#//ivar no don’t encourage the puns—
@ofchevalerie, continued from here
The unsettling look of joy in her expression was disturbing. Not that Ivar was praying that she wouldn’t also set him on fire or anything like that! “Well, you saved me there... though, I had everything perfectly under control!”
He blinked at her words, taking a few moments to process her joke, before bursting out into laughter. Finally! Someone else who had a sense of humor around here! “I’m not one to judge! You’ve got to burn living somehow!”
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shipsforeveryone · 3 years
XL Ship For Anon
Their Request - 
Hi! Can I request a ship for all of your fandoms. Males only please!
Oh and for the scenario - First Fight. For TVD?
I am a tall, curvy straight female with blonde hair and blue-green eyes.
I am introverted, intellectual, I have a bunch of interests and hobbies, which I tend to hyper fixate on. I am also a bit of a jack of all trades as I like to learn/teach myself how to do a wide variety of things.
I have a very idiosyncratic point of view, I'm bookish and very interested in history. I have a knack for accurately predicting the likelihood of the future. I tend to test people to see if I can trust them a lot but then I become a friend for life. Literally, a ride or die. I have hidden dimensions and intensity and they're hidden because I'm pretty withdrawn. Wanting to watch people from afar to see if I can even poke my head out of my shell around them.
I tend to act arrogant, cryptic, or cynical when afraid. I can be diplomatic and say things without saying them. I am defiant/rebellious towards authority and habitually find counterexamples to whatever others assert. Despite this attitude, I'm incredibly loyal, hardworking, ambitious, and very idealistic.
I struggle with ADHD, social anxiety, and paranoia. I can brood over injustices or entertain conspiracy theories. I am a bigger fan of sneaky vengeance over outright confrontation. I can be passive-aggressive and self-attacking. I love all animals though I never want to personally own a dog, due to how needy and loud they are. I'm more of a cat or reptile person.
I like to record my thoughts out loud and later organize them.
I'm also currently fighting the urge to delete this because I think I sound very full of myself in this lol
Pretty please and thank you! Also sorry this was so long.
My Response
No worries, babe! You don’t sound full of yourself at all. I love the fact that you didn’t beat around the bush about describing yourself!
Avatar: The Last Airbender 
OTP - Zuko. He would love your idiosyncratic point of view and how insightful you are. And would often come to your for advice.
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BrOTP - Aang
NOTP - Sokka
OTP - Nick Jakoby
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BrOTP - Tikka
NOTP - Daryl Ward
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
OTP - Rupert Giles. You have quite a bit in common, and you may even end up arguing the uses of technology while admiring books as much as he does.
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BrOTP - Daniel “Oz” Osbourne
NOTP - Buffy Summers
Doctor Who
OTP - The 10th Doctor. He’d gently coax you out of your shell. And he’d take you anywhere in time or space that you want to go. If you don’t outright say where/when you would like to go then he’ll pick up on it by listening to your latest interests. 
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BrOTP - Is it cheating to say the 12th Doctor? Oh well. I think you would be partners in crime all the way.
NOTP - Rose Tyler
Dragon Age
OTP - Solas. There’s so much in common and I think you’d probably be the best option to convince him to change his plans. 
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BrOTP - Merrill.
NOTP - Cassandra.
Fast and Furious franchise
OTP - Tej Parker
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BrOTP - Deckard Shaw
NOTP - Luke Hobbs
Game of Thrones
OTP - Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion would tease you to draw you out of your introverted shell. He'd be very interested in your hobbies, interests and your knack for predicting the future. He'd admire your wide skill set, loyalty, defiant attitude and how hardworking you are. He’d often suggest books to you and vice versa. 
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BrOTP - Jon Snow
NOTP - Daenerys Targaryen
Golden Girls
OTP - Dorothy. 
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BrOTP - Rose
NOTP - Sophia
OTP - Will Graham.
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BrOTP - Alana Bloom.
NOTP -  Jack Crawford
Harry Potter
OTP - Severus Snape. Your mind, skill set and attitude would all appeal to him very much.
