#;;I spared and let Zevran go in my Origins
lothrilzul · 1 year
Cullen, sitting on the stairs in the Gallows after the Champion left:
Zevran: What a day, my friend.
Cullen, squinting: Do I... Do I know you?
Zevran: Ah, my name is Zevran Arainai, last time we have met you were trapped behind a magical barrier.
Cullen, having flashbacks to the Kinloch incident: You were with the Warden, right?
Zevran: Yes. My friend, may I ask you something?
Cullen: Not like this day can get any worse.
Zevran: Good. Now, I noticed your hair is a mess, yes? What products do you use?
Cullen: What.
Zevran: It looks better than years ago, yes, but it's still not good. You see my beautiful, flowing tresses, hm? May I recommend you some good antivan haircare routine?
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scribbledquillz · 1 year
20 and 25 for Revka from the list you posted today c:
Edgy/misc OC ask meme ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Mo you are a treasure, thank you for enabling me to continue gushing about my idiots. 🥰
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
I'm going to be an obsessed shipper and approach this from an angle of romance/relationship jealousy just to spare myself from my tendency to write fricken novel length answers lol
I would say with Revka during Origins it isn't so much that she's prone to being jealous so much as she's just - not in a good place to deal with feelings of inadequacy. She's carrying a LOT through all of the Blight, and romance at all was the last thing on her mind when she joined the Wardens. It's a huge part of why she tried to deny her feelings for Zevran as staunchly as she did for a while there, even when it was blatantly obvious to everyone else.
Her being able to let herself become romantically involved in that time is already risking a lot for her, because it's one more thing that's at risk of being destroyed by the Blight. She needs it to remain simple as possible, to let this be something between just her and Zevran for a while without extra complications. Hence why she turns down the threesome with Isabela at the Pearl - it isn't that she wouldn't be interested at some point, or that she'd be jealous of Zevran being involved with Bela. Just that it's one more set of strings added to the knotted mess they're already dealing with.
After the Blight, however, I could see this changing. She's secure in her relationship with Zevran, knows he loves her and that at the end of the day they're committed to one another and will always come home to each other. So long as there's communication and clear expectations/boundaries set she's all good. I really do for example see potential for both her and Zevran to become involved with Fenris in a FWB turned throuple situation - even if just in an au.
With Ceral, well - his best friend is a literal spirit of Love, so the more the merrier. 😂
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
For Revka it's how she loves and cares for those she's close to, regardless of how determined she is to keep it under wraps. She is an extremely devoted and loyal person to those she's fond of, and does not hesitate when there's something within her power to do that would help them or comfort them.
And for Ceral, it's his optimism. He goes into each day determined to see the best in it and in everyone. He has the maturity to approach negative happenings or feelings in a way that's constructive and beneficial rather than getting caught up in dread or helplessness - more often than not anyway. Like his sister he cares deeply, but he's far more liberal with his affections than Revka. He's just an all around good dude who wants the best for everyone, and doesn't let the bastards get him down.
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
I love helping other people procrastinate! What’s your “canon” DA playthrough? Like protags for all three games, their LIs, etc? (Sorry if you already detailed this somewhere else, new follower lol.)
You know, I don't think I ever have gone through it. So just some basics:
Origins and Awakening: Tahel Surana, blood mage/arcane warrior/battlemage (in case you were wondering his constitution always ends up hysterically high, usually higher than most of the warriors in the group. I believe my record is 91 con?). Romanced Zevran because I cannot resist him. He is having the best time of all my protags, he is a baby freshly-Harrowed mage and now he gets to leave the Circle and never go back? Aside from the whole Blight thing this is the best year of his life! Although he's very confused by all this outside stuff and would like the others to stop expecting him to know things. Please, he hasn't gone outside in like five years, he's struggling enough with things like getting rained on, stop putting all these decisions on his head. In terms of major choices he saved the Circle, used lyrium to help Connor, broke the werewolf curse, put Bhelen on the throne of Orzammar, spared Loghain, did the ritual to survive killing the Archdemon, and put Alistair and Anora on the throne. He then improved slightly at leadership as Warden-Commander, where he saved the Vigil and allied with the Architect, and has not heard the end of it from either the Amaranthine nobles or the Warden higher-ups ever since.
2: Garrett Hawke, force mage. He romanced Fenris, because even though I keep meaning to romance Anders Gideon Emery's sexy, sexy voice acting gets me every time. Purple/blue Hawke, with which one ends up as his active personality changing run to run. Kirkwall is very stressful but it's his city so he deals with it, largely through snark. He is going to get his friends through all this absolute nonsense if it kills him, Maker help him (it might kill him, why are these people always getting into so much trouble). Sided with the mages at every opportunity of course, and also made Carver a Grey Warden because it's a thousand times better than the alternative. Cullen only survives this game because Hawke isn't allowed to stab him and Varric's story is basically 90% Varric scrambling to talk his way around all the incredibly illegal stuff that Hawke did in order to further the mages' cause.
Inquisition: Alaris Lavellan, rift mage (he would be a blood mage but Bioware rudely didn't allow that in DAI so that's not in gameplay), He Of The Ever-Changing Name. I'll pick one and stick with it one of these days, but basically if you see me talking about a male mage Lavellan (or... really just any male Lavellan) it's probably this guy. Romanced... well I alternate between Bull and Dorian, but in my heart they're in a polycule. The living embodiment of "Can I please go home now". If he didn't think the Inquisition would fully have him murdered if he left he probably would've gone back to his clan basically the first chance he got. Has reached the point where if someone tried to assassinate him he might just let them, but on the bright side he's learning so much about how other people live, which is nice except for how they keep shitting on his people. May or may not be slightly possessed by a Dalish god, but that's not important. As for choices, he allied with the mages, put Briala in charge of Orlais, kept the Wardens in Orlais (he wouldn't have forced them to help the Inquisition if he'd had that option, but apparently he's not allowed to just refuse to judge the organization that is in no way under the Inquisition's jurisdiction), sided with the ancient elves, drank from the Well, made Leliana Divine, disbanded the Inquisition the first chance he got and intends to save Solas from his own idiocy. Also, absolutely has a super cool prosthetic made of Fade rocks.
So, there we go! Probably the most information on my canon DA run I've put out at once. Know that they're all Doing Their Best and I love them.
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villainanders · 2 years
if u feel so inclined, I would love to hear more about Deara (or any other dragon age ocs tbh) :3
anon i am kissing you on the lips ty for asking about her
idk specifically what you want to know about so i am just going to infodump about daera okay go.
okay so daera is my first and canon hero of ferelden she's a dwarf noble warrior. before the events of the game she was more or less uninterested in politics - her popularity with the assembly mostly stems from her being an extremely capable warrior and a charismatic leader. she never really has aspirations for the throne and was pretty happy with the idea that she would spend her life as a general defending her home from the darkspawn. she also bought into orzammar's traditions very easily - she was empathetic, but too privileged to have ever seen the dark side of the caste system and never questioned that it was the natural order of things
so when her origin happens and she gets exiled it's a massive blow because she's lost everything, but also because she feels like she's lost everything that made her a dwarf by being sent to the surface. so she ends up completely throwing herself into being a grey warden, wanting to die as honorably as possible fighting darkspawn
but then SIKE she goes to the surface and she makes FRIENDS and she starts realizing how limited her understanding of the world has been. her first and best friend in the game is alistair they're just. meathead jocks who give each other shit and love each other to death. she also romanced zevran - initially really just planning for it to be a causal fling/fwb relationship because she did come into this fully intending to die fighting the darkspawn and has never really looked past ending the blight. but eventually she begins to realize she's in love with him and wants to be with him for as long as she can. they are everything to me, chaotic murder duo. elf assassin and his small berserker wife who beats people to death with her shield
anyway when she goes back to orzammar she's feeling like pretty hot shit. she's made a name for herself on the surface solving like everyone's problems and she wants desperately to go back and prove herself to her homeland and show what a liar bhelen is. that is... not the situation she walks in on. instead everything she's been realizing about her home is in her face as problems that Are Not Going Away, and she has to choose between harrowmont, who she trusts and has always been like an uncle to her but is holding up a system that she knows is morally wrong and her evil baby brother who personally caused every single one of her problems but might be exactly what orzammar needs for the future ("i've known bhelen his entire life and this is the first time i'm hearing that he's a fucking democrat" - daera returning to orzammar, probably)
and... she chooses harrowmont
and it's a hard choice but her rationale is that while he's set in his ways, she genuinely believes he's a good man and he will listen to her if she pushes him hard enough, whereas bhelen will do the right thing now that it benefits him, but who knows what will come in the future (this is the only choice in my canon that I don't make in ANY of my other playthroughs lol). but she also didn't expect bhelen to actively try to take over after that, and in the ensuing fight, she's the one who kills him - making her an actual kinslayer, the thing she was falsely accused of in the first place
anyway she leaves orzammar deeply troubled and worried that she might have doomed it, but still tentatively believing that she made the right call. then blah blah blah plot stuff. she made alistair king largely because she did not trust anora (the scheming gave her bhelen vibes) and her first instinct was to spare loghain to help end the blight, but when alistair pushed back as hard as he did, she relented and let him execute him. and then they go and prepare for the final battle
when daera finds out one of them is going to have to die to kill the archdemon, there's never really any question that it needs to be her. alistair is too important now and, well... she had always planned on this, right? dying honorably ending the blight was exactly why she decided to join the grey wardens instead of being another dead dwarf in the deep roads. but now she kind of doesn't want to die. as much as she feels like she never wants to go back home now, she's also found out that she loves living on the surface and she loves her friends and she loves zevran and she doesn't want that to be over
so when morrigan tells her her deal, she's conflicted. she loves morrigan but she also doesn't trust her. she knows that the old gods were what caused the blight in the first place and she's worried that unleashing one will cause something even worse. the darkspawn have been an immediate threat her entire life to the point of being at the brink of wiping out her entire culture and if she does something that could endanger it further - and the entire world at large - for her own selfish reasons, she feels like the worst kind of traitor. how could she take the throne from bhelen, how could she kill bhelen for not trusting his motives when she would consider something like this?
