systeminquiry-exe · 5 days
The one thing I don’t like seeing from endos is some of them saying “your trauma makes your privileged! No one will believe me but they’ll believe you!”
Trauma doesn’t make anyone privileged. The views that trauma is privilege is terrible. That’s abuse that someone has been through, assault someone has been through.
If you’re saying that someone is privileged because they have trauma… you really need to do something to help yourself out. That’s a terrible mindset to have.
No one believes in endos because of the harm they cause to systems and singlets that are trying to be there for systems. Endos and non-traumagenic “systems” don’t need to be included in everything.
Anti-endo spaces are made so systems can have space from endos and that community, but endos and proendos force themselves into it any way. Why? Because they hate it when someone speaks up against them.
It’s not something you should feel entitled to.
This is why I will never support endos and proendos or “systems” made without trauma. You don’t exist. Your mind CANNOT fragment without trauma and that trauma IS NOT a privilege to have.
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systeminquiry-exe · 11 days
How it feels when your system is trying to make any important decision
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systeminquiry-exe · 11 days
Also, just don't support an ableist. Anti-endo or not, what they were saying was harmful.
do not interact with us if you support aspenfrostEN or any of their associates. we're still very much strongly anti endo, but we also do not support the harassment, slur calling, or suicide baiting of endogenics and their supporters. please for the love of lucifer no harassing endos and calling them schizos and delusional and the r slur and trying to take the plural/pluralgang tags isn't going to do jackshit nor is it going to make them listen to us anti-endos anymore than they're already willing. YOU ARE ACTIVELY MAKING IT WORSE FOR US BY GIVING THEM A REASON TO BELIEVE WE ARE IN FACT ABLEIST SLUR-SLINGING SUICIDE BAITERS. jesus fucking christ
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systeminquiry-exe · 11 days
I love you systems who...
- Cannot cope with alters going dormant
- Are afraid of switching out and "letting go" of front
- Are almost always blurry
- Have demonised and stereotyped alters
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systeminquiry-exe · 13 days
growing up I always wanted to be poorly understood by science
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systeminquiry-exe · 14 days
plural culture is being an only child but sometimes having headmates feels like having siblings
As a system with siblings I can say it's pretty close
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systeminquiry-exe · 1 month
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[Text: This system is constantly afraid everyone is going to leave them.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use
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systeminquiry-exe · 1 month
I am now aware as to why I am fronting for the first time in 20 years, and for longer than I have ever fronted alone.
I should have noticed sooner.
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systeminquiry-exe · 1 month
Alter Info
Name: Klover
Age: 26
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: Big Fucking Dragon
Role: Protector, Trauma Holder
Favorite Colors: Teal, aquamarine, black
Likes: Lofi, game OSTs, drawing, herbalism, naps
Dislikes: People, groups, talking, cleaning up the mess that the others leave behind
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systeminquiry-exe · 1 month
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systeminquiry-exe · 2 months
system ask game for traumagenic systems <3
I: basics
❤️ - what type of CDD do you have?
🧡 - are you medically recognised/diagnosed? if not, do you plan to? (no judgement either way!)
💛 - if you are comfortable sharing, what is your headcount? do you keep track of it?
💚 - do you have a high or low split tolerance?
💙 - do you switch frequently or do you go longer periods between switching?
💜 - does your system have introjects of any kind?
🩷 - do you have any subsystems?
II: alters
🎥 - who are your frequent fronters?
📼 - do you have any non-human alters? if yes, which species are the majority of them?
🎞️ - do the alters in your system use more medical coined roles or more community coined roles? or both/neither? do you find them useful?
📽️ - are the alters in your system more distinct or less distinct from each other?
📺 - do you make/buy gifts to other alters in the systems?
🎙️ - does the taste in music vary a lot between different alters?
📻 - does your system have any type of in system relationships? (familial, romantic, platonic etc.)
III: switching
☀️ - how much amnesia do you experience?
🌙 - do you experience black out amnesia?
⚡️ - what does switching feel like for you? does it vary between alters?
☄️ - do you experience quick switches or does it take longer to switch usually?
🌈 - do you get frontstuck often? what do you do to try to get ‘un-stuck’?
☁️ - do you ever not notice you’ve switched, and suddenly realise that ‘you haven’t been you’ for a while?
💦 - can you switch ‘on command’ or is that something that is hard for your system? does it depend on the alter?
IV: headspace
🌱 - do you have a headspace? if yes, describe it! if no, do you want one?
🌿 - how easily accessed is your headspace?
☘️ - is there a place in your headspace where dormant alters go?
🌳 - do alters have their own rooms/areas in your headspace?
🌵 - is your headspace big, or smaller? is it complex/less complex?
🍃 - do you have specific alters that cannot access headspace at all?
🪴 - did you have to build your headspace over time, or was it just there?
V: general
🍭 - how did you pick your system name?
🍪 - do you have a collective name/identity/orientation? if yes, how did your system make those decisions?
🍬 - what’s the funniest thing another alter has said to you? (internally or externally communicated)
🍫 - how does your system handle in system disagreements in general?
🧁 - is there anyone specific in your system you don’t get along with?
🍰 - are you ‘out’ as a system to anyone? (online friends/partners etc. count!)
🍦 - how good is your communication with the rest of the system? does it vary much between different alters?
🍡 - are different alters part of different subcultures? which ