#[ blueberry hero; diskdrive ]
ask-the-guardian-core 10 months
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{ it can be quite frustrating when nobody takes you seriously half the time. }
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ask-the-guardian-core 10 months
[*Hello? can anyone hear me..?*]
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[* Let me try something else..*]
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馃挋- "AH! There's picture! I've managed to get the systems back up again."
馃挋 - " I have no Idea how long we've been out for.. But it's gotten pretty dusty around here. I wonder if the others are doing alright.. They should be reactivating soon aswell."
馃挋- "Hmm.. there sure is alot to do. Well then. I suppose I should start cleaning things up around here, shouldn't I?"
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ask-the-guardian-core 10 months
Muse List
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馃挋- Diskdrive (Main)
{ Diskdrive, the Eldest of the group and of the Twins- his codename is Blueberry, and his giga theme is Hound. }
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馃挍- Hollybery
{ Deckerd, the second oldest and the youngest Twin. (Also the one with the completed ref.) His Codename is Hollyberry(prefers to be called this), and his giga theme is Bunny. }
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鉂わ笍 - Delta
{ Delta, The Reformed younger middle kid of the group. He's more the anti hero. His codename is Cranberry and his giga theme is Kangaroo. }
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馃挌- Justice
{ Justice, the Elder middle kid who acts more like the leader than Disk. He's the serious one. His codename is Dragonfruit and his giga theme is a Dragon. }
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馃 -Scout
{ And Finally, There's Scout; The baby of the group. He's the Medic and youngest of all the guardian cores created(thus far.) . His Codename is Kiwi and his giga theme is a Bear. }
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ask-the-guardian-core 10 months
Tags Directory
Normal Tags
Rules = [ code of conduct; rules ]
Status = [ system update; status ]
Ask memes = [ incoming transmission; ask meme ]
Rp memes = [ a new mission; rp meme ]
Answers = [ information gathering; answer ]
Roleplays = [ guardian cores dispatch!; rp ]
My art = [ masterpieces; my art ]
Dash commentary = [ window watching; dash commentary ]
Reblogs = [ datapads; reblog ]
Musings = [ not just robots; musings ]
Aesthetics = [ interesting observations; aesthetic ]
Angst = [ war crimes; angst ]
Blood = [ dripping oil; blood ]
Lore = [ the archives; lore ]
Others Art = [ awesome artworks; others art ]
promos = [ a new horizon; promo ]
Dash games = [ tag! your it; dash games ]
The Team聽
Blueberry (Diskdrive) = [ blueberry hero; diskdrive ]
Hollyberry (Deckerd) = [ holiday hero; hollyberry ]
Dragonfruit (Justice) = [ dragonfruit knight; justice ]
Cranberry (Delta) = [ cranberry anti hero; delta ]
Kiwi (Scout) = [ kiwi park ranger; scout ]
Ghostwire & co.
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This Blog will now be dedicated to my New Original Series Characters from "Diskdrive and the Guardian Core!"
Its basically taking the characters and concepts from chibi Deckerd and officially making them my Own characters~!
Personalities will mostly be the same but the story, Names, and looks are completely different! As I write the story on my Main (@pinkyhaert ) with my other stories, this Blog will be used to flesh out the characters by Answering asks/Rping with the muses!
I hope you enjoy going on this journey with me!
So guardians, Deploy and Defend~!
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( Sketch Concept for Diskdrive, leader of the guardian core. )
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(>:3 c)
It was a day or so since Diskdrive remembered his past self and reunited with his adopted cybertronian friends and fam. While the group was out, mainly to give the mini bot a good frozen oil treat before figuring out a way to connect both worlds for easier visits. The same bolt of blue lighting came, bringing in more bots and perhaps more mischief.
A Gaggle of small minibots coughed and wheeze as the dust settled around them.
"That was lovely.."
The first mused as he looked around the area and began to scan for any information on where he was.
"This place is a dump."
The second grunted irritatedly as he also took in his surroundings, obviously not impressed. He glanced over to The last two, The third mini helping the fourth and smallest of the group stand up.
"Where do you suppose we landed...? And where's blueberry?"
The third said as he dusted off his wings after helping the fourth.
" I do hope he's okay.. this place Is kinda scary.."
The fourth clung onto the third and peeked out from behind his wings.
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Who are all these cute babies?
These are the guardian Core! Searcn and Recuse devision! They're the main group for one of my series, "Diskdrive and the guardian core." I only have 1 completed ref and 4 sketched concepts, but I'll introduce you to them.
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Diskdrive, the Eldest of the group and of the Twins- his codename is Blueberry, and his giga theme is Hound.
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Deckerd, the second oldest and the youngest Twin. (Also the one with the completed ref.) His Codename is Hollyberry(prefers to be called this), and his giga theme is Bunny.
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Delta, The Reformed younger middle kid of the group. He's more the anti hero. His codename is Cranberry and his giga theme is Kangaroo.
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Justice, the Elder middle kid who acts more like the leader than Disk. He's the serious one. His codename is Dragonfruit and his giga theme is a Dragon.
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And Finally, There's Scout; The baby of the group. He's the Medic and youngest of all the guardian cores created(thus far.) . His Codename is Kiwi and his giga theme is a Bear.
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ask-the-guardian-core 4 months
Diskdrive馃挋: You would not believe the dimensional disharmony we had to deal with..
Scout馃А: So.. Many.. SLIMES.
Delta鉂わ笍: I Quite enjoyed the Superhero vs Supervillians.
Justice馃挌: "I have learned many things about this 'Bread and breakfast' "
Hollyberry馃挍: "We're all fine, by the way."
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