#@ ︵‿ 03 ⸺ musing.
20s-turtle-posting · 1 year
2003 Donatello meeting the other various TMNT iterations and they all think he's just a level-headed Smart Guy with a quiet disposition and a tendency to snark from the sidelines, but then he pulls off some Fuckshit at random and scares the bejeezus out of everyone else and they're like "ah yes, that's the true Donatello Spirit, sorry for assuming otherwise"
He also tells his Raph to shut the hell up for some reason or other and gets absolutely 0 reaction, which also gets the other turtles like ???
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russenoire · 1 month
i just finished fullmetal alchemist 2003...
and i have words about this.
while both series have lovely scores, courtesy of michiru ooshima here and akira senju for FMAB, FMAB's OPs and EPs are almost all far too good to skip, ever. (if i have to hear pornograffiti's 'melissa' one more time, i will scream.) both series rely pretty heavily on slapstick humor to leaven the surrounding darkness, and the massive chip on edward's shoulder about his height, grating in brotherhood, also wears on my patience here.
i liked this story's approach to alchemy and how it works. but the creators' vision of homunculi here, where each homunculus arises as a result of a single alchemist's hubris and becomes their sin to answer for? i prefer it a little more than the admittedly more cohesive explanation of a single being splitting off aspects of himself.
we get to spend more time with scar and maes hughes (my favorite character; i adore his hazel eyes in this adaptation and hearing the late keiji fujiwara's silky pipes voice him twice is a joy). i still can't decide which kimblee i like best.
both fullmetals are examples of satisfyingly meaty storytelling and full of awesome animation. i suspect a dislike of canon divergence behind a lot of the hate for the first series, and a preference for deeper character study and pathos behind hate for the second.
i'm usually wary of adaptations continuing after creators run out of source material myself, but the story shō aikawa and seiji mizushima constructed out of whole cloth offers up a feast of philosophy, character study, mindfuckery and intricate military-political intrigue. and for the most part, it holds up under its own weight.
here scieszka, winry and rose are more instrumental to the story's plot. dante the cursed shapeshifting genius alchemist is a brilliant addition to the story, as is archer (more on him below). lust becomes an almost sympathetic character, what with having loved and lost multiple times as she manipulates mankind into seeking knowledge while being only a tool herself. alphonse is a formidable alchemist and a prodigy in his own right. here that's not just hinted at; both boys could have passed the state alchemist exam with ease. i loved seeing the elric brothers use alchemy to squabble with each other, not just fists and limbs. and edward... he's a double amputee, but his prosthetic limbs work well enough to rid him of any real functional impairment (bless winry's fantastic engineering!). i'm not going to get into the fucked-up implications of that in this post, but i will say that FMA '03 makes his disability much clearer. we see how painful attaching his automail limbs is, repeatedly. a character pries them off of him at one point and he's almost helpless until he can get them back. it's now obvious why he wears gloves most of the time.
the brutality and pervasive racism of the military dictatorship running amestris is given far more focus here. (edward himself gets checked on his own racist assumptions quite a few times.) we see more of the armed forces in the act of genocide, not just flashbacks in haunted soldier memories. officers openly call people savages; kimblee is sent in as an exterminator because of his amorality and solipsism; shou tucker's sick research is allowed to continue, even though the military already has a more efficient method to make chimerae. while making the situation the elric brothers left behind in liore worse, the shady lt col archer sustains what would have been fatal wounds. he gets rebuilt into some sort of robocop hybrid sentient killing machine with no qualms about gunning down his own men. rose is traumatized to mutism raped by the military for having led a rebellion and still leads her people.
whether this feels heavy-handed to you may depend on your tolerance for darkness and cognitive dissonance; i'm still processing how i feel about it. both takes on arakawa-sensei's story present their main and supporting cast as capable of cruelty and kindness, but FMA '03 foregrounds that evil a bit more alongside the good. it made the kindness less palatable for me, in a good way.
also i spoiled myself a bit by watching the conqueror of shamballa before finishing this series. when i learned that mizushima-san is a huge fan of hideaki anno's work, FMA '03's 'inconclusive' ending made even more sense.
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keahiakana · 4 days
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2024? How about 2004?
just a few of keke akana's favorite 2004 hits!
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musing-and-music · 1 year
@theaceofdragons you wanted to know more about "The Corporal and the General", so here are a few things about it!
First, this WIP hasn't been touched since last August, paused in the middle of a sentence said by Riza: "Brigadier General Mustang, may I introduce to you Corporal Mustang?"
