#@joann's fabrics here I come bitch
starberryhearts · 4 years
learning to ballroom dance with a cane, turns out the waltz is just a series of sneak attacks using ur feets
good thing I have three of them 😎😈
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maryellencarter · 3 years
So the final cause, if I recall my Aristotle (I was terrible at Aristotelian logic, or at least at what the badly illustrated homeschool textbook said was Aristotelian logic), was that my apartment has been growing irregularly more squalorous for months. Occasionally I would have a bout of energy and put my groceries in the pantry, but for the most part I've been doing well to keep up on the laundry. The proximal cause was... probably the coloring books.
Anyway, this morning I put on pants that were not sweatpants, probably for the first time in months, because going to get vaccinated is a festal occasion and one ought to look one's best. (I put on my cute top with the frilly shoulder straps and the little rosettes, too, since I figured it'd be smart to wear something sleeveless. And my combat boots with the pastel tiedye laces, in case of hiking, which also turned out to be smart. I was decked out.)
So then I went and showed a number of people my ID and my appointment email, and they poked me with a timy needle -- not as small as the one they used in the ER for the insulin that time, I didn't even feel that one, but a very nice thin needle compared to my usual standard of needles, which are the ones they use to try and get blood *out* of you, and often fail when you are me. Then they made me sit down for fifteen minutes in case I took an allergy, and then they gave me a lollipop (I got blue cotton candy, my favorite flavor) and a sticker with a hashtag on it and I left.
Then I got to wend my way back from the place where the vaccinations were happening -- it was a big event on the college campus, since they have a lot of nice big rooms and wide open spaces there -- and it happened I was coming back from a direction I do not usually wend my way from, and I dropped into Michaels. Usually I go to Joann's, because they have fabric, which Michaels doesn't, and Michaels is generally a bit froofier in the sorts of craft supplies they stock at least locally, but the Michaels and the Joann's are right across the street from each other, and I still haven't heard anything about my special order on the floss color that Joann's was out of. Michaels doesn't have the full range of DMC colors, but I took a look and they did in fact have the color I needed.
Then I wandered around some, because Michaels actually does have a bigger yarn selection than Joann's, and I found some Patons Kroy (my absolute favorite sock yarn for feel and texture) in a colorway I didn't loathe, which is *not* something I've been able to find since they stopped making that one colorway with all the orange and black and gray stripes, which I loved dearly and can't remember the name of. So I was like "this will be just the thing for that one lace scarf I was looking at that needs wool yarn in case it has to be blocked to look right", because knitted lace is like that and you can't block acrylic. You can "kill" acrylic but that's different and I'd rather not.
Um. Anyway. Then I wandered around some more, because I get into Michaels so seldom that it's handy to look at what-all they've got while I'm there. Over the past... week or so I have had a sudden bout of wanting to color in coloring books, because that happens to me sometimes; there was an impulse trip to the Walmart way out in the boondocks on the unlit road for Crayola colored pencils, because I decided I was not going to pay eight times as much for Prismacolors.
(The really infuriating thing about coloring books, in my opinion, is that right now you can either find the kiddie newsprint coloring books which are with us always, of course, or you can find "adult coloring books" which are *in-fucking-variably* filled with horses and lions and whales and other large charismatic mammals covered in what look for all the world like quilting patterns. If I wanted to color a rendition of a quilt filled with tiny stripes and polka dots, I'd get some graph paper! And the dots and lines and so forth are so tiny that you can *only* color them with colored pencils, because that's Adulty.)
(Yes, I know they sell coloring pages on Etsy and places. I've been avoiding the print shop for at least a month and a half now, when if I would put the things on my thumb drive and go to it, I could start getting my student loans out of default. I would never wind up printing coloring pages off of Etsy. No, I don't know why. Print shops scare me, perhaps slightly worse than post offices.)
Um. Where was I? So I had gone way far out to the Walmart nobody goes to which therefore often has interesting things in stock, and I had discovered that Crayola still does the glitter crayons I had coveted as a tiny, and they also make double-ended scented markers, which are like the coolest thing ever to the tiny early-nineties child I still am in my heart. So as of this morning, my kitchen counter was completely covered with... things. There was already the sewing machine and the Dr Pepper that doesn't taste like an old shoe, and the peanut butter and the elephant-shaped porcelain wax-warmer, but there had been a narrow slot where I could put a plate and eat my meals -- my only table having been co-opted a year ago by my workstation. Now that slot was filled with various Crayola products and a coloring book with mermaids in it, which at least had a few pages that could be colored partly with markers or crayons, instead of being entirely minced into geometric shapes barely larger than a pencil lead.
