Davis/Jake Davis (Happy Together (TV)) Claire Davis/Jake Davis/Cooper James (Happy Together (TV))
This is just an adorable new show that has completely charmed me. I don't know why it works other than the actors, who have incredible chemistry and comic timing. The premise is basically one note, and yet every episode makes me smile and laugh out loud. EDIT 1/15: Well, I guess that’s it! I didn’t know the show hadn’t been picked up until after this last episode. But there’s a lot of open-ended things you could do if you choose - see below.
Elements I like about the source:
Claire and Jake and their homebody selves are the best. I love that they know how unhip they are compared to Cooper, but most of the time they don't care. Their relationship is so sweet and joyful and real.
Cooper is a total fish out of water in their lives - more money than he knows what to do with, no idea how much people cater to him, his home in Australia (from the little we get) is nothing like what he's experiencing in America (maybe due to fame?)
OMG, I did not nominate them because I like them best as supporting characters, but BONNIE and GERALD. Their carefree, constantly drunk and mooching off their daughter and son-in-law retiree life is amazing and hilarious. Just work them into the fic somehow and I'll be forever happy.
I'd like something in the vein of the show, where some aspect of Jake/Claire's life confuses/affects Cooper, or vice versa.
Or where one has the perfect unusual answer to the other's problem.
There was a point in an early episode where Cooper thought Jake/Claire were propositioning him to join their cowboy roleplay. Ummm, let's see that really play out.
Jake or Claire (or both?) has to pretend to be Cooper's something - date/hairstylist/bass player/ex from Australia/whatever - shenanigans ensue.
EDIT: some post-finale ideas - Cooper helping pregnant Claire, Cooper: unintentional babysitter, people think Cooper is the father instead of Jake (in a hijinksy way!), Claire gets serious interest in her singing career, Bonnie and Gerald have a lot harder time kicking the booze than they thought - basically go nuts with various finale story threads. :)
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (TV 2017)
Benjamin Ettenburg/Miriam "Midge" Maisel Lenny Bruce (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) & Miriam "Midge" Maisel Lenny Bruce (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)/Miriam "Midge" Maisel Miriam "Midge" Maisel & Susie Myerson Miriam "Midge" Maisel/Susie Myerson
I really adore this show and the way the world expanded in Season 2. The fast talking, the beautiful costuming, the soundtrack, the explorations of what it is like for Miriam to bust out of her upper-class New York world into the sometimes gritty comedy scene. She has plenty of advantages but also challenges, and even though a lot of it is unexamined, I still enjoy the escapism.
Elements I like about the source:
Midge’s growing confidence vs. her setbacks.
Susie’s determination to help Midge succeed, and fierce protective instincts. Susie everything - posing as a plumber in the Catskills, her awful family but great sister, the friendly hit-men, stealing her mom’s car to use on the road and all the issues on the road, Susie vs. Sophie Lennon (where the heck is THAT going to go!?)
Lenny seeming to barely keep it together, and somehow he still finds time to help Midge out, while being a little nonplussed by her. There were some great scenes with Midge and Lenny throughout the season. I definitely wanted more Lenny because he brightened every episode he was in.
The secret reveal with Abe was edge-of-my-seat fantastic. The way he just sat through the whole show as blue as it was and then took them back to the resort in silence? Perfect.
I loved Benjamin and Midge’s relationship (I knew I would, because I have loved Zachary Levi since his Chuck days.) So the ending scene of the season made me :( big time. Even if Joel was starting to redeem himself, and proving to be a good part of her support system. :P I really want her to make if work with Benjamin after the 6-month tour.
I loved the road trip! All the good and the bad and the gross. And the unexpected fall-out with Abe’s job.
I’m so excited to see what happens on the 6-month tour with Shy Baldwin. Where do they go, what do they see?
Midge and Susie on the road between gigs, getting closer
Susie and Lenny distracting Midge’s family from finding out.
Midge goes on tour with Lenny to find both failures and successes.
For a moment there it seemed like the solution to both Susie and Midge’s living situation problems would be to move in together. And then they didn’t. But what if they did?
What if Susie takes up Sophie Lennon on her offer? Does she have to juggle Midge and Sophie? Does Sophie want her to drop Midge?
How does the tour with Shy Baldwin go? Where do they go, what do they see?
What if instead of Lenny’s “All Alone” song on the Steve Allen show causing Midge to run to Joel’s arms, she ended up in Lenny’s?
Or maybe she ran to Benjamin?
What if they run into Lenny during their Shy Baldwin tour? If serendipity causes it to happen more than once?
Does Miriam keep her night with Joel a secret? From Susie? From Benjamin? How does she come back from that?
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Peter B. Parker/Mary Jane Watson & Miles Morales (SM: ItSV)
This movie blew me away - and I'm already a big fan of the Spider-Man movies and comics. It was such a reverent but innovative spin on the mythos. What a great way to introduce Miles to a bigger audience! And Peter B. Parker as voiced by Jake Johnson was my <i>favorite</i>. He's the older, wiser, sadder Peter we've never gotten to see on the big screen.
Elements I like about the source:
The animation style that blends so many types together. I enjoy genre mixing, a lot.
Peter B. Parker! One of my favorite things about Peter in the comics is what terrible luck he has all the time. He's smart, kind, loyal - but rarely catches a break. They amped this up to the perfect amount in the movie. ♥
The fact that MJ is still so important to Peter in this 'verse. The comics really lost sight of that in recent years. I wish we'd gotten more character time with her.
Miles and his art aspirations mixed with the pressure to succeed. I feel movie!Miles will continue to struggle with balancing his new role as Spider-Man with school and want to do well in both.
Being with Miles made Peter reexamine his desire to have kids. I don't feel like he's now gung-ho about it, but he's definitely considering it in a way he didn't before.
What happens after that scene at the door? Does she invite him in? Does she turn him away at first? How does he make things right?
I'm fascinated with Miles' addition to this pairing. Somehow Peter must be in contact with Miles again, or there's more dimension-crossing shenanigans to make it happen. Maybe weird cell phone links, or mirrors, or in dreams… Maybe some shadowy alleyway is a secret dimensional portal, I don't know. I'd go for any sort of handwavy comicbook science to get them back together.
What do awkward middle schoolers know about love that could help middle-aged losers give love a second chance? Did Miles read a book/see a movie in his world that is the key? Does he get advice from Mom or Dad or a school counselor that he passes on? I like the idea of Miles as a middleman/oddball matchmaker.
Miles and MJ in his universe connect and talk about Peter. Miles uses that to help Peter B. in his universe.
If any of the prompts I’ve given don’t resonate with you, feel free to go in another direction. I will also update this post throughout the writing period if new developments in canon affect my requests. If you have any questions, you can ask @blithers. She knows my tastes and can keep a secret.
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