Because yes, this WIP is about 03!Roy finding himself in the manga setting, post Promised Day (no exchange of Roys here 😉)
I'm having fun deciding how different both worlds are, and how Riza, Roy, and 03!Roy will react to them (especially concerning Berthold Hawkeye)
This fic came to me thanks to a few conversations about what could happen if manga!Roy and/or 03!Roy went to the other's world
Snippet time! Both in French and English!
Riza sursauta.
— Comment ça, mon père est alchimiste?
Si vraiment il venait d’un monde parallèle, ce “Roy Mustang” et sa version d’elle-même n’avaient pas le même passé, pas la même relation, et bien des événements devaient différer du monde qu’elle connaissait.
L’homme en uniforme lui lança un regard étonné.
— Il ne l’est pas ici? Vous–la version de vous que je connais–m’a dit qu’il donnait des cours dans les collèges et lycées de la région Est, et qu’il regrettait d’être souvent en déplacement, loin de sa femme.
Un rire incrédule échappa à Riza.
"What do you mean, my father is an alchemist?"
If this "Roy Mustang" really came from a parallel world, he and her version from that world didn't have the same past, the same relationship, and many event didn't happen the same way as in her own world.
The man in uniform shot her a surprised look. "He isn't here? You-the version of you I know-told me he was teaching in secondary and high schools in the Eastern region, and he regretted being so often far from his home, far from his wife.
Riza laughed, disbelieving.
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d4rkwater · 4 months
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JOSEPH BARKER, ele é filho de POSEIDON e CONSELHEIRO do chalé 3 e tem 23 anos. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há DOZE ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, JOSEPH é bastante ALTRUÍSTA mas também dizem que ele é TEIMOSO. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
Joseph é filho único de uma renomada bióloga marinha, nasceu em pleno verão de Agosto na Califórnia e ali morou durante seus três primeiros anos de vida. Graças ao emprego de sua mãe, o jovem passou grande parte da sua infância viajando pelo mundo, morando de frente para o mar, onde acabou adquirindo uma enorme paixão pelo surf. Seu rendimento escolar era mediano, mas as justificativas para as notas não serem sempre as melhores eram devido às mudanças contínuas de estado e, não muito raramente, de continente. 
Sua convivência com a mãe era das melhores, vendo nela não só uma figura materna como também a paterna que nunca teve a chance de conhecer. Seu pai sumiu antes mesmo da mãe saber que estava grávida, fruto de uma relação de poucos dias, mas que foi o suficiente para marcar a vida da mulher para sempre. Joseph era tudo o que Lilian tinha e fazia questão de sempre protegê-lo. Até mais que o necessário, assim achava. 
A paixão pelo oceano vinha do esporte e também das curiosidades que aprendeu graças à profissão de sua mãe. Joseph, com menos de 10 anos, já tinha conhecimento sobre uma extensa lista de animais marinhos e, mesmo não possuindo um contato direto - apenas quando sua mãe permitia - sua ligação com as criaturas era deveras confusa e interessante. O único animal ao qual possuía um medo absurdo era o tubarão. E tudo começou quando um amigo quase perdeu a vida durante um campeonato de surf, sendo atacado pelo grandioso animal após ser confundido por uma tartaruga. 
As coisas começaram a ficar estranhas quando, em uma noite de tempestade na Ilha Wake, atual local de trabalho e pesquisa de sua mãe, criaturas estranhas surgiram e passaram a atacar ambos. E mãe e filho só escaparam porque Joseph, sem compreender muito bem, ouviu um chamado vindo do mar. Ao chegarem na praia foram recebidos por um grupo de homens desesperados, Joseph os questionou sobre as criaturas, mas foi taxado de louco, afinal, para todo mundo ali a ilha estava em chamas. Ninguém sabia dizer como ou quando o incêndio começou, espalhando-se rápido e queimando boa parte da reserva, mas com sorte todos os poucos habitantes - em sua maioria profissionais - saíram com vida. 