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BrOTP - Luna Lovegood
NOTP - Ron Weasley
Inglourious Basterds
OTP - Hugo Stiglitz
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BrOTP - Donny Donowitz
NOTP - Aldo Raine
John Wick
OTP - John Wick
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BrOTP - Marcus
NOTP - Winston
Jurassic Park franchise
OTP - Dr. Ian Malcolm
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BrOTP - Dr. Ellie Sattler
NOTP - Dr. Sarah Harding
OTP - Merlin
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BrOTP - Harry Hart / Galahad
NOTP - Jack Daniels / Whiskey
Legend of Korra
OTP - Mako
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BrOTP - Asami Sato
NOTP - Tahno
OTP - Bucky Barnes
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BrOTP - Loki
NOTP - Natasha Romanoff
Mayans MC
OTP - Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes.
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BrOTP - Johnny “Coco” Cruz
NOTP - Emily Thomas-Galindo
OTP - Timothy McGee
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BrOTP - Abby Sciuto
NOTP - Tony DiNozzo
New Girl
OTP - Nick Miller
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BrOTP - Winston Saint-Marie Schmidt
NOTP - Julia Cleary
Once Upon A Time
OTP - Killian Jones / Captain Hook
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BrOTP - Regina Mills
NOTP - Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White
Parks and Recreation
OTP - Ben Wyatt
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BrOTP - April Ludgate
NOTP - Jean Ralphio Saperstein
Peaky Blinders
OTP - Tommy Shelby
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BrOTP - Alfie Solomons
NOTP - Ada Thorne
OTP - Brock
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BrOTP - Bulbasaur Ash Ketchum
NOTP - Jessie
Rick and Morty
OTP - Rick Sanchez
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BrOTP - Beth Smith
NOTP - Jerry Smith. 
Schitt’s Creek
OTP - David Rose
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BrOTP - Ronnie Lee
NOTP - Moira Rose
Sherlock (BBC)
OTP - Sherlock Holmes. He'd adore your mind and find your skill set useful. Sherlock would love your defiance of authority and ambition. Though you'd butt heads every now and then ultimately your differences would make you an even better match. You'd both bring out each other's emotions more and understand each other better than anyone else ever could.
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BrOTP - Mycroft Holmes. I know, very surprising. But like with Sherlock there’s a lot in common and a lot different. So you’d frequently argue But in the end you’d have the common goal of looking out for Sherlock to make you both closer.
NOTP - Jim Moriarty.
Sons of Anarchy
OTP - Jackson “Jax” Teller.
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BrOTP - Bobby Munson
NOTP - Tara Knowles
Star Wars Prequels
OTP - Obi-Wan Kenobi
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BrOTP - Qui-Gon Jinn
NOTP - Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Original Trilogy
OTP - Luke Skywalker
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BrOTP - R2D2
NOTP - Han Solo
Stranger Things
OTP - Jim Hopper. I think Hopper would admire you for testing people so thoroughly to see if you can trust them. And he’d really love how loyal you are to the people you do trust.
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BrOTP - Alexei. Here me out, the two of you seem to have a bit in common. First and foremost your intelligence. And I think you’d make Hopper quit being such an ass to Alexei.
NOTP - Nancy Wheeler
OTP - Sam Winchester. Okay I can just see you researching together. Staying up all night in the Bunker’s library poring over every single book.
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BrOTP - Charlie Bradbury. Do I need to say anything more than nerd power?
NOTP - Mary Winchester.
Teen Wolf
OTP - Chris Argent
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BrOTP - Stiles Stilinski
NOTP - Lydia Martin
That 70’s Show
OTP - Eric Forman.
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BrOTP - Donna Pinciotti
NOTP - Jackie Burkhardt
The Expendables
OTP - Lee Christmas
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BrOTP - Barney Ross
NOTP - Mr. Church
The Hobbit
OTP - Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin would admire your wide skill set and your ambition to learn how to do so many things. He'd adore your loyalty and knack for diplomacy. 
