#//3234 years later
vishapsking · 1 year
♧ or ♡ banter about a punk rock concert or musician and 'the' rock lets goo
party banter.  @guaxian​​ / accepting !
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Azhdaha: So 'rock and roll' has nothing to do with actual rocks? Xinyan: Nope! It's a genre of music, like classical and country! Azhdaha: Fascinating. I do enjoy a good performance. Consider it done. I will attend your concert. Xinyan: Great! Hu Tao and them are gonna be there too so if you want, come up on stage. Azhdaha: I couldn't possibly. As a new admirer of this art form, I am content to remain a spectator for the time being. Xinyan: Nah, don't sweat it! Rock's for everyone; old and new fans!
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
Classic ED schedule - week 37 (2022) **UPDATED**
Syd offers Chloe a shoulder to cry on leading to a kiss then later, after a rejection from Scott, they hit the sheets. Phil Weston bids adieu to be closer to Jess. Eric plans on a floral display for the Village in Bloom competition. Latisha shoplifts using Kirk’s pram to stash the expensive sunglasses but it’s Cynthia that takes the rap when the goods are found. Angie flirts with Mack while Diane isn’t in the mood for his games. Syd admits to sleeping with Chloe to Scott and brags how great she was. Angie arrests Scott. Chloe walks out on Scott. Louise agrees to move in with Ray. Angie and Mack kiss. Rhona introduces herself to a newly returned Tricia. Zoe realizes she may get locked up for years against her will.
UK START TIME of 1:40pm the entire week
12-Sep: 18-Jul-2002** (3224); 19-Jul-2002 (3225)
13-Sep: 22-Jul-2002 (3226); 23-Jul-2002 (3227)
14-Sep: 24-Jul-2002 (3228); 24-Jul-2002 (3229) originally 1hr episode
15-Sep: 26-Jul-2002 (3230) single episode due to 1hr Classic Corrie
16-Sep: 29-Jul-2002 (3231); 30-Jul-2002 (3232); 31-Jul-2002 (3233); 01-Aug-2002** (3234)
**Robert appears in the episode
Next week… Robert finally loses his virginity… to Nicola!!
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the-silentium · 2 years
Achille’s Heel
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Pairing: Wrecker x OC.
Words: 3234 words
Warnings: None.
Exchanging knowledge with Tech was one of Kai's favorite things to do, other than creating pictures with successions of 1s and 0s or listening to Layla hum soft tunes under her breath. He was a curious being, who could really blame him? He had been thrown into a completely different universe that was onto a whole new level of technology that could perhaps rival the Forerunners. 
Plus, the more he knew, the safest Layla was. 
If he had to choose one thing that would be his favorite out of this whole new universe, he would choose the harmony. The inter-species relationships weren't the same as in the Milky Way galaxy. Kai admired how all those different species with different needs, physiologies, morphologies and intelligence managed to coexist in an overall peace. He liked to imagine how life would have been if the aliens under the Covenant alliance hadn't decided that mankind was a subspecies to exterminate. It wasn't hard to imagine; what was hard was to hope that his mental pictures would ever come true after 24 years of brutal war. 
The chances of the Covenant and humans living in peace were very much close to none. It was a delusion. 
So as a true artificial soldier, Kai pushed the peace ideas aside for him to fantasize about later when he would be in resting mode, and put his energy on learning new war strategies that Tech was developing. His new reality was to fight for the Republic and not the UNSC. The humanity he once was created to serve was long lost to him and his Spartan. 
Tech's datapad displayed a battle simulation. Kai listened to the clone's explanation of the situation and described his multiple plan ideas that would use the clones' and Layla's abilities to their fullest. He listened with genuine interest and offered his thoughts whenever requested. He loved the audacity and ingenuity of the various plans presented, but most of all, he loved that they used his partner's strengths. Kai nodded in approval to the latest suggestion.
"I don't think many doors could survive a combined hit from Wrecker and Layla." He confirmed with a chuckle. "Just imagine the damage they could do to–"
"Something's wrong with her." Crosshair's voice caught Kai's immediate attention– the mix of 'wrong' and 'her' in the same sentence making him as alert as if he was on the battlefield. 
"What do you mean?" His worry showed on his face and could be heard in his voice. The usually stoic sniper had a somber look in his eyes that unsettled him. He unconsciously tried to run an exam of her vitals which showed a completely blank report; Layla wasn't in her armor so he didn't have access to her information. His hands closed into tight fists in frustration and worry. 
"She's burnin'." Crosshair explained from his spot in the doorway of the barracks. His eyes moved back towards what Kai assumed was Hunter's bunk where you laid, sick. 
Kai had to wait for Tech to come back with some news. He saw Hunter enter the barracks after Tech while Crosshair remained still, his back keeping the door from closing. As the seconds passed, Kai looked down at his station. He hated that he had to be a simple AI, stuck to a helmet or a station. He wanted to help and not just by providing insights. He wished he could actively go into the room and help.  
"She got a fever." Hunter came back to address him. The clone took the AI chip out of the ship's station and connected him to a datapad instead. With Kai in his hands, the sergeant walked back to the barracks. 
"Is the wound infected?" Kai couldn't believe that she got sick. He had kept a close look at Tech's work. The wound had been cleaned properly. He could even tell that it had been overly cleaned, just to be sure that no trace of the incident would be left behind. He had missed something. He must have. 
A groggy Wrecker slowly rose up from the top bunk. "What's going on?" He managed to say in a yawn. His question went ignored. 
"No, it's still perfectly clean. No bleeding either." Tech informed him. Kai ran dozens of scenarios in hope of finding where he screwed up. Spartans usually had a very resistant metabolism that left them nearly invulnerable to sickness. If something managed to get her in a feverish state, then it must be something serious. 
A pained whine filled the small room. Layla's eyelids slowly lifted as if they weighed more than usual. Kai had never seen her eyes as unfocussed as in that moment. 
"Hey." Hunter kneeled by the bed to gently put a hand on her naked shoulder. Kai now noticed the fine layer of sweat covering her skin. "How do you feel?" 
"Tired." She sounded out of breath. 
Hunter acknowledged her with a hum. "Does something hurt?"
"Everywhere." Her eyes scrunched and her jaw tightened in visible pain. "Bones." 
Tech shook his head. "We should go to a medbay. I can't do anything other than give her something for the pain and the fever." He paused. "Although I'm not certain we should give her anything. Her body could react badly to our medication." 
Kai's eyes widened in realization. 
Wrecker looked at Layla from where he sat on the empty bed on the other side of the room. He was heartbroken to see her so frail and vulnerable when she was always so strong and shrugged off the worst dangers like they were nothing. All he wanted to do was hug her tightly in hope of sharing his strength to see her strong and healthy again. To see her smile again. 
Tech took them to the closest medbay in no time. Kai had mumbled under his breath in a language he couldn't understand for the whole duration of the trip, unnerving Wrecker even more. Would she be okay? Fevers were not nice to deal with, but he was always back on the field after a good couple of days of rest. Wouldn't it work for her too? 
The whole team was waiting for the medic to come back with results following her bloodwork. The more they waited, the more Wrecker wanted to take her in his arms and return to the ship. He hated medbays. Although seeing her like this made him more distressed, so he would hold on for her. Because as Tech put it, she needed care they alone could not provide. 
He looked at the floor when he felt like his heart was starting to break. He didn't want her to die. He didn't want to relive the white-hot pain that was grief. He preferred to laugh. His finger went over the fingerprint she accidentally left on the side of his helmet. He didn't want memories. He wanted her. 
Wrecker's eyes shot up as the door opened. General Kenobi entered the room with Marshall Commander Cody in tow. He knew he hadn't done anything wrong, but Wrecker couldn't help feeling anxious. 
"Sorry boys but I gotta ask you to leave the room." The Marshall Commander turned towards them while the General immediately went to your side. The request made Wrecker even more anxious. He stood with a refusal at his lips. 
"We know her origins." Tech cut him short. Kai's hologram slowly nodded his head in agreement, his eyes looking at the wall as if he was lost in his thoughts. 
"What he means is, we'd like to stay, sir. She's a member of our team." Hunter added after reprimanding Tech with a hard gaze. 
"Very well." General Kenobi conceded. Wrecker thought he would not be pleased that you told them who you were. The General had been explicit that you shouldn't talk about yourself, yet he looked like he didn't mind it. The clone was confused. 
"She was diagnosed with Bybbec fever." General Kenobi informed them when he looked down at a medical datapad. 
"Bybbec fever?" Should he be worried if Tech was confused? Tech knew a lot of things and could often predict an outcome to a fairly precise degree, so Wrecker chose to take it as a bad sign. Even Crosshair looked like he wasn't expecting this at all! "But how–?" 
"She slept in the bed." Kai's small voice made the room go silent. Wrecker tried to understand why her sleeping in a real bed for once made her sick. He had to admit that they weren't the comfiest bed in the galaxy, he had slept on comfier jungle floors, but she used to sleep seated on a crate! 
"Can you explain, young friend?" General Kenobi approached Kai's datapad. 
"She doesn't have any immunity against the diseases of this world." He pointed out. "She was fine for so long so I forgot about it, but she was fine because she stayed in her sealed suit and removed it only in a somewhat clean environment for short periods of time like in the freshers. Her battlesuit has filters that are completely effective at removing toxins and bacteria from local atmospheres so that has never been a problem either." Wrecker almost thought he imagined a soft hiccup in the little man's voice. If only the AI didn't have his helmet hiding his face, he could have confirmed if Kai was indeed crying or not. "But she got hit and I asked her to sleep in a bed for once. And because the clones have a strong immune system they don't get sick, although they can still carry the bacterias, which make them vectors. Her suit was partially off at the time which made her vulnerable to pathogens." 
Wrecker almost dropped his bucket in shock. He didn't want to be the cause of your sickness. He didn't even think he could get you sick. Guilt washed over him despite knowing that he wasn't the express cause of her pain. He couldn't help it. 
"So she fell sick because she slept in one of our beds…" Hunter trailed off in disbelief. 
"That's the only possible explanation. She has been eating the same rations for a year and hasn't fallen sick so far. I also triple-checked if the composition of bacta would be harmful but it wasn't and the wound was correctly disinfected, meaning that she caught the virus after the wound was dressed." 
The silence in the room made Wrecker even more uneasy. Did that mean they were all a danger to her? That she would always need to be fully armored around them? He himself loved to remove his armor after a long battle and couldn't imagine keeping it on all the time. She had done exactly that so far, but he wished she would have removed her gear before. Not only because she was nice to look at, but he also thought she deserved to take it easy and that she definitely pushed her limits most of the time. When Kai said that she had been neglecting herself for nearly a year, he had been extremely worried. He had silently swore to keep an eye out for her needs and limits so he could help however he could. 
His heart tightened when he glanced at her body tensing in pain. 
"What should we do?" He asked, eager to find a way to help. 
"I'll have to bring this matter to the council, but it seems to me that she'll be removed from any clone squad for her own safety." Wrecker stopped breathing at the General's words. He didn't want her to leave. That wasn't what he meant. 
He turned to Hunter who was frowning like whenever he caught wind that Wrecker used up all the hot water of the ship. He wasn't happy. But he wasn't refusing the decision either. 
"This is not an option." Kai somberly opposed, stealing Wrecker's words. The Batch released a silent, relieved breath. 
"Why is that?"
"It'll kill her." Kai closed his fists while Wrecker froze again. "For a year she had been neglecting herself, pushing her metabolism to extreme limits. Her sleep schedule became shorter each month, she only ate two-thirds of what she was supposed to consume on a resting diet, so merely a third of what her high functioning metabolism needed for battle. She was on the edge of a physical burnout. But once she joined this team, she got better. Slept better, ate better, felt better."
He knew she had problems with food. When she first joined their squad, she only ever ate when told to, and more often than not she didn't finish her serving and let him have the rest. It wasn't after she saved them from their crash on the snow planet that she started eating without being told to and even finished her rations. At the time, he had felt bad after he realized that she had cut her portions, now he was devastated. 
General Kenobi gripped his chin in thought. "What changed?"
"Familiarity, General." Kai replied without any ounce of doubt. 
"The Bad Batch reminds her– reminds us of our previous team. With them, she feels like she belongs."
Wrecker released his tight grip on the sheets beneath him. It felt good to hear that she felt like she was one of them, because she was. At least one thing went right. 
"What changed between the battalions and Clone Force 99?" The General inquired.
“It's- eh- You have to know that Layla is what we call a Spartan-III, which are considered cheap and expendable supersoldiers,” He said with disdain, to which Wrecker could relate. “As opposed to their Spartan-IIs counterparts that are so important they are cryogenized after death in hope to be revived later. The human army of our world recruited orphans fuelled with rage and a need for vengeance in order to create weapons. They assigned them to suicide missions that would normally be assigned to Spartan-IIs, but since the missions had extremely low success rates, Commands sent the expendable ones instead and hoped for the best. An extremely low percentage of Spartan-IIIs survived their first mission, and this was not because of a lack of training. She doesn't see Clone Force 99 as expandable or less than the regular clones, but she can relate to them for being outcasts in their own army." 
General Kenobi nodded in understanding. The Marshall Commander who had kept silent until then looked at the group before speaking up. 
"From what you've said, the people in charge do not care if she makes it back and would most likely think her dead, but she still hopes to go back. Why?" 
Kai visibly gulped, a trait he developed after spending so much time around humans. "I- You are correct. The thing is, she would not be welcomed back as she thinks. All she wants is to follow her training and go back to get revenge on the Covenant. However, after what she went through, it is most likely that ONI will take charge of her case once they get wind of what happened to her. They will send her to a top-secret location to run more thorough experiments on her in order to understand what happened; how she space-traveled, how it affected her, if they could reach this world too, among other things and she won't be herself again. Our world is a ticking bomb, sir. The governments are desperate and nervous after 24 years of being hunted down. They act in the shadows and eliminate anyone who says a word against them. They won't turn down this opportunity to possibly expand their control and gain new technology."
Wrecker didn't have time to register all his rage at what Kai just told them, the General hummed. "That's why you sabotaged the cube. To keep her from going back." 
His brain stopped working for a second. He was shocked. His brothers were also completely caught off guard and Kai lowered his head in guilt. He didn't want to believe it. She had so much faith in Kai, gave him her trust and he had been the one who broke the teleportation cube? You had voiced to Wrecker your eagerness to go back home and Kai always smiled sadly and told her to not give up hope. He kept her hopes up when he knew it would be for nothing. 
Sure, after hearing everything Kai told them about her world, he was happy she hadn't managed to go back, but he also hated that she got lied to. 
Kai looked at his partner before looking back at the General. 
"Yes. My goal was, and still is, to keep her safe. I can run four billion operations simultaneously. I may have difficulties with processing numbers, but war strategies are one of the main reasons I was created. It took me less than a second to figure out the outcome of Layla going back to the UNSC. Unfortunately, at the time, she was too blinded by the death of her team and her duty to protect humanity to see it. Letting her with a functioning cube was not a possible option.” Kai explained. His even tone clearly said that he was not ashamed of his actions and would do it again. Wrecker couldn't honestly reprimand him for what he did. 
“And now?”
“She realized a bit ago that since she’s expandable, getting back to the UNSC might be dangerous. The problem is that she strongly thinks of herself as expandable too. It was so deeply ingrained in her brain that she doesn’t even care. I am also 100% certain that survivor's guilt is pushing her to go back.”
Wrecker shuffled on his feet, his eyes alternating between her resting figure and the ground. His heart ached for her. He couldn't imagine losing all his brothers at once and didn't want to imagine what he would do if it ever happened. He also didn't want her to die. Or think of herself as expendable. Because she was essential. Irreplaceable. At least to him. 
"I see." 
"Please consider vaccinating her instead." The AI pleaded. "It'll be hard on her system, but it'll give her more chance of survival than taking her from this squad, General." 
The clone stopped breathing for a second. 
"We'll take this recommendation into consideration. Thank you, young friend."
Wrecker's growing worries deflated and he breathed in relief. She might still remain with them. She would stay in full armor, but at least she would be there. He could accept that. 
"Also, General." Kai added. "I'd like to be the one to tell her what I've done." 
"Of course." With a polite smile, the General exited the room with the Marshall Commander in tow. 
The room was silent once again. Tech was busy recording stuff on his vambrace, Hunter was deep in thought and Crosshair was staring a hole into Kai. 
"It is important for me to say that she does not perceive any of you as substitutes for her old squad. You all happen to be the personality types she enjoys being around and she took a liking to you all for who you are." 
"It's alright. We know." Hunter reassured the flickering AI. 
All they could do now what wait for Layla to get better… and for the council to decide whether or not she could stay with them.
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mmpakistan-blog · 4 years
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With staff comprising highly specialised and richly experienced experts, we possess the capability to assemble multidisciplinary teams, which grasp any project’s core problems and suggest solutions.
We are also strategic partners of the Mott MacDonald Group on specific projects, whose expertise, resources and experience of globally leading multi-disciplinary engineering and development consultancy assignments augment our capability to provide high quality services to our clients. In addition, MMP continues to forge alliances with leading foreign consultants including Yellow River Engineering Company, Canarail, SIYUAN, and Dohwa Engineering among others.
Engineering Consultants in Lahore MMP offers its Clients a truly one-stop shop across consulting disciplines. Our vast expertise, cultivated through 31 years of successfully delivering on more than 500 projects, spans engineering, environmental, social, financial and public policy disciplines. From sectors as diverse as power and transportation to public health and social development, MMP has distinguished itself through providing end-to-end solutions from preliminary and pre-investment services to design and project management and post-commissioning services.
In addition to traditional consultancy services, MMP has assisted numerous Clients as both Owner’s and Lender’s Engineer and through technical partnerships on PPP projects such as BOT, BOOT among others. MMP also provides Engineering Support and comprehensive Project Management Services to its Clients.
MMP has also established itself in the Social Development Sector where our services range from policy development, institutional strengthening and capacity building to program implementation and monitoring and evaluation.
Our services are distinguished by our firm commitment to quality and our unwavering professionalism, which are the pillars of our service excellence.
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hd-fan-fair · 6 years
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[ Fanworks posted in tropes order here ] 
1. pygmy-puffy drew Meet Me at 6 (PG-13) Summary: Harry owns a food truck. Draco is a grudgingly regular customer. One day, Harry pushes an unsolicited cake pop in his hand; it comes with a little heart-shaped message attached to the stem: “Meet me on the roof at 6.” 2. anokaba drew Cafe, Custard, & Courting (PG-13) Summary: After agreeing to this fake relationship scheme, the boys meet at a cafe to get their stories straight. Of course they can't help but push each other's buttons. 3. epithalamium (art tumblr) drew 4-Ingredient Recipe for a Relationship (PG) Summary: Because of his childhood with the Dursleys, Harry relationship with food is rocky at best. And then he meets Draco, who loves cooking. 4. girl412 (gothzabini) drew Honey and Apples (PG-13) Summary: When Draco’s ability to taste is cursed away, he loses more than just one of his senses. Who can help him, if not Harry Potter? 5. sugareey drew Weekly Cuisine (PG) Summary: It's routine for Harry and Draco to go to a Muggle restaurant every Sunday to try new foods and catch up. During their exciting dim sum experience, they discover something important they should've laid out on the table in the first place. Also, Harry is a (sneaky) idiot. 6. dustmouth drew Draco Malfoy's Reasonably Large Cucumber (PG-13) Summary: After making yet another drunken wager with Malfoy at the pub, Harry finds himself vying for first prize in the Annual Wizarding Vegetable Competition, an average sized pumpkin in tow. 7. citruskk drew Here Comes the D! (G) Summary: Draco loves his soup, especially when he's sick. However, he hates it when he's too shaky to feed himself so he had to rely on Harry to spoon-feed him the soup. Alphabet soup. It's not helping that Harry always, always picks the D letters first and gleefully say, "open up wide, here comes the D!"
1. fantom_ftnoise wrote and drew Once Upon a Time (R, 12725, Same Artist & Author) Summary: This is the story of Hansel & Gretel - er, that is, Harry & Draco.  2. writcraft wrote and phoenixacid drew Slice of Life (NC-17, 16314, Artist & Author Collaboration) Summary: Luna and Ginny are worried about Harry, Greg is a very a fine baker, Snape’s portrait has a lot of opinions and Draco Malfoy is (probably) up to something. In which one man’s love for jam tarts blossoms into a different kind of love entirely.
