#// also because I think your Adaman is excellent
miirci · 2 years
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[ Adaman & Mai from the Diamond Clan!! ]
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Some Legendverse PLA thoughts ( a lot of it is based on discord talks)
The Clans have more agency than they do in the games. They don't require the Galaxy's Teams help all the time, nor do they have the Galaxy Team make all the calling shots. The three operations are all equals here, or (if anything), The Diamond and Pearl clan have more power due to Hisui being their home and as their home, they know more shit about it than the Galaxy Team ever has. Yes they will use this knowledge against them if needed.
No more of the whole " your tradition makes you wrong" approach. Melli has a right to be more faithful in his tradition than what the Galaxy Team has to say.
Also! If we really want to make the frenzied nobles more of a threat to both people and pokemon, make it clear. Maybe the energy that they were hit with is too much, even for them. Some lose themselves to the frenzy, like how Lord Kleavor did, hurting people and pokemon. In the case of Lord Avalugg, he still did nothing to harm people, but the energy that was stirring inside ended up hurting him. He was getting sick. He was dying. The only reason the player/Sakura had to fight him was because he was at a point where he couldn't hold back that energy anymore( Also! This would have been a good place to introduce Lady Zoroark and Michi. Lady Zoroark may know that Lord Avalugg is not well, making Michi involve herself into the plot more).
I want someone else to coin the name Sinnoh for Hisui. Yeah, I know Kamado doing it is him 1) actually believing the culture of the diamond and pearl clan and 2) an act of redemption? I guess? But as someone who likes Kamado's character ( not what he represents), he shouldn't be the one who remained Hisui. I think Adaman and Irida should have.
CHARACTERS ACTUALLY TALKING TO EACH OTHER. Like the lack of character interaction is baffling.
Okay some character stuff:
Adaman is the leader of the Diamond Clan by name. If you were to ask the Clan who they would listen to, however, it's Mai.
I think Adaman's willingness to stray a little bit from his clan's traditions to find more solutions may weaken their opinion of him. Or keep their view of him the same as the Clans " Brother" rather than " Leader". Again, Mai is often favored when it comes to leadership and making decisions. Does this hurt him? Oh yes definitely. But he tries to hold a " whatever happens, happens" front, possibly to ease tension.
Adaman is an excellent leader btw. His ideas and ways of thinking are really good. It's just that almost no one in his Clan can see past " Big/Little Brother Adaman".
Irida's situation is the opposite. She values and sticks to her clans traditions, which is not a bad thing, but it then becomes her clan expecting her to continue these traditions, regardless of her emotional input. This is what caused the rift between her and Palina- an act of betrayal between sisters.
Irida is known to put the Clan before herself ( again, not a bad thing), but I feel like she also learns to let go a little. Be a little selfish. Embrace ideas that don't exactly fit with her culture and traditions.
As for Adaman, his arc is a bit more rough. He does, eventually, get tired of being belittled by his Clan ( I don't think it's intentional, they all love him, but he's still a leader and he wants to be treated as such), so he, in a way, tries to act more like how Irida did during the beginning of the game. It doesn't go over well, since his Clan members act more like family than anything. To put a distance between that weakens morale. Adaman does get his chance to vent, and the two sides reach a better understanding!
I don't want Ingo to have that much of a big role in pla, but more than what he was given in the base game.
He mostly spends his time with either Michi, helping with their search and rescue ( some more hopeful than others) and in Jubilife Village. Oh and the general pearl clan. AND with Melli I want them to be friends.
Because of this, I want him to learn different perspectives. Talk to different people, get to know them, learn what they think about the different events that goes on in Hisui. I think he would very much enjoy learning about the Pearl Clan's traditions, even if some don't exactly trust him.
He does act like an uncle to others. It's in his blood/j.
Even if Ingo isn't talking he's listening. I think he's really good at that.
He has to hold back Michi from going for Kamado's neck ( he's pissed too, but he rather not have bloodshed)
.....I think Cyllene should have become in charge of the Galaxy Team after the main plot. I don't want an " everything goes back to normal" stuff with Kamado, even if he apologizes and understands what he did was wrong. It's just not right, to me, tohim go back to a position of power. One which he clearly abused when he was feeling paranoid. So yeah, I think Cyllene is probably the new head of the Galaxy team. She's still in charge of the Survey Corps of course. That's her true passion.
Idk what would happen to Kamado. Maybe he quits the Team and learns to cook and make tea with Beni and Zero idk.
There's so much more I could say but this is getting long/ I'm getting lazy hgvhvgvgvcg.
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A black cat and a Calico, especially a predominantly white one, would be very symbolically and visually nice! And also I'm kind of biased towards it because I have both of those lol. There's also... hmm well if we want to get particular about cat genetics, most of the cats that have the "siamese" point coloring aren't part of any of the breeds that have them as a signature, they're just regular cats with a mutation that gives them partial albinism (happens in rabbits, mice, and guinea pigs too), so wouldn't it be so fucked if both of them were black cats, one just had a mutation to cover up most of the black so Kamado couldn't tell. Although in either case, imagine how much it'd suck to have light colored fur and have to roll around in the mirelands.
