#//sue n hannah r next watch out hoes
erniemcmlln · 6 years
☣ for a spy au
PART ONE: mandy
TW: blood, guns, violence
he had known mandy since they were practically babies. both of them coming from wealthy families, travelling around in the same circles. she was the sister he never had. it didn’t surprise ernie when she had been recruited for the kingsmen training too, and it didn’t surprise him when they had been the last two recruits left, fighting for the position.
ernie found the whole “knights of the round table” schtick a bit redundant, fighting for the title of lancelot had felt stupid at times, though perhaps he only thought that way now because he’d lost. though if he was honest, losing lancelot to mandy wasn’t a surprise either. mandy though found the titles stupid as well, and neither of them found themselves actually using them.
it had stung his pride at first, the weeks and weeks of training, trials and tests that he’d gone through, to make it to the final round and then, nothing. now back at his parents home in scotland, it only reminded him more on why he worked so hard to claim that kingsmen title in the first place. he chided himself for wasting his time with the whole thing, vowing to put it behind him. but when mandy showed up at his door in scotland, he didn’t hesitate for a second to follow her back to england.
“dumbledore’s been killed,” she told him in the cab on the way back to the headquarters.
ernie raised his eyebrows at that, albus dumbledore, the king arthur of the kingsmen, dead. “when and who?” he asked, trying to remove any emotional attachment he felt.
“the night you and the others left, and mordred.”
ernie drew a short intake of breath, a pang of guilt hit him. the night he left. he packed his bags in a rush, he’d bumped into mordred, snape in the corridor. he’d shaken his hand, “best of luck to you macmillan.” he’d said to him before they both continued on their way.
“where is he now?”
“at HQ” she responded simply.
“in lockup?”
“mordred has actually taken arthur’s mantle,” mandy said.
ernie blinked at that, “you’re not serious.”
“he’s the one who sent for you.” mandy said, “he’d like to offer you the title of palamedes.”
“and what happened to palamedes?” ernie asked his mind instantly thinking of palamedes, dean.  
mandy hesitated, “there have been a lot of changes made, kingsmen is going under some rebranding.” she said, “severus and his team are rebuilding the kingsmen with a stronger foundation, with less unsavory ties.”
“what exactly do you mean by unsavory?” ernie asked but carefully kept the aggression he felt out of his voice.
“you know exactly what i mean ern.” mandy said not sparing him a look.  
their cab pulled up in front of the familiar tailor shop. it didn’t hold the wonder it used to though. now it seemed to tower over him, daunting.
mandy undid her seatbelt, hand on the door looking at ernie, he couldn’t read her in this moment which concerned him.
“and what about wayne?” he asked.
mandy frowned, “he’s still allowed to stay.” she said.
“for how long?” ernie asked.
“ern, this is a chance for you to be a part of something bigger than yourself.” she said, “you can be an important piece in a strong foundation, we want you there.” i want you there.
it had always been hard saying no to mandy. even when they were children she usually got her way. and he wanted to say yes to her. it would be so easy to take her hand and walk out of the cab, back to the kingsmen. what he worked so hard for, but he couldn’t.
“i’m sorry.”
it was clear that she was hurt by this, but it was also clear that she wasn’t surprised. she nodded, “it’ll take you home.” she said quietly, she leaned over giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek before leaving the cab.
“goodbye ern.”
when mandy closed the door to the car it felt like a knife twisting through his heart because he’s losing her all over again, he wants to get out of the car and grab her, shake some sense into her, take her away from the kingsmen, but the cab pulls away, mandy shrinking into the distance as it drives down the road.
he closes his eyes, leaning back into the seat, letting the self-driving cab take him home, the last place he wants to be right now but he can’t think of anywhere better. the car comes to a red light and he hears the door open, he speaks before he opens his eyes, “this one’s taken-” assuming it’s some pedestrian looking for a way home. when he opens his eyes he’s met by a familiar face next to him, and a familiar fiery red updo sitting in the driver’s seat.
“neville, ginny.” he greeted hesitantly.neville gave him a half smile,
“hello ernie.”
they called themselves the children of avalon. the original name was the sons of avalon, but ginny shot it down, tired of (and rightly so) being bombarded with male presence what with all the medieval bullshit. so the children of avalon it was. they’d switched cabs, taking neville’s car to their “headquarters”- someone’s old childhood home, he couldn’t remember who’s, inside there were many familiar faces and many new. kingsmen recruits who never received the title and former kingsmen alike.
ginny’s older brothers, both former kingsmen who’d left after snape had taken over arthur’s mantle, had brought intelligence from behind the doors, that snape wasn’t truly the mastermind behind the reformation of the kingsmen but simply a pawn. whispers of a bigger organization, “knights of the walpurgis” though there was still no confirmation on who or what they were, or if they even existed. what they did know is that severus snape had to be taken down.
the nice thing about kingsmen being so set in their old-fashioned ways, was that things never changed. including how to enter their headquarters.
their raid was planned quickly and efficiently, though their numbers were strained. it was like sending one man against an army, an extremely well-trained army. the odds weren’t in their favour but they had to try. if killing dumbledore was all it took to throw kingsmen on it’s head then killing snape should have the same effect, and if it didn’t they would at least have the satisfaction of giving severus snape what he deserved.
he was paired with the twins. they entered through a passage that was practically in their house, their family had been one of the founding families of kingsmen, the macmillan’s not far behind them though his family had long disassociated themselves from the organization.