1. ICMezzo wrote Passion Cake (PG-13, 19384) Summary: Once more, with passion. Or, Harry orders a magically enhanced cake from a chic London bakery, except Pansy overcharges him, and then Draco Vanishes it entirely, and really, from there it all goes to hell in a cake tin. And will someone please tell Harry what Passion Cake is? 2. xErised wrote Chasing Treacle Tart (and Draco Malfoy) (NC-17, 23141) Summary: Malfoy, who is sentenced to work as a dinner lady in the Ministry canteen, has an annoying habit of withholding desserts from Harry. Harry puts up with it, but when Malfoy stops him from getting his beloved treacle tart, Harry is determined to do something about it. And Ron? He's really just there for the awkward flirting. 3. Razra_Eizel wrote Birthday Bash (PG-13, 3234) Summary: To cheer Draco up during their Eighth Year, Harry decided to throw him a birthday surprise party, no matter what challenges he may face. 4. bafflinghaze wrote Where There Is Tea (PG-13, 12643) Summary: Somewhere in London, overlooking a garden, sits a little tea room. There, Harry finds tea, distraction, books, conversation, inspiration, himself, and Draco Malfoy. 5. enchanted_jae wrote Feluna (PG-13, 2558) Summary: As the owner of a new bakery, Draco can't afford to turn down business, even if it's with Loony Lovegood's cat cafe. 6. AhaMarimbas wrote The Devil's Aphrodisiacs (PG-13, 3097) Summary: Teddy learns a new word, Harry breaks his favourite coffee mug and Draco loves his little family. Not necessarily in that order. Or, Squirt squirt squirt squirt. Squirtsquirtsquirtsquirtsquirtsquirtsquirt. Squirt??? SQUIRT!!!!! 7. MistyDeath wrote Sweet (S)talker (NC-17, 10296) Summary: Merlin, he’d stalked the asshole for almost a year, you think Harry would have noticed him tongue fucking sugar quills on the daily! 8. JGogoboots wrote A Holiday in Provence (NC-17, 32201) Summary: Harry Potter is turning 50 years old and feeling lonelier than ever. Divorced, retired, and learning he’s not quite as straight as he thought he was, Harry reluctantly accepts a birthday gift from his friends for a week’s stay at an idyllic French vineyard. Too bad Hermione and Ron neglected to mention that the owner of the winery happens to be a certain quick-witted blond Slytherin… 9. maraudersaffair wrote Paidi's Proper Shag (NC-17, 10531) Summary: Draco works at a fast food restaurant. Harry is his worst customer. 10. simplylegilimenss wrote grant that we may feast (in fellowship) (NC-17, 20388) Summary: When the house elves are on strike given Sundays off, a cooking competition ensues in the Hogwarts kitchens every Sunday. Passionate rivalries turn to passionate friendships. Or could it be something more? Or: Draco can’t cook for shit even though he says he can, Pansy and Blaise are also little shits, Hermione Granger is downright scary, Ronald Weasley totally called it, and Draco really needs to stop checking Harry Potter out every chance he gets. 11. lokiperfect wrote There Used To Be A Lightness (PG-13, 3598) Summary: Down on his luck, Draco Malfoy is trying to find a job. It proves more than unsuccessful. Molly Weasley, with all kids now grown up, is trying to start a restaurant. That proves more successful, and makes them cross paths. Harry Potter, running away from memories of the war, returns to London three years later to discover exactly how things have changed. 12. cubedcoffeecake wrote What Happens at the Milk Bar (doesn’t stay there) (R, 10133) Summary: "Draco, look at me. You talk about Potter all the time. Your complaints about him usually just sound like… Well, you tend to give the impression that you don’t like Potter because you find him distractingly attractive and don’t like that you can’t touch.” Meg and Art nodded sagely as Draco’s jaw dropped. “I—what?” “You’re attracted to Potter, Dray,” Meg helpfully supplied. 13. Bangyababy wrote Promising Produce (NC-17, 3068) Summary: Harry knew it was a stupid idea, but Harry'd never been one for listening, even to himself. Now he's standing in Exam Room 3 trying to explain to Draco Malfoy why there's a carrot stuck up his bum. 14. harryromper wrote Let him lead me to the banquet (PG-13, 16066) Summary: The worst part is Harry’s got no idea why Malfoy keeps sending him invites. He’s never replied to a single one. And if the whole dinner is as exclusive and sought-after as the Prophet keeps breathlessly reporting, then presumably the only reason Malfoy wants him there is in his capacity as the Chosen One. So, really, he can fuck right off. Harry doesn’t care about Draco Malfoy’s redemption tour. And he’s certainly not going to help him with it. 15. AhaMarimbas wrote The Godric's Hollow Wizarding Parents Association (NC-17, 26298) Summary: When Draco decided to move his small family to Godric’s Hollow, little did he know he’d have to deal with misleading television programs, some surprisingly friendly neighbours and a bit of peanut butter. Okay, lots of peanut butter. 16. Ingi wrote haunt yourself and refuse to be buried (G, 3354) Summary: Harry Potter is eighteen years old and he is not okay. 17. whiskyandwildflowers wrote Feeling Rough, Feeling Raw (In the Prime of My Life) (NC-17, 7570) Summary: In which Harry has a quarter-life crisis and winds up at a health spa, Malfoy dresses like a cult leader, and everyone consumes a lot of raw greenery. 18. Goldentruth813 wrote Boiling Point (R, 42882) Summary: Ferveret - n. boiling point After an Auror raid gone wrong, Draco ends up trapped in a dodgy safehouse with nothing but Harry Potter’s dubious company and a dwindling supply of food. With only each other and the walls surrounding them, they're forced to confront their past and their feelings which have long been threatening to boil over. 19. PollyWeasley wrote Potter’s Delicacies (NC-17, 4823) Summary: Draco thinks a quiet life is just what he ever needed in his life. He’s got good friends, a nice independent job as an artist, and an exclusive pâtissier just for himself. He doesn’t think much of why Potter likes to feed him treats so often, he’s just that weird. Even if Draco wants to have something with him, Potter is just a nice, good friend who likes to see him enjoying fancy treats. Right? 20. parkkate wrote A picture of ricecake (NC-17, 7030) Summary: After a night of hot sex, Draco wakes up to the smell of Harry cooking. When he eats his food Draco vows that's it, Harry's making him breakfast forever. 21. crazyparakiss wrote Sweet Relief (NC-17, 1708) Summary: It happens on a Tuesday. The most boring, innocuous day of the week. That’s the day when Draco discovers something delectable, something devious...something fun. 22. DoubleAppled wrote Harry Potter and the Showstopper of Doom (R, 11528) Summary: In which Harry’s an amateur baker, Draco wants him to go on the Great British Bake-Off, Petunia never misses an episode, Sue is a witch, Paul Hollywood is Paul Hollywood, and everyone eats a lot — like a whole lot — of baked goods. 23. postjentacular wrote Tectonic (PG-13, 3296) Summary: In which Draco is the unnoticed centre of attention, Harry's unobservant and, (eventually) they talk. 24. maesterchill wrote Eat Me (NC-17, 10954) Summary: Harry's having a terrible morning. That is, until he receives a curious package at work. Inside are two things: a chocolate model of an erect penis, and a note simply saying ‘Eat Me’ in an elegant, inviting script. And Merlin, he’s hungry. 25. Synonym4Life and GingerTodgers wrote The Fair of Artful Pleasure (F.A.P.) (R, 7363) Summary: F.A.P or the Fair of Artful Pleasure is going as splendidly as Harry could have imagined. Which is not splendidly at all. Which is, in fact, the complete opposite of splendid. Two steps in and he's already traumatised for life. And yet, it still manages to go downhill from there: Malfoy is at the fair and he's making Harry lick lube from dildos in front of an audience. As if that wasn't terrible enough, Harry has feelings. 26. jeni_andtheafterthought wrote Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire (NC-17, 22238) Summary: The war may have ended, but Draco was never able to move on with his life. Having no access to his vault and cut off from his friends and family, he is forced to support himself by working jobs in muggle restaurants. With his luck in the gutter and his flat up in smoke, Draco thinks things can't possibly get worse. Harry offers to help, convincing Draco that things could, in fact, get worse. 27. gracerene wrote The Hand That Feeds You (NC-17, 17371) Summary: Harry needs something only Draco can provide. 28. squadofcats wrote Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm (NC-17, 104357) Summary: Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria. 29. RuArcher (coriesocks) wrote Anyone But Him (NC-17, 19323) Summary: Harry thought going to a Muggle university would be the perfect opportunity for a new start. He hadn’t counted on having Draco Malfoy as a flatmate. 30. Magnolia822 wrote The Great Magic Sex Mushroom Fiasco (NC-17, 6789) Summary: Lost in the Siberian wilderness without food, Aurors Potter and Malfoy are forced to improvise, with unexpected consequences . . . 31. timothysboxers wrote The Boy Who Licked (R, 4039) Summary: Draco Malfoy is doing well for himself: he has paid his dues, enjoys his work at the Ministry, and has his feelings safely in check regarding a certain Auror Potter, thank you very much. That is, until he bears witness to the obscene things the man can do with his tongue and a custard filled bun... 32. gnarf wrote The Difference Between Dust And Soup (Is You) (PG-13, 17612) Summary: When Harry returned for his eighth year at Hogwarts he had high hopes that he'd have a normal and quiet year for once—he had earned it after all! But when he found Malfoy starving and unconscious in the Astronomy Tower one night, it all started over again. He had to figure out what happened to him. After Harry started to cook for Malfoy, and while sharing their secret dinner night after night, he couldn't help but wonder if there was a possibility of them becoming more. 33. Blowfish_Diaries wrote How to Handle a Matzo Ball Soup Emergency (R, 22028) Summary: Harry, having left the Wizarding World after his divorce, inherits a deli in a trendy part of London. Draco wanders in and falls in love - with the food. And certainly not with the infuriatingly-fit-father-of-three who runs the place. A tale of growing up and families of choice; of awkward hugs and new best friends. 34. mykesprit wrote Succumb or Retreat (NC-17, 2068) Summary: Draco procures the Forbidden Fruit, and Auror Harry Potter arrives to take it from him. 35. lyonessheart wrote Melange a deux (PG-13, 10006) Summary: This is the story of two men finding love in unexpected places. And lots of delicious food. 36. oldenuf2nb wrote The Chains of Memory (NC-17, 14417) Summary: Harry is growing sicker by the day and Draco wants to know why. 37. Fantasyfiend09 wrote Popular Appetite (G, 16735) Summary: Bad press is destroying Draco’s hotel. There is only one person who can create enough good press to save it. 38. firethesound wrote The Way These Days Seem to Go (And Go) (PG-13, 15112) Summary: Stress baking isn’t a hobby Harry ever thought he’d pick up, but he’s surprised to find how much it helps him to get through those long months post-war. It keeps his hands busy, it keeps his mind occupied, and when Draco Malfoy steadily pushes his way back into Harry's life, it helps with that too. 39. LadyOfTheAttic wrote Cooking Mama (PG-13, 5124) Summary: Harry and Draco are roommates and auror partners but there are certain lines Draco doesn't cross-- namely, he won't let Harry cook for him. This would be fine if Draco didn't live off of frozen dinners and sadness. Harry decides to help with lessons! 