The struggle... A battle in the desert. - Digital lights.
There was so much to think, the revelation from Rexshiks’ appearance and the knowledge that his family was so at risk, made that Gex’s worries would go up high, the veedramon sighing to himself after a few days from worriedsome thoughts, maybe... Just maybe someone helped his family get out of all those secret laboratories that they constantly found from place to place, he was the more worried when he felt something comming his way and the veedramon was attentive though... Everything would fade to black as he was alone on his place.
“Why you... Why are you even doing this?!”There was a voice comming from somewhere, the veedramon gasped as he blinked and woke up in middle of nowhere in a dream, the scenario was dark, a black dessert could be seen while he stood there in the middle of it.
“What do you mean?!, who goes there?!” Gex growled, ready to fight, however it was the more weirder since his voice was dry, and barely able to manage any sound, his tongue tripped and made it hard to manage a single world but... He watched, his eyes fiercely upon the other as he was judging... His family was in danger and he wasn’t going to let anybody do what they did to him again.
“You are making all of my plans fail!, everything I do is worthless.... Everything has been worthless!”The voice sorrounded him and echoed through his mind, what does this guy mean... What does he even speak of?, he didn’t understand, at least not at the momment. “You made my life misserable, you are the reason why I am here!, you may ask... Who am I?” 
His eyes finally took a bit of a glimpse to the sight of the lost quilava... “Z-Zackarie!” He gasped out, barely able to muster a word, though it was only a glimpse of the past that dragged him, his soul seemed to be incomplete... Such a fate was...
“I am dead... because of you!, you were the one that sent me there to die!, you were the reason why I am doing this... I am taking what you cared for... So... You suffer, you SUFFER for what happened to ME!” The grasp of two big hands clung around the veedramon as he tried to squirm out of the way of the Venom Myotismon... He had to run away!, he had to move out of the way... But... Karma surely reached to him, the Veedramon tried his best to squirm around as he wasn’t able to move out of his grasp, a sudden light comming to rescue him.
“OH NO YOU WON’T!”The voice of the egg reached him, now another digimon appeared, though it was only a spirit Jesmon/Hacku surely managed to save Gex from the impending doom, that was when the warrior had to act, and it wouldn’t stop him. “He saved all of us up till now!, even though you don’t believe in him... For what happened to you it was all a mistake!” 
“A mistake!?, you call my death a mistake!?, I will crush you all here and now!!!” The fervent battle started Gex watching the to colosal digimons from far away, he had to do something... But... His mind was somewhere else, he didn’t have that spark, his doubts were all set once more.
“Urg... Agh... Hng...” The veedramon tried to hang himself up. “B-But... If it’s my fault... I-If it’s... It’s I am... I am the reason why everyone is suffering...” He groaned outloud and screamed loudly, all of this was a secondary effect of the black desert, he was... Also lost from everything that’s going on.
“NO!, don’t you dare to give up now!, this is only the beginning, Gex wake up!” Dorumon speak up to him, having arrived there, the light of those that shared his destiny were there to help him in his time of doubts and need.”You didn’t kill him!, it wasn’t your fault!, I am sure there is something else out there!” 
“We are not done yet Gex, keep your head up high, you have also managed this far!, you can’t give up!”Rexshik soon reached him as well, more voices echoing on his mind.
“You know we are here for you, no matter what the peril is, if we have to bring someone down and get them back... That’s what we shall do!” Elyra spoke, voices and more voices reaching it.
“Elyra... Dorumon... Rex...” He barely could speak up, shivering on place as he struggled to move at all, slowly raising up.
“You can do it Bro!, I know that because I have seen you do it again and again!, this is not the end.. Just hang in there!” Kano spoke up as well.
“Gex!, please... d-don’t give up!, we need you... Everyone here believes in you!”Sonia spoke as well, the many voices finally reaching the umbreon.
“You are not weak, this is just another someone that is pushing you down... But if we have to fight... Then this is something we cannot afford to lose!” Roxas nodded at him, so many voices.
“E-Everyone...”  Gex looked back, it was all of his friends ready to fight even though their lights surely didn’t fully reach him and their spirits were with him.
“Yes... We are here Gex... You are never truly alone!” Jenna smiled and helped him up. Isaias nodding at him.
“Your friends gave me life... I will give you the energy that they did to help me out... You also are important to us you can’t fail here.”The curious Ninetales and vaporeon hybrid smiled warmly at him, the veedramon nodding at him.
“It’s time to strike back!, Gex give it your all!” The lion nodded and smiled at him, all of his friends had guided him so far... This couldn’t end here, in not a million years.
“Guys... You are right...” Even when none of them were together, their souls and  feelings reached to aid him through the darkest of times, the veedramon roared as he managed to evolve into Ulforce Veedramon, the blue giant roaring and going after the Venom Myotismon, the duo of Royal knights fighting back against him, they were going to make him pay.
“Urgh!, imposible!, you... You won’t defeat me like this!”He was throughly beaten up by the duo, the only ones that could actually fight while the others
“I will free you from your prison... And I will get you back to us, ZACKARIE!!!” The battle ended, and the desert dissappeared, only Jesmon and him being in the middle of nowhere, the souls of his friends helped him to stand up, as Jesmon slowly de-digivolved back into a baby digimon.
“Thank you Hacku... And everyone...” He sighed a bit as he looked around, he had to go back to all of them, this was a weird end for their struggle. They had the idea though, that Zackarie was out there, but he wasn’t where they were, Venom myotismon dissappeared into thin air, probably becomming an egg somewhere...
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The kitten of a war.
It was time, time that the son of a respected family and loved by many had to escape from the war that the lightes were having against the organization, leading to many resort to run away from it’s tactics, a alola ninetales and a Incineroar had made their way through the escape route, few mons guiding them through it all, this being a way to get out of the many problems that they had found throughout their time inside this institute that had been holding all of them back however... Their time had come to an end, the explosion of this same universe was about to be just a memory.
“Quickly Rose!, we got no time!, get in there!” The Incineroar growled outloud, trying to keep them all safe as he made a way for them all.
“I am not leaving without you, you moron!, we oughta get the kid on safety first!” She shook her head, a special capsule waiting for them on the end of it, though the explosions have made themselves louder and louder, there was no way to escape, trying to make everyone go in.”Besides!, Victor is the one that has all memories of us!, he is our special child.”
“Of course my ice queen, lets... Lets get him in, we can get our way out of here!, I am sure we can!” Cinder nodded at the his mate, smiling before looking at the young child, he was about to be send to a unknown place... Somewhere he didn’t know of.
“M-Mommy!, daddy!” He cried out, Victor the Litten had already been placed there... not able to save his parents of such a unconfortable situation was quite the heavy impact, as if it was just... A parody of a unprecedent movie, he was sent out towards the unknown space, his parents waving off at him... What could have happened to them?, he wasn’t sure, nevertheless all he knew from back then became just a memory, the kitten being sent towards the earth where his new life was about to become a new, the heavy object traveling through space and time towards it’s destination was a thing.
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