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BrOTP - Fili Durin.
NOTP - Thranduil
The Lord of the Rings
OTP - Faramir. 
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BrOTP - Samwise Gamgee
NOTP - Denethor
The Vampire Diaries & The Originals
OTP - Elijah Mikaelson. I think that Elijah would adore your intelligence and would encourage your interests and hobbies. If you want to know anything about history? He'd be more than happy to discuss his own experiences with you. He'd often get your opinion on a course of action before doing it, due to your with and ability of predicting the possible outcomes. He'd love your original, no pun intended, point of view. And though he loves your tenacity, your ambition, your idealistic nature and your loyalty, sometimes it can frustrate him when he thinks certain people who have your loyalty don't deserve it. Or at least not at the intensity that you give it. 
First Fight - Your first fight would probably have to do with your friendship and loyalty towards Klaus. While sometimes he admires it, he often wishes that you weren’t so loyal to his brother. Thinking he isn’t always deserving of it. Afterwards you’d both go in different rooms to brood until ready to make up.
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BrOTP - Niklaus Mikaelson. Klaus would admire your intelligence, ambition, hard working and even defiant attitude. Your skills and ability to think differently from everyone else. He would also come to you for advice though he wouldn’t always adhere it. Though what Klaus would love most of all is your loyalty. Especially after he made it through all your tests and found himself on the receiving end of your loyalty. And he would feel guilty when your loyalty and friendship with him would cause a rift in your relationship with his brother. 
NOTP - Damon Salvatore. Damon is impulsive and has his own way of testing the loyalty  of those around him. Though his form of testing is more of him doing things that makes them less loyal and trusting of him. He’d probably end up trying to test and strain your loyalty towards Elijah and Klaus. Which would infuriate you. And he would fail which would infuriate him.
The Walking Dead
OTP - Negan.
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BrOTP - Carl Grimes. In an AU where Rick’s Group became saviors instead of finding Alexandria. I think Carl would have become Negna’s protege and may have even softened him up.
NOTP - Rick Grimes.
The Witcher (show)
OTP - Geralt of Rivia
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BrOTP - Yennefer of Vengerberg
NOTP - Queen Calanthe
True Blood
OTP - Eric Northman
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BrOTP - Bill Compton
NOTP - Sam Merlotte
OTP - Ragnar Lothbrok
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BrOTP - Ivar the Boneless
NOTP - Björn Ironside
WWE (kayfabe personas)
OTP - Roman Reigns
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BrOTP - Finn Balor
NOTP - Chris Jericho
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ivesundlillies · 7 years
A Vikings Vow: Part IV
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I admit I was heavily inspired for this chapter: you know the saying “Like Father, Like Son”? I was re-watching 4x05 and came up with this... 
All day Ivar had been straining to catch a glimpse of his wife as he crawled throughout the castle. In between meetings with his men and lunch with his brothers, he'd inquired to every servant that passed as to where Sophia might be. Yet he was met with a mix of 'I don't know' and foreign mumbling, no doubt insisting that they didn't speak the common language. Although the Viking had yet to learn any Spanish, he knew when he was being evaded. And considering that they were servants, his wife had no doubt encouraged them to play along with her game- waiting until tonight. Ivar felt a mix of anticipation and dread flowing through his veins as the day wore on and he considered what Sophia had planned. Was she going to invite him into the passageways with her? What would they watch and discover as a couple? Would that lead to deeper, more depraved secrets between the two of them and bind their marriage into an even stronger alliance? Or would this evening head into a completely different direction? Would Sophia broach the idea of sex with him again? Would she ask more embarrassing questions and insist on 'trying' once more? It broke Ivar to deny his wife, even more than it tortured him to deny himself- but how could he make Sophia understand? She had done so much for him, he didn't want to disappoint her, didn't want to raise her hopes only to watch them crash and burn.
"For a newlywed, you are looking remarkably glum," Hvitserk remarked, forking another piece of chicken into his mouth.