SO, what happened after I got vaccinated and found yarn and floss, is that I found out that Crayola still makes the *pearlescent* crayons I coveted even more as a kid. I had gotten one in a little sample pack included with my big 64-box, and it was very precious to me. It's long gone now, of course.
So of course then I bought the pearlescent crayons, and then I bitched at Leia for a while about how I didn't have any coloring books I could use these wonderful crayons *on* unless I wanted to go back to the Lisa Frank newsprint of my youth. (They did actually have Lisa Frank. I strongly considered it. But my tastes have evolved beyond newsprint.)
Then I googled some things, and I found Walmart listing a Crayola mandala coloring book. I went to look for it, and I didn't find it, but I did find a different coloring book with "stained glass" style pictures (sadly not on actual tracing paper, but it occurs to me that if I could source some tracing paper, which it further occurs to me that I haven't seen in years although admittedly I haven't been looking, that I could *trace them* and color them and tape them on my windows like the tacky '90s kid I am), which GLORY HALLELUJAH has spaces big enough to fucking color in!
...Michaels also had neon and metallic Crayola crayons. I might go back. They were 24-packs of each. The single silver and gold crayons from my mom's 64-pack were pretty much only used for Easter eggs in our house, so as not to use them up. I just -- I have a wealth beyond imagining of special effect crayons and markers available to me, and I'm struggling to find anywhere to use them. This seems backwards.
So anyway, then I also found a cute sundress big enough to go over my ass, and then I sat in the furniture section for a while and pondered buying a new table so I wouldn't have to keep stacking coloring books on top of the peanut butter jar in order to eat, and it occurred to me that if I took down my Christmas tree, which I've had up since the Before Times (having gotten it from in fact the same Walmart east of anywhere after all the rest in town were sold out of the particular model), then I would have a space along the back of the kitchen counter where I could hypothetically put a table.
So, because I am a sensible and moderate individual, I bought a thing of string to tie up the Christmas tree branches with, and did not buy a table yet. Then it was time for D&D, so I hurried home and put my vaccination card on the fridge and got into the voice chat and started taking down the Christmas tree.
Then it was five hours later, and I had started konmari-ing the whole apartment in order to have somewhere to store the Christmas tree, and I had discovered that my closet shelf was almost entirely full of empty cardboard boxes, so I had pulled all those out and rifled through them to make sure they didn't contain anything important, and after rescuing three cards from a friend and one glasses chamois, I stuffed most of the boxes in a trash bag, jammed the condensed Christmas tree and all the winter blankets and my air mattress and various other wintry things into the giant box my office chair came in, managed to get that giant box up onto the closet shelf (I have some soreness around my injection site but I honestly don't know if it's a side effect of the vaccination or a pulled muscle from wiggling a very large heavy box into a very tight space over my head), and moved the Goodwill oddities into a midsize box that I think I brought my workstation home in, but they just moved the remaining onsite agents into a much smaller room so I don't think I'm going to be asked to bring my workstation back for a while, and when I do go to bring it back I think the monitors will fit nicely in my washtub.
(I'm giving Goodwill my crockpot. After I forgot the garbanzos in it for three days until the chicken broth started to stink, I decided I am not a person who needs to own a crockpot. Also something like eight skeins of rather ugly yarn because I bought too much for the baby blankets I was making.)
(I'm not sure why I own a washtub. It's bright blue and plastic. It does have a use, which is to hand-wash my weighted blanket in occasionally, as of course you can't put twenty-odd pounds of glass baubles in a washing machine.)
(I certainly did make some life choices that led me here, did I not.)
Annnnyway, so now I have an almost empty three-drawer Rubbermaid dresser, an entirely empty and extremely large Rubbermaid tote (I'm pretty sure I could trap myself in there, but I haven't tried), a mostly empty square ottoman which is also a storage box, and a royal shitton of tiny things like office supplies and party favors that don't *go* anywhere.