40. TheKnitterati wrote The Finest Ingredient (PG-13, 4474) Summary: The Weasley family is in need of help. Help that comes in the form of a rare plant, grown only on the grounds of Malfoy Manor. In order to save the day, Harry might have to flirt with Draco Malfoy. Or worse...they both might have to face up to the reality that they fancy each other. 41. giraffeminion wrote A Hint of Spice (G, 6787) Summary: After the war, Draco breaks ties with the wizarding world to lead a quiet and uneventful life as a financial advisor on the outskirts of Muggle London. His peaceable existence is broken, however, when a damnable food truck sets up shop right outside his front door. 42. groundbreaking wrote Order To Go (R, 17645) Summary: Draco Malfoy opens a new pâtisserie in Diagon Alley, his pastries and desserts are to die for. Harry is the coffee shop owner next door who wants to take Draco home for dessert. Ron is just there for the bread. - in which harry has a sweet tooth, but it isn't for anything on the menu.  43. Sw33tCh377yPi3 wrote Ice Cream (G, 7508) Summary: Sometimes the critical moment passes us by. If we’re fortunate, we get a second—or third—chance. 44. epsilonargus wrote The Right Question (PG-13, 4652) Summary: Harry is having dinner every week with Malfoy - but no, Ernie, they are not bloody dates! 45. Femmequixotic and Noeon wrote Ynys Afallach (I Will Give My Love An Apple) (NC-17, 42472) Summary: Professor Waverley Root's tutorial in the history of magical food is something of a legend at Flamel College. Draco Malfoy wants to apply it to his work in sustainable wizarding agriculture. Harry Potter's taking it for his interest in historical overlap between the magical and Muggle worlds in the West Country. When Root pairs them together, the fireworks (and the apples!) fly. Now if only they can find something original, perhaps they'll make it through to complete their degrees on time. 46. Drarryismymuse wrote The Way to a Man’s Heart (NC-17, 16390) Summary: Draco is released from Azkaban and given one week to find gainful employment...or else. A chance encounter with the ever-meddling Harry Potter changes the course of his week, and ultimately his life. This is a story of mistakes, burnt toast, awkward encounters, rude employees, bold gestures, and a bit of anal. :D 47. milkandhoney wrote Squill & Spoon (R, 19169) Summary: In order to complete the terms of his probation, Draco's mind healer must deem Draco reformed enough to re-enter wizarding society. Squill & Spoon, a new wizarding supper club could be the perfect opportunity — that is, if Harry Potter would stop showing up at his table every. Single. Time. 48. brightowl wrote The Dinner (NC-17, 7795) Summary: Draco had been trying to beat the sunset, walking along the cobblestone road to the Chateau where he would be staying that night, when he saw the door. Le Billet Doux, said a painted red sign. Below it, réservations non requises: ‘no reservations required.’ 49. Wonders wrote The One Where Harry is a Prat (Not Really) (PG-13, 5941) Summary: The one where Harry is a prat, a pig, an incompetent wazzock, an imbecile and ridiculous. Harry hears Draco talking about his favourite flower and buys him a bouquet full of them. Why, then, does he think Harry’s trying to kill him? 50. tigersilver wrote Eighteen Kisses (PG-13, 9436) Summary: Harry is being targeted by a very determined and wily Malfoy, a Malfoy with sly hands and a sweet, sweet mouth. 51. germankitty wrote The Best of Food (PG-13, 16884) Summary: It all started at the Hogsmeade Food Fayre. If some people those idiots Smith and McLaggen hadn't tried to sabotage a few participants, Draco would never have had to put up with having Potter's bread stall jammed in next to his. (And no, that wasn't a pun, thanks ever so.) Because then nobody could have claimed they'd seen him nibble morsels of tasty, delicious home-baked bread directly from Potter's fingers. Or let Potter lick spoonsful of Draco’s exquisite, scrumptious gourmet preserves directly from the jar. Clearly, Pansy, Blaise and Granger those people were quite delusional. At least that's Draco's story and he's sticking to it. 52. potteresque_ire wrote The Kitchen Thieves (and the Kitchen Herself) (NC-17, 67053) Summary: In a deserted cottage miles away from Hogsmeade, a pair of young spirits waited for a new owner to call the place home. One day, Auror Harry Potter bought the cottage. One evening, farm wizard Draco Malfoy showed up to spend the night with Harry… and steal from the kitchen. Why don’t we let Kate tell you their story? She’s the spirit who looks after the kitchen, and she’s got quite a bit to say… 53. sassy_cissa wrote Three Months, Eleven Days and Nine Hours (PG-13, 11029) Summary: Broke and living in a one room hovel in Knockturn Alley, Draco hunts in rubbish bins for food. Nothing could be more humiliating, right? Unless you're Draco Malfoy...
1. semperfiona read Pomegranate (NC-17) Summary: Podfic of "Pomegranate" by treacle_tartlet. More than a decade after the War, Draco makes a triumphant return to the wizarding world as the successful chef/owner of Pomegranate, only to have his world thrown into disorder when Harry arrives unexpectedly in the dining room.
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everyforkedroad · 6 years
Happy Ending? - Call Me By Your Name (book)
This is a really long freaking post.
I saw Call Me By Your Name for the first time at the beginning of April. I was working on a challenge for Camp NaNoWriMo and had committed to editing 30K of my novel. But watching the movie, then reading the book twice threw a wrench in all of my plans (I still made it at the end of the month, but just barely and I can’t speak to the quality of my work).
I’ll spare you the insane ways I got my friends and family to read the book and/or watch the movie and instead dwell on what I came here to talk about, which is the ending of the novel. The first time I read it, it struck me as unbearably sad and unrequited. My heart broke for the “parallel lives” Elio and Oliver lived, how they might not ever reclaim the love that had so marked their lives.
Then I read an interview where the author, André Aciman confesses that there is a happy ending hidden in that last meeting between Oliver and Elio. This, of course, buoyed me, but it also forced me to go back and confront those last twenty pages or so which had initially so saddened me. A more careful reading made me very excited for the idea of a sequel, how wonderful it could be, though it would have to have a different tone from the first movie. A close read reinforced the impression that there was, in fact, space for an ending full of possibility and hope for Elio and Oliver.
I’m not a particularly grand essayist, my strength lying more in the realm of fiction, but I tried to organize my thoughts and evidence in support of Aciman’s statement (all locations are in the Kindle Edition). It’s my assertion that Aciman sets up the possibility of a reconciliation between Elio and Oliver and leaves clues for the reader to reach that same conclusion.
I’ve divided my analysis in two parts - Elio’s visit to New England and Oliver’s visit after Mr. Perlman’s death. 
Forgive me in advance if I forget anything or get something wrong.
tl;dr – Elio and Oliver have the possibility of a happy resolution, after all.
I. Elio’s visit to New England
I believe the seeds for understanding the ending of the book are planted throughout the novel, but are brought into focus in this section, so I will dwell on some aspects of the exchange that takes place between Oliver and Elio when they go to the hotel to have drinks:
“Your best moment?” (3109)
After some reminiscing, it is Oliver who poses this question to Elio. To readers who believe Oliver was unaffected by his relationship to Elio, this might come as a surprise. However, you have to remember that it is Oliver who reaches out to Elio in a bid for profound intimacy when he asks him, so many years before, to call him by his name. Though Elio and Oliver were already discussing the past in a more abstract way, Oliver is the one who makes it intensely personal. Like the oneness he sought 15 years earlier, he reaches for that connection, as if he has been waiting for a very long time to ask this of Elio.
“Am I glad you came.” (3119)
Again, it is significant that it is Oliver who says this to Elio. It calls to mind the exchange after they’d been together – “Do you know how glad I am that we slept together?” (The movie changes the wording from “glad” to “happy,” which conveys a stronger sense of joy). Oliver is opening himself up to Elio, making himself vulnerable, as he did so many years before.
“Would you start all over again?” (3124)
Oliver asks Elio this question. It makes Elio nervous – of course it would! They are skirting the truth once more, like they did in that summer in Italy. It also reveals what Oliver has on his mind as he is speaking to Elio. His question is not entirely hypothetical. Elio responds in the affirmative, followed by “I’ve had two of these and am about to have a third” which echoes Oliver’s comments about the boiled egg he ate during his first breakfast with the Perlman’s, indicating how precarious both of their self-control is when they want something.
“Seeing you is like waking from a twenty year coma…” (3124-3129)
This section is significant in putting Oliver’s life in context. I’ve seen many people who said, “Well, at least Oliver got married and had kids and found some contentment.” This discounts what it means to shut off an important part of yourself in an effort to carry on with life. Oliver certainly has satisfactions and is proud of his family, just as Elio has had lovers and successes in his own past. But Oliver also describes a vision not dissimilar to that of Rip Van Winkle, in which he falls asleep as a young man and wakes the same age as when he left Elio, the rest of his life having passed without his participation.
In the subsequent exchange, he amends his wording and tells Elio a “part of it – just part of it – was a coma, but I prefer to call it a parallel life. It sounds better.” This parallels the description of earlier of them as old men in a piazza, reminiscing – “And we’ll want to call it envy, because to call it regret would break our hearts.” Both phrases serve to soften the truth – Oliver is not unlike a man sleep-walking through a part of his life. Whatever Oliver found in the years after leaving Elio forced him to bury something important, something intensely connected to Elio. Elio, ever more unfiltered with this feelings, does not soften the wording when he describes his own life as a coma (3139).
“Cor Cordium, heart of hearts, I’ve never said anything truer in my life to anyone.”
Oliver confesses, in one of those scene-stealing moments, the depth his experience with Elio has had on him. This recalls Plato’s Symposium and the story of the souls who split at birth, ever wandering the world in search of each other again.  Elio is his heart, just as his heart (and Billowy) are all that Elio has of Oliver. This phrase also calls to mind Oliver’s words when he is first intimate with Elio and asks him to call him by his name. This is Oliver’s truth, the part he has had to bury, and it belongs completely to Elio. It is more than love. He and Elio are one.
II. Visit after father’s death, five years later:
When Oliver arrives to visit after the death of Mr. Perlman, Elio takes Oliver on a tour of the places they’d been together. Remember, this is the first time in 20 years in which they’ve been in Elio’s house at the same time. Below are all the ways Oliver reveals that he remembers their time together:
“My old room” (3188)
“Orle of paradise/squeaky gate” 3197
“Been there, done that” when Elio shows him the empty lot (3202)
“To die for” to describe the belfry (3202)
“I’ll bet you they never closed my account” (3202)
“Beneath us was his rock, where he sat at night, where he and Vimini had whiled away entire afternoons together.” (3207)
“I’ve kept all her letters […] I’ve kept yours too” 3207
All of these memories explode between them, leading up to the exchange,
“Are you happy you’re back?”
He saw through my question before I did.
“Are you happy I’m back?” he retorted.
I looked at him, feeling quite disarmed, though not threatened. Like people who blush easily, but aren’t ashamed of it, I knew better than to stifle this feeling and let myself be swayed by it.
“You know I am. More than I ought to be, perhaps.”
“Me too.”
That said it all.
Reader, this matters so much, the That said it all, because the entire reminiscing is a building crescendo that starts with the remembering of five years ago, revealing both to be of one mind. It carries the reader to the inevitable conclusion:
“I know he (Mr. Perlman) would have wanted something like this to happen, especially on such a gorgeous, summer day” (3234)
Something like this, on a gorgeous summer day. What beautiful things took place between these two on days such as this? What could Mr. Perlman have wanted for his son and the one he treated like a son-in-law on a day like this? Something like this.
“Remember the way?”
“I remember the way,”
“You remember the way,” I echoed (3237)
Oliver reiterates over and over, I remember, and Elio echoes it, in the same way he echoes himself when he says Because I wanted you to know. Oliver tells him finally,
“I’m like you, I remember everything.” (3247)
When we come to the last, heartbreaking paragraph, the coda is complete. Oliver and Eliot cannot behave as two strangers on a train. Elio’s plea is not an open-ended question. Oliver has answered it over and over again, has been answering this question even before it was posed, when he asks Elio to call him by his name, frames the postcard of Monet’s Berm, writes the inscription, “Cor Cordium,” follows Elio’s career, invites Elio to share his favorite moment, asks him if he would start again, and comes to Elio, during yet another summer, now another man, twenty years later, but not unlike Rip Van Winkle waking from a coma/parallel life. Elio silently implores Oliver:
“I stopped for a second. If you remember everything, I wanted to say, and if you are really like me, then before you leave tomorrow, or when you’re just ready to shut the door of the taxi, and have already said goodbye to everyone else and there’s not a thing left to say in this life, then, just this once, turn to me, which would have meant everything to me when we were together, and, as you did back then, look me in the face, hold my gaze, and call me by your name.”
But like everything else, Oliver has already answered. “I remember everything.”
In that remembering, everything is prefigured: the coma, the memory, the joy, the return, the open remembrance, the abandon to a feeling that is as eternal as their Star of David. I understood, finally, what wasn’t written in the pages, what wasn’t laid out but must be understood by the reader, the reader who has followed the trail of crumbs to reach this point together with Elio and Oliver. It will be a different summer from the one that brought them together the first time. But Oliver did not come to Elio in winter or fall, but in the heat of an Italian summer, the dream coming full circle.
Oliver will, one way or another, call Elio by his name.
tl;dr – Elio and Oliver have the possibility of a happy resolution, after all. 
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A new California law that allows judges to grant diversion to first-time misdemeanor DUI offenders has created a quagmire in the legal system, leaving criminal defense attorneys and prosecutors warring over its interpretation and judges conflicted over a lack of clarity.
One attorney described the law, introduced last year as Assembly Bill 3234 by Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, as the most litigated issue in the state since it took effect on Jan. 1. District attorneys in Riverside, Los Angeles and Sacramento counties have challenged it in their Superior Court appellate divisions.
Opponents argue that the new law, which falls under the state Penal Code, conflicts with an existing state Vehicle Code section that precludes judges from granting diversion to DUI offenders in lieu of criminal penalties.
At the judicial level, it has created glaring disparities in who is granted diversion — which allows for eventual dismissal of charges — and who isn’t, essentially based on which judge a defendant appears before and in which county the charges were filed.
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Riverside County District Attorney Mike Hestrin (File photo by Will Lester, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin/SCNG).
‘Flapping in the wind’
Prosecutors, criminal defense attorneys and lawmakers have been seeking clarification from higher courts or new legislation to resolve the conflict.
“This is what is happening now. It’s like a wildfire going through the courts,” said Lara Gressley, a criminal defense attorney in Riverside specializing in DUI cases. In June, she petitioned the state Supreme Court to weigh in after a Los Angeles Superior Court judge denied her motion to grant diversion to a client.
The Supreme Court declined to review Gressley’s case, which she attributes to the absence of any lower court appellate rulings on the issue.
Gressley said the new law is vexing judges who are having a difficult time deciding which way to go.
“They’re continuing cases for months at a time in hopes there will be a court of appeal opinion,” Gressley said. “Everybody wants a court of appeal ruling, because that is binding across all courts in California. Now we’re left just flapping in the wind. It has to get figured out.”
In the courts
Since Ting’s legislation went into law, Superior Court judges have had discretion to grant diversion in misdemeanor DUI cases largely based on the severity of the offense, such as the defendant’s blood alcohol level, speed, where the offense occurred and whether any property was damaged.
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Pomona Police Department Detective J. Dolgovin monitors a DUI checkpoint in Pomona on Dec. 21, 2018. (Photo by Will Lester, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin/SCNG)
DUI offenses that cause injury to another person are usually charged as felonies and do not quality for diversion under the law.
Prosecutors immediately began filing motions within their respective Superior Court appellate divisions maintaining that DUI offenders do not qualify for diversion due to  Vehicle Code Section 23640. Some appellate division judges have sided with prosecutors, and others have not.
On July 27, a three-judge panel in Riverside Superior Court’s appellate division denied a motion by District Attorney Mike Hestrin, voting 2-1 that DUI defendants are, in fact, eligible for pretrial diversion under the new law. Hestrin and Senior Deputy District Attorney Chris Bouffard filed the motion after judges granted diversion to three defendants in separate DUI cases.
Two weeks prior — on July 14 in Los Angeles County Superior Court — appellate division judges unanimously ruled that DUI defendants do not qualify for diversion. They maintained that when the Legislature approved AB 3234, it was “silent on whether misdemeanor diversion can be granted in driving under influence cases,” and that the new law did not repeal the Vehicle Code provision.
In Orange County Superior Court, some appellate division panels have concluded that misdemeanor DUI offenses do not qualify for diversion, and others have declined to hear petitions that raise the issue, court spokesman Kostas Kalaitzidis said in an email.
Disparity in rulings
In her petition to the Supreme Court, Gressley said the lack of an appellate court decision on the conflict has resulted in a “vast disparity in rulings” by trial court judges across the state.
“The lack of guidance on the questions has resulted in inconsistent rulings throughout the state,” Gressley said in her petition.
She cited 11 DUI cases from eight Superior Courts across the state, including Riverside, Orange and Los Angeles counties, in which five defendants were granted diversion and five were denied. In the 11th case, a judge said further review was necessary.
More getting diversion
In Riverside County, more than dozen DUI defendants have been granted diversion since the new law took effect, said Deputy Public Defender Souley Diallo. Some judges, however, are still reluctant to grant diversion even after the favorable appellate division ruling on July 27.
Orange County Public Defender Martin Schwarz said misdemeanor DUI convictions are unique in that they carry large mandatory fines. While perhaps not consequential to people of means, they do have a dramatic effect on those his office tends to defend the most: the poor.
While Schwarz would not comment on how many DUI defendants have been granted diversion so far, he said the majority of requests have been denied.
While he could not provide specific numbers, San Bernardino County Deputy Public Defender Geoff Canty said he’s only seen “about a handful” of DUI offenders granted diversion since January. He embraces the new law.
“It follows the trends that we are seeing in California, giving a variety of access to services and treating underlying causes that bring people into our criminal justice system,” he said. “It is far more beneficial than being punitive.”
San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson disagrees. Due to the high recidivism rate of DUI offenders and the public safety risk they impose, he said, making a first-time conviction stick is crucial to deter a second instance. Diversion, he argues, amounts to “giving people a pass on a first-time DUI.”
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Patricia Rillera, California state executive director for Mothers Against Drunk Driving. (Photo courtesy of M.A.D.D.)
M.A.D.D. reacts
Patricia Rillera, California state executive director for Mothers Against Drunk Driving, said AB 3234 not only gives DUI offenders a free pass, but undoes a lot of what her organization has achieved in its more than 40 years of existence.
“From our perspective, it undermines the seriousness of the offense and the progress that’s been made over the years to reduce DUIs and DUI-related deaths,” Rillera said.
She said drivers under the influence kill more than 1,000 victims a year in California and more than 10,000 nationally, and she said she sees the same repeat DUI offenders showing up for court-ordered classes over and over again.
But some question the punitive nature of California’s DUI laws, and whether they are really that effective in deterring offenders from repeating past mistakes.
During a Senate Public Safety Committee hearing in July,  Sen. Nancy Skinner said that while prosecution of DUI offenses has become more and more punitive over the years, there has been only a 4% drop in DUI incidents in the last 22 years.
“I’ve not yet seen any kind of study that shows that the diversions are less effective in terms of the reduction of DUIs,” Skinner said. “We’d obviously need more data to fully understand it, but there’s some indication that some of the diversion programs are more effective.”