Ivar scowled. "Go to Hell!"
The cripple reached for the flagon and poured himself another glass of wine to wash down the insult.
"It was merely an observation, brother" he replied, chewing, "I thought you would be happy with your new bride."
"I am happy with her. However, there are matters of matrimony that you could not possibly understand until you decide to take the step yourself. Women, they... they claw and scratch at you until they are under your skin and burying themselves even deeper. Sinking their nails into you like anchors on a boat and tugging at you relentlessly until they get what they want- it is maddening!!!"
The middle brother grinned but said nothing, picking up on the euphemisms slipping past Ivar's lips.
Ubbe smiled as well, taking a more delicate route. "Perhaps, as a fellow married man, I might be able to offer you some advice, little brother. What exactly is the problem? And Hvitserk cover your ears"
He stopped mid-bite with yet another piece of chicken hanging out of his mouth before he frowned. "Why?"
"Because I am the eldest and I said so"
"Bjorn is the eldest" he snapped, correcting Ubbe "And why shouldn't I hear what you are going to say next? I may not be married but we have all had Margarethe and probably many slaves together before- not to mention that I may also want to get married soon and I could learn quite a bit from your...experience?"
The oldest Rangarsson snickered and shrugged, looking at Ivar for confirmation. "Do you mind? He might actually learn a thing or two from how we manage our women"
"I don't care" he admitted, his blue eyes shiny with unshed tears "I already know that you are aware of my inability to satisfy a woman so how much worse could this conversation get?"
Hvitserk ignored his previous statement and took a swig of ale. "First, why don't you answer Ubbe's question? Aside from the obvious 'difficulties' that you face behind closed doors, what exactly is the problem?"
"The princess wants to have sex with me, she admitted as much last night" he huffed, pushing his plate away.
Both brothers looked at each other in confusion; one, why exactly was the princess so eager to lie with their crippled brother? And most importantly, how was her desire a problem?
"Your wife wants to lie with you... but what exactly is the issue?" Hvitserk inquired "That is usually a good thing-"
Ivar nodded. "Yes it usually is, but how exactly is that a good thing when I am completely unable to satisfy her, you idiot?!?"
"Did it go that badly on your wedding night?" Ubbe probed "I know she was bleeding and crying when she left, but I can't imagine-"
"We did not lie together. The princess took my fingers to make herself bleed but we have never had sex, that is: I have never been inside my wife" he confessed, awaiting ridicule.
Although he would not admit it, Ubbe was impressed; for all of his experience, he had genuinely believed that his brother and the princess had consummated their marriage. And if he had been fooled, then he had no doubt that both the Cardinal and her maid had believed it as well. They were safe with that deceit, for now- but rumors would soon spread. Why was the princess not pregnant yet? Ivar's impotence was already a common line of gossip, so what would happen when the court and the people put two and two together? Ubbe had to help his brother and quickly if the alliance between their two countries was to hold fast.
"Have you even tried? I mean with the princess?" Hvitserk queried "By now her virginal pain must have subsided, I'm sure if you-"
"I tried that once and we all know how that turned out" Ivar snapped.
Ubbe threw up his hands in mock defeat. "You are absolutely right, little brother: there is no hope for you whatsoever. Everybody knows that if you try something once for the first time and you are no good at it, then there is no point in trying again. We all know that you woke up one morning and were an excellent marksman, obviously, you were born with a hand for the sword and your chariot- clearly, that took no practice whatsoever. Of course, why waste any more time trying to please your wife..."
"Combat takes practice!" the cripple argued "Pleasing a woman-"
"Just happens overnight?" Hvitserk interrupted, taking another bite of chicken "Every man must learn how to please a woman, that is the fun part; discovering what makes a woman desire you, pushing her limits and getting her to beg... Figure that out before anything else, and then worry about your prick"
Ivar looked back and forth between his brothers in confusion. "But how can I please her if neither my legs or my cock work?!?"
