Endless desert. -digital-lights (open.)
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“Well we finally arrived to this town...” Gex nodded a bit, having gone through the desert surely took the duo quite a while to get through finally after a long walk in the desert, the veedramon and the finally hackmon smiled at each other.
“Yeah!, it’s a nice place to be in!” Hacku smiled, having been a couple of times in the digimon world while being a royal knight actually helped him to know of a place to stay.
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“I am glad that we managed to get through!, that was quite a walk I don’t want to do that again... At least in a while.”He sighed and chuckled softly.
“Well we are still half way if we want to go back to the pokemon world... It seems we need to get through this city back to a warp zone.” Hacku warned him, the Veedramon giving a deep sigh.
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“Well we should keep going now, right?, how about we get some food first before we head out once more?” He wondered.
“That’s a good idea!, lets do that!” Hacku nodded and smiled some the draconic mon looking around for a merchant or someone that could help them get supplies.
“Hello!, do you know somebody that can help us with some supplies?, we are a little lost but we are able to do things for food!” The hackmon smiled warmly up to the other one.
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digital-lights · 6 years
Back into the digital world.-Digital lights.
“We are... back home huh?”Alphamon asked having traveled all night with Hacku and Lorelei the trio weren’t as happy but times had changed, much to their own selves wherever they were now had changed quite a lot from the world they had a vision previously from home.
“Or so it would seem!, we should be close to wherever it is... I hope it’s not so bad.”Jesmon nodded and smiled at his friend patting the side of the alphamon whose eyes were still a bit red from the departure with their friends though the other digimons looked back onto them as they were, at the time, Souless, somehow, they weren’t the same Gex or Rex they knew, somehow it felt bad for sure to see them as such, the agumon had also been the same but... Somehow it looked like a bad thing at the time.
“Hey... You three, don’t you stand around come this way.” though he went over and gasped a bit as the trio seemed to become eggs. Something happened during the transition that... None of them were able to become as such.
“O-Oh no... G-Guys...?” Alphamon gasped a bit, he didn’t expect this would be such an outcome,but maybe... They would be born as such once more.
“Unfortunate... We all should take care of them from now on...” The doumon took them up on their hands, it had never foreseen this outcome, but such was...
“Fate... This was their fate huh...?” Alphamon grew sadder, holding the eggs close to him, what a way to start their new adventure.
“Don’t worry Alphamon!, We... We will take care of them and they will be back in no time!, like you did with me!” Jesmon nodded and smiled warmly trying to cheer him up, however... It was a hard for him to do so.
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In between dragons. (closed starter.)
The whole group had managed to make it through a different set of trains, somehow having come through them and made their way throughout the “new” world they were about to take part of, for the group of five they had finally found out some way to enter into this different world, they had been away from home for far too long and probably they were going to be far away for a much longer amount of time.
“How far are we in here?” Hacku noticed the world had changed before their eyes, so many baby digimons roaming around the area as they greeted the “newer” mons.
“Pretty far... I would say we are getting really deep into this world... I hope it’s not too bad.” Gex sighed the veedramon looking outside and quietly awaiting to reach the next station.
“It’s pointless to ask, It’s gonna take a while and you guys are making it heavier than it should be.”The agumon grumbled a bit, Roxas getting a bit annoyed by their words.
Dorumon was just excited to see this new world, for him a totally new adventure since he had never been outside the human world and now a new gate opened. “It’s gonna be alright guys!, I can feel it!, we are gonna meet something amazing soon!” 
AncientGarurumon nodded, being quiet and meditating, holding his two long swords, this... Travel felt ever so familiar to him, he had the same sensation as dorumon as he could feel much of it.“I concurr, for now we should wait, there is no point in hurrying somewhere where we can’t really hurry up, right captain as he looked over the train, advisor, soon making a sound.”
“We must be in the station in about 5 minutes sir... Hang in there everyone!” The train spoke up as he got for sure a new life the digimon world filled with curiosities as they surely reached the station, a rough landing for them all could be felt as they finally made it there, all of them bound to be received by a bunch of digimons that were surely making some sort of party there.
“Welcome welcome visitors to this new land!” So many digimons and so little time to get to know them... They knew nothing of this land, and was a bit... Puzzling... Maybe someone would be able to help them out.
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Kumata knew nothing of the world he was currently visiting: Just that wherever he landed had natural landscapes as far as the eye could see, and that the weather wasn’t the best. He had been there for exactly a hour, and he already had spent three quarters of it sitting in a hollow cavern, waiting for a torrential downpour to pass.