Os acontecimentos, aos poucos, foram se tornando frequentes e era sempre a mesma coisa. Os relatos que saíram na mídia ou eram comentados pelos vizinhos não batiam em nada com a realidade que Joseph e sua mãe estavam enfrentando. O perigo se tornava maior a cada novo ataque, tanto que Lilian pouco a pouco ficou encurralada e, num belo dia, viu-se obrigada a contar seu maior segredo para o filho. No começo achou que toda aquela história sobre deuses e ser filho de Poseidon não passava de uma piada de péssimo gosto, não era mais uma criança - ele sempre dizia - para acreditar em fantasias como aquelas. E por mais que lutasse e sua mãe tentasse encontrar modos de não enviá-lo ao endereço deixado há muito tempo por seu pai, Joseph foi arrastado contra a própria vontade para um acampamento de “verão”. Tinha apenas onze anos quando pisou pela primeira vez no acampamento para semideuses, ainda relutando para acreditar que todas aquelas crianças - e alguns jovens adultos - fossem realmente filhos de deuses que, para si, só existiam em livros e filmes. 
A nova realidade levou alguns dias para finalmente fazer sentido, o mais cômico foi descobrir a existência de outros “irmãos” por parte de pai. A nova “escola” de certo modo era mais divertida que todas as outras que já frequentou em sua vida. Além dos treinos, algo que no começo foi um tanto quanto complicado, Joseph se mostrou um aluno exemplar principalmente em mitologia grega e combate contra monstros. 
Mimetismo de água: O usuário possui um corpo composto por água ou é capaz de transformá-lo para adquirir essa forma. Enquanto está sob essa forma, ele geralmente pode optar por manter ou não seu corpo esteticamente semelhante à sua forma normal, além de adquirir todas as vantagens da água: seu corpo se tornará "intangível", com objetos o transpassando sem causar danos, o que o concede vantagem contra diversos tipos de ataque inimigo. Além disso, ele poderá moldar seu corpo de forma livre e maleável, podendo se dividir e se remontar ao seu bel-prazer, bem como se misturar com outras fontes de água, passar por superfícies estreitas, entre outras utilidades.
Supremacia Aquática: Joseph herdou de seu pai autoridade divina sobre falar (normalmente e telepaticamente) com equinos e criaturas do mar, principalmente de tratá-los com deferência e respeito senhorial.
Agilidade sobre-humana e durabilidade sobre-humana. 
Adagas Duplas ― Frostguard: As adagas duplas são armas de combates focadas em curta distância. São feitas de água do oceano em seu estado sólido temperado com bronze celestial e suas lâminas são levemente curvadas para cima. Possuí uma fina camada de gelo, graças a matéria prima utilizada em sua criação, que reveste toda a lâmina por puro charme. Quando arremessadas, após acertar o alvo, costumam aparecer novamente nas mãos de seu portador. Apesar da aparência simples, são ótimas em batalhas cujo a agilidade se sobrepõe a força física. Sua cor é dourada.
Tridente: Um tridente feito de ouro imperial, com lâminas afiadas e detalhes em forma de conchas marinhas. Pode ser usado por qualquer um, porém quando empunhado por filhos do mar, permite controlar as marés e as correntes oceânicas com grande precisão. Além disso, pode conjurar poderosas ondas para afogar os inimigos. O tridente pode ser usado por até 1 hora antes de exigir um período de descanso de 12 horas.
Bracelete da Tranquilidade: Um bracelete feito de prata lunar, entrelaçado com fios de seda azul. Quando ativado, emite uma aura calmante ao redor do usuário, dissipando a raiva e a agitação emocional. Além disso, concede resistência mental contra ataques psíquicos e ilusões. O bracelete pode ser ativado por até 30 minutos antes de exigir um período de descanso de 12 horas.
BENÇÃO DE MACÁRIA. Recebeu sua primeira missão quando tinha treze anos. Na época, ainda não dominava muito bem seu poder, mas na luta se destacava e muito. Era rápido, esperto e sua força parecia aumentar sempre que um companheiro estava em perigo. Dos três campistas, ele era o mais preparado psicologicamente apesar de tão novo. E mesmo com tudo para dar certo, a missão acabou sendo um fracasso. Joe lutou até derrotar a Quimera sozinho enquanto a filha de Apolo, aprendiz de curandeira, entrava em pânico. O filho de Atena, por outro lado, sofreu um ataque tão grave que acabou morrendo antes mesmo de Joseph conseguir levá-lo de volta para o acampamento. No caminho, quando o amigo já não tinha mais forças, Joe o colocou com cuidado no chão, próximo a sombra de uma árvore, onde buscou o tranquilizar. Claro que não evitou o próprio choro, mas foi forte o suficiente para conter as lágrimas enquanto fazia companhia para o outro. Tratou de fazê-lo sorrir, mesmo diante de tamanho medo e dor, deixando carícias em sua mão e mantendo a cabeça apoiada em sua perna enquanto conversavam. Joe fez o possível e o impossível para confortar o amigo até seu último suspiro. Diante de tamanho cuidado e carinho, o filho de Poseidon chamou a atenção de Macária a Deusa da boa Morte. Ela observou tudo o que havia feito, se comovendo com toda a dedicação que teve em fazer daquele momento drástico, algo memorável e feliz. Como gratidão pelo seu bom coração, Macária decidiu abençoar o filho de Poseidon com o dom do Pressentimento. Joseph é capaz de sentir e saber quando uma pessoa conhecia, que tenha um vínculo mais forte, está em perigo com um grande aperto no coração e uma grande tristeza. Quando isso acontece, ele é levado instantaneamente até o local onde a pessoa está, podendo protegê-la/ajudá-la ou, dependendo da gravidade, apenas se despedir.