"Your fingers do" Hvitserk pointed out "As does your mouth. If you can learn to please a woman with your mouth and tongue, I promise you: you will bring that princess to her knees as if she was praising her God. Just make sure that your arms there to keep her up; a falling and climaxing woman make for a dangerous combination"
So that was what he had been doing to Margarethe in the forest that day...
"What do I do? How exactly do I please her with my mouth?"
The middle brother was about to speak up when Ubbe interrupted him. "Let her tell you that. Not all women are the same and you will need to discover exactly what it is that your wife enjoys, without the advice from your over experienced brothers buzzing around in your head like insistent bees"
But surely they would tell him something? He could at least use some direction.
"Please," he begged "Just tell me a little bit, some general idea as to what women enjoy"
Ubbe sighed and rubbed his temples in exasperation. "Alright, fine. First of all, when using your mouth: NEVER use teeth, this also goes for her if she decides to pleasure you as well. Secondly, be gentle: women are sensitive and too much attention to one space can become too much for them."
Yes, Ivar remembered how Sophia had pushed his hand away when he tried to continue rubbing the spot she had told him about. Perhaps, he should be gentler and more careful next time.
"Use your tongue, like I said" Hvitserk offered "There is a small bump near a woman's sex that is extremely sensitive to touch. Just move your tongue around a bit and see what she likes best- then you continue doing it. Oh and use fingers if you can"
Fingers and his mouth? At the same time?!? How was he supposed to manage that without his legs to support himself?
"Yes," his brother agreed "While your tongue is moving, push one finger in her at a time- and don't worry about filling her too much, she will tell you if she cannot take it."
"But, what if I cannot use my mouth at the same time as my hand? Then what?"
Ubbe shrugged. "Just use your fingers then. And use your thumb to rub against the spot we told you about. That should keep her satisfied and prevent the 'tugging' at you, if at least for a while"
"And- and when that is no longer enough for her? Then what? When she decides she wants to have children? How will-"
"Focus on one thing at a time, brother" the elder commanded "Once you have mastered pleasing your woman, then you can free to worry about your cock. For now, just do as we have told you."
Hvitserk smirked. "And in return, perhaps you might talk to your wife about sharing her maids with us."
"The princess would rip off your arms and beat me with them if I snuck you into her maid's rooms. You heard what she said to Finehair and what happened to his man when he got too close" Ivar reminded him.
"But what if they were willing?" he pressed "Your wife sounds like an open-minded and sexually alert woman, surely she wouldn't mind it if a few of her ladies desired to partake in some Northern 'exploration'?"
Sophia probably wouldn't mind, but the youngest didn't want to press his fortune. "I will ask her and see how she feels about it. But hold off on YOUR Spanish 'exploration' until I hear from her... we don't need another cockless brother crawling about."
Both Ubbe and Hvitserk began laughing at Ivar's pun. If he was comfortable enough to poke fun at himself, some of his performance anxiety must have eased with his brother's help and they could only pray their advice would work.
Ivar was determinedly dragging himself toward his wife's old room, his stomach now full and his mind focused on his upcoming task. At dinner with his men, Theresa had informed him that his wife had completed her tasks for the day and was now in her room waiting for him to call her to bed. But that had been almost an hour ago and the youngest Ragnarsson was not going to call her like a pet and invite her into his territory- no, he was going to go to her. The uncertainty was causing his already tired arms to shake but he remained firm in his resolve; he was going to find a way to please his wife tonight if it was the last thing that he did.
Coming upon Sophia's door, something in the Viking gave him pause and he decided to knock first- albeit very loudly. Seconds later, the door opened a crack to reveal an unfamiliar woman dressed in servants garb.
"Yes, my Lord Ivar?"
He scowled. "I wish to see my wife, now let me in"
Elena stepped to the side and allowed Ivar to slide in before she closed the door with a smirk.
"Princess? Your husband is here; he wishes to speak with you" the maid announced, walking towards the linen partition that separated her from the rest of the room.
