#| ☩ OOC ☩ |
status-condition · 1 year
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All of the starters from the call have been posted via my queue! If you liked the call and didn't see your starter/get the notification for it, feel free to shoot me a message and I can link you to it!
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shadowxforce · 1 year
So I sat on it, and thought about it for a while, and have decided to go ahead and move Volo here @status-condition. It's an old blog so it will give me access to the legacy editor! If you follow me over there, and we have an existing thread I'll take that as permission to continue the thread there (and if you want to continue any asks from this blog that's also a-okay as well)!
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status-condition · 1 year
Happy New Year! May this year be kind to you!
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status-condition · 1 year
I'm still working on starters, but I've set up my queue so they'll start posting tomorrow!
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status-condition · 1 year
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Please like this post for a small starter, and please specify a muse! If you would prefer to start things off with a meme: here is this meme! If you would like to plot please feel free to reach out to me! 
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status-condition · 1 year
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To those who celebrate, Merry Christmas! And I hope, regardless, that you have a wonderful day! I’m feeling a bit better, and have updated my muse list! Hopefully, I can get things kicked off on here soon! 
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status-condition · 1 year
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Hello, may I interest you in some trash in these trying times? This is an independent, private, selective, 21+, and headcanon heavy Pokemon multi-muse blog currently featuring Gold, Professor Sycamore, and Volo (written by Noise)! If you would be interested in interacting with this blog please give this post a like or a reblog so I can check you out!  
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status-condition · 1 year
Tag Dump: 
| ☩ blood on my shirt; rose in my hand ☩ (Volo: Portrait) |
| ☩ Never; Ever; Let go ☩ (Volo: Journal) |
| ☩ My heart pulled from my chest; still beating ☩ (Volo: Headcanon) |
| ☩ Fight so dirty; but you love so sweet ☩ (Volo: Musings) |
| ☩ ashes to ashes ☩ (Volo: IC) |
| ☩ a grain of sand in the wind ☩ (Volo: verse: modern pokemon) |
| ☩ If heaven's grief brings hell's rain ☩ (Gold: Portrait) |
| ☩ I want to teach you a lesson in the worst kind of way ☩ (Gold: Headcanon) |
| ☩ Anything you say can and will be held against you ☩ (Gold: Musings) |
| ☩ Letting people down is my thing ☩ (Gold: IC) |
| ☩ If I spilled my guts; the world would never be the same ☩ (Gold: verse: default) |
| ☩ your ghosts look more like angels from there ☩ (Augustine: Portrait) |
| ☩ Your words shook me right out of a daydream ☩ (Augustine: Headcanon) |
| ☩ And in one little moment it all implodes ☩ (Augustine: Musings) |
| ☩ Breathe deeply in the silence ☩ (Augustine: IC) |
| ☩ Amongst the lavender and headstones ☩ (Augustine: verse: default) |
| ☩ I can see the storms in his eyes now ☩ (Heather: Portrait) |
| ☩ I'm falling overboard in the waves ☩ (Heather: Headcanon) |
| ☩ Feels like it's gonna rain forever ☩ (Heather: Musings) |
| ☩ Am I your sail or your anchor ☩ (Heather: IC) |
| ☩ I'd burn here if that's what it takes ☩ (Heather: verse: default) |
| ☩ I want a moment to be real ☩ (Steven: Portrait) |
| ☩ And as the world comes to an end ☩ (Steven: Headcanon) |
| ☩ Howling ghosts; they reappear ☩ (Steven: Musings) |
| ☩ His crown lit up the way as we moved slowly ☩ (Steven: IC) |
| ☩ And their words are just whispers ☩ (Steven: verse: default) |
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status-condition · 1 year
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Status-Condition: Independent, mutuals only, highly selective, and headcanon heavy multi-muse Pokemon blog written by Noise (he/him or they/them). 21+ only. Activity is sporadic and very slow. Replies are done at random.
Quick/Short Rules:
21+ only. I am ancient. I only interact with other adults. Minors will be blocked on sight.
I primarily write multi-para and novella lengths threads. I love plotting! Come write wonderful and angsty stories with me!
I’m highly selective, but OC, cross-over, and multi-muse friendly. I do not care whether or not I know the media your muse is from, so long as you want to write with me, I’ll figure something out! I’m open AUs as well!
Triggering content is present. I will tag everything to the best of my ability. Some muses are antagonists, and manipulative by nature.
Limited multi-ship. Feel free to ask/discuss the possibility of shipping, especially if we’ve already interacted. Please respect the sexuality of my muses.
Replies are sporadic and done in no order. I am incredibly slow. Except to wait a while.
My Discord is available selectively. I can be slow with OOC communication. I’m just very tired and my social energy is in the ground.
Don’t interact if you ship minors with adults, are racist, homophobic, transphobic, or ableist.
I welcome OOC messages for plotting/discussing character-related things! Please never hesitate to reach out to me!
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shadowxforce · 1 year
OOC: I'm currently debating if I want to make a small Pokemon multi and move Volo there. Ahh, to be honest, the whole situation with the new text editor is stressing me out super bad (I do not mind using it at all. It's not the editor that's making me anxious, but the fact that it's not compatible with the legacy editor and the fact that I'm going to have to constantly ask people to use the new one with me, which is what really makes my anxiety flare up and lose muse). I was able to find an old blog of mine to re-use so it'll give me access to the legacy editor for those that still use it so I won't have the same issue as I do here where I just can't really interact with legacy posts.
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shadowxforce · 1 year
| Rule Update/Tiny PSA: So, unfortunately, in order for me to cut posts, both myself and my writing partner must use the new text editor and Xkit Rewritten. If you use the legacy system and the previous Xkit while writing with me, I will not be able to cut posts as I am only able to do so with the trim reblogs option from Xkit rewritten which cannot be used with editable reblogs or the legacy post system. New blogs (any blog made starting in November of this year) are forced into the new text editor without the option to toggle back and forth, so I have no other choice but to ask any current and future partners to use the new text editor and Xkit Rewritten to trim reblogs when interacting with me. If I am unable to cut a thread, I will move it into an entirely new post and link back to the original. I apologize as I understand having a preference for the old system, but I'm afraid I can't do anything other than ask this of my writing partners due to this being a brand new blog, and, therefore, I have to use new the editor so editable reblogs aren't possible for me/compatible with my posts! I've updated my rules to reflect this!
This post has a ton of info on the situation. |
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shadowxforce · 2 years
{ I cannot for the life of me find a meme that works well for new interactions, so if you want to discuss an idea/thread/plot/whatnot, please feel free to shoot me a message! If you don't mind whatever comes to my head first, and would prefer not to plot (totally a-okay), give this a like and I'll write us up a starter of some sort! }
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shadowxforce · 2 years
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Hello, may I interest you in some trash in these trying times? This is an independent, private, selective, 21+, and extremely headcanon heavy Volo from Pokemon Legends: Arceus (written by Noise). If you would be interested in interacting with a pretty man who has almost no other redeeming qualities give this post a like or a reblog so I can check you out!
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