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the-solar-panel · 10 months
He's not looking, he's not looking, he's not looking-
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He's looking.
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sunburnacoustic · 10 months
I'm back!! Unshadowbanned! Justice is served!! Let's fucking go!
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20s-turtle-posting · 2 years
I have an idea in my head to write a crossover rotmnt and tmnt 2003 fic wherein the rise boys get tossed into the 2003 dimension, but during the same year they they're currently in (aka like 2020 or so (post movie))
It seems like all of the official crossovers happen at points where they just connect at times the viewer is familiar with but by golly I want to see a crossover with turtles in their 30s
Specifically I want to write 2003 boys as living healthy fulfilling lives where they're not fighting to survive on a day to day basis like LORD they need REST
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poetrysings · 3 months
Location: Coney Island, Brooklyn
Status: Closed Violet starter for Honey Lavere ( @itshoneys )
"So, are you into big scary rides that go everywhere in a span of two minutes and make your soul leave your body for a brief second, or do you prefer the tame ones like the ferris wheel?" Violet questioned the other, looking around the attractions. The actress couldn't quite remember she had crossed the bridge to come to the wildly known amusement park but at the time she made plans with Honey, it had seemed like the best idea; a place out of both their comfort zones where they could have fun, away from their schedules, careers and the public eye.
A sigh escaped her as she intertwined her arm with the other, breathing in the somewhat fresh air. "Should we eat something first, or leave it for after the rides? Last time I checked, their corn dogs were really good nut there's some vegan things if that's what you're into. I didn't bring snacks with me this time so, we'll have to make due with what the earth provides in the form of street vendors."
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bhaalswn-arch · 9 months
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keahiakana · 2 days
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keahi akana jersey day
staying true to her roots by representing the great state of hawaii, keke is repping her favorite football player - tua tagovailoa, quarterback for the miami dolphins!
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dviilcried · 3 months
test. tag dump
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ducknotinarow · 9 months
ღ ( LeoRaph all verses :3 )
|Inbox me a ‘ღ’ and I’ll rate you with the following
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"Me and our fearless leader uh? Well sure hes sorta corny but ya know than again never thought about it before?"
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
"I never thought about it before but its not like Leo isn't a type? Mostly a type I like to annoy but it's kinda cute how he gets annoyed and just has to get in my face after wards that's all. I dunno that up tightness might be fun to see if I can get him to chill out if he let me replace the stick out of his ass with something else"
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"Fearless uh? getting curious if I eye my brother for more than jus' fightin' cause yeah okay I do maybe do it more 'han just to size 'em up time to time."
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
"Boy do I love jus' love flusterin' Leo though, messin' around with him especially when he wanna be all serious and focus? Watchin' how easy he comes undone just from my attention? He soaks it up and eats it when I play into his little kinks too. If I feel 'ike it. Boy he drives me crazy though Leo just knows how to get under my skin and rile me up. Then again would make it more satisfying to take 'em after he's been an ass with me. An' well not to menton i'm pissed at 'im for leaving us still but..damn I missed him."
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"well I can' really deny I haven't ya know looked here and there. Sides hard not to when we tangle in the sparring matches so much."
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
"I'm a sucker for those blue eyes what can I say? Yeah Leo pisses me off better 'han anyone even. He gets so full of himself despite what he 'ikes to think. An' yeah we butt heads a lot. But I 'ike hanging with Leo. Even if it means watching that dumb show of his Space Heros or whateva it's called pft I dunno." He dose "But. I kind of also 'ike the fightin' all of it. Ya know? How heated our fights can turn? How rough our fightin' turns even? Sometime's I jus' wanna smash my mouth against his to shut him up. When he starts lecturing me. Pin him back to the nearest wall and jus' ya know go from there."