After a while, the ursine sorcerer would hear footsteps, and soon enough, he was joined in his hiding place by who would be the first living creature he encountered here. Whoever or whatever they were, Kumata could tell they were soaking wet. Surely they too were taken by surprise by the storm.
He kept his back turned and signaled his presence with a tap of his foot. With no way of knowing how frequent talking grizzly bears were in this world, gauging the newcomer’s reactions before making any attempt to help them seemed like the best way not to scare them.
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Well the other two sighed a bit, Hacku and Dorumon having gone to explore a new world by themselcves was quite interesting, both were a little scared since they haven’t ended up in such a weather problem, Sighing a bit to each other as they looked around.
They wouldn’t really be all that impressed if they had heard the bear shaking and shivering a bit off from the storm that they have ended up in.
“Ugh... Hope the others are alright!, I didn’t expect for it to rain!” The hackmon, hacku sighed looking over to Dorumon as he smiled over to him.
“Well it’s our first time comming out to a different place in such a way!, I am glad you came with me!”Dorumon sighed and cleaned himself off for a bit, the small dragon being fond of the other one’s being there with him
“Oh yeah, I think it’s our first time to be like this!, and... Who might you be?” Hacku sniffed at the other one, the two dragons rumbling some at the other one.
“Oh Oh Oh!, are you a grizzlymon?”Dorumon wondered ever so curiously, thinking the other one was a digimon as well!, he had heard of some of those living around the forest area maybe he would be one?
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Open starter.
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“Ugh.. That was quite a battle... I am so beat...” The Veemon groaned taking care of the Koromon that had also passed out even after being born for a momment.
“Well, we made it from there!, It was quite intense to be back as this!” He giggled and bounced besides him.
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“Say you are quite the curious mon, though... You are a lower type than me?” He wondered curiously,
“Yup yup!, I am a koromon now, but I usually am a Hackmon... Alphamon should know of me.” He smiled some more at that.
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“Hackmon huh?, that’s a curious digimon name.”He thought for a momment while walking off the desert being completelyy quiet by themselves.
“Well we were part of the royal knights group just a few momments ago!, and that was amazing!” He laughed a bit and chuckled some more though stopped by seeing someone in front of them both.
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“Yeah... Huh?, who... Who goes there?!” The veemon growled at the other person, he still was quite weak but had the potential to fight whoever would come against them.
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The struggle... A battle in the desert. - Digital lights.
There was so much to think, the revelation from Rexshiks’ appearance and the knowledge that his family was so at risk, made that Gex’s worries would go up high, the veedramon sighing to himself after a few days from worriedsome thoughts, maybe... Just maybe someone helped his family get out of all those secret laboratories that they constantly found from place to place, he was the more worried when he felt something comming his way and the veedramon was attentive though... Everything would fade to black as he was alone on his place.
“Why you... Why are you even doing this?!”There was a voice comming from somewhere, the veedramon gasped as he blinked and woke up in middle of nowhere in a dream, the scenario was dark, a black dessert could be seen while he stood there in the middle of it.
“What do you mean?!, who goes there?!” Gex growled, ready to fight, however it was the more weirder since his voice was dry, and barely able to manage any sound, his tongue tripped and made it hard to manage a single world but... He watched, his eyes fiercely upon the other as he was judging... His family was in danger and he wasn’t going to let anybody do what they did to him again.
“You are making all of my plans fail!, everything I do is worthless.... Everything has been worthless!”The voice sorrounded him and echoed through his mind, what does this guy mean... What does he even speak of?, he didn’t understand, at least not at the momment. “You made my life misserable, you are the reason why I am here!, you may ask... Who am I?” 
His eyes finally took a bit of a glimpse to the sight of the lost quilava... “Z-Zackarie!” He gasped out, barely able to muster a word, though it was only a glimpse of the past that dragged him, his soul seemed to be incomplete... Such a fate was...
“I am dead... because of you!, you were the one that sent me there to die!, you were the reason why I am doing this... I am taking what you cared for... So... You suffer, you SUFFER for what happened to ME!” The grasp of two big hands clung around the veedramon as he tried to squirm out of the way of the Venom Myotismon... He had to run away!, he had to move out of the way... But... Karma surely reached to him, the Veedramon tried his best to squirm around as he wasn’t able to move out of his grasp, a sudden light comming to rescue him.
“OH NO YOU WON’T!”The voice of the egg reached him, now another digimon appeared, though it was only a spirit Jesmon/Hacku surely managed to save Gex from the impending doom, that was when the warrior had to act, and it wouldn’t stop him. “He saved all of us up till now!, even though you don’t believe in him... For what happened to you it was all a mistake!” 