Legislative action
Legislatively, bills have been offered to clarify or tighten Ting’s bill.
SB 421, introduced by Sen. Steven Bradford, D-Gardena, would limit diversion to those who have no prior convictions for driving under the influence and have not completed diversion for DUI within the past 10 years. For those who are granted diversion, the bill would require the defendant to install an ignition interlock device and participate in education and counseling programs.
Two key Senate committees have signed off on Bradford’s bill.
Another bill, AB 282 by Assemblyman Tom Lackey, was designed to exclude DUIs under Ting’s diversion law. The bill was rejected by a Senate committee in July, however.
Lackey said he would bring up the legislation against in the next session. For him, the fight is personal. As a retired CHP officer who worked 28 years in L.A. County, he saw dozens of accidents caused by DUI drivers, and notified more than 40 families that their loved ones had died in DUI-related accidents.
“I personally made over 1,000 (DUI) arrests. I have literally seen hundreds of tragedies associated with impaired driving, and it’s all preventable, and that’s the big tragedy,” Lackey said.
Change of heart
When Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Ting’s bill into law on Sept. 30, 2020, he expressed reservations about DUIs being among the qualifying offenses.
“I am concerned that the crime of driving under the influence was not excluded from the misdemeanor diversion program. I will seek to expeditiously remedy this issue with the Legislature in the next legislative session,” he said at the time.
The unintended consequences of the law and its ripple effects across the state in the past nine months has prompted Ting to have a change of heart.
When Lackey’s AB 282 went before the Assembly on May 27, he was among more than 60 Assembly members who voted yes on it. The bill passed, with only nine Assembly members voting no. However, it was rejected two months later when it got to the Senate Public Safety Committee.
Ting said that when his bill was moving through the legislative process, the primary concerns raised over which offenses would be eligible for diversion were related to domestic violence and sexual assault. DUI offenses did not come up during discussions, he said in an email.
He said he was primarily concerned about harsh treatment for first-time DUI offenders and a “one-size-fits-all approach to our criminal justice system that hasn’t worked.”
But now he’d like to remedy the law’s flaws.
“The legislative process allows for debate and compromise. That doesn’t end just because a law took effect,” Ting said. “I’m always willing to listen. But one lawmaker doesn’t have the power to make changes. It takes a majority of both houses and approval from a governor to make it happen.”
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stella-carrington · 6 years
Practice Challenge One: Shoot for the stars.
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A / N: I'm not a very good writer but I tried, so please enjoy the practice challenge, because despite my mistakes this have my heart
Word count: 3234
The sun, the sand, the breeze and the sea, everything was perfect.
I raised my head to the sky and stared at it with my hand covering the sun's gleam, the sky was clear, which clearly announced that it would stay like this all day, the wind was calm so the sea was calm as well, I got close to the shore and without thinking twice introduced my feet, the cold water made a cheerful giggle come out of me, I looked down and I watched how the waves took everything and then brought it back, the fact that the only sound was the waves hit against the rocks made everything perfect, It seemed like a fantasy, a world apart, a safe place, I didn't have to flee or hide, I could simply be myself without any limits, without ties, without chains, just me ...
I opened my eyes sightly surprised and I turned around to award a smile to my sister Jasmin, she toke off her shoes with lightness and left them on the sand to then step beside me.
"Ella... I hadn't seen you for so long" She spoke so softly that it almost seem like a  whisper, then passed her arm by my shoulders and softly brought me closer to her.
"I've missed you too, Jas, but I'm here to stay, I discovered that if something is for me it will come sooner or later, I can't force things, everything has a reason to be, how long will you stay at home?" I closed my eyes and rested my head on Jas's shoulder while she carefully ran her hand through my abundant hair.
"I don't know ... when you arrived home a month ago it was impossible for me to visit you, so I told Zack that we will stay as long as you consider necessary". Even with my eyes closed I could see how her lips curled slightly forming a warm smile.
When I analyzed her words, I separated from her slightly disoriented. Why should I influence the decision of my sister and Zack ?, I frowned and looked into her eyes, seeing her face I knew instantly that something was wrong.
"Jasmine, please tell me what you mean by you are going to stay all the time that I consider necessary" my face took a serious look and I crossed my arms.
"Ella, now I realize that you don't know, but I don't think I'm the right person to tell you" her cheeks took on a slight red tone and her eyes expressed some pity.
"Jasmine, please, I think I need some explanations and I also think that you are the best person to give them to me" the silence was present, but it was a silence that Jasmine broke quickly.
"Mom and Dad thought it would be a good idea to put you in the selection, they were just waiting for you to arrive so they could take the picture and finally convince you to enter ...You know they know why you left and they're happy you're back, but they think you need some help to keep going, no mysterious French guy could be compare to Prince Benjamin,in addition since you left Ian things have become a bit complicated, you know well that our family lives from the drama, from the relationships with others, your relationship with Ian gave our parents a new opportunity, more fame, when you finished with Ian and you escaped to France you ended up with all those opportunities ... " in Jas's eyes I could only see how worried she was and knew well that I was not worried about my parents or about fame, she was worried about me.
"How about if we put this thing aside?" I looked into her eyes with a smile on her lips, I looked at the sea for a moment and then I looked at her again.
"Then, what are we going to do?" She gave me another smile and with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes she take my hand and running towards the sea introduced me to this, wetting almost my entire body.
"JAS, I will take revenge!" With my hands I began to splash her face and tried to escape swimming but her hands took my waist avoiding it, the laughter was present in the tranquility of the afternoon and Jas began to splash water on my face too.
"STELLA you're going to have to surrender to my extraordinary strength" Having said that, she quickly went swimming to a nearby rock and climbed it with agility until she reached the top.
"You know I'm not going to give up" I yelled evilly and followed her to the rock, climbed to the top and made myself at aside from Jasmine side, I was going to keep playing until I realized that she had her eyes fixed on the sunset which looked really good from where we were.
"You're right Stella, I know you're not going to give up, I remember when we ran away from home to see the sunset, see the sun hiding from us, from everyone, to give way to the darkness of the night accompanied by bright stars and the striking moon, you spoke to me of happiness, of your dreams, of life and love, to hear my girl speak so profoundly was amazing, I remember when you came home from school with a dirty face and hair made a mess, you talked to me about how you played with the children and whenever you lost you tried again until you won, I remember our last days here before I left home, I remember you were talking about freedom and how you wanted to escape, how much you wanted to start again, Stella, this is the moment. "I immediately understood that she was talking about the selection.
My heart accelerated at the idea of ​​a new beginning, of leaving home again, meeting new people, knowing different places, it was almost impossible to reject that light of hope that was on my way and depended on me to make my parents' game something in my favor, looking at the sunset in detail as the sky took a different tone and the sea reflected the clouds as if it were a mirror, I put my hand to my sister's and interlace our fingers to take strength.
"You know ... let's find out how far I can go". Jas realized at that moment that I wasn't going to follow the rules of anybody and she gave me a wide smile in response.
"Then there is not much to wait" excited she threw herself into the sea, I followed her and we swam together to the shore, our clothes were totally wet and as we walked home our tracks remained marked in the sand.
"Do you have any idea what we're going to do?" I opened the door and entered the house with Jasmine by my side.
"We will fill out your form once and for all duh" eager to find the form, her hands moved quickly between all the papers that were on the table.
"Jasmine, you're going to wet all the correspondence, look at your hands, why don't we look for towels?" I took her by the shoulders and took her to my room to take two towels from my bathroom, we dried our hands and made the towels aside, Jas found the envelope that had the announcement and the form and without saying much we left again to the beach.
"What will you do if you are selected?" She asked me as we walked along the shore  feeling the sand and the sea in our feet , her gaze was fixed on the form.
"I don't know ... it's difficult but as you said before, this is my chance to start again, it doesn't matter if I'm selected, I do this to change, I want to change something in my life" my voice was calm and the cold of the night began to make present, so tired of walking I sat facing the sea and Jas was beside me.
"It's hard to imagine you being a selected, or winning the selection, you're amazing but I don't think they can with you" with a smile on her face she looked at me waiting for my response to her joke.
"You know I'm too perfect for them" I waved my hair and laughed hard.
The night continued as we filled the form with  smiles, jokes and memories, the stars were the perfect companion for that night, only two girls laughing and imagining such an impossible future, forgetting their lives for a moment, believing in a fairy tale, living a ephemeral fantasy.
My parents were not at home and it had been about a week after I announced my answer, both were really surprised because they never thought I would take it so well, I knew well that the chances of being chosen were minimal and no matter what happened, I would take everything in stride.
With several buckets I started to make a sand castle under the shade of a large umbrella that covered me and my sister.
"Remind me how old you are" Jas looked at me with a smile while I continued to shape my castle.
"19 and I'm doing this because I'm waiting for Zack YOUR HUSBAND to bring his board so I can show him that I'm much better than him when it comes to Surf".
"Of course you're better than him, I was the one who taught you to surf nine years ago, no matter how much Zack wants it, he will not surpass you" I laughed at the little modesty of my sister.
"I am honest when I say that you are the best surf teacher" I put aside my buckets and got closer to Jas.
"I think I would earn more money as a surf instructor, maybe being an actress was never what the world wanted for me" Jas feigned surprise at her own theory.
"Come on Jas, you know well that the cameras love you, you were born for this" She nodded her head giving me the reason.
"How does it feel to be so close to the media again? When everyone found out that you showed up to participate in the selection, nobody could avoid looking at you" said Jasmine accommodating herself on the towel with her back to the sun to get a tan.
"Nothing new, we have lived with the attention of the media all our lives, I'm used to it" the moment when I saw Zack coming I stood up and took my board, at first  he got close my sister and gave her a small kiss in the cheek, then he faced me.
"Scared little S?" he said looking at the huge waves with a challenging smile.
"You know well that I have never felt fear in my life," I said presumptuously giving him a light tap with my shoulder, since my sister married Zack he has been like a new brother to me, he has supported me every day since I met him trying to make me have good times , and with this of the selection he has not stopped joking, in the same way he has congratulated me and showed me these days that I was doing something good with at least trying to reveal myself and be myself, regardless of the pressure of the media.
"Then prove it little S, you know well that I need to see to believe" Zack went into the sea quickly with his board.
"I'll kick your ass like I always do" I shouted loudly so that Zack could hear me.