"A place for everything" is the really hard part, you know. I achieved it once. Then I moved out of that apartment and have never achieved it again. Once things *have* places, then even if you don't have the spoons to put the peanut butter jar back in the pantry right *now*, you know it has a spot between the Hormel and the Chef Boyardee, and it's way easier than "oh god if I open the pantry there won't be any room and I'll wind up putting the peanut butter under the bathroom sink with the Johnnie Walker Black or maybe over the kitchen sink on top of the Thermacare back wraps."
(You're supposed to store whisky upright in a cool dark place, okay. None of the upper cabinet shelves are tall enough, so I could have put it either directly over the water heater or directly next to the oven. Instead it lurks behind the toilet paper, next to the Clorox wipes and the pre-pandemic Lush bath bomb, which I should... probably use at some point.)
Erm. So then I was pondering what-all storage I would need to source in order to begin having places in which to put things, *findable* places which is the real grail, and -- I think I took a pause to read Dreamwidth and someone linked me a plushie trilobite, okay. I haven't yet entirely decided whether to buy it, but it occurred to me that I definitely have no home for a plushie trilobite, any more than for the amazing Zaeed plushie currently trapped under my cross stitching or the Star Wars Build-a-Bear who was supposed to make Ewok noises until three weeks of freeze-thaw cycle in a malfunctioning package locker did for his electronic squeaker, or the poor American Girl doll languishing inside the ottoman.
So then I was like "we used to have that little net corner hammock for stuffed animals when I was a kid, we never could get it mounted right, but perhaps with fewer cooks that would be a good option". So I googled for one, and all I could find was an assortment of JUMBO five-or-six-foot-long double-deep toy hammocks, obviously necessary to keep your child from drowning in the flood of stuffed animals that have taken over beds in the past thirty years.
(Okay, I was pretty toy-deprived as a kid, the 1980s were not in general what you would call a time of less stuff in American households. Still. I have a twin bed. I can hardly even *find* a toy hammock that wouldn't be bigger than my bed in some dimension.)
So then, it being the aforementioned five hours later with a lot of D&D combined with hard physical labor in the middle, I said to myself, said I, "Hammocks are made out of net, and nets are made out of strings." And by god, if there is one thing I'm better at than another, it is making things out of string. I've never actually gotten around to trying out the whole process of making an actual fisherman's net, which is much more closely related to tatting than to knitting, but I have yarn and most of the possible knitting or crocheting supplies I would need to invent things.
Which, at long last, explains why I have paused to write this halfway through creating a triangular filet crochet toy hammock out of sparkly yellow yarn.
Joann's is having a 50% off sale on plastic storage whatsits tomorrow, but I think I'll probably spend a large part of the day putting office supplies into ziploc bags and hanging them in rows on the wall with pushpins so as to figure out what-all I in fact own.
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sourlemonblue · 4 years
i know that there are more factors than just this and like maybe theres real hindrances and stuff
but one thing that frustrates me is when people come into joann fabrics and talk about how they "could never sew"
bitch me too wtf??? literally rhe only difference between you and me is that i spent a month referring religiously to youtube and i figured that shit out!!!!!!!
NO i am by no means an expert
but theres a huge difference between "i could never" and "i dont have the resources available to do so"
like i taught MYSELF that shit on a cosplay while also making my own patterns as i went!!!!!!!!!!! and also working full time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all before i even started working at joan!!!!!!!!!!
