#<- just in case idk. this felt like a vent session yet also i genuinely would like help. how do i research???
alildritten · 1 year
Anybody else struggle with not knowing how to research things? It’s like, if I’m looking for something for school or something, oh yeah, sure, that’s easy. Done already. Nothing to worry about. Then it gets to something I’m interested in personally, and its always on such a broad topic of thing, and I’d have to know what specifically I’m searching for. But I don’t know what I want to search for specifically because I’m just getting started on that topic! Where do I look? Where am I looking? I certainly don’t know.
I’ve found the rabbit hole, but I don’t know how to leap in headfirst. I don’t even know how to stick my head in and take a peek. I know what I can see at the surface level, but what about all the underground tunnels? Each and every little branch?
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