Ivar didn't know what to do from here so he just waited, he was on his wife's turf after all. Perhaps she was changing or seeing to some womanly business behind the screen; he could be patient and respect her privacy.
"Yes, husband?" Sophie called out "You may approach me if you wish"
He crawled toward the sound of his wife's voice and prepared himself for what he may see, but even then Ivar felt his elbows about to give out when he looked up. There was his wife, soaking wet and sitting upright in a copper tub. Even from his distance, Ivar could see the small droplets of water clinging to her eyelashes as she blinked.
"Yes, Ivar? Did you need something?" she inquired, leaning back.
The Viking couldn't string a coherent thought together as he stared at his wife, observing how the tips of her long hair floated on the surface of the water and obscured his view of her chest. The angle of his body on the ground made it almost impossible for him to view anything else, though he longed to see the rest of her.
"Head back, princess" her maid instructed, rubbing some soap in between her fingers and working up a lather.
Ivar was still as he watched Sophia rise up in the water and tilt her head back, allowing her servant to wash her hair and giving him a peek at her rosy nipples just breaking the surface of the water. The strain of the princess's neck caused her to take deep and shallow breaths, opening up her throat and causing her perky breasts to rise and fall. More than ever, the cripple believed in the magic of the Gods: for this was definitely sorcery...
"Wife!" he growled, more to himself than her "I must speak with you on an important matter!"
She nodded but kept her eyes closed as Elena massaged her scalp. "Then speak, husband. I am listening"
And he was watching... "My brother, Hvitserk asked a question today when we spoke of women and I thought I should ask you for your opinion before I gave him an answer. You see, he asked if he, or any other of my men, wished to enjoy the company of your maids or any other servants- would it be allowed? Could they spend time with your Spanish women?"
"They are my servants, not my slaves" she replied, now leaning forward so Elena could rinse her hair "If one of my women desires the company of your men, then I shall not stop her. My only condition is that she consents to whatever it is that your men desire of her- and keep in mind, I will ALWAYS take the word of my women over the word of one of your men. And, thank you"
The princess tossed her hair back and leaned back against the tub, her wild tresses now framing her face and chest.
Ivar gulped. "For what?"
"For asking me before making a decision" she replied, placing her hands on the side of the tub "I appreciate the fact that you want to take my opinions into account"
He nodded and averted his eyes in embarrassment; was he supposed to leave now? They were married so couldn't he stay? But... why should he stay? Other than to gawk at his bathing wife?
"You, woman- what is your name?" he barked, attempting to gain control of himself.
She smiled. "I am Elena, my Lord"
"So you're the one..." he mumbled, "Alright, Elena; please go to my room and prepare the bed so that my wife and I may sleep."
Sophia frowned at her husband. "But I haven't yet finished my bath and I-"
"I will help you finish," he insisted, getting on his knees and scooting towards her "Elena, leave my wife and me"
The servant nodded, a smile dancing on her lips; Elena rose up from her stool and dried her hands.
"Very well, my Lord" she replied before turning to her mistress "¿Ves, Sophie? Sólo unosmomentos y ya tienes a tu hombre del Norte de rodillas para ti ..."
Although he didn't speak Spanish, the Viking did catch the informal version of his wife's name and could only conclude that this 'Elena' was not only his wife's maid, they must also be quite close; at least, close enough to go sneaking through secret tunnels to watch people have sex.
The door to Sophia's room closed and Ivar reached for the soap, first cleaning his own hands before even attempting to touch his wife's body.
"You needn't scrub so hard," she told him "You'll hurt yourself"
Ivar shrugged and worked the soap under his nails. "I am used pain"
"Is that from the fighting, your training as a Viking? Or is it because of your legs?"
He dipped his hands into the bathwater to rinse them and once again shrugged. "Both. But my legs are not so bad now as they were when I was a child. My mother told me I would cry out for many hours and would not sleep for the pain was so bad, that was until a man called Harbard took some of my pain into himself. Now I can manage enough to move about"
With a gentler touch than he used on himself, Ivar began soaping up his wife's arm and hand. The simple contact caused goosebumps to rise up from Sophia's skin as her husband drew little circles in the lather as he bathed her.
