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punrifyingflame · 5 years
@superiormimicry liked for a starter
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“She sees seashells...” Lailah was standing at the beach, arms folded in deep thought. “Seashells.... see-shells.... see the sea-shells... the sea sees seashells.”
Whatever pun she was going for, it seemed like it needed a little work still.
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
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“Oh, hello! Would you like your fortune told?” Lailah held out her paper cards with a smile. It’d been a while since she’d done this, and it was always interesting.
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
It had been a good day, already. It was fun to spend time with Martel, Lailah had found- ever since they’d met at a craft show, the other woman had been good company. It was natural to want to spend a little more time together, she assumed, so of course she was happy to meet up to visit the amusement park.
They’d gone on a ferris wheel together, talking and enjoying the view, when she noticed that they’d stopped moving at the top.
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“It would seem that.... we’ve stopped.”
Oh my.
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
@gemmedchild liked for a starter
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“So you fold like that, and then like that... and there! A flower.” Lailah smiled as she held up the origami blossom to the boy, a pile of paper beside her. Folding was one of her favourite past times, and she was always happy to share it with others. “Would you like me to teach you? Or I could show you others as well, I know quite a few.”
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
@doctorgneiss liked for a starter
Lailah had to say, she didn’t think she’d ever seen anything quite like that chair before. It made her wonder if Sorey would be interested in something like that- he was rather fond of unique things, although he seemed to like ruins more than anything else.
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“Where did you find that? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.” And she was pretty old. “Is it like those... floating boards people have here?”
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
Lailah had noticed a figure atop the chapel, looking out over the handful of people milling about. She’d grown a little curious, admittedly, and gone up herself. A little familiar, she thought to herself- he had a youthful spirit.
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“Do you like to watch the people as well?” She smiled gently as she knelt down beside him, looking as people went about their business below. “There’s much you can see, when you watch from a distance. It can be as though the ground is a whole other world.”
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
@omgaoneko liked for a starter
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“This time of year is wonderful, wouldn’t you say? So much genuine emotion- truly, it is beautiful.” Lailah had started talking, caught up for a moment in the atmosphere on the streets. 
“And of course, the sweets don’t hurt.” She smiled a little, laughing. All of the pastries and chocolates were a rather nice bonus, in her opinion.
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
014. from behind hug .
touch meme . send one to do to my muse .
“Hmm?” Lailah looked down at the feeling of arms around her, recognizing Edna. She smiled gently, patting the shorter seraph’s hands. Everyone could use a hug sometimes- and while Edna acted quite tough, even she needed a little support from time to time.
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“Why, thank you for the hug, Edna. You’re sweet.”
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
@astruums liked for a starter
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“A shooting star.. how lovely.” Lailah had been watching the sky, before noticing another was nearby. “It seems there’s a meteor shower going on tonight. Were you watching as well?”
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
@howlingstcrm liked for an event starter
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“They’re decorative,” Lailah offered while gesturing to the swords on display, “meant for display, more than fighting. Were you wondering about that?”
People would sometimes wonder why she would bring blades to art shows, but she considered them to be art as well. And, seeing the smiles of people who could appreciate various types of art made any questions well worth it.
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
“Do you think this would suit me, Zaveid?” Lailah held up a simple red sundress, turning to look at her friend. It was fun to be able to just relax with the people she knew from time to time, and of course having a little fun shopping around never hurt.
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“Oh my, look at this one! Zaveid, you should try it! I think it’s perfect for you!” The shirt in question was one with a large (and rather cheesy) kitten print covering the entire front, held up for the man to see. Lailah’s enthusiasm was genuine, as always- she wasn’t the sort to lie about a thing like this! “You must try it on.”
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
“Edna, there you are!” Lailah smiled at the child from the schoolyard, waving her over. School had just let out, and Lailah had come to pick her up and supervise for the evening. “How was your day? Did you learn anything new?”
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Smiling, she turned to go. “How would you like to come to my studio today? You can make some pottery, if you’d like.”
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
@rainfect liked for a starter
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“Oh- are you out for a walk today as well? I find this place is good when I want to simply think about things.” Lailah smiled at the other, turning and looking back to the path. She’d come to this area- saviour’s respite- more often in the last while since having found it, often to just think for a while. “I hope you won’t mind my company a while.”
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
@bashfulherbalist liked for a starter
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“Excuse me- do you think you could lend me a hand? I’m searching for a cafe.” Lailah smiled as she spoke, looking to the other. “I was told it’s somewhere around here, and that it had excellent pastries, but I wasn’t given much more than that... would you happen to know where one might be?”
She should have asked about the name at the time, but it’d slipped her mind- however, she wouldn’t mind finding new places either way.
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
Embers of Fate [Subversion part 2]
Words: 1056
Lailah was, suffice to say, a little bit confused.