you can do ANYTHING yo, give urself a little more credit
(if u tried and its not your thing thats totally fine, it takes practice, or maybe its just not the thing for you. i cant embroider for shit yo i totally get it)
that being said if yall need sewing advice my joanns ass is here for you
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t-diggitydawg · 5 years
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analysis of the uswnt fashion choices simply because i want to fight me woso tumblr
Tierna Davidson: y’all know she’s my fave. my absolute number one. but im pretty disappointed by her dress choice. i love the color, other than that it’s so boring and plain. i think the one shoulder exemplifies that. it just reminds me of a prom dress. to be fair while she doesn’t dress horrible tierna isn’t miss fashion and this is exactly something she would wear. im sorry i have high expectations for my fave okay. sue me. 7/10 (ok i changed it to 7 bc it looks a lot better in the pic she took with becky abby and sam) (to be fair it looks so much more boring farther away since you can’t see the details on it)
becky sauerbrunn: when i first saw becky i first thought “UGH QUEEN” because that’s always my first reaction with Becky? but after a little bit i have to admit i’m not feeling it. i think it could have been better, i don’t know how because i’m not a fashion designer. i like the pattern, that’s unique, and the color is pretty good. just something about it irks me. i do appreciate it being more unique. 7/10
lindsey horan: full disclosure, simple sheek stuff appeals to me. so im loving lindsey’s look okay!! only complaint is the cut is a little awkward on her body type i think. maybe would have been better if it was just straight across (idk fashion terms) 8.7/10
allie long: i don’t know what to feel. i don’t hate it, but i don’t particularly like it either? kind of my feelings for long in general so makes sense. for some reason it makes me think of pajamas? her wedding dress was 👌🏻 so i know she can do better. 5/10
kelley o’hara: an enigma. how does she do it. her outfit isn’t out of this world, but it really just works for her? the pants are a little weird but with how trashed kelley has been the past couple days i can forgive her as she was probably still drunk while picking them. like last time she seriously had a yellow floral dress on and the fact i still remember it means it had a good impression. good job kelley 8/10
tobin heath: oh tobin. i fucking hate suit shorts. they are so ugly. but you make it work. don’t get me wrong it still is appalling but you work it. the fact you are wearing those shoes make it even better, another crazy thing. it’s probably because your other crazy outfit choices just neutralize this one. 6.5/10
alex morgan: oh alex. you can do so much better. it isn’t horrible but it looks like something a 15 year old would wear to their winter formal. we know what you can do, please do it 5/10
emily sonnett: i like it! the top is a little weird but manageable. reminds me of toilet paper. also the part where the white and black meet looks weird. ok so maybe i don’t like it as much as i did starting this. 5.5/10
crystal dunn: i LOVE the bottom of the dress but the top is so unflattering. reminds me of workout clothes or something. would look better if the dress started to flow out higher on the waistline 6/10
megan rapinoe: i trusted this bitch. when she was shown on tv, i could only see the top half of her outfit and i was impressed. a simple black suit jacket and bad ass jewelry. looked like a rocker chic. when i saw her full outfit i died of mortification. would have looked better if the leather shorts were pants. and if she didn’t have those fucking white socks. oh pinoe. my eyes are bleeding. -2/10
carli lloyd: she’s fine i guess. another disappointment because when i first saw her i was like damn!!!! but the fact that it’s a shorter dress with a particular cut that makes her look like she’s attending a funeral makes this look underwhelming. well maybe she’s wearing it because she’s mourning her international career idk 6.5/10
christen press: omg i died seeing her. LOVE the yellow!!! LOVE the black heels!! D. E. A. D. only complaint is i think if the pants weren’t as wide it would have looked a lil better. but that’s me nitpicking 9.5/10
ashlyn harris: oh ashlyn. i like parts of your outfit, and hate other parts. i do like the mesh, not the gray armour shit though. 3/10
rose lavelle: damn girl!!! the white looks really good on her, and i loveeee the off the shoulders look, v elegant. wish it was a longer dress because it would have looked even better. 8/10
mal pugh: at first i barfed, but now im like “okay fine” it just looks like she got fabric from joanne fabric and wrapped it around herself. i have to admit she looked better in that pic with rose. still we know her potential and she didn’t come close to it 5/10
ali krieger: yessss ali!!!! she looked gorgeous! very classy. never have been a fan of the weird cut out she had in her dress but she made it work! now please help ashlyn 9/10
moe brian: love the color! and the dress. but still she could have done a lil more. i know i love plain simple shit, but it was a little too much simple for me. i May be contradicting myself since i loved lindsey’s look, but again fight me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 7/10
sam mewis: i was underwhelmed by this? it just didn’t seem to fit her well. i like the outfit in general, but it just didn’t work. it really bothers me because it’s a cute look but i still didn’t like it lol 6/10
abby dahlkemper: i have the same dilemma here. it isn’t bad, rather cute i guess, but could be better. i think it just doesn’t fit with her. yep that’s it 6/10
AD franch: i wish she went with a darker suit, i think that would have looked even better. but still, like how we can depend on AD to have a good old typical suit 7/10
alyssa naeher: y’all remember when alyssa literally showed up as a nun last ESPYS??!?!? soooo underwhelming and boringggg. but look at this bitch now!!!! im so shook!!! get it girl!!! and also those shoes are super cute!!! ive been dogging on all the short dresses but i can’t say anything bad about this one!! Maybe it’s because it’s alyssa and it’s just so surprising who the fuck knows but wowww queen!! 10/10
jessica mcdonald: she looks nice. again not really a fan of the dress being short but i like the color. she earns bonus points for her cute lil son and his suspenders 😭😭😭 8/10
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felicityb-reviews · 6 years
BTS x Steve Aoki “MIC Drop” Remix
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What’s that?!?!?