“A mistake!?, you call my death a mistake!?, I will crush you all here and now!!!” The fervent battle started Gex watching the to colosal digimons from far away, he had to do something... But... His mind was somewhere else, he didn’t have that spark, his doubts were all set once more.
“Urg... Agh... Hng...” The veedramon tried to hang himself up. “B-But... If it’s my fault... I-If it’s... It’s I am... I am the reason why everyone is suffering...” He groaned outloud and screamed loudly, all of this was a secondary effect of the black desert, he was... Also lost from everything that’s going on.
“NO!, don’t you dare to give up now!, this is only the beginning, Gex wake up!” Dorumon speak up to him, having arrived there, the light of those that shared his destiny were there to help him in his time of doubts and need.”You didn’t kill him!, it wasn’t your fault!, I am sure there is something else out there!” 
“We are not done yet Gex, keep your head up high, you have also managed this far!, you can’t give up!”Rexshik soon reached him as well, more voices echoing on his mind.
“You know we are here for you, no matter what the peril is, if we have to bring someone down and get them back... That’s what we shall do!” Elyra spoke, voices and more voices reaching it.
“Elyra... Dorumon... Rex...” He barely could speak up, shivering on place as he struggled to move at all, slowly raising up.
“You can do it Bro!, I know that because I have seen you do it again and again!, this is not the end.. Just hang in there!” Kano spoke up as well.
“Gex!, please... d-don’t give up!, we need you... Everyone here believes in you!”Sonia spoke as well, the many voices finally reaching the umbreon.
“You are not weak, this is just another someone that is pushing you down... But if we have to fight... Then this is something we cannot afford to lose!” Roxas nodded at him, so many voices.
“E-Everyone...”  Gex looked back, it was all of his friends ready to fight even though their lights surely didn’t fully reach him and their spirits were with him.
“Yes... We are here Gex... You are never truly alone!” Jenna smiled and helped him up. Isaias nodding at him.
“Your friends gave me life... I will give you the energy that they did to help me out... You also are important to us you can’t fail here.”The curious Ninetales and vaporeon hybrid smiled warmly at him, the veedramon nodding at him.
“It’s time to strike back!, Gex give it your all!” The lion nodded and smiled at him, all of his friends had guided him so far... This couldn’t end here, in not a million years.
“Guys... You are right...” Even when none of them were together, their souls and  feelings reached to aid him through the darkest of times, the veedramon roared as he managed to evolve into Ulforce Veedramon, the blue giant roaring and going after the Venom Myotismon, the duo of Royal knights fighting back against him, they were going to make him pay.
“Urgh!, imposible!, you... You won’t defeat me like this!”He was throughly beaten up by the duo, the only ones that could actually fight while the others
“I will free you from your prison... And I will get you back to us, ZACKARIE!!!” The battle ended, and the desert dissappeared, only Jesmon and him being in the middle of nowhere, the souls of his friends helped him to stand up, as Jesmon slowly de-digivolved back into a baby digimon.
“Thank you Hacku... And everyone...” He sighed a bit as he looked around, he had to go back to all of them, this was a weird end for their struggle. They had the idea though, that Zackarie was out there, but he wasn’t where they were, Venom myotismon dissappeared into thin air, probably becomming an egg somewhere...
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“I wonder... What was it that meant to be so much to me in the past.” He tried to figure himself out, Having died once, it was a bit puzzling to him to be Hacku’s mind was wandering a bit as he had a couple of problems trying to remember his past.
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@okamisutaa taken from the ask.
The other one blinked.”Awww come on!, just once pleaaaaase?” He looked over to him with the puppiest eyes he could make, just look at him and say no, of course he had other plans in mind. “Maybe playing something else interest you!” 
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digital-lights · 6 years
tag dump.
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May we see again.- Digital-lights
“W-Why... Why is this happening...?” Dorumon couldn’t understand, the digimon had been expecting to live together with the others for a much longer time but it seemed that the cards had spoken the Taomon/Doumon hybrid sighed a bit.
“Your world and mine is different and much the same to Fox and Roxas’ None of us should be on the same world, the dimensions had started to collide a little too much and it seems we are out of time for them to go back to what they were...”The digimon shook their head, looking over to the others. 
“This Library is a connection made by the angels themselves, they asked me to deliver a message, a message that would be moving on with you all, we should separate our worlds for now... But we shall all meet again once more.” They spoke sighing a bit as they looked towards the ancient spirit, soon taking over their body and speaking up for each other.
“I-Isn’t anything else we could do together?, w-we have been for a long time like this!, uh... Isn’t there any other way?!”Gex asked he was nervous to see Dorumon, Fox and Hacku and Roxas go... He had never expected their adventures would come to an end like this, but it seemed to be different from what the librarian and ancient digimon had in store for them. 