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"Pft wish he stop acttin' stupid round April.."
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
"Yeah look I got a 'hing for Leo okay? He so cute. He gets fidget and nervous but damn when that confidence strikes 'im? Kinda hot when he went and sounded 'ike a real leader. But he's makin' a fool of 'im self going for April. Look sees fine jus' man she ain't into you so why can' he ya know see 'hat and look else where? I chat wit' my buds on the team and they talk 'bout the girl they 'ike but I jus' sort of only think of Leo when we talk about all 'hat stuff together."
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flurryofknives · 1 year
Ji-Woon Hak enjoys being the center of attention. His family, particularly his father, recognized and supported this early on. His father invested the proceeds from their restaurant in dance and singing lessons, and Ji-Woon began attending talent shows to showcase his abilities. Ji-Woon was discovered by a producer at Mightee One Entertainment and enrolled in the training program not long after. He trained in a dormitory for 14 hours, learning how to move and sing, as well as how to carry himself with the proper balance of confidence and modesty. After recording with his first band, NO SPIN, he discovered they were locked in after a lunch break by falling speakers with singed cables and discovered his new passion. Those screams, those desperate bangs on the door, the crackling of the fire,... They pleaded with him.. (..) This was dubbed a tragic event in the media, just as Ji-Woon tried in vain to save his friends. Ji-Woon was introduced to the media by his manager Yun-Jin as the solo artist Trickster, who writes his own lyrics and has a soft core despite his hard shell.
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He learnt and adjusted.
Between music and murder, Ji-Woon's work was discussed globally. However, as violence became his preferred art style, his music career took a hit.  Critics praised his first album, "Edge of Revival," which took a different approach to fans' rough and vicious sounds. There is also a collection of the final sounds of Ji-victims Woon's that were recorded on a record. It's shocking and crude. 간다!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⸺ ji-woon hak (Korean: 학지운) alias the trickster ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀faceclaim: Choi San (최산) - group: ATEEZ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀full story⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀partner side.𓄿
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underworldsarcade · 5 months
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princessbxtch-rps · 2 years
Tonight, You’re Perfect
closed starter for @invsiblestrings​
Reagan really hadn’t anticipated a day like today. One day home, and her life had completely changed, her world shifting on its axis. Cole had been gone before she woke up, and she spent the morning with her found family, filling Liz in on New York and reminiscing with the Fairfax sisters. It was odd, how quickly she could fall back into being with them. She hadn’t wanted to leave, but there was some important business she had to take care of before the bachelorette, involving a certain finance bro, and a hell of an apology to Winnie. The conversation went...well, not great. She’s sure it felt out of left field for him, for her to suddenly have opinions and thoughts and feelings. But she had been firm and clear with him, and the overwhelming heaviness on her chest lifted once it was over. Winnie had been a lot easier, surprisingly, seeming all too pleased with the sudden turn of events. 
She had spent nearly the whole day they were getting ready making not-so-subtle digs at Dan and even-less-subtle innuendos about Cole and her. Even now, five years later, Winnie was firmly on team Cole and Reagan. Reagan tried to laugh it off, but she couldn’t help the butterflies that turned in her stomach. Last night, just her and Cole and in that kitchen...it had felt right. It had awakened things in her she had long ago buried. He had always been in her mind, in some way, but now she was filled with him. 
Reagan had been lost in thought as they all took pictures, the pulsating music filling the cabin they had rented out. The whole room sparkled, from the glistening decorations, to the glittery drinks, to the shining material she was currently wearing. They were all decked out, every girl wearing something shiny. She was currently in a glittery gold dress and black platform boots, hair cascading around her shoulders in loose curls. She felt ridiculous, but what Winnie wanted, Winnie got. She owe her quite a lot after last nights festivities. “To Winnie!” She giggled out, raising the sparkly shot and cheersing the group. Just as quick as the shot was done, the doors were pushed open, the groom and his friends barreling in. She couldn’t help the wide grin that spread over her face as she saw Cole, her lips against his cheek flashing across her mind. But then she remembered, or rather was forced to remember, the other bridesmaid with a pretty recent history with Cole. Shelby yelled out an excited squeal seeing him, and she took the opportunity to pour herself a stronger drink. Well, tonight definitely just got more interesting.
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