She had woken up in a place only just vaguely familiar to her, immediately being told that something horrible had happened by the item- a phone, her memory supplied her with- on her nightstand. She had no real context of when she’d arrived here (again) and how she’d arrived here (again), but she supposed now wouldn’t be the best time to ask those questions. Rather, it would be a better thing to ask how to help this person, who was supposedly ill.
According to this phone, the other Lailah was still within the city. There was nothing indicating she had even left the sector, in fact- she too was still in Archimedes, so apparently she hadn’t been the sort to run.
However, while Lailah could say there was a familiarity to this… setting, and even to some of the faces she passed by, she couldn’t say she quite remembered here. She did, but didn’t- odd. It was all very odd. Who was she to discuss oddity, though? After all, she was visible here, an oddity of itself! But that at least was a welcome one, to know that she could talk to more than just the shepherd and his squires.
Her searching through the ward was more of a brisk walk through it- she in truth wasn’t terribly sure where she should be going or where this other her would be, so it was best to familiarize herself with the area. It didn’t seem like her double was moving at all, or at least the app wasn’t telling her as much- which was for the best. That seemed good.
Eventually, her walking led her away from the cobbled streets and out to a quieter area. Delicate flowers lined the path, bringing a smile to her face- it was some place she was sure would’ve been nice to visit with Sorey and the others. And perhaps she could- the vague recollections that seemed to be getting a little clearer made her believe her friends and companions could be here.
A gasp escaped her lips as she looked to the end of the path, a young woman looking the same as her (although dressed differently) standing and staring out towards the sea, hair waving in the breeze. This had to be her double, the other Lailah- she could sense the hints of anxiety in the air like buddings of malevolence, but it was finding no hold in her heart.
“This place is… beautiful, don’t you think?” An unexpected question from her other, still turned to face away from the seraph. Her voice was quiet enough that it was almost lost to the wind- but Lailah had spent many years listening in to the whispered prayers of those in Ladylake. It wasn’t terribly hard for her to hear, not with a little focus. “It’s called Filotimo here- savior’s respite. Beautiful, but… tragic.”
The sound of waves crashing against the cliffs below washed away the sound of words, the only thing left to disturb the silence hanging over them being the sounds of birds and sea. Lailah could understand the implications- a place like this, a name like that… it would not be the first time she’d known of a place used in human sacrifice.
“Yes… tragic indeed. Why are you here, then?”
“I’m not quite sure, to be honest. I suppose I wanted to be… away from people. I may be from a city, but it can still be overwhelming at times. Do you understand?”
Her double turned to face her now, and Lailah smiled with a shake of her head.
“That may be a difficult question for me to answer. It is not easy to be in places with large amounts of humans, at times- I am not like you, although I suppose you may have gathered that already.” Her double nodded, a light smile on her face as Lailah continued. “Human emotion- be they good or bad- have the capacity to impact my health, and the health of those like me.”
“Then, wouldn’t it be best to live away from humans? If they could cause you harm so easily.”
“Perhaps… and that is what some of my kind do. But I believe, even if they have capacity for cruelty and hatred, they have an even greater potential for kindness and growth. A human being may not have magic- but they have the power to change who they are, something that differs from us seraphim. And I love that potential- the potential of a second chance.”
“I see.” Her double paused for a moment, bringing a finger to her lip, before smiling widely. “You’re the sort of person I’d hoped another me might be. I can’t say that I fully understand exactly what you are- but had things gone differently, I would’ve liked to talk more with you.”
“And I, you.”
“It would be best not to delay much longer, correct? I’ve heard talk of things- I’ll admit, half of me wants to run away at this very moment.”
“Yes, likely for the best then. It was nice to meet you- farewell.”
She smiled as she held her phone out to the other Lailah, watching as she faded into the air before holding the device close to her chest. There were thoughts, feelings, emotions that lingered- plenty of things she was certain she would need time to sort through, but she would have time. She always had the time to do so, now would not be any different from the rest.
Had things worked out differently, it would’ve been quite fun to get to know the other her, she was certain. Had she been human, she wondered what her life might’ve been like- but something like that was impossible to comprehend for a seraph who had lived as long as she had, who had seen as much as she had.
Where one adventure ends, another would begin.
There was a lot she had to figure out now, for certain, and she would in time. But now it was time for her to find her way back to the city proper- her other had been calm, but it was possible that others may not be as lucky. If she could help some calm down, then that would be wonderful.
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punrifyingflame · 5 years
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“Oh, Jude.” Lailah smiled, waving to the young man. She’d just been about to grab lunch, and she couldn’t help but notice that he looked a touch tired. Some good food could help then, perhaps! “Would you like to join me for lunch? It’s quite alright if you’re already busy, of course.”
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