"Your skin is unlike anything I have ever seen" he murmured, working his way up to her neck "It is like sun-kissed gold"
Sophia blushed at the compliment and brought her now clean arm to her chest. "You do not find it odd? Your people are so fair..."
Ivar shook his head and shifted himself so that he was now behind his wife. "It is beautiful, so shiny and rich. Lean forward, wife"
The princess hugged her knees so that he might soap up her back, her husband's deft fingers grazing her tailbone with his gentle strokes. She shivered, an involuntary moan reaching her lips when Ivar put his hands on her shoulders to bring her back against the edge of the tub. Sophia did her best to cover the sound with humming, doing her best to distract herself from the touch of her husband as he washed her.
"What is that song?" he inquired, now washing her other arm.
Should she tell him? "It is a hymn from the Book of Samuel"
"What is it about?" he asked, now rinsing his wife's arm.
"King David" she replied, carefully choosing her words "After defeating the giant Goliath-"
Ivar snickered. "You have giants in your beliefs, as well?"
"Giants and the Nephilim" she responded, trying to keep her voice even "After David defeated Goliath he became king and one night while roaming the halls of his palace he looked out and saw Bathsheba on the roof. He was overcome with lust and took her to his bed, despite the fact that she was already a married woman"
The Viking rolled up sleeves and reached for the soap once more. "What was she doing that drove him so mad with desire?"
"Bathing..." she admitted, casting her eyes down towards the water.
His ministrations stopped and time seemed to snap as Ivar put the pieces of her game together; Sophia had played him so well, the same way Athelstan's son had played him at chess. He was simply a piece in her game of lust; how she had avoided him most of last night and all of today, building up his impatience and then overwhelming him with availability. It was like the Northerners of the west, how they would starve their dogs days before a hunt only to let them loose and tear apart the prey which they so keenly hunted for. Is that what the princess wanted from him? Did she want to starve him of touch and affection only to allow him free reign over her body? Would she allow him to devour her and tear her to pieces in his drive to conquer? A warmth pooled in between in legs and Ivar felt the threads of control being tightened in its wake.
"You did this on purpose" he observed, raising an eyebrow "Ignoring me all day, knowing I would come looking for you and find you here, in your room- on your territory and openly bathing for me to see"
Sophia shuddered, whether it was in fear or arousal she was not sure- lest it be some kind of fatal mixture of both. Her husband was many things but stupid clearly was not one of them, and now he was insulted. Ivar moved to the front of the tub so that he could face his wife, use his ice blue eyes to bore into her soul and see the truth of her deceit.
"You wanted me to lose control" he murmured, reaching into the water for her foot "You wanted me to react like some beast and take you like an animal, like one of those men that you watch in your passageways"
Was he angry? Or was he aroused? The princess couldn't tell; her husband touch was gentle, yet firm as he washed her feet, keeping his eyes locked on hers. Ivar was still, his vibrating energy seeping out of his pores as he stared at his wife like a wolf, eyeing its prey.
"It is not a good thing for me to lose control, Sophia" he informed her "Haven't you heard the stories? I took an ax to a young boy's head because he would not play with me. I tried to kill a slave because I could not lie with her. I murdered my own brother in cold blood because he insulted me. I am not a man who enjoys being pushed"
Sophia's breaths were coming quickly as she watched Ivar's hand reach into the water. "It- it seems like you do. When it is a- huh! A positive thing"
His fingers danced up her calves and swirled around her thigh, less than an inch away from where she wanted them. The Viking scooted closer to her side, his soapy hand reaching for her breasts and caressing them gently. Sophia sighed and her head lolled backward, her whole body going lax as she surrendered herself to her Northman's movements. Ivar took advantage of her new position and slid his fingers toward his wife's now open legs.
"Ah, Ivar!" she moaned, her spine straightening in shock and pleasure.
