#[ i'm just enjoying the summer weather uvu ]
despairforme · 1 month
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Summer always makes him want to cut his hair.
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wilted-woods · 1 year
Just some drawings of my Narrators and some facts/headcanons uvu
I'll be making more soon because these are fun to do! ^-^
Lovebug! Narrator:
Likes cutesy things (ex; Sanrio plushies, collectables)
Human name: Valentino
Hates anything horror related (ex; gore, jumpscares, sudden loud noises)
Hates loud noises (sensory overload)
Prefers calm love songs instead of the new generations' love songs (for specific reasons asides from most of them being obnoxiously loud)
Loves music boxes (helps him fall asleep when his Stanley isn't around)
Does tolerate some of the new generations' music (His Stanley introduced him to some with bass that can help stimulate his brain whenever he's overwhelmed)
Loves romance movies
Almost anything related to REAL love and romance
Can be a HUGE baby sometimes
Loves sweet and savory foods (not overly sweet and savory or he'll have an outburst)
Not a big fan of candy but would eat a Twix if he wanted as he does tolerate chocolate
He likes to show Lovebug! Stanley his new swimsuit during warm weathers and wearing matching sweaters during cold weathers
Favorite season: Winter (because hot coco be hittin' different in his opinion also because he gets to be with his Stanley)
Original! Narrator:
Loves historical documentaries and movies
Human name: Woodhaven
WILL lecture about any topic of his interest when given the chance (ex; The History of Chernobyl)
Rarely sleeps
Likes to read and write poetry
His favorite poet so far is Edgar Allan Poe (his favorite works are "Annabel Lee", "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Raven")
He rarely sketches anything
He prefers classical music but would attempt to listen to some of Stanley's suggestions (so far he tolerates Deaftones and Nirvana)
He mostly listens to Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin and a couple of other composers
Loves historical paintings
He likes mostly savory foods
Enjoys a nice cup of tea in the morning and before bed
Tries to understand modern slang terms but miserably fails as he can't get himself to understand a majority of them so he always tend to ask Stanley for some clarifications (ex; "Stanley, what do they mean by 'Side-eye, bombastic side-eye and criminal offensive side-eye'?? Why are bombs and criminal offenses involved?? How does that relate to the conversation?? What is the purpose of that???")
Stanley would sometimes mock the "Toodle-pip" since it was so unexpected but did find it somewhat cute-
He prefers "The Happy Room" that's located at the Zending to relieve overwhelming emotions
Stanley's presence makes him feel better sometimes, he just won't admit it
He can get upset pretty quick
Prefers calm and cool weather
Favorite season: Fall/Autumn
Hanahakai! Narrator (also the one who was in the chain lmao and his Stanley is still trying to find him because this is the longest he hasn't been able to find him- he never meant any harm lmao):
A complete softy
Has an unknown memory disorder
Human name: Willow
Sometimes forgets who his Stanley is
Forgets the simplest things (ex; his tie)
Ends up in strange places and situations (ex; he got stuck in a tree and has no clue on how he got up there)
Loves watching the sunset
Loves stargazing
He's an oldies type of guy
His usual favorite songs are "It's A Long Way To Tipperary" by John McCormack and "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn
Sleeps a lot (even to the point where it's unhealthy and his Stanley has to try and keep him awake)
His Stanley has to keep a very close eye on him or at least keep an ear out (metaphorically)
His Stanley is basically like a caregiver
Wonders off a lot (hence how he ends up in said situations)
Prefers calm and breezy weather
Makes desserts from naturally grown ingredients and has only one (1) Cow and one (1) Goat for dairy
Favorite season: Spring and warm breezy Summers
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I also added a good amount so it wouldn't be so empty and I'm already invested with these ideas of mine-
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