... but she really doesn't want to die yet
so she asks alistair to do the ritual (I have a lot of thoughts about the dark ritual and what happens after that I wont go into here lol) and neither of them die and everything is GOOD except now she keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop. the only reason she's alive is because she betrayed the core value of what the wardens are so she really doesn't want to be doing grey warden shit in awakening (she ended up sparing the architect for reasons that are. too long for me to get into in this already way too long post lmao but needless to say she feels deeply conflicted about that too). she returns to orzammar sometimes to fight with harrowmont with political shit but can't really stomach being there for too long. she already feels like she's failed it in more ways than she can admit and she feels like she should stay and fight for a better future, but also it feels like she bought her life on the world's borrowed time and she wants to make use of it
eventually she leaves to go to antiva with zevran and help him with his stuff there, which feels a lot better because fighting for him is something she knows is worth fighting for. and they're happy there and she finds out she loves big cities and the sun and the ocean, but its always a little tempered by knowing that the world thinks of her as a hero when she feels like she's failed it in so many ways. but also she’s alive and she gets to keep hanging out with her sexy elf boyfriend so, you know, she would do it again
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puffy-shirt · 3 years
Hi! I was browsing the DA tag and saw your new Wardens. Have you decided on their personalities, classes/specializations, or romances yet? C:
Eyyy! Thanks for asking :) I know you asked abt my new wardens, but I haven't actually talked about a lot of my older ones either! So I'm using this as my excuse :P
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-Ro Surana: Female/Elf/Mage (Sword); Arcane Warrior/Shapeshifter(Spider)/Battlemage ♡ Alistair
Dog: Dog
Ro is my oldest and most beloved warden. She is loving, smart, and has a great sense of humor, but above all she has a strong sense of justice and a fire in her heart. Her and Alistair are married im Redcliffe after the blight and they stay wardens together. If they find a way to rid themselves of the taint, they have a daughter together 🥺💗
-Helena Cousland: Female/Human/Warrior (Sword and Sheild); Berzerker/Champion/Spirit Warrior ♡ Zevran
Dog: Prince
Helena is one of the youngest (in terms of her age) of my wardens and one of my favorites! The loss of her family is a horrific event that turns her temperament angry and spiteful. She can't stand alistiars constant jokes. She can't stand Leliana's piousness. Basically she can only stand her dog, and zevran (who she has a tumultuous but overall loving relationship with). After the blight she stays with him, but they never marry.
- Persephone Aeducan: Female/Dwarf(Noble)/Warrior (Greatsword); Champion/Templar/Guardian ♡ Gorrim
Dog: Aeducan
Persephone was a born leader, and player in the game of politics. She is wicked intelligent and cunning. Her and Gorrim have a long illicit relationship and they just adore each other. Pers is just... absolutely heartbroken when Gorrim tells her he is married. She knows they still love each other and always will. After the blight she returns to take her rightful place in orzammar, gorrim along side her. I have two minds about her ending tho... half of me headcannons that gorrim lied about having a wife, believing that was the only way persephone would let him go so that he wouldn't burden her. In that scenario, they return to orzammar together and resume their relationship - now open about it. In the scenario where he was truthful, he never really loved his wife, but they all follow Persephone to orzammar. There, there is a lot of pining for each other and persephone keeps him on a tight (metaphorical) leash.
- Mason Cousland: Male/Human/Warrior (Dual Blades); Templar/Champion/Guardian ♡ Anora
Dog: Hound
Mason was designed to be the pinnacle of the noble character trope. He is the noble prince, the righteous king. Him and Alistair are best buddies. However, Mason decides the right thing to do is spare Loghain and give him a chance at redemption. He is HEARTBROKEN when this causes his best friend to leave. Mason marries Anora, and I have this entire story written out (in my head) about their relationship and how they fall in love after the blight. They have two children, and Mason is beloved by all as king.
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- Rose Amell: Female/Human/Mage; Blood Mage/Spirit Healer/Keeper ♡ Alistair
Dog: King
Rose is... hmmm... I really love her, but ultimately she is a coward. She wants to do the right thing, but is soft. Ultimately her fear of failure causes her to turn to blood magic, as she believes that is the only way she would be able to beat the darkspawn. She sees Alistair as her knight in shining armor, and stays his consort/lover when he becomes the sole ruler of fereldan.
- Ariya Tabris: Female/Elf(City)/Rogue (Dual Blades); Assasin/Duelist/Shadow ♡ Alistair
Dog: Mutt
Ariya is my chameleon character, originally from the elder scrolls universe, that I've come to insert into every rpg I can hahaha. She is a sourpuss who can't say anything that doesn't come out as sarcastic. She also struggles a lot with addiction problems to both alcohol and lyruim. Her and Alistair get together, however he leaves her to become king. This obviously upsets her, and when morrigan tells her of the ritual, she decides not to tell alistiar about it, a decision she regrets for the rest of her life. She intends to sacrifice herself at the battle of denerim, and is horrified when alistoar beats her to it.
- Lienna Mahariel: Female/Elf(Dalish)/Rogue (Archer); Ranger/Assasin  ♡ Tamlen
Dog: Vhenan
One of my newer ones! I wanted to make a spicy ass elf maiden who was inseparable with her lover Tamlen until the blight. She is definitely anti human, and refuses to hang out with the human members of the party. She starts to develop feelings for zevran, but feels too guilty about it to follow through with the relationship. In the end, she sacrifices her life to end the blight.
- Dorrien Tabris: Female/Elf(City)/Rogue(Sword); Bard/Duelist ♡ Zevran
Dog: Nelaros
My youngest both in age and when I created her! She is a hopeless romantic and falls in love immediately and often. In her story, she has love at first sight with her betrothed, Nelaros. In her version they actually get married and are well into the celebrations when the wedding is interrupted. She is heartbroken at the loss of her husband. Her moms side of the family is from antiva, and she was trained to Duel with a rapier. Her main talent is song though, and her and Leliana are bffs for LIFE. Her whole thing is that there is this big ol love triangle between her, alistiar, and zevran. She falls in love with Alistair immediately, who takes a but longer to develop feelings. Meanwhile Zevran falls head over heels right away for Dorri, and he slowly grows on her. Ultimately, when she realizes Alistair is destined to be king, which means they could never truly be together, she chooses to be with Zevran. They marry and have a child after the blight.
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rusaalka · 3 years
Keeping her sights on Ser Cauthrien, Katriel’s hand strayed toward her poison belt. “Zevran,” she said lowly, “get her out of here. All of you, go.”
Zevran furrowed his brows and shook his head. “I will not leave you now. Death or glory, my friend.”
“I don’t need you to be a hero. Get her back to Eamon. Give Alistair my love; don’t let him worry.” She glanced to her side to find her companions staring at her, frozen and open-mouthed.