Before getting into the waves with my board to start surfing with Zack I stopped in front the sea and thanked as never before the fact of having the best people with me because without them my life wouldn't be so great. ...
I came home with a towel on my shoulders and wet hair, I had returned from diving and wanted to take a shower to then rest a bit but I stopped when I heard a female voice say my name.
"Stella ... come in please".
With bare feet and leaving a path of water, I went to my mother who was in the room with several papers around.
"What's wrong mother?" I was a bit surprised to have her at home, so I had to make sure everything was in order.
"Nothing or I think ... I have received several proposals for work after your announcement, you know well that there are too many girls in the province and obviously you will not be the one chosen, but you don't stop attracting attention " a smile formed on her face.
"What a lucky mom ..." I smiled and looked at the floor in silence, I felt a little overwhelmed by his words, but it was the truth, I was back like always in that world where my life belonged to everyone.
"Your father will be here soon," said my mother, arranging a little the papers that were on the sofa, clearly avoiding my gaze "this week you will have some interviews, please remember, I need you to behave correctly".
I stayed silent, trying to look her in the eyes without saying yes or no.
"Stella, it's an order," my father said authoritatively, standing beside my mother, I was surprised to see him because I didn't hear him enter the house, I was too busy talking to my mother to notice his arrival.
"Haven't I shown you that my behavior will be good?" My face didn't have any expression, although inside me a flame of angry went on.
"No, you haven't done it" my father crossed his arms and looked me in the eyes "You've done too much disaster, we can't trust you".
"Then don't do it, I don't need you in this, but you need me, you need me to maintain your current fame, I'm not an object that you can discard I'm your daughter!" I raised the tone of my voice and clenched my fists hard.
The silence was present again, my mother looked really surprised by my words and my father looked upset, very upset.
"Stella ... we had already talked about this, you know well that we need fame to be able to get a job and at this moment you can give us what we need" my mother's voice was calm.
"You know, mom, it's not my fault that you're not able to get what you want alone." My fists were still closed and my eyes began to fill with tears.
"No more Stella, you can't live believing that this is a fantasy, that you can escape from home when you want, that you can do things without permission, you can't continue believing that what you do is not seen by anyone, Stella, everyone is watching you, everyone is watching us and I will not allow you to ruin things again, enough with last year, now go to your room and think about what are you going to do because if you do something wrong everyone will realize " said my father pointing to my room and giving me a disapproving look.
I nodded and went to my room, I didn't want to talk to her or my father, I knew I could not contain my anger for long and I also knew that they wouldn't  be able to feign indifference to the situation for long.
With wet hair and sea salt on my skin I threw myself into my bed hard and started thinking. Maybe my parents' intentions were not selfish, maybe they tried to help me seriously, but it was so hard to believe that they were really looking for something good for me, if they had used me before, why not do it now? I have always been their toy, their joker, their puppet, I was for them and let them manipulate me, because deep down I was hoping that if they got what they wanted they would try to spend time with me, to recover what had been lost, but clearly ended up being the opposite, after they got what they wanted they forgot me, they pushed me aside, the only person who was there for me was Jasmine, despite all the mistakes and problems she stayed by my side, but after having married and moved from Clermont it was very difficult for her to support me, now I had to do this by myself, in all my Iife I have received benefits of which I have been grateful and the best way to show my gratitude was to continue forward with courage and strength, I couldn't show negative, I had to get up and heal my wounds, because with a great power comes a great responsibility, I more than anyone knew that was true, but this was my game and I was in charge of making the rules, so bravely I took the envelope that was on my desk and left my room with a great idea that would annoy my parents and would benefit me.
"Where do you think you are going?" My father stopped in front of the front door looking at me with a frown.
"To have my picture taken so I can deliver my form" I said, showing him the envelope I had in my hands, I had a fake smile on my lips and my eyes only expressed mischief.
"Stella, you look terrible, I will not allow you to take any pictures while you look like this" said my mother dramatically, made her papers to the side, placed a hand on his chest and gave me a challenging look
"It's a shame mom, because I'm going to take the picture just as I am" I shrugged and gave him an innocent smile "now if you allow me dad..." I signaled him to step aside.
"Stella, I'm not going to move from here ..." my father couldn't finish speaking because my mother interrupted him quickly.
"Let her go like that edward" she was cold and cutting when she said that  "it is impossible to her be selected, so you can go as you want, nobody will see that picture and nobody here cares what you do, if you wanna leave there ain't nobody stopping you" now it was she who gave me a fake smile.
"What are you saying Evangeline?" said my father looking at her seriously.
"I'm telling you to let her go, I know what I do" my mom just smiled arrogantly watching my father with complicity.
My father stepped aside and looked at my mother with curiosity because what she had done was very unusual, something we didn't expect for her, she was trying to make me see that I wasn't worth but I ignored her intention.
"Wow how easy" I whispered to myself  "I know what I do too" smiling arrogantly I waved my hand in farewell to my parents.
I opened the door and left the house with any regret to take the perfect photo, a photo that represented the beautiful of the natural, the essence of my life, a photo that had the most sincere smile and a special brightness that represented everything that had no description because that photo showed my true self.
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lovejenniferthings · 3 years
Global Compact Road Sweeper Market Provides An In Depth Insight Of Sales And Trends Forecast To 2025
A recent report added to the repository of Marketstream.biz presents an all-inclusive analysis of the key perspectives and forces working affecting the advancement of the Global Compact Road Sweeper Market. The report Compact Road Sweeper provides a complete market outlook and growth rate during the past present and forecast period. With concise study, Compact Road Sweeper market effectively explains the market value, volume, price trend, and growth opportunities.
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Top Key Players:
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New for 2020 Rent Increase Guideline! If you are a tenant or Landlord then this info is important for you to know:
In case your landlord is asking for a rent increase on your current rent in the new year this info is important to know in case you are being asked to pay to much. This is the most a landlord can increase the rent by for the upcoming year. The more you know then the more you can protect yourself as a tenant!
The 2020 rent increase guideline is 2.2% and applies to most private residential rental accommodation covered by the Residential Tenancies Act.
The guideline is the most a landlord can increase the rent without applying to the LTB.
Timing of rent increases: In most cases, the rent can be increased 12 months after a tenant first moved in or 12 months after the tenant's last rent increase. A tenant must be served a notice of a rent increase with a Landlord and Tenant Board approved form at least 90 days before the rent increase takes effect.
Calculation of the guideline: The rent increase guideline is based on the Ontario Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is calculated monthly by Statistics Canada. The 2020 guideline is calculated by averaging the percentage increase in the Ontario Consumer Price Index during the 12 months from June 2018 to May 2019. By law, the rent increase guideline cannot be more than 2.5 per cent, even if the CPI increase is higher.
Sample rent increase calculation: The monthly rent of an apartment is $1,000 beginning June 1, 2019. With proper written 90 days' notice to the tenant, the landlord could increase the rent 12 months later, on June 1, 2020. This is the calculation for the rent increase: The guideline for 2020 is 2.2% A rent increase of 2.2% on $1,000 = $22 Therefore, the new rent on June 1, 2020 could be as much as $1,022
If you have any questions about this , about real estate and the market then please reach out and we can see how we can help. You can also reach the landlord and tenant board with any questions or disputes also.
Sorin Vaduva - [email protected] / soldbysorin.com ( there is not charge but can give you my free opinion based on my experience as a real estate agent and landlord myself) or Landlord and Tenant Board Toll free: 1-888-332-3234 sjto.ca/ltb
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/metformin-may-stop-weight-regain-after-initial-loss/
Metformin May Stop Weight Regain After Initial Loss
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Metformin may not only lower blood glucose levels, it may also help people who lose weight keep it off, according to the results of a long-term follow-up study.
Specifically, among patients in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) trial who lost at least 5% of their initial weight at 1 year (after being randomized to metformin, intensive lifestyle, or placebo), those in the metformin group who continued on metformin in the follow-up observational Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) had the greatest weight-loss maintenance 5 to 14 years later.
“Those who lost weight initially after 1 year had remarkable maintenance of the weight loss with metformin, something we had never known before,” senior author Kishore M. Gadde, MD, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, told Medscape Medical News.
Metformin “doesn’t give you the kind of weight loss [or appetite suppression] you would get with a medication approved for treating obesity like Qsymia (phentermine/topiramate), or Saxenda (liraglutide),” Gadde continued.
However, “If you’re among those [29%] of people who do well initially, you seem to maintain that weight loss for a really long time,” if you continue to take metformin.
The study by John W. Apolzan, PhD, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, and colleagues was published online April 22 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Although the DPP was a randomized controlled trial (RCT), the DPPOS was not, so “further studies are needed to confirm the findings of this study in one or more RCTs,” Gadde cautioned.
And “because metformin is a generic drug, it is unlikely that any pharmaceutical company would conduct phase three RCTs to file a new drug application (NDA) to seek a new indication,” he added, although the National Institutes of Health and nonprofit professional organizations sometimes fund studies of a drug for an unmet clinical need.
“For now, clinical judgment should be used to decide whether metformin should be added if [intensive lifestyle intervention] does not succeed or if the patient subsequently regains the weight they lost,” Leslie I. Katzel, MD, PhD, and John D. Sorkin, MD, PhD, Baltimore VA Medical Center, University of Maryland, write in an accompanying editorial.
“Although not all patients were successful, the data show that [long-term weight loss] is achievable…and it makes sense to help patients strive for it,” the editorialists add.
“It might make sense,” they write, “to begin with an [intensive lifestyle intervention] because this resulted in the greatest weight loss [in the randomized DPP] and had the greatest effect on preventing progression to diabetes.”
Invited to comment, Danielle Ostendorf, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, noted in an email that adhering to an intensive lifestyle intervention poses challenges. “Future work is needed to understand what components of a lifestyle intervention promote sustained behavior change and what we can do to improve the design of our interventions to make them more effective long term,” she said
Future research could also look for differences between patients who did or did not have early weight loss success with metformin. 
In the meantime, “there are always individual differences in response to treatment,” noted Ostendorf, who led a small case-control study that found exercise was important to prevent weight regain, as previously reported. “The best strategy is going to be the one that works for that individual. Exploring different strategies with a [primary care provider] is an important step to achieve successful long-term weight loss maintenance.”