“you’d think they’d be smart enough to get rid of it.” one of the twins quipped, he wasn’t sure which one.
“maybe they’re still holding out.” the other twin responded.
they quickly got separated once inside. hearing footsteps, multiple heavy footsteps coming their way, fred (he was sure it was fred) pushed through the nearest door, finger to his lips with a wink.
ernie stumbled into the room though quickly froze, not wanting to make a sound, trying to listen to the muffled conversation between fred, george and whoever had caught them in the corridor. he waited until he heard them walk away before assessing where he was.
some sort of garage, it was a bit disorienting, he knew the corridors they’d be walking in were underground, but here it was clear. it felt dirty, even surrounded by the expensive cars (and some more self-driving cabs), the cement made the room cold. it felt somehow felt damp.
he checked his watch, deciding to allow himself five minutes before he could re-enter the corridor. by minute three though he hears the sound of a door creaking open and heels clacking against the cement instinctively he drew his gun, ducking behind a car trying to spot the source of the sounds, swallowing when the source came into view.
without thinking he stood up from behind the car, his gun lowered, she lowers hers when he sees him and then they’re hugging out in the open in the middle of a parking garage, which is stupid because it hadn’t even been that long since he’d seen her, but he pushed that thought aside letting himself relish in holding her.
they forget where they are for a moment, the sound of the heavy parking garage door reminds them. mandy pulls away instantly, both hands on her gun backing away from ernie. ernie had both hands back on his gun as well, pointing it at the man who entered the parking garage in a second.
“lancelot, i’m glad to see you’ve found mr. macmillan.” severus snape said, “mr. macmillan, i’d like to think that you’re here because lancelot talked some sense into you joining us,” he said, “though i can’t help but assume that you’re here with the rest of those miscreants.” he said eyeing ernie’s gun on him.
“we know who you are.” he continued, “every single one of you. none of you will be leaving here tonight alive, and in the small chance you do, you’ll have nothing to return you. your families and everything you own we will wipe off this planet.” snape snarled.
“your bloodline isn’t connected to the kingsmen.” ernie said, “what are you going to do when they turn on you the way you did arthur?” he asked, refusing to acknowledge snape as the head of kingsmen.
snape seemed to laugh at that idea, the only acknowledgement of what ernie said before turning to mandy, “lancelot, shoot him.” snape instructed. ernie swallowed glancing at mandy who had frozen in place.
“lancelot, that’s an order.”
ernie held his gun steady at snape but continued to look at mandy, who wouldn’t meet his eye which made his heart pound with just a pang of fear. she wouldn’t, he knew she would never. she did shoot the dog, his mind supplied but he countered himself, no she didn’t really, and you’re not a fucking dog.
“lancelot. now.” snape commanded.
mandy slowly let go of her gun, lowering it to her side in defiance. she looked up at ernie in confirmation which sent a flow of relief through him, almost letting himself smile. snape seemed to see the confirmation at the same time, he sighed pulling his own gun out like it was a chore, raising it and there was a loud ‘bang’ and then things went silent.
he didn’t have time to react. panic was the first thing on his mind, he could see mandy screaming his name but he couldn’t hear her which was weird. he tried to asses her, he didn’t see any wounds on her, he felt his knees giving out and soon they were hitting the pavement, his hands going down to catch himself and oh. he was the one who’d been shot. he must be in shock he thought rationally, he couldn’t feel anything. he looked up to see mandy, both hands on her gun and another shot ringing out, and then all of a sudden all the pain he didn’t feel he felt and holy shit.
he’d had people describe to him what it was like being shot before. one described it like being punched in the gut with the wind knocked out of you, another said it was like a ton of tiny knives attacking one spot. they were both wrong though because this felt like being fucking ripped apart and it burned. he was light-headed, felt himself falling backwards but then mandy’s hand was on his back supporting his weight.
he tried to talk but his mouth felt like it was full of drool, mandy attempted to quiet him but he managed to finally ask “did you get him?”
she nodded, before trying to move ernie to a more comfortable position, ernie catching a glimpse of snape as they moved. right between the eyes.
“you’ve always been a better shot than me.” ernie commented quietly leaning against her, not wanting to look down he closed his eyes, trying to focus on breathing. if he could just keep breathing.
“ernie please stay awake.” she said firmly
it was hard to listen to her though, and he knew it would probably annoy her if he didn’t but he was very comfortable where he was, and if he kept his eyes closed he could pretend he didn’t just get fucking shot. he blinked at an attempt to stay awake to avoid mandy’s wrath but it was no use.
“i’m sorry mandy.” he murmured, leaning further into her.
“ernie stay with me”
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