“Guards!” Ser Cauthrien cried. “Seize the Warden!”
Katriel gave her friends a crooked half-smile, taking an acid vial out of her belt. “Go.”
The guards were advancing on their little group. Katriel raised the vial over her head, sparing Zevran one last glance. His eyes widened as he caught on to what she meant to do, and he clapped a hand over Anora’s mouth and nose. “Go!”
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theggning · 3 years
What's your "Oghren Companion Problem"? Please do expound! I'm going from context clues that I have the same issue, I'm stuck in this limbo where Cait doesn't like me well enough to let me help her. Guess I help people too much for her to... trust me with that?
Oh, thank you for asking! I will definitely expound.
How do you play Dragon Age: Origins? If you’re me, you’re playing as a relative good guy who likes to help people. I do generous things. I don’t gouge people for extra money. I try to be generally heroic and nice to everyone.
(This is actually because I’m incapable of being mean to people in video games or even doing evil acts. “Evil runs” are totally out of the question. But I think this is a pretty common problem...)
Anyway, with my preferred playstyle, I have quite a few companion characters to choose from. Alistair, definitely. Leliana, absolutely. Wynne is a doll, and the three of them are a complete and balanced party, no matter what class I’m playing. I can swap in Zevran for Lels if I want some rogue variety, and I like Morrigan as a character, even if she hates everything I do, so I’ll sometimes bring her out on adventures I know she’ll approve of. I almost always play as a warrior, so I have fewer uses for Sten and Shale, but I can move them in and out as needed as well.
And what order do I do the quests in? I almost always do Redcliffe and the Mages’ Tower first (because I goddamn hate the Fade and like to get it over with.) After that I’ll go to the forest, because I like forest levels. Last and least I go to Orzammar because the Deep Roads suck and I hate them.
And then the game hands me Oghren.
I have nothing against Oghren has a character, but I basically never use him. Because by the time I’m able to, I’m 75% of the way through the main story. I am already PLAYING a warrior, I have three spares sitting around, and the last thing I need is another one. And either his approvals don’t jive with how I like to play, or I already have like, six other characters with the same approvals 
In Fallout 4, barring individual differences between specific companions (like factions), you can oversimplify and sort the companions into the following categories (also sorted by how quickly you can recruit them on a normal playthrough, without going out of your way to reach them early:)
Benevolent/”Good”: Codsworth, Preston, Piper, Nick, Danse, Deacon, Hancock, Curie
Selfish/“Evil”: MacCready*, Cait*, Strong, X6, Gage
(* I wouldn’t classify either of these two as “evil” but they tend to approve of more criminal/selfish/chaotic/mean/evil actions.)
You will notice the “good” list is extremely long. It also contains basically all of my favorite characters. So generally, by the time I even REACH Goodneighbor and have the opportunity to recruit Hancock, I already have 4-5 other companions in tow with essentially identical approvals. Apart from Danse, no one companion in FO4 has any combat/mechanical advantages over the others, though some have perks that are more or less useful, so I end up prioritizing Preston and Deacon ahead of the others-- and my personal faves like Nick after that. This is all made even worse in that you can only have them accompany you one at a time.
So by no fault of his own, but by the fault of my personal playstyle, Hancock shows up in the same position as Oghren: in an overrepresented class at the end of a long line of preferred companions.
Curie actually has it even worse than him, poor thing. (And I tend to not even bother with Strong or X6. We’re all happier not sharing my company.)
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lostinfantasies38 · 4 years
Writer Asks
Thanks for tagging me @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold ! Tagging @theaiobhan @bigfan-fanfic @jacklyn-flynn @thejeeperswife @darlingrutherford @ginnyq
ao3 name: Lostinfantasies38
fandoms: Exclusively DA. Once upon a time I wrote for Harry Potter, as well, but I have deleted or lost them all over the years
number of fics: 13
fic i spent the most time on: Sun Touched - I started writing this story in Oct 2019 and posted the first chapter in December. It is not complete, because it is a novelization of DA:Origins, but it is my love child. Sirra Brosca/Alistair Theirin is my ride or die OTP and I love my feisty dwarf with all my heart.
fic i spent the least amount of time on: Careworn - a Tumblr angst prompt featuring Varric Tethras (another fave dwarf!) that I penned in a furious outpouring in an hour. Love this piece so much - it is heartbreakingly beautiful.
shortest fic: Careworn is also my shortest fic, so I’ll post my second shortest for a change of pace. Another angsty Tumblr prompt, Wait For Me, is only 811 words
most hits: Sun Touched has 495 hits! Say whaaaa?!? It blows my mind since it’s a rare pair AND an Origins storyline instead of Inquisition. Seeing how many people enjoy this story never ceases to amaze me since it is purely indulgent on my part.
most kudos: You Give Me That Lovin’ Feelin’ This is my collection of rare pairs for @scharoux 14 Days of DA Lover’s for Valentine’s.
most comment threads: You Give Me That Lovin’ Feelin’
most bookmarks: Sun Touched and Find Me Well Within Your Grace are tied 
highest total word count:  89,761 words for Sun Touched (keep in mind this story is only 1/4 complete). I expect it to hit, if not exceed, 400k by the end.
favorite fic i wrote: This is hard because I love both of my current WIPs for very different reasons!! Sun Touched and FMWWYG are my faves - hands down. 
fic i want to rewrite/expand on: I need to finish From The Ashes We Rise, but I do plan to go back and rework some of the earlier chapters. It was my first foray back into fanfiction and it’s a little stilted in places, which irritates me. It’s still good, but it's not my best and I hate that it's not a true reflection of my storytelling abilities.
share a bit of a wip or story idea you’re working on: From the next chapter of Sun Touched (since it seems to be the story everyone is most interested in): Read under the cut
Head held high, Sirra tossed back the hood of her blue-gray cape with more confidence than she felt, letting it settle around her shoulders to lead her companions into the market district.  Zevran choked slightly at the motion and Sirra glanced uncertainly at him, painfully aware that Alistair was also staring at her.
Her palms sweated and butterflies settled in her gut in a rush of nerves, unsure what to make of her male companion’s inability to tear their gaze from her new visage. 
“My dear, you are –” The elf blinked in a daze, breathing deeply before continuing. “Not that you are not always becoming, mi dulce, but now –” 
“It’s strange to see you without tattoos,” Alistair interjected quietly. “I know it’s you under the glamour. I can hear your voice, which is disconcerting because it’s coming from a strange woman’s mouth.”
Plump lips quirked involuntarily as she leaned toward the men gawking at her new identity. “And what does this other woman look like?”  
Alistair shook his head, cognizant that any admission of finding her attractive with an unfamiliar face was probably unwise, but Zevran had no compunction to hold his tongue.
“Radiant waves of flame, eyes to rival sapphires, and lips so perfectly formed that not having another’s pressed against them is surely a sin in the eyes of the Maker.” Zevran murmured sensually while bending over her hand, ignoring Alistair’s warning growl and Morrigan’s irritated groan, maintaining Sirra’s gaze as his lips brushed her knuckles.  
“Men would go to war for such beauty, Warden. If you hoped the glamour would hide your presence in the city, I fear it shall do the opposite.”
Alistair sighed in concession. “Zevran is right. At least, no one will suspect that you are a Grey Warden. That was the goal, but if we want to remain unnoticed, you’ll have to wear your hood.”
Sirra struggled to breathe after Zevran’s effluent praise. Sparing another glance at Alistair, she noted his flushed cheeks while replacing her hood, carefully tucking rogue strands of crimson under the linen. Rica’s stunning beauty flashed through her mind and she snorted at the irony.  
“Well, I always wanted to know what it was like to look like my sister. Guess I got my wish.”
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Dragon Age: Origins, day 8.
Heh, Alistair got in the killing blows on both dragons this time. Good for you, kid. Especially in light of certain planned future developments.
Daiwen was frankly horrified by Oghren’s attempts at flirting with Felsi and was in no mood to do his work for him, so I deliberately threw the quest to get them back together. Not that it ultimately matters, aren’t they married by Awakening regardless?
OK, now let’s go get Shale.
Daiwen’s default team for much of the game has been Alistair/Zevran/Wynne, aka Team Three Men With Very Sharp Blades And Their Spell-Slinging Grandma. I was about to give them another nickname, but apparently I’d forgotten that Zevran was an elf? Whoops.
Oh Maker, this puzzle. Time to make good friends with the walkthrough again.
