#<im a perfectionist but im not good at it srry
mealbits · 1 year
oh oh oh 1 nicole and 1 sally please :]
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yooo what r they lookin at!!!!!!
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deanstits · 4 years
writing is hard someone wanna come do it for me? ty ty so much
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Can i have a Harry Potter fruit baskets or AoT matchup plz (like out of that list of fandoms who fits me best out of all of them not who fits me best from each if that makes sense)
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 5’2.6
Hair: black wavy/curly
Eyes: brown almost black
Ethnicity: African American
Body type: hour glass
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Traits: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful caring compassionate people pleaser nervous fearful nervous curious shy introvert insecure low self esteem low confidence protective push over just wants everyone to be healthy happy and safe
Insecurity: that all my good traits are fake and im a bad person
Fears: losing people disappointing people failing spiders loud noises weird holes and patter (trypophobia) math tests (more anxiety then fear for those last two)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime cartoons video games movies listening to music bread sweets (especially chocolate) learning
Dislikes: people who harm others my siblings not listening to me people i care about not taking care of themselves being pushed around certain foods and textures which makes me a picky eater
Srry this is long thank u
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I ship with Reiner!
The two of you would honestly be so sweet together! The thing he would initially be attracted to is your appearance. I believe he would love the curves of your body, it made him desperate to have a conversation with you! The height difference is also something he absolutely loves (almost a whole foot!), being able to tower over you and lift you up with ease, it makes him feel so protective over you. The feeling definitely goes both ways, with you being slightly nervous at times, having his large figure near you makes you feel safer. His heart swells every time you reach for him when you feel anxious, knowing he provides some sense of comfort to you is more than he could ever ask for.
You’re the kind of person who mothers those who are close to you, which Reiner has never really experienced before, making you extremely special to him. He would do anything for you, he doesn’t have much to live for, not even himself. But when it comes to you, you’re basically one of the last things keeping him going. If you are both fighting, he will always put himself between you and harms way, he has little respect for his own safety but he would rather die than see a sweet soul like you get hurt. If he ever notices that you are hurt in any way he does not hesitate to leave the fight, exiting his titan form as soon as the battle is over and rushing to have you in his arms. I believe his willingness to put other before himself is definitely tied into his personality type, ESFJ, which is very similar to yours, I believe you share many of the same characteristics.
Having an almost unbearable childhood, he knows first hand how it feels to believe that all of his positive traits are negative or fake. Therefore, whenever you voice these insecurities he is always the first one to reassure you that they are not true. Always patiently listening and waiting until you are finished before telling you his opinion. He will hold you in his arms as you vent to him, trying to verbalise what is making you upset. He almost develops a sixth sense for when you are feeling down. He often will have a secret stash of chocolate ready for when you are upset, knowing it's your favourite.
As time progresses and you both start opening up to one another, allowing yourselves to be truly comfortable. The first time he makes you laugh, he can’t help but try to hear that sound again and again. It honestly is like music to him. I believe he has no shame in acting childish around you in order to put a smile on your face. One of the things you have made him more passionate about is music, having never really been interested in it growing up, it is completely new to him. He will often find you dancing around your shared kitchen, making a snack for the evening. He loves coming in and grabbing your waist, swaying to the music, both with huge grins plastered on your face. His life has been difficult so being able to share these moments with you is so important.
The song I associate with you guys would be "Baby" by Ariel Pink!
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chaekkung · 7 years
What kind of flaw does Hyungwon have in your own opinion?
sorry about the late reply! i was really… shaken yesterday by his selfie dljsjsks… tbh i would say hes flawless and perfect and the is the best boy in the world!! :( but honestly, he’s human and of course isn’t perfect, but regardless, i love him and think he’s the most wonderful boy in this world no matter what :(( 💗💗
one thing about hyungwon is that he lacks confidence in himself,,, which is ?? unthinkable people he’s literally ?? the best boy (not to be biased.. but i am) like for example, his singing… i feel like he’s hesitant to really /sing/ u kno? like during random times they play songs, and kh,mh,wh and even sn sing along, hw either stays quiet or is lipsyncing. and when they ask him to sing, he doesnt act like he doesnt want to but he goes for it anyway but only sings like.. 2 seconds :/ like he really doesnt think he is a good singer which is?? absurd. nd generally speaking, i feel like he doesnt Do A Lot because he just lacks the confidence to do it, and also i feel hes like a perfectionist, so he wants everything The Best and right… he’ll never ever stop trying to achieve more and become and better singer, performer, etc. in general because he just!! always wants to show us the Best side of him so we can be proud :/ but despite all this, he still makes a big effort to make us happy and to interact with us more (ksjsjs pls, a hard task but hes trying okay!!) and like, i know i complain a lot about him not posting content but its just bc i miss him a lot :( but honestly i know hes trying his best and just because he doesnt post a lot doesnt mean anything.. he loves us so much but he shows it in his own way. and i understand it and im just!! rlly so happy to be so loved. from an outsider’s perspective and people who don’t know him well, they wouldnt know how he loves and how much he loves. he’s really, a beautiful, wonderful, kind, and compassionate boy who just has so much love in him. i really wish more people can see that and understand him and learn to love him with all their heart :(( wishful thinking but thats really my Dream :/ alsjsjks oops i dont even know what im taking about anymore uh let me stop talking!! srry… this was me just rambling first thing in the morning :(
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kimquatz · 7 years
I'm not having fun with art anymore. When I first started it was fun but now I'm too focused on making every single drawing perfect even just sketches. I've been only drawing "seriously" for a little over a year and I'm already stressed about it so much. Tbh I rarely draw lately because when I do and my drawing starts going south I get so angry at myself for making a mistake, even more when I can't find the mistake. Do you have advice about how I can maybe get out of the perfectionist mindset?
hmm i understand ur problem abt trying to be too perfectionist abt ur art.. i catch myself doin it sometimes, and the only thing I’ve realized for myself is that when it comes to my own art–just don’t think about it too much.
OF COURSE, LIKE.. plan out ur drawing and whatnot, but i mean when it gets to the actual drawing process and u find urself focusing and reworking on the same spot for way longer than you’d expect yourself to–this is where i notice I’m thinking too hard about it.
When i notice this happens, my art actually becomes stiffer trying to be “perfect” bc im working too hard on area and i lose the “flow” in my art… I usually just erase it and try again–try to draw it with as minimal but also CONFIDENT strokes!! u gotta put faith in ur art! (and if u dont feel confident enough, studying always helps!)
if there’s anything I’ve learned about art, (and especially like.. if ur not goin for hyper-realism or naturalism haha) art is never “perfect”. what is this “perfect” we’re tryna get to anyway? LOL
Id say, when it comes to art, it’s totally fine to bend the physics of reality just enough for a good composition :P this may be because I’m more of a toon-y artist that i try to encourage this though HAHA
SRRY FOR RAMBLING i don’t know of any of this is actually very useful, but these are just things I’ve realized as an artist.
TLDR; dont focus too hard on the mistakes and learn to trust ur own art!! remember to have FUN with it!! cos if it aint fun for u, then that’s the opposite of what doin art as a hobby should be..?!
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