It’s a Jace (aka Felicity B) with her review of BTS’ MIC Drop (Remix)!!
~The Song~
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This is a remix.
If this was anyone else but BTS and Steve Aoki (like the Chainsmokers, for example), I’d have skipped this release and cussed out Big Hit for two weeks gay straight.
But I happened to really enjoy this. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the original (it felt like a cheap imitation of their School Life Trilogy era and didn’t knock hard enough), but I put up with it cause it happened to be a highlight of Love Yourself ~Her~.
Which should tell you everything you need to know about my thoughts on that album.
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But MIC Drop the Remix is a B A N G E R, sis!!
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Mic Drop the Remix builds upon the foundation laid by the original, and takes it to heights it should have gone. I dare one of y'all hatin’ ass heauxs to say you couldn’t at least nod ya head this. Go ahead, I dare you.
Cause this remix has me turnt up, sis. This remix has Thot Mode Level 69 activating, sis. This remix has me runnin’ up on a bitch like I ain’t got nothing to lose, sis.
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I got some complaints, tho -
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1) There is entirely too much auto tune, fam. I can barely understand half of what they’re saying in the song (and mind you, this song is ~50% in English), and it’s just so distracting. I get that that is partially a stylistic choice.
I respect that.
But what I cannot respect is that this has been a problem I’ve had with BTS since I started checking for them after We are Bulletproof Pt 2. And it’s only gotten worse. Their voices sound so freaking animatronic!!
This is unacceptable!!
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2) This really should have been a Rap Line featuring Taehyung or Jungkook song. You can *clearly* tell this is for Rap Line, so there is absolutely no reason for all seven members to be present. If all the vocal parts are too much for one feature vocal, have them split with Hoseok. Ain’t nobody mad at Hoseok stuntin on a bitch with them vocals.
I mean, there is but they can kiss my black ass
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And while we’re at it, chop off that extra af vocal section at the end; it kills the energy of the track and causes it to end like weak ass orgasm. After the release (heh heh heh) of the second chorus and Namjoon actin like he’s about that life (he’s not), have Yoongi repeat the hook till the beat builds enough for another drop. And then end that bitch right.
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I accept PayPal and MasterCard.
~The Video~
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This video looks like someone at Big Hit wondered what would happen if they made We are Bulletproof Pt 2 with a bigger budget. And considering the subject matter of the song pretty much makes this We are Bulletproof Pt 3, I am not mad at that at all.
There isn’t much for me to report on here, folks - the camera work is pretty standard, the editing is tight, nothing about the sets jumps out at me. This is a very good video for the song, but it isn’t blow your socks off amazing.
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I need to address these wardrobe choices real quick, tho.
And not even everybody’s wardrobe, just Hoseok and Namjoon.
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Hoseok… I don’t know who told you those fabric tassels hanging from your hat were cute. Cause they’re not.
I don’t know who told you they looked ~Hood~. Cause they’re not.
I’m just confused as to why you’re wearing them. It’s bad enough y'all are wearing bucket hats (I’m not about to go in on them, but suffice to say that they’re ugly), but you gotta have those things dangling from your, too?!?!?!?!.
I mean, I’m glad you aren’t wearing those horrid braid things you wore in the Mic Drop stages in this, but sis… Why couldn’t you have just worn a bandanna in your hair, like Yoongi?!?!?
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A fuckin waste…
And Joon… I don’t wanna roast you. Just kidding, I fuckin love roasting you. You are my favorite Bulletproof Bias to roast. But this is just asking for it.