And Shale has been grabbed, and several inventory slots blessedly freed up. Well, let’s start winding this up and go talk to Arl Eamon.
*sigh* Fine time for the game to get the crashies. I’ve had to play through the conversations with Eamon and Loghain three times so far, please let it not be more.
Hey, it’s Riordan! Time to have a nice long conversation so I can listen to his voice.
Oh look, it’s Anora. Wearing some absolutely unnecessary boob plate.
Under other circumstances, Daiwen might stand down, but Cauthrien was patronizing enough before that he at least wants the chance to punch her in the face. Churl? He’ll show you churlish.
OK, time to escape Fort Drakon. As funny as the rescues are, let’s try Warrior Boys Doing It For Themselves this time.
Well, that was quite amusing. Thanks, game.
And now we start getting the wheels turning on our Landsmeet plan. First up, convincing Anora and Alistair to get married. Oh, kid, I’m sorry.
It definitely adds to the creepy atmosphere in the orphanage when the game gets the graphical glitchies and refuses to load any of the floor or wall textures, so everything is just floating in an inky void.
Welp. Landsmeet time.
Cauthrien. Cauthrien. Looking a Dalish in the face and telling him that selling elves into slavery is fine if you really need the money? It’s like you want to die.
Oh shit, Wynne and Zevran are down, time to break out some health poutines. (What? That’s their name now. I have spoken.)
This is...quite a moment for you to be giving Daiwen that earring, Zevran.
Is that bird in the rafters meant to be a raven? A large-beaked, melanistic sparrow? An especially svelte kiwi?
Loghain has now been recruited. Oh, my heart. Oh, Alistair, I’m sorry. I am never doing this again.
I’m not sure how well I can justify it with this character, but fuck it, it’s done now. We’ll just say Daiwen has grown patient enough that the temptation of shoving Loghain in the path of some darkspawn for proper poetic justice became stronger than that to simply kill him like he would’ve a few months ago.
I am, as it happens, a sentimental old fuck with an overfull inventory, so I was half tempted to let Alistair keep Cailan’s armor as payment for being so mean to him, but...nah. Maybe Daiwen will wear it in Awakening and pass along the Juggernaut armor to Justice or something, I don’t know.
Welp. Dark Ritual time. Yep, I still hate this.
The point of recruiting Loghain was always to push him onto the grenade. It’s just a very differently shaped grenade now. Much more...curvaceous. (For me the player, half the reason I made Daiwen was to play through Awakening with him, so he can’t die, and the reason I wanted to try out recruiting Loghain was to see him as the Warden ally in II and Inquisition, so he can’t die either. So, Dark Ritual it is.)
It’s certainly not sparing Loghain’s life Daiwen cares about—he wants the extra insurance for his own. And Riordan’s, he supposes. He seems nice, and keeping one of the Wardens’ elders around can only be a good thing.
You know, as much as I loathe absolutely everything about the Dark Ritual, I have to give a special mention to the fact that the sex scene uses the same music as the ones from the romances. NO. GAME. YOU DO NOT GET TO DRAW PARALLELS BETWEEN THE ROMANCES AND THIS RAPEY-ASS BULLSHIT. STOP IT. NOW.
Whoa, when did it get to be after midnight? I guess I’ll continue the process of ripping my own heart out and stomping on it tomorrow.
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mahalzevran · 5 years
DA 20+ Questions
Tagged by @antivan-surana​ thanks! Tagging @situationnormal​ @the-dread-doggo​ @acepavus​ @aroundofgwent​ @lakambaeni​ @kxnways​ @fuckbioware​ (no pressure ofc) and anyone who wants to?
The rest is under a read more because it’s long
01) Favourite game of the series?
Origins, only because you got less and less op as a mage as the games went on. I love all the games tbh.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
My friend got my sister into it. They kept talking and talking about it so finally I was like “ok lets see what the big deal is” and here I am now
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
I’ve done Origins twice fully, DA2 four times fully (omg I didn’t realize this until now lol) and DA:I just once fully. I have one unfinished playthrough of Origins with a Cousland, and I’m in the middle of maybe two of DA:I. I think I’ve gone back and replayed certain parts of both Origins and DA:I plenty of times.
04) Favourite race to play as?
Elf I guess? Though I’ve only fully played as a human and elf. I’m in the middle of a dwarf playthrough and I’m thinking of doing a qunari one in the future. It might change idk.
I just really liked playing as an elf in Origins so that’s why I got into elves. But the funny thing is, I wasn’t even thinking of playing as an elf when I played for the first time. I wanted to play as a human. I just did it on a whim.
05) Favourite class?
Mage, hands down. Realistically, they’re the most versatile class. They can do range and melee since anyone can learn how to fight with weapons. But the last two games won’t let you so :)
Also, this stems from the fact that I’ve been a harry potter fan since I could remember.
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
In my full, proper playthroughs that I’ve finished, it’s slightly different but still the same basic ideas. Sided with mages, agreed with Anders, etc.
But I am planning to try an evil playthrough in the future so
07) Go-to adventuring group?
DA:O (I have two)
Leliana, Wynne, Shale - the OG crew; they were my main crew in my first playthrough and it was a pretty even party
Zevran, Leliana, Alistair - the elf crew; esp. with Rhian they’re all elves because I saw a theory that Leliana is half elf and I’m down
It’s a mixed bag. If I’m not playing as a mage, I usually take Anders a lot because we need a healer and Merrill can’t heal. I tend not to take Sebastian as much after I max his friendship. After Sebastian, I take Aveline the least. Other than that I just mix it up. Unless I’m romancing someone, then I take them every time.
I’d love to take Anders, Fenris, and Merrill out more often but I hate how mean they all are to each other (looking @ u bioware 👀)
My first playthrough, I mixed it up a lot in the beginning but then I ended up bringing Solas, Cole, and Blackwall a lot near the end for some reason?
I love taking Vivienne, Dorian, and Solas out, especially if I’m playing a mage, because it’s such a pretty fireworks show
In general though, if I’m romancing someone I take them with me almost always.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
I think it’s a tie between Rhian and Lu.
09) Favourite romance?
To no one’s surprise, it’s Zevran :3
Solas is second because I just really like that angst.
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
I’ve read The Silent Grove, Those Who Speak, and Until We Speak (because someone gifted me the Omnibus) and The Calling.
I also have Hard in Hightown, which I should probably read lol, and the art book of inquisition.
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
The Calling solely because of my mom Fiona and my dad Duncan. 
12) Favourite DLCs?
Awakening because I love everyone and its also really funny that Rhian, who is 19 at that point, had to basically babysit people older than her and also run a whole arling.
I love both Legacy and Mark of the Assassin. Mark of the Assassin was really funny (though I hated the stealth part). I love Legacy specifically because when I was fighting Corypheus, both Varric and Anders K.O.’d and it was just me and Carver. It was a special family moment bringing down a whole entire magister together. I also hc that that was canon and it brought Kaia and Carver closer together.
13) Things that annoy you.
I’m gonna talk about the game bc if this is about the fandom, then that’s a whole other thing.
Anders’ writing for one. It doesn’t make sense that he’d approve of giving Fenris back to Danarius. And also that he wouldn’t tell f!Hawke that he’s bi? Then there’s the fact that Anders, Fenris, and Merrill all don’t get along when they have a lot in common.
Anything that was written by Lukas Krisdkjsdhkdk. Aveline, Sera, etc. he did a really bad job.
Also didn’t like that mages got less OP in the last two games.
There’s also the tone-deafness? Dorian, a brown man, saying slavery is ok. And also there’s the dialogue between Solas and Vivienne where Solas supposedly “owns” Vivienne. I think he says something like “may you learn”? Solas, a white person, saying this to Vivienne, a black woman, when there’s obvious colorism in Thedas? I think not.
There’s probably other but I can’t think of them right now.
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Orlais is too snooty and Ferelden doesn’t season their food. I pick Seheron and Laysh because that’s where the Asians are at.
15) Templars or mages?
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
Originally, my canonverse was Rhian, Kaia, and Luwalhati. Alden and Bolin were part of an AU. Then Alden finagled his way in there, then I decided to have Bolin in there too. So now i have twin Hawkes and Bolin is part of the Inquisition (if he’s a companion or not, I haven’t thought about)
I have plenty of other OCs that I’m planning on, but they’re currently sorted into a different universe.
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Pikamon for the Origins mabari. It’s a mix between the names of my two dogs, Pikachu and Cinnamon
Cinnachu for the DA2 mabari, also a mix of Pikachu and Cinnamon.