“We believe the digimon world should close and go back to it’s place, although, I assume your bonds would not break but trascend back to what it should be... A Friendship that last centuries.”He took out a card for Gex, Rexshik, and Roxas writting something on them. 
“We will need your Royal knights selves... They will come with us to the digital world Dorumon and Hacku will need all the help they can have.” The trio gasped and struggled in place, The exveemon Lobomon and black Agumon went out of their bodies, Looking like the other three however... They were asleep as if something else could be felt from them.
“I-If... This will help for them to be with us... T-Then... I don’t mind one bit...” Gex groaned and panted as he was looking at himself, the one that he used for a while made him a little... Odd to see himself as such.
“Certainly... I-I don’t mind in the least... It was... It was fun that we had such an adventure here...” Rexshik groaned and panted heavily looking over to Roxas who was quietly crying.
It was different for the Dragon though, eyes looking sad, and shaking his head, he hadn’t felt like this in a while but he had to do something... His mind went off a tangent and then he ran off.“T-Then.. I-I will go now... There is nothing else for me here...” Roxas had received quite the unusual feeling he had never expected this to happen.
“A-Ah!, wait!, Roxas!” Fox gasped a bit as he tried to follow the other one looking back at the others as he held tight the digivice, he wasn’t as bad with goodbyes but looked back at them.
“I-I am sure... I am sure we will meet someday!” Gex smiled and nodded a bit.”Keep that Digivice for you!, It’s a reminder from us!”He gave him a thumbs up, the captain nodded and looked away, though he wasn’t as bad with goodbyes... It was still a sad thing that they wouldn’t see each other in a looong while.
“Of course in the name of the star fox crew I will... I will always have you all in my heart!” He smiled and held it tight, following Roxas quickly.
“Good...”Gex chuckled a bit softly and groaned he knew Roxas wasn’t going to come back anytime soon but he spoke on his mind having that sort of connection with the other one.“I will see you again too Roxas...” Roxas looked over to him quietly and somberly with a soft nod, he didn’t like any sort of goodbyes either.
Though their adventure would cut to an end... It seems that they would continue in different ways, the group had to say their goodbyes as well soon looking over to dorumon as he had become the royal knight.
“Gex... Rex... Fox... Roxas... Everyone... Thank you so much... I hope we do meet again... I wish you all the best of luck in your own worlds.” Alphamon took the other digimons with him into another way, it seemed to be like a goodbye in one sense or another but right now... There was so much to see
“We will see again someday guys!, I am sure!”Hacku was sobbing a bit in the background having tried to follow Roxas but having been stopped by the others.
“We apologize for this sudden break... I am sure you all can find you way outside of here, you will go back to meet your family and I will make sure the rest of the digimons go back into the pokemon world.”Lorelei had stopped to be ancient wisemon, sighing a bit as he felt quite bad to see them go as such, but maybe this was fate... One fate that they couldn’t run away from.
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“Father’s day huh?”Fox sighed and looked away for sure not really having much to do that day as he watched off many people celebrate their father’s days or not really he was a tad nervous when it always came to those days. 
He shook his head and sighed“Dunno where the old man is... Can’t really celebrate him.” He gave a shrug, holding his scarf close though
“I wouldn’t count on celebrate mine... If you think celebrating Xehanort out of all people to be ‘my father’...” Roxas shivered in place, a shiver down his spine surely made him annoyed.
“I barely have seen mine either.”Gex shrugged and watched the others looking at Dorumon who had evolved into alphamon.
“Alphamon... My dad was really important to me so... I will probably get some flowers for him as well.” He nodded a bit softly, pretty solemn.
“Well I can’t tell if he lives or not, mine also had left me a while ago, and never head of my family again.”Rex crossed his arms looking at the others while the Hackmon smiled at them all.
“Well I can say you are all my dads!, you have taken care of me and I appreciate y’all greatly!” He smiled some at that, tail wagging as he jumped around them.
“Hackmon you...”Roxas gasped and coughed a bit, not really expecting that from the digimon.
“Come on guys!, cheer up!, it’s another day and a nice one at that!, Lets keep exploring!” He smiled some and moved them all off.
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24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
The koromon smiled some.”My outlook on life is protect and serve those that need it!, I love to take care of others more than I take care of myself… But I am still learning of this world once more so, I like to do so!” He smiled and bounced around cheerfully.
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Also with the plot Hacku has been unlocked, there is a small description of him and will soon update the others.
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And!, I might go try to get a job soonish... Just if I may be a bit spacy here and there might be because of that, will continue with some of the rps on going around here but might hav less time than I usually do.
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