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The sad part about this hair is that I know the rationale behind it. Unlike Hobert attaching two feet of fabric from Joanne’s Clearance Fabrics to his hat, this hairstyle was super popular with 1st gen boy bands doing a hip hop concept.
He looks like Jaehyun’s mo whack older brother, circa Limitless era. He looks like he was doing a hair masque before the shoot and forgot to wash that shit out. He fuckin looks ridiculous and idk what kind of style he should have done instead of this, but I just want y'all to know that this isn’t a Cute Look™. I don’t wanna see no Boyfriend RapMan MBs with this foolish hair, y'all. I will rebuke you and your whole entire family if I see it.
Just don’t do it!!!
~The Choreography~
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BTS, as of late, have been dabbling in more complex formations in their routines, and it’s been really cool to experience as a fan. Their routines are the same old stuff we know and love from the boys, but they’re presenting it to us in very new ways. They’re breaking off into twos and threes to do specific parts, and I admit that seems kind of simple on paper, but seeing it in action is great.
As much as I loathed DNA (yes, even DNA can get this fire), I put aside any kind of animosity I had for those triflin’ ass breakdowns to watch the live performances, because there’s just something so cool about seeing it performed.
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Similar to what I said in the song section, I think this kind of choreography shows off BTS’s potential to break off into units/do solo promo. In fact, I think it’s really kind of lame how BTS faded us all with the solo material on WINGS, just to come back with all group tracks on Love Yourself ~Her~.
We didn’t even get a cypher, sis.
And no, I am not counting Serendipity and HER in that, because those songs are less than two minutes long. Give me full versions, and I’ll consider it.
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I guess Kim Taehyung wasn’t content trampling all over my bias list with his singing (he has the best technique in BTS, don’t fuckin’ @ me, bitch) and visuals, he’s decided to up his dancing. Because I need another bias who makes me sweat aggressively when they start two steppin.
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He’s in almost all the unit formations, and while I’m happy he’s getting the spotlight he deserves, I’m gonna need him to calm the fuck down.
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Or come serve me the D, whichever he feels like doing on this good day
~Overall and Final Thoughts~
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That’s it.
That’s literally all there is to this 40 page dissertation I’m calling a review.
I like this remix a lot, but every time I listen to it, I circle back to the thought that this would be a Perfect 10™ if it was a unit feature".
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It’s Time™, sis. Even EXO has a sub unit. And y'all KNOW SM Entertainment is Determined™ to shove EXO in our faces as a whole, because of their We Are One bullshit.
It is Time™.
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I need whoever is in charge of their music (cause Lordt knows Rap Line has dropped enough hits this era that it isn’t them) to take a risk. Or maybe if y'all don’t wanna do unit promo just yet (even though you should), go the Seventeen route and have them record unit tracks for the album b sides. Teen.Age, much like WINGS, was elevated by the unit tracks.
I just need something different, sis. Because Lord knows that BTS has enough talent to deliver. This remix is more than enough proof.
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I just learned that most shops use acrylic paint to color their fur? The seamstress and the artist in me are both kind of screaming right now because of how wrong that is, but I’m really tempted to try it because 1) dying non-natural fibers gives off serious fumes and I always worry for my cats’ health when I do it at home, and 2) if everyone else is doing it, can’t be seen as terrible.
Before I join them because no way can I beat them, here’s my mini rant on why acrylic paint is a terrible choice for this:
1) Acrylic paint is water soluble. Obvious big problem
2) Aside from some special mural techniques, costumes that will only be seen on stage and cheap t shirts, you *never* paint fabrics. You always dye them. 
3) Shouldn’t you treat faux fur fabric much more like hair than you would treat it like a shitty cotton t-shirt? For example, I try not to send my fur through the wash, and often use wig spray to detangle it
4) Paint will make the fur hard to some extent, and definitely won’t feel soft to the touch. I don’t care what people say, it’s just the truth. It also cracks and shrinks as it dries. 