He growled and tightened his hold on her breast, massaging the skin while his fingers rubbed delicately up and down her folds.
"How does it feel to be played with, princess? To be manipulated? How do you process what is happening to your body when you can't even think straight?"
Sophia couldn't answer him, her mind was so overwhelmed by the sensations of his hands on her. This was what she had been craving for years; this desire, this intimacy, this touch, this fulfillment- she didn't ever want it to end. She wanted more, she wanted to feel whole- she wanted him inside of her.
"Ah, ah- Dios! Ivar, por favor!" she begged, rotating her hips.
He snickered. "Does that mean 'please', wife? Are you begging now?"
She nodded and gripped the sides of the tub when her husband's hand reached even lower, where it had been not two nights ago- but this time she was ready, this time she wanted it.
"I have been educated as well, wife" he hissed, his dry hand now reaching for her throat "How to please a woman with just your hands. To use your thumb to torment her while your fingers are inside of her"
"Yes, yes, Ivar- please!" she moaned, basking in the feeling of being so controlled, so undone by this pleasure. 
He did as she asked, sliding two fingers into her while holding tight to her throat; he didn't squeeze, merely held her there, reminding her of who was in charge as of this moment.
Sophia cried out in delight, not giving a thought as to who could hear her or what they would think. Ivar kept his two fingers where they were, not yet confident in his movement but bold enough to glide his thumb back and forth over the sensitive spot he had touched on their wedding night. His wife screamed and her back arched, spilling water over the side of the tub and soaking her husband in her ecstasy- but Ivar didn't care, he was too focused on his task at hand.
"Mierda! Ah, oh Dios.... Ivar"
She was close, close to what she wasn't sure. It felt like what she had done to herself in the bath many times, but this was not the same; it was so much more intense, so involved, so violent that she couldn't grasp what was happening to her body. She felt her insides tightening around her husband's fingers, attempting to lock him in place as she reached her peak... and then there was nothing.
In an instant her husband was gone; his hands from her body had disappeared and the bliss that she had been experiencing was torn away from her. She felt like one of the angels cast out of the Heaven; nothing but pure bliss and suddenly everything was ripped from her as she fell back towards Earth.
"Gilipollas!" she snapped, splashing her husband with water "Why the hell did you stop?!? I was close!"
Ivar grinned at her like the Devil himself, not caring that he was now soaked to the bone. "And how does it feel, woman? Being manipulated without the choice of control? Having somebody else tell you how YOUR body should react? It is horrible, is it not?!"
Blind rage overtook the princess and she slapped him across the face. "¡Salí! ¡Fuera de tu maldito bastardo! ¡No eres un buen hijo de puta, te quemarás en el infierno por lo que has hecho!"
Ivar didn't speak Spanish, but he needed no translation as to what that meant. The Viking dragged his soaking wet body to the princess's door and crawled back to his room, all the while the angry voice of the princess echoing throughout the castle as she threw things. It didn't matter to him; let her be angry, let her see how it feels to be exploited and used.
The Viking came upon his room and stripped down out of his wet clothes, preparing for bed when he realizing the pain below his hips was not from crawling about but from his swollen cock. There it was jutting out from between his thighs; angry, red and leaking- no doubt awaken by the same means as his wife.
Ivar did his best to ignore that fact as he climbed into bed, alone and willed his uncooperative body to sleep.
                                                                 * *Grins like Loki*  Haha!!! Dont forget to drop a note if there is any specific ‘act’ or ‘position’ that you would like to see in any upcoming chapters!!!
Taglist: @persephone-is-here-omg  @cafe-sabor-a-chocolate  @ursulaismymiddlename  @ivarthefuckboy  @fuckthatfeeling  @imyourliquor-youremypoison  @vickapinto  @inumorph  @readsalot73  @rrwilson66  @ivarsvalkyrie  @vaisabu  @britt-janssens  @jasmineladjevardi  @ayeputita  @patiletoproblems  @salty-holographic-stickers  @itsjaynebird
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