Lu’s mount is the royal sixteen (hart), which is given to you by Clan Lavellan if you manage to keep them alive iirc, and its name is Luntian, the tagalog word for green which is her favorite color. (In a teen!Lu AU, her mount is the bog unicorn bc she’s an edgelord)
18) Have you installed any mods?
It would be more surprising if I didn’t. How else would I manage to have my characters look like the’re poc?? And also get rid of whitewashing and have some continuity. I usually just do cosmetic mods if it’s my first playthrough. Then I do like “cheats” after I finish the game fully.
Fun fact, I once spent like 2+ hrs modding Origins to have the Zev romance the way I want. I also stayed up until like 5am trying to make Solas look like his concept art lol (it didn’t really work)
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
Rhian didn’t not want to become a warden. She read about them and thought they were an honorable order, but she didn’t expect to ever have a chance to become one. Her goal was to just go up in the Circle hierarchy, maybe even become First Enchanter. Then when the time came, she didn’t really have much of a choice.
20) Hawke’s personality?
Kaia is blue and Alden is purple
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
At first, I didn’t get what the big deal was with crafting. It didn’t seem fun at all lol. Then I tried it and was hooked. I don’t have them matching, but I do tend to try to match my Inquisitor with their LI in some way.
My usual procedure for armor in Inquisition is like this. I make everyone wear heavy armor and pick the materials that have the highest attributes, not caring how ridiculous the colors are. Then I go to tint them using a guide for each companion’s color scheme. This is the same for helmet but I usually have them turned off or have no one wearing one.
The only exception is Varric, Cole, and Blackwall. I have Varric wear the rogue armor that looks like his DA2 outfit, and Cole and Blackwall wear the Grey Warden heavy armor. I tint the grey warden armor using a guide for its color scheme.
I have Bull, Vivienne, and Cole wear their unique helmets.
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
Rhian - She’d probably want to re-do how she told Zevran that she wasn’t exactly dead.
Kaia - Taken Quentin’s threat more seriously and killed him before he got to Leandra
Alden - He has no regrets
Luwalhati - wouldn’t have taken Sam and Wis with her so they wouldn’t have had to have died in the conclave explosion
Bolin - None, all of his decisions led him to Dorian and he’s happy with that.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
They’re all at least part Seheron?
I also hc that neither Carver nor Bethany die because Kaia was able to cast a barrier on both of them before the ogre got them. Then they both became Grey Wardens because Carver contracted the taint in the expedition and wouldn’t join the Wardens unless Bethany came with him too.
Another hc I have is that Sebastian didn’t leave when Anders was spared and stayed to help out. But he went his separate way after because he still didn’t approve of sparing him.
Oh shoot, I almost forgot. The most against canon thing I’ve done probably? Rhian didn’t do the Ritual but she did slay the archdemon without dying. Rhian’s an arcane warrior, so when she slayed it, she was partway in the fade. Being partway into the fade was enough for her essence, I guess, to survive it. But she’s not mortal anymore and kind of a spirit now? So she periodically has to chill in the fade because being in the real world takes a toll on her.
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
In the game, it was Stroud. I killed Loghain and no way is Alistair gonna be trapped in there. Fiona will be sad. So I made Alistair king in the game only, so Stroud was the one that was left.
This is another off canon thing I did. In my actual canon, Alistair is the warden contact. The Hawke that comes to the Inquisition is both Kaia and Alden. Alden brings Fenris with him because he doesn’t go anywhere without his Boo-Boo. Bethany and Carver also come because Weisshaupt was being weird and it seemed like they would be safer in the Inquisition. Lu + her party, Alistair, Kaia, Alden, Fenris, Bethany, and Carver all come to Adamant. Because there’s so many people, everyone was able to escape the Fade. No one is left behind.
26) Favourite mount? The nugs! All of them :) 
Though I don’t really use the mounts lol
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scribbledquillz · 1 year
As promised, a little life update on me for - well mostly me, but also anyone who'd like to know where in the hell I've been.
Around when I was last here winter of 2021, the hip pain I'd had since I was pregnant with my little one - which until then had mostly just been annoying - started to become more of a problem. It became far more prominent and persistent, as well as moving up into my pelvis and lower back. Spasms, achiness, stabbing pains, lots of fun. It made basic necessities difficult, and continuing exercises other than using the treadmill (which a friend of mine graciously gave to me for free, bless her) impossible.
Fast forward through physical therapy, x rays, mris, steroid injections and a last ditch effort with acupuncture and I'm finally in a place health wise that is, while not ideal at least generally manageable. There's something going on in my SI joint compounded with 30+ years of random factors that probably made it worse that causes just. Boatloads of inflammation. Massage, acupuncture and walking keep it in check, but sadly I don't know when or if I'll be able to get back into weight lifting the way I used to. But hey I can function and I can grocery shop without spending the rest of the day in agony on the couch, so I'll gladly take it!
In that same time in a more positive lane, I did a lot of work on myself and my mental health. I took the time to try new hobbies, dabbled in a lot of creative outlets I never thought to try, and started keeping houseplants. Most of which - save a few casualties to my learning process and one poor rubber tree plant that just can't seem to catch a break - are doing great and making my house feel so much more cozy!
I also got the kick in the ass from a friend (the same one who gave me the treadmill, girl is amazing) to start an original project that I'm really excited about. I'm writing a graphic novel style comic. 😁
It's a long, LONG way from ready to share. But my prologue script is done, and I've connected with a comic artist who I've been working with to illustrate the pages. Once those are done and I've got enough of the main script drafted up, I'll be looking into getting the prologue posted / hosted, as well as a Patreon running to help finance the development of the main story. I don't want to give anything away about the plot just yet, but I will say I want to get this right. Hence the possibility of a Patreon to help fund hiring on several sensitivity readers as well as hopefully bumping up the hours I can afford to pay my illustrator to work.
So yeah - that story is my main priority and focus right now. I want to see this done and completed, because I genuinely think people will like the story I have floating around in my head and the idea of finally being able to turn writing - something I've been passionate about for as long as I remember - into more than a hobby would be AMAZING.
But that being said, I will always have love for Revka and Zevran. Their ship is what pushed me back into writing after a years long dry spell, and I want to give them their due. Not to mention I miss the idiots. ♥️
So that's it! I'll be poking away at their fics as I have time, but want to make it clear their stories will have to stay as something I do as I have spare time and energy. I most likely won't be able to do a lot of meme style writing or prompts - at least for the time being. But I'm excited and happy to be here to gush about my favorite fictional husband and share my love for whatever random fancies pop into my life with you all, and to continue seeing your lovely digital faces on my dash.
I can't wait to share my writing with you all again, and to eventually let you be some of the first folks who can check out my comic!
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heartslogos · 5 years
newfragile yellows [480]
Bull’s got one elf on each shoulder, precariously balanced and limp. Sera takes a quick look around his back and sees that the Lavellans are holding hands. It’d be cute. Like how otters hold hands so they don’t drift apart. But it’s the Lavellans, and nothing about them is cute. Demented and maybe a bit dazzling, but never cute.
“So.” Sera gestures to the elf-scarf situation Bull has going. “What’s up there?”
Bull puts one hand on Mahanon’s back. “Drunk.”
Then he smacks Ellana’s ass. “High.”
“Yikes.” Sera examines the two closer. “Should you have them upside-down if they’re drunk and high? What if they puke or something. Choke to death. Dunno. Something?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Bull says, gently rolling his shoulder and sending Mahanon sliding a bit closer to his neck. “I’ve got this. They trust me. I trust me. There’s a surprising amount of people who trust me, weirdly enough.”
“Why’s that one drunk, and that one high?” Sera asks instead. Honestly? If she were drunk or high or both and she had the option of being slung over Bull’s shoulder? She’d take it. She trusts him. He wouldn’t fuck her over or let herself fuck herself over while drunk and or high. Bull’s good people like that. He’d mock you mercilessly if you did something stupid, or just ominously talk around it. Because he might be good people but he’s such a fuckin’ raging dick that he would. But he’s good people.
He wouldn’t let you die from stupid on his watch. Maybe if he passed you onto someone else, depending on if he liked you or not. But definitely not on his watch.
“No idea,” Bull says. “I just called for clean up afterwards. I’m taking them back right now.”
“Back where?” Sera asks.
“I’mma dump them in my room,” Bull answers. “They’ll sleep it off. It’s fine.”
“And where will you go?”