5) Acrylic paint comes in a wiiiiiiiiide variety of qualities. Do I use my shitty wal mart acrylics on the fur or do I use my precious Dick Blicks? Lolol picturing myself using “burnt umber” on fur. (PS: Burnt umber is actually W’s favorite paint color. I read that in an interview xP)
6) THEY MAKE FABRIC PAINTS for all the exceptions I listed in 2. Why wouldn’t you at least use fabric paint and not acrylics? Just checked to make sure I’m not being stupid here, and even JOANNS sells spray fabric paint that does not appear to be acrylic in any way. I always assumed the top shops had re-engineered their airbrushers to take fabric paint, not that they’re spraying acrylic paint onto their ears. There are actually many kinds of specialized paint that exist for any number of applications, so using grade-school art class basic acrylic seems mindblowing to me.
7) Once again, acrylic paint is water soluble! I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here.
I’m really trying not to be a snob, and I get that paint can be expensive, dye can be expensive, and learning the proper techniques can be expensive. This just feels like when I found out most ears were made by gluing fur to cardboard without dealing with the raw edges. Please understand that these things go against everything I’ve been taught from childhood about crafts from both professionals and hobbyists who really loved and understood their craft. It’s a little mindblowing to find out a shop that sells out within minutes during their releases are using these techniques.
But anyways, like I said I can’t beat them, and luckily for me I have a million paint brushes, white faux fur, and a few dozen bottles of acrylic paints hanging around, so I’m going to be experimenting with this. 
Please please don’t let this be my one post that blows up and gets me a reputation for being a snob. If you have issues with my issues, please just talk to me. I promise that 90% of the time I’m not bitching and that if we talk I will be a nice person, even if we never agree. Thanks!
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frogsandfries · 6 years
I’m sure you guys are all very excited......
For the continuing, fucked up annals of my womb donor.
Today in the continuing fucked up saga, Saturday Errands: That woman “needed” to be driven to the library (y’know, when it’s not even a fifteen minute walk, even if you’re super out of shape and she sure as fuck could use the exercise and it’s pretty well warm enough to walk, even for my asthma), when my dad wanted to go to the bank to check his account and I wanted to go to JoAnn Fabrics (which, honestly, is probably a half hour walk from here, and no sidewalks the whole way).
I’ve been talking about going to the fabric store pretty much all week, from about the time I wanted to start working on the watermelon patch.
But that woman is Much More Important than me, so of course, instead of doing the sensible thing and making one circuit around town, my dad has to go all the way one way, come back, and go all the way the other way, when, if the psycho bitch with no planning or foresight skills, hadn’t whined and cried about sitting waiting for me to run my errand, we probably could have saved the fifteen minute change-over period that my dad is going to have to spend waiting. Which is so fucking stupid.
Sorry dad...... Although, I guess why am I apologizing. That evil, crazy woman is so warped in the head, she was telling my dad the other day she just can’t stand to lose an argument. Pathetic. So as much as I hate when other people put their brains in the garbage and use their anal sphincters to form words and ideas, she’s too fucking stupid to concede when she’s wrong. And arguing with stupid does nothing to make you look any more intelligent or informed.....soooooo, either I argue with stupid, or let her think her delusional thoughts. Basically, until I move out, I have to just keep my headphones on, ignore her, and talk over her to communicate with my own father.
And of course, she’s too self-important to understand when she isn’t welcome in the conversation, so there’s going to be a lot of exhausting talking over her.
I wish my dad could text, because then I could just talk around her....
Well, then I might as well rewind to yesterday, because that shit is bothering me too:
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real-retail-stories · 7 years
LET ME FUCKING TELL Y'ALL A STORY. i work at joann fabrics and let me just preface this by saying the old ladies who shop in my store are fucking bitches. so this lady comes in with an entire bolt of fabric (probably about 15 yards) and tells me that she got it as a gift and doesn’t need it so she wants to return it. i tell her okay but i’d need the original receipt with it. - it’s company policy that all fabric returns must have a receipt or we can’t take it back - so the woman says “well it was a gift and i don’t have the receipt.” so i tell her “i apologize but i won’t be able to take the fabric back.” and immediately she starts to get all pissy with me. she’s like “well why not? it’s never even been used.” so i was like “i understand that but it’s policy that we can’t take fabric back without a receipt.” and she said to me again, “it was a gift and i don’t need it.” i told her again that i couldn’t take it back and she was like “well this is the last time i come in here, MISSY.” and it took everything in me not to fucking laugh in her face.
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