Metformin vs Intensive Lifestyle Counseling for Long-Term Weight Loss
When people who are overweight or obese lose weight, glycemia improves, the researchers note. However, it is not clear if this benefit continues only if the weight loss is maintained. In addition, identifying baseline factors associated with better long-term weight loss management may also help in patient management. 
To investigate this, the current study looked at long-term weight loss in patients in the DPP who lost at least 5% of their initial weight at 1 year, and they were followed out to 15 years in the DPPOS.
DPP/DPPOS is the largest, longest study to investigate metformin for preventing or delaying type 2 diabetes. 
In DPP, 3234 patients with overweight or obesity and elevated glucose levels at risk of diabetes were randomly assigned to an intensive lifestyle intervention (counseling sessions about diet and exercise to promote 7% weight loss), metformin 850 mg twice daily, or placebo, for a mean follow-up of 2.8 years.
After the masked treatment ended, participants could enter the DPPOS, in which all participants were offered less intensive lifestyle counseling.
At baseline, patients were a mean age of about 50 years and about two thirds were women. They had a mean body mass index (BMI) of about 34 kg/m2 and approximately two thirds had a family history of diabetes.
At 1 year, 289 of 1014 participants in the metformin group (28.5%), 640 of 1029 participants in the intensive lifestyle intervention group (62.6%), and 137 of 1025 participants in the placebo group (13.4%) had lost at least 5% of their initial weight — a mean weight loss of 8.9%, 11.0%, and 9.2%, respectively.
However, the newly reported data show that patients in the metformin group had greater long-term weight loss maintenance success.
During years 6 to 15 (after the intensive lifestyle counseling was completed and weight stabilized), weight loss relative to baseline was 6.2% (95% CI, 5.2% to 7.2%) in the metformin group, 3.7% (95% CI, 3.1% to 4.4%) in the intensive lifestyle group, and 2.8% (95% CI, 1.3% to 4.4%) in the placebo group — and 56%, 43%, and 42% of patients in these respective groups had kept off at least 5% of their initial weight.
The cumulative incidence of diabetes over the 15 years was lower among patients who lost at least 5% of their weight in the first year. 
In all three groups, long-term weight loss (≥ 5% weight loss at 5, 10, and 15 years) was greater among patients who had a greater initial 1-year weight loss.
In the intensive lifestyle group, long-term weight loss was greater among patients who were older and did not develop diabetes or have a family history of diabetes.   
And predictors of successful long-term weight loss maintenance included current active use of metformin in the metformin group and higher baseline fasting plasma glucose levels in the placebo group.
Study limitations, the editorialist note, include that 37% of patient in the placebo group received metformin by year 15.
And in the metformin group, only 72% of patients were adherent (took at least 80% of the assigned dose) in the DPP, and only 49% were adherent in the DPPOS.
Moreover, other groups use a different threshold for long-term weight loss; for example, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute use a threshold of 10%.
However, even 5% weight loss confers a health benefit, the researchers write.
DPPOS-3: Effect of Metformin on CVD, Certain Cancers
“Future investigations,” the researchers conclude, “should focus on whether metformin could be a useful intervention for [long-term weight loss] after initial weight loss with lifestyle interventions, antiobesity drugs or devices, or bariatric surgery.”
They are continuing to follow the participants for another 5 years in DPPOS-3, Gadde said, to investigate, among other things, emerging data suggesting that metformin may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease or certain cancers.
If DPPOS-3 and the more than 10 clinical trials examining the effect of metformin on various outcomes “show that metformin has the additional salutary effects that have been posited,” Katzel and Sorkin conclude, “the magnitude of these effects will have to be part of the decision-making process in choosing the best intervention for promotion of [long-term weight loss].”
The work was funded by the National Institutes of Health. Gadde has reported receiving grants from AstraZeneca and BioKier and other support from AstraZeneca and the American Diabetes Association outside the submitted work. Disclosures of the other authors are listed with the article. Katzel and Sorkin have reported no relevant financial relationships.
Ann Intern Med. Published April 22, 2019. Abstract, Editorial
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  However, one listens to their latest release. This Dragon August Burns Red shirt  is available at our Punchtee store, this is a new model for 2019. Phantom Anthem, and you can start thinking that they are a heavy metal symphony orchestra. Over the years, ABR has grown into one of the most sophisticated metalcore groups in operation. But on Phantom Anthem, the seventh full band, they took a step further. Fans will hear a new aspect of ABR, reminiscent of jamming bands like Phish or Rush, where Lif Lifeline-like pieces of guitar and alternating riffs can happen in many hours before embarking on a party that is half heavier than the truth. There is something very strange and fantasy originating from Phantom Anthem.
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Making the album translated like an epic poem rather than a collection of songs. Quickly order limited clothes with this Dragon August Burns Red shirt at Punchtee store. Both its appeal and sometimes boring, as seen with its songs Generation and Floating Float, directly using songs and repeating like a Greek chorus song. August Burns Red, Has paved the way for young bands in their genre. Their debut album, ‘Thrill Seeker, pointed out that they really liked something, but, as a newer band, didn’t discover it. It was until their second attempt, ‘Messenger, that they really began to become their own. Now, more than a decade later, ‘Mes messenger, is still one of the richest and most respected albums in this genre.
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  During that time. Punchtee.com store is selling this  Dragon August Burns Red shirt.  They tried many different things with their music but they all tried to capture their nature as a live band. While old bands in the genre have become more gentle over time, they continue to discover how aggressive and aggressive they can cause their fans, always honest. with them musicians. Although they have nothing to prove to their fans by signing a contract with Fearless Records, they certainly pushed their game when writing their first work for the brand, ‘Found in Far Away Things .
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  Dragon August Burns Red shirt I attended the August 3 Burns Red program and each show was EXCELLENT! Punchtee.com store sells this…
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oldprintbooks · 7 years
The oldest bridge in the world?
Recently I came across some interesting information about the oldest bridge in use.
Guiness world records - Oldest Bridge
The bridge is said to be erected in year 850 BC and used by Homer himself *(Lay, Ways of the World: A History of the World’s Roads (…), 1992, p. 254). It was built in ancient Smyrna, nowadays Izmir.
Well, I’m really skeptic about this 850 BC date, because it’s extremely difficult to verify, but since me and my partner were planning a journey to Aegean coast in Turkey we decided to visit that place and take a look by ourselves.
After few hours of walking along the river Meles (which is completely regulated and fairly shallow now) and asking the locals about the bridge (who were really helpful and excited that we came here just after reading a post on Turkish blog), we finally found it.
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Source: own photograph
The bridge itself wasn’t easy to find because it have been used as a base for a 6-lane road and right now it’s hidden between the new concrete bridge and channel walls. Thanks to a Kurdish land owner, we were able to make some photos.
What are the facts about Kervan Köprüsü?
This is a single arch bridge made out of tightly fitted stone blocks. The dimensions of the bridge are difficult to measure, because it’s only partially visible, although the height of the arch is approx. 5 meters with 10 meters span.
Every second stone in the arch is white, which gives decorative effect. There are also white stones on both sides of the bridge.
What did we learn from historic sources?
The bridge was built for helping camel caravans go across the river Meles and we have numerous photographs and figures depicting such scenes. Also, I have read about how the bridge was used in 1830’s from English traveler C. B. Elliott.
Leaving the city, we were stopped by the Turkish douanier at the Caravan bridge, where numerous caravans of camels daily halt previous to their entrance into the town. Though Smyrna be not a ville franche, the government prescribes that articles transported from the city into the interior shall be subject to examination, no less than those which enter it. The exhibition of our firman, however, prevented much trouble, and we pursued our journey without being even solicited for a present; a fact which redounds to the credit of Turkish custom-officers.
Here several strings of camels met us, on their way to the city. Each is fastened by a halter to the back of its predecessor, and the foremost is similarly attached to a donkey: one of these little ani mals is required to precede every ten or twelve camels, experience proving that they will not move without a leader, however humble its grade. They are heavily laden with a bag on each side, and travel readily for twelve hours a day, neither finding nor seeking repose.
C. B. Elliot, Travels in the Three Great Empires (…), p. 50
One of the earliest depictions I have found comes from Luigi Meyer, a 18th century painter.
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Source: http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O1106719/view-of-smyrna-bridge-etching-mayer-luigi/
Another one is a print from journals of Charles Fellows, a British archeologist and traveler, made probably in 1838.
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Source: FELLOWS, Charles. A journal written during an excursion in Asia Minor, London, John Murray, MDCCCXXXIX [=1839]. http://eng.travelogues.gr/item.php?view=43173
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Source: ESTOURMEL, Joseph d’, Comte. Album du Journal d’un Voyage en Orient, Paris, Imprimeurs Unis, 1848. http://eng.travelogues.gr/item.php?view=39980
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Source: BUSCH, Moritz, Dr. L'Orient Pittoresque, Publication Artistique dessinée d'après nature (…), Trieste, Lloyd Autrichien, 1865.
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Source: http://www.erolsasmaz.com/?oku=550
Later in 19th century the bridge became a well known sightseeing monument and we have a lot of historic post cards like this one from 1899.
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Source: http://izmir-hatirasi.blogspot.se/2011/11/
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Source: http://www.erolsasmaz.com/?oku=550
Here on this 1919 photo we see that the north side of the bridge was renovated and took the shape that we can see now in 2017.
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Finally, to conclude this post, a real gem; stereoscopic photograph of the bridge, dated probably to the turn of 19th/20th centuries.
Stereo photography of Smyrne bridge
Sources I used:
M. G. Lay, Ways of the World: A History of the World’s Roads and of the Vehicles That Used Them, 1992
C. B. Elliot, Travels in the Three Great Empires of Austria, Russia, and Turkey: A voyage in the Archipelago and along the southern coast of Asia Minor, with a visit to the Apocalyptic churches, and travels in Syria, Palestine, and the country east of Jordan, 1838
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lovejenniferthings · 4 years
Global Compact Road Sweeper Market Provides An In Depth Insight Of Sales And Trends Forecast To 2026
A recent report added to the repository of Marketstream.biz presents an all-inclusive analysis of the key perspectives and forces working affecting the advancement of the Global Compact Road Sweeper Market. The report Compact Road Sweeper provides a complete market outlook and growth rate during the past present and forecast period. With concise study, Compact Road Sweeper market effectively explains the market value, volume, price trend, and growth opportunities.
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Top Key Players:
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mmpakistan-blog · 4 years
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