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creepytalesoftheweb · 7 years
“[I] had a friend in high school with a ‘haunted’ house. Let him tell the stories without giving him shit, but especially as we were a kinda gothy crowd I never actually believed a word. Mostly they centered on his basement, where they'd here voices, see shadows, etc. 
One time, finally hanging out there, we all went out the back door for a smoke; when we tried to go back in, we found the deadbolt had been shut...from the inside. No one else was home or had left the group. Went around and back in by the front door. 
A few minutes later, me and my buddy were playing with his cat, who liked to make this certain meowing noise that sounded a lot like a person saying ‘Hello.’ (More cute than creepy, and not paranormal at all.) My buddy kept saying ‘Hello?’ to the cat to get him to do it. The fourth time he did, instead of the cat responding, I felt something, like...hiss the word ‘HELLO’ right in my ear--like, I can't even describe the sound of it. Like a deafening, non-human-voice-sounding whisper right against my eardrum. 
I flinched visibly, and worse yet, so did my buddy, sitting across the room on the other couch. We both went white, shaking, and after staring at each other for a second, bolted the @#$% out of the basement. Without a word from me, he described the exact same thing. Everyone else, playing Smash Bros. like three feet away between us, heard nothing. 
Later, after college, visited and crashed there one night. Woke up to the exact same ‘voice,’ only hissing my freaking name right in my ear. Shot off the couch like it was on fire right into a standing position, skin crawling--even though it was like noon, broad daylight--adrenaline pumping so hard I was shaking. Never been back inside since.”
By: BrocasAreaRug (Have you ever had an unexplained or paranormal experience?)
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va-lancy · 5 years
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