“On the edge of the bed, probably. It’s a big bed. And I should be around in case one of them starts to choke or something. It’s too much of a hassle for the ship’s system to ping me from the the spare sleeping quarters and go back to mine if something goes wrong. I’m not sleeping on the floor either. It’s my room. It’s got my name on the holo-screen and everything.”
Good people.
“Who called you for clean up?”
“Pavus,” Bull says. “He’s still going. Him and Blackwall. You wouldn’t guess it looking at them, but they’re good drinking buddies. I guess you need a depressed bastard to drink with a high functioning alcoholic.”
“Ouch. Wait, why isn’t Dorian taking care of his boyfriend?”
Bull jerks his thumb back.
“See those hands? He’d end up stuck taking care of two Lavellans. That’s not a Pavus job. That’s my job.”
“I didn’t realize elf babysitter was on your list of daily duties,” Sera says.
“The demands of the job are varied,” Bull says. “Were you going to the bar? It’s late.”
“Planet-lag. Just got back to Skyhold from a thing out near Sedna,” Sera says in explanation. “I’m still sorting that out. I’m going to check in on Dorian and Blackwall. Good luck with your elf situation.”
“Thanks,” Bull says. “If you see Skinner or one of the more responsible shits on my team tell them to ask Stitches to come to mine in the morning. I might be able to keep them from choking in their sleep but I can’t make hang over cures worth shit. Also no one’s let me around the medic-ampules since that time I gave Aclassi an allergic reaction. How the fuck was I supposed to know he was allergic to the anti-allergen medication? Seriously. What the fuck isn’t he allergic to at this point?”
“I saw a space dragon the other day, it was cool as heck,” Ellana says. “Had to hide in an asteroid belt before it could see me. I mean. I’m good. We know I’m good. I’m not that good. Me? Against a space dragon in my tiny little recon ship? Not happening.”
“Space dragons aren’t real,” Pavus says. “That’s a scientifically debunked myth. The dark shapes you see in space are mental projections and hallucinations due to deep space light depravation and chemical alterations due to radiation and sensory changes.”
Bull mentally yells at Pavus to shut the fuck up, but it’s too late.
“Excuse me, but did you just say space dragons are a myth? Space dragons killed my uncle, they aren’t a myth.”
Bull hastily stands up and gets his hands on Ellana’s shoulders and starts to physically pull her away.
“Alright, babe, let’s go out into airlock and scream for a bit. Can’t let this get to you. You’re doing so good. Your therapist says you’re doing so amazing and is very proud of you. Don’t let Pavus and his small minded-ness get to you. Come on. Let’s go.”
Ellana permits herself to be moved, but she keeps glaring around Bull at Pavus who just looks amused.
“We aren’t friends anymore,” Ellana calls out. “And I’m going to tell my brother about this. I’m disappointed in you, Pavus.”
She turns to him and in a quieter, but no less furious, voice says, “He doesn’t believe in space dragons. That’s like if he was a flat-flat-farther or a water-less Mars believer. What the fuck, Bull. He was my friend.”
Personally, Bull likes the idea of space dragons. But seeing as there’s no concrete evidence - no bodies, no recordings, no hard data - he can’t really support the concept either. It’s a lot of what Pavus said. Weird distortions of light due to chemical and thermal interactions that aren’t common in the Origin system, stuff having to do with how the mind is wired to create shapes out of seemingly empty nothingness, the way people’s senses start to string thing together without active stimuli. There’s a reason why all these supposed space dragon sightings only happen at the farthest reaches of the known systems, where it’s weeks of jumps and hyper-speed travel between colonies and stations.
“You’ll forgive him,” Bull says. “Like you forgave me. And Fenris. And Anders. And Zevran. And Morrigan. And Evelyn. And Herah. And Kaaras. And — “
“Don’t point out to me how many people I love and care for are complete and total dinguses. Just get me to airlock before I seriously reconsider this whole being friends with people thing.”
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mydadisindianajones · 6 years
A post no one asked for on Dragon Age 4 and why Cole will be a companion
This is a thought that has rattled around in my head for a good while and I want to get it down on paper (or blog? I guess? Whatever) before any actual details of the game get out. Yes, I want to be that person who goes “Hah! I knew it!” In case this all isn’t correct... I was never here. *Waves hand* I promise this will be short.
Edit: lol jk its now a TEDtalk. Enjoy this meta.
Every installment of Dragon age, all three main titles and the Awakening DLC share something in common: A reoccuring companion from the last game.
Oghren: In Awakening we had Oghren join the Wardens after Origins. 
Anders: In Dragon Age 2 we had Anders become a companion of Hawke after he left the Wardens in Awakening. 
Varric: In Inquisition we had Varric join the Inquisitor after he left Kirkwall from Dragon Age 2.
So why Cole above everyone else? Looking at patterns again no returning companion was romanceable in their first installment. If we are going by that then it rules out Iron Bull, Blackwall, Sera, Dorian, Solas, and Cassandra. Story wise I do not think we will see Cassandra again other than maybe a fleeting quest like Zevran in DA2 or maybe just a fleeting message. 
Iron Bull and Blackwall are killable, so I doubt we will see them at all for continuity sake. “What about Leliana?” I hear you all thinking. Yes, Leliana’s death was explained away as she is some sort of Force Ghost, but that brought up quite the mini controversy at the time and I doubt EA will do it again.
Well how about Dorian? It is all but confirmed that DA4 will set place in Tevinter, or at least close to it. With Dorian in the position he is in the Magisterium I think at most he will play an advisory role must like Leliana did in DA:I.
Solas is going to be too busy enjoying my stolen Godtier wolf armor and being the head-shoved-up-ass antagonist.
Now lets touch on the two characters who were not romanceable: Varric and Vivienne.
Varric was already in two games, so I think they’re going to officially retire him.
Vivienne has a sliver of a chance, but I would bet my bank account that she will not be a companion, which leads me into my next set of points: They’re too important.
Vivienne: No matter the outcome of your playthrough Viv will be way too busy being important. There are two ways she can go: Either she will become the next Divine as Divine Victoria, or Grand Enchanter of the Circle of Magi. Vivienne will be too busy realizing her plans and ambition to personally deal with any outside nation. However that doesn’t mean she won’t be a key political figure in the game, as she is always trying to stay one step ahead of her peers. We will see her, just not as a companion.
Dorian: He has taken his father’s place in the Magisterium and is the leader of a Tevinter reformation group. I’m like 95% certain we will see him in some capacity, but not as a companion.
Varric: Yet again he has reached his max capacity for games, but he is also now the Viscount of Kirkwall. Like Viv we may just see him in name only, doing something through his agents.
Cassandra: The Seeker can go down many roads. Just like Viv she can become Divine Victoria. If you decide to restore the Seeker order she will spend time post Trespasser working with them. If you do not make her Divine she will stick by the Divine’s side as her Right Hand, temporarily with Viv and for a good amount of time with Leliana. 
Now for the not-so-important people:
Iron Bull: His is tricky because his end can be split in SO many ways. If you don’t kill the Chargers his mercenary group still run around Orlais and Ferelden kicking ass. If you do sacrifice them or don’t do his personal quest he turns on you in Trespasser, ultimately making him loyal to the Ben-Hassrath. In the end Iron Bull’s fate is split in so many different ways that it would be difficult, near impossible, to bring him back as a companion.
Blackwall: You have a chance to allow him to be executed, taking him completely out of the game. If you spare him during his judgement you can either hand him over to the Wardens and put him through the Joining, exile him, or keep him around work for his atonement. If he becomes an actual Warden he is sent away at the end of Trespasser Blackwall goes to Weisshaupt. If you forgive him he ends up traveling Thedas to find his lost men and seek their forgiveness. If you don’t find out about his past he turns himself in six months after the main quest line is done and his fate is unknown. So as you can see he suffers the same fate as Iron Bull, as in there are too many possibilities to successfully write him well as a companion in the new game.
Sera: Sera is the only companion I can envision coming in as second place to become a companion in DA4, for multiple reasons. I’ll get to those later though. In Sera’s ending she goes back to being a Red Jenny whether you romance her or not. If you don’t romance her she is seen in a relationship with Dagna.
You mentioned Sera possibly becoming a companion.
Well yes, I did. Let me explain: I think Sera is actually going to become a big player in the endgame, as unassuming as she is. There is a theory floating around that Sera is actually the Elven goddess Andruil. (Click the link for further reading. It’s REALLY good) I’m a full fledged tin foil hat fan of this one, along with the idea that Sandal is actually June, Elven god of the craft. So I think if anyone other than Cole is a companion it’s going to be her. 