I love the idea of Kamado hating the Survey corp in general, because it's literally harding cats. Oh man, poor Cyllene would be miserable in the heat though. Maybe a lioness instead? They're group cats like domestics, and the females are the main hunters both of which would lend well to being a team leader. Though I will say, if we make Counterpart a Calico, you know what'd be cute? If Cyllene was an African wild dog, which are also notorious for being excellent hunters who work extremely well together, but have the bonus of looking like she took one look at a Calico kitten and decided it was her child now lol. Laventon is a Scottish fold, I mean look at him. Kamado I was thinking either that or a grizzly bear lol, though wolves do lend themselves more towards high leadership roles.
He's really more of a Bunnicula in terms of predator lagomorphs, but nobody'll ever convince Melli of it after his many run ins with Ingo in the dark. His posture really does look like he could be getting ready to break into a sprint at any given moment, but no, people are surprised to learn that it's apparently unrelated (hopefully not a back injury, but if it's to avoid being so tall his ears would constantly be down too. I imagine he and Emmet utilize their stature and long ears to help people pick them out of a crowd, plus it cuts a more striking figure during battle on the subway, but being a flagpole might not lend itself too well in Hisui). That's a good point of it probably being something of a social faux pas though, didn't even think of that. Maybe they just notice that he doesn't run or jump even if he's clearly caught by surprise or in situations where people of every sort really should be running, like Ingo please get away from the ghost foxes, you don't need to feed them, they can feed themselves and if you keep doing it they might start snacking on you instead of the mushroom cakes and berries they beg from you (no but for real I think about that part where the zorua/Zoroark uses Mai's form to trick you into giving it mushroom cakes all the time lol, and Ingo seems like the sort of person they'd clock as easy to sucker into giving them treats)
Also, re: clothes, I think that pants might be a little hard depending on the kind of legs you give them, flat on their feet or up on their toes like dogs, so most people probably wouldn't bother with them, but given how prominent and important the clan tunics are, I figure almost everyone at least in Hisui would be wearing some sort of top, especially if it's a little on the long side like the tunics. Things like skirts or kimonos would also be easy to wear and that seems to be a common Jubilife style. Specialized footwear might also be needed in cases where, for instance, a non-cold adapted animal like Ingo, Adaman, or the Galaxy team (and possibly Sabi? She's bundled up way more than any of the Pearl Clan folks so I assume she's either so baby she doesn't have her winter fluff or she just isn't a species that's inherently fitted to the cold) needed to go through the Icelands, or in busy cities to avoid burning paws on too-hot pavement or getting your toes stepped on, or working in construction jobs. I don't think clothes are strictly necessary, so it wouldn't be especially weird to not have any on like if the protagonist showed up without any because Arceus stole them from their bed, but most people do, especially in Hisui where it's part of how they show clan alliances
the survey corps is literally herding cats ashskjhsjh that's so funny. i was actually thinking about pallas' cat laventon (possibly with some minor alterations to face markings so he looks perpetually-worried instead of perpetually-grumpy) but also consider: laventon as a lion (or some other highly social cat) and cyllene as a highly solitary cat who has been Tricked into having a Family and is very confused and mad about how that happened. (laventon: "cyllene look! a kitten fell out of the sky! we need to look after them!" / cyllene, completely disinterested: "not my kitten, don't care.") though it's also very funny if cyllene's Definitely Very Social but is trying to act like she doesn't care anyway. everyone can see your happy body language cyllene stop trying to act aloof
i love the idea that they use their height+tall ears to be easily visible in crowds, lol. i imagine if they're trying to get someone's attention they start twitching their ears very fast like a wave. ELESA WE'RE RIGHT HERE JUST LOOK TO THE LEFT DON'T MAKE US SHOUT ACROSS THE CROWDED STATION. oof and then he's slouching and keeping his ears back to seem smaller... or maybe he's doing it bc subconsciously he feels really exposed in hisui. he's not used to space being so empty! he's used to crowds and enclosed spaces! it's not something that makes it to his conscious mind but that's part of why he looks so keyed-up constantly. this is actually my hc for canon but if anything it works even better here
"Specialized footwear might also be needed in cases where, for instance, a non-cold adapted animal needed to go through the Icelands" oh man but you know whose paws are absolutely not equipped for snow at all. does the pearl clan like, realize right away that they should probably give him boots? or does he have to get frostbite first. that could actually be another reason for the bad posture: he started doing it as a balance thing to compensate for stepping very gingerly/not being 100% able to tell where he was putting his feet while they were healing, and then it just stuck. or even worse, he's just got a permanently messed up gait because his paw pads are permanently uneven and lacking sensation.
re: clothes being a means to show faction affiliation, i could also see that most of that is replaced by some kind of like, necklace or other trinket, bc most of the pearl clan is cold-adapted and would probably overheat in a tunic. they would probably still make some tunics though, for the odd member that's born a different species (usually the roulette is pretty good abt accounting for environment, but it getting it wrong is also definitely not unheard of.) aww i love the idea that sabi is "so baby she doesn't have her winter fluff" too lol.
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