However while I do think she is going to be in the game I don’t think she will be a companion. She has little to no interest in the dealings of Tevinter or any other big wars. Sera enjoys her little world with her friends, and would not be the type to take up another crusade, especially after what she endured in Inquisition. No more weird shit, just pranking rich people and being a Red Jenny.
Now why and how do I think Cole will be a companion?
At the end of Trespasser if you make Cole human he gets his first girlfriend and goes with her becoming a traveling minstrel. If you make him a spirit he ventures back to the Fade as he feels his work is done. Now if he is made a human I think he can fit well into being reintroduced as a companion. Either his relationship with Marydon ceases naturally or she dies at the hands of [antagonistic enemies] and he vows to seek retribution. Honestly Marydon isn’t very important, as she can end up with Krem or Zither if you make him a spirit. So her ending doesn’t matter and I don’t think she’d show up in DA4.
If he becomes more spirit I can see him coming back for the sole purpose of stopping Solas, since he can see what the trickster god is doing or going to do. An easy way to write him is to make exposure to the world again causes him to become more human. I know that would render the choices of a lot of players invalid, but c’mon this is Bioware we have seen this happen before.
Another question: Would he be romanceable? Ehhhhh it can go either way. Seeing as human Cole enters a relationship at the end of Trespasser the writers are showing us that he is at least interested in romance. As we already know Anders was the only recurring companion who had a romance, so like I said it could go either way. Would I personally like to see it? Sure, why not. I think it would be an interesting dynamic to see how he as a spirit would deal with love and possible carnal desires. As we’ve seen before spirits can engage in such activities:
Blackwall: Sera and I were just talking about you. We need you to settle a question for us.
Solas: *Sigh* Sera’s involved? So this question will be offensive.
Blackwall: Yes. Probably. Sorry. You made friends with Spirits in the fade. So... um, are there any that are more than just friends? If you know what I mean.
Solas: Oh for... really?
Blackwall: Look, it’s a natural thing to be curious about! 
Solas: For a twelve year old!
Blackwall: It’s a simple yes or no question!
Solas: Nothing about the Fade or Spirits is simple. Especially not that.
Blackwall: Aha! So you do have experience in these matters!
Solas: I did not say that.
Blackwall: Don’t panic, it’ll be our little secret.
Solas: Ass.
Blackwall: Now who’s twelve?
According to Solas, if we read between the lines, is that Fade Spirits can engage in such things. I’m sure it’s not as simple as people on Thedas think it, but things can transpire to a degree.
All in all I think Cole, out of any other companion from Inquisition, has the highest chance of showing up as a companion in Dragon Age 4. (I’m bad at endings bye)
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nilesdaughter · 5 years
Dragon Age Questionnaire
Tagged by the ever-lovely @lakambaeni​! I’m sorry it always takes me forever to get to your tags.
Tagging: @battlefox​, @tyishi​, @aurianavaloria​, and any other DA fans that follow me! But, as always, there’s no obligation to fill the tag :)
01) Favourite game of the series? I think DAI is my favorite in the series, because it was the one that really pulled me into the fandom.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age? As is usual for my entrance to fandom, it started with blogs I follow starting to share content about the game. (This was a little bit before DAI dropped.) It seemed cool, and @likhoradka​ had made a quick Handers comic that amused me, but I didn’t really get into it until @battlefox​ lent me a copy of DA2 so that I could see what all the hype was about.
03) How many times you’ve played the games? I’ve played all three games through to completion once; with DAO, I played most of the DLCs that were concurrent to the base game, but I only played the vanilla games for DA2 and DAI. HOWEVER, I have started several additional playthroughs, to the point where I have a small army of characters.
04) Favourite race to play as? Elves! Though, to be fair, this is a bias I generally have in fantasy settings.
05) Favourite class? Mages, because, again, the bias followed me from the fantasy setting in general.
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time? I try to play to each character, but I still usually end up making the same decisions (so far).
07) Go-to adventuring group?
DAO: Alistair/Dog, Leliana, Zevran
DA2: Varric, Fenris, Anders
DAI: Since this is the one that I have the most characters in, this is more varied depending on the playthrough, but my PERSONAL favorite combination is Varric, Dorian, and Iron Bull.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into? Definitely Enansal, even though she’s just a glorified self-insert. I just write about her the most.
09) Favourite romance? Probably Cullen, but that’s because I’ve done that one twice.
10) Have you read any of the comics/books? I haven’t got a chance to, yet! I did buy myself a copy of “Asunder,” but I haven’t had time to actually read it.
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book? TBD ;)
12) Favourite DLCs? I mean, I do love “The Stone Prisoner,” because it gives you Shale, and I love them so much.
13) Things that annoy you. Mooostly the fandom. This is why I keep to myself and my little corner amongst the lovely people behind @dadrunkwriting and @asiansofthedas.
14) Orlais or Ferelden? Ferelden, because it’s always given me Celtic vibes and therefore reminds of Ireland :)
15) Templars or mages? Mages.
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? I personally have them existing in parallel universes. However, I like the idea that all of the DAO characters end up joining the Wardens at some point or another. I also do have two separate Tabris playthroughs that have become my “Tabris twins” headcanon.
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Veleda’s mabari is Rowan. Since my first playthrough with Sylvia was with the vanilla game, she didn’t have her mabari, so I still haven’t thought of a name. Enansal and Cullen name their mabari Buster. Most of my other playthroughs have named mabari, though, but I have way too many to name them all haha I also never named any mounts, probably because I didn’t know that they could be named!
18) Have you installed any mods? I wish I could, but I definitely don’t have the space or know-how to install them.
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden? Veleda definitely did not. She was actually more than happy to stay in the Circle, because she definitely started out as a huge Loyalist, and was upset that she was basically forced into leaving with Duncan. She was eventually glad for the opportunity to live in the “outside world” though.
20) Hawke’s personality? Sylvia ended up being true blue lol
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition? No. I usually prioritized stats (and sometimes individual colors).
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
Veleda: She wouldn’t have betrayed Jowan. Being away from the Circle made her realize that she should have put more value in his friendship.
Sylvia: Even if it ultimately spared his life, she always regrets NOT taking Carver to the Deep Roads with her, because she hates the time that they spent apart.
Elera: She never would have left her Clan prior to the events of DAI.
Enansal: She wishes she never had gotten involved with Aaric.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon? Not particularly? I’d say my biggest canon-breaking content is my Tabris twins and my Kremquisitor playthrough.
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone? Aisling Tabris, Sylvia Hawke, and Enansal Lavellan are all self-inserts, technically >_> Nan is the one that is most like me, though. Ash is my go-to persona when I make new characters, and Sylvia is really only a self-insert in the sense that all of her dialogue choices were based on what *I* would do in that situation.
25) Who did you leave in the Fade? Stroud, because holy frick, I could not break Varric’s heart like that.
26) Favourite mount? N/A
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elveny · 6 years
Fictober - Day 17
Fandom: Dragon Age Origins Pairing: female Warden / Zevran Arainai Prompt: “I’ll tell you but you’re not gonna like it.” Warnings: none Words: 1109
Fian looked down at the man before her. He hadn’t even tried to get up, but had answered every question unwaveringly despite the uncomfortable position he found himself in. Oh, he knew how to use his charms, that much was obvious but then she didn’t expect anything less from someone trained as an assassin. It was a gift born of necessity that was only too familiar to her. The reading of someone’s mood and preferences to adjust her own behaviour as to be seen as less of a threat was something she had used herself quite a few times in the alienage. Just like he did everything to try and sell them his services but not once tried to move.
The way he talked and flirted told her more than he probably had wanted to show. She knew her emotions were being manipulated but despite that she felt pity for him. ‘But don’t let my sad story influence you’, he had said as if that would just erase what he had told them. Bought as a child and trained to be an assassin, and while seemingly provided with luxuries not even paid for his gruesome services. It sounded like slavery to her even if they might not call it that. And from what he said, he would literally do anything to stay alive.
She swirled her dagger in one hand and his eyes darted to the weapon. He didn’t show any sign of fear and she had to confess that it impressed her. It was nearly as if he didn’t mind what happened to him, whether she decided to spare him or not. Sure, she could hear the hope in his voice as he bargained for his life but it was faint, as if he didn’t even dare to admit its existence to himself.
“Very well,” she said quietly. “I accept your offer.”
“What?!” Alistair exclaimed, disbelief written all over his face, “you’re taking the assassin with us now? Does that really seem like a good idea?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Fian answered, without taking her eyes off Zevran who stared back at her as if he couldn’t quite believe himself that she had actually decided not to kill him, “we could use him.”
She offered her hand to the elf still laying before her and after a second of hesitation, the Antivan took it and got up. Alistair seemed not convinced but after a moment of contemplation grumbled, “Alright, I see your point. Still, if there was a sign we were desperate, I think it just knocked on the door and said hello.”
She couldn’t argue with that but it didn’t matter. They were desperate.
Zevran still looked at Fian, his eyes serious as he said, “I hereby pledge my loyalty to you, until such a time as you choose to release me from it. I am your man, without reservation… this I swear.”
His grip tightened for a moment, then he let go again and Fian gave him a careful smile. “Welcome to our group of desperates, Zevran.” She gave the others a sign and they gathered their weapons and what useful things they had looted from their attackers and started the way back to their little caravan.
Zevran waited until she indicated for him to join them before he fell into place next to her. Fian introduced the others before she added, “I hope you don’t mind that I keep your daggers for the time being.”
Something like amusement flashed over his face and he inclined his head. “Ah, I knew you were a smart woman from the moment you decided to keep me.”
She stopped dead in her tracks and grabbed his arm. “Let me make one thing perfectly clear,” she said, a sharp note in her voice. Zevran stopped as well, wariness written all over his face. His body was tense but he did not try to free himself from her grip. Fian locked eyes with him. “There is no ‘keeping you’. I’m not keeping you.” His eyebrows went up at her words but when she continued, the alarm she could see in his features changed to surprise. “Nobody here is ‘keeping’ you. You’re not a pet, not a slave. Nobody here will use you for - what was it? Bedwarming or shining armor or whatever you said you’d do. You are your own man. And you will be judged by your actions. So, that means you play your part in keeping us all alive and fed and help in setting up oder breaking camp. But there is no ‘keeping’ you.”
Something softened in his eyes at her words but when she was finished, all he did was sigh dramatically. “A pity. About the bedwarming, I mean.”
He gave her a flirtatious wink and she rolled her eyes as she let go of his arm. “You’re still not getting your daggers.”
Zevran laughed softly as they started to walk again.
It was no surprise that everyone was weary around Zevran this first evening but he barely seemed to notice. It was hard to keep up a distrustful atmosphere when he so easily and naturally inserted himself into their group, offering a helping hand here or there, flirting with everyone and not once making a suspicious movement. When they all had settled down after their meal, injuries tended to and tents being ready, Fian found herself watching him at the other side of the fire, sitting just a little bit off. She was cleaning her daggers when Leliana sat down next to her a bit too casual to be coincidence.
Fian raised her eyebrows and Leliana grinned. “So, tell me, my dear Warden, what is the true reason you spared him?”
“What do you mean?” she answered evasively and turned her gaze back to her weapons.
“Oh, come on. ‘We could use him’? Really? Alistair might fall for that but I won’t.” There was amusement in Leliana’s voice. “What was it? His thighs? The smile? The general handsomeness?”
“Leliana!” Fian exclaimed, the tips of her ears turning red just the tiniest bit and her friend laughed. “You can tell me!” she assured her and the Warden sighed.
“Alright. I’ll tell you but you’re not gonna like it,” she said, lowering her voice when she saw Zevran looking over to them. He gave her another wink and slightly inclined his head to her and she quickly looked back to Leliana. “I pitied him,” she admitted quietly.
The amusement on Leliana’s face softened to something Fian couldn’t quite interpret. “You’re wrong,” the woman said after a pause and gave her friend a smile. “I do like your answer.”
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trickfootpike · 6 years
1, 4, 13, 21, 25 and 26 for Kallian/Zevran and Rosalind/Bull!
1. Who is the most affectionate?
kallian & zevran
i would say zevran genuinely at first; kallian was distracted by how her chill flirtation with alistair was suddenly turning into something Too Serious And Probably Not For Her. but they tend to operate on a similar level (in this brecilian forest we express affection for our friends through Ceaseless Flirting), so as they slowly drifted into “oh hey maybe we want to continue these beneficial encounters into something that includes them but also like maybe it’s cool that we’re only doing it with each other and also maybe never want to be apart ever again if that’s chill” to all outward appearances… nothing changed. they were always affectionate, it’s just kallian meets his level of Actual Feelings now. 
(my closest comparison to their relationship Vibe is really morticia and gomez addams)
rosalind & bull
easily bull. some of that undoubtedly stems from the like…five, six or so years rosalind spent tranquil? all these emotions all at once are still overwhelming to her, and it’s easier to deal with if roz sticks herself in her own head and focuses on cold pragmatism and Getting Shit Done rather than address them and feel everything. bull’s good at reading that, and can spend a whole day in bed with her or draw her out soft and slow depending on what she needs. she reciprocates when it’s not too much for her, and he knows she means what she feels even if she can’t always express it or let herself be in there
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
kallian & zevran
they’re both at least a little competitive and like to show off to each other and each other off, so knife-throwing competitions amongst themselves? fantastic. and at least once they’ve stumbled into a tavern and made up this whole production of being nemeses in the art of dart-throwing and really ramped the energy up to a crowd as they compete against each other all night for free drinks and maybe a few spare coins - and then really seal the deal at the end of the night when zevran pronounces he just cannot stand Concealing His Lustful Feelings any longer and play the enemies-to-lovers trope out in about five seconds flat. it’s fun to compete and make fools out of themselves
rosalind & bull
it’s not a regular thing, but two steps to get roz to actually chill out for a couple hours: 1) get drinks 2) wreck up a storm with the chargers. it’s nice to be together in the same room but both be boneless doing their own things; roz likes to hang around with dalish and rocky when they’re all drunk and experiment freely with their magic and explosives, and bull can be in the thick of it with the rest of the chargers
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
kallian & zevran
kallian reaches; she needs reassurance a lot more often, but doesn’t like to make a fuss about it and a squeeze back and forth between the two can buck her up when she’s faltering
rosalind & bull
they’re not hand-holding types, but roz does like to drift her hand along bull’s shoulders when she’s getting up or walking past, and bull gives her a squeeze on hers
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
kallian & zevran
it depends on the setting - usually zevran if it’s something that requires any formal steps because he’s got the training for it, but kallian takes the reins when it’s more of a folk dance that she learned growing up in the alienage or when following perfectly in step isn’t important. being elven is a considerable part of her identity even if it isn’t in zevran’s, and she likes to share some of that by teaching him the dances she grew up learning
rosalind & bull
this was originally up there in the non-sexual activities so wa-hey! ABSOLUTELY rosalind - roz actually does love dancing; it keeps her mind occupied, and reminds her of some of the really nice memories of being just another trevelyan in the mix when she was a child. bull gets a kick out of the undercurrents of the dance, all the subtle little communications of it, but doesn’t get the same freeing feeling out it as roz
25. Who needs more assurance?
kallian & zevran
eyes #13 how did u know. yeah still the same, definitely kallian - though she’s good at letting most things roll of her shoulders, she also spent most of her formative years trying to please everyone around her and that instinct’s hard to shake even now when she can let more of her id cut loose
rosalind & bull
panic attack cw - hmm. i’d say they’re on equal footing. rosalind sticks to her guns hard, but is also suffering from a load of mental health issues that can overwhelm her. she easily feels like she’s being crowded when there’s someone in the room with her at all when she’s having an attack, but bull stands outside her door to keep the world away and will come in when she indicates she’s okay with it. bull i believe feels unsettled when he doesn’t have a routine down, or any aspect of his situation is unsure. she likes to help him out by always laying the situation down clear and giving him all the information, doing some extra homework when needed to keep him informed
26. What would be their theme song?
kallian & zevran
going with the Classique of chasing cars - their whole dynamic is really, “let’s be in love and fall in love with the world we’re getting to see as our own for the first time, no more weights on our shoulders let’s just go” so they do
rosalind & bull
see the panic in my eyes as i realise roz is the one oc i have not saved any songs for yet i’m going to go with evaporate. the vibe is really too gentle, but bull is currently the only person who can really bring roz back to the sense of soft wonder she had before she was ever sent to the circle - and how strange that is to rosalind, because she was ready to accept that this cold person she’d become was just Who She Was Now. this was who she had to be to deal with the world… but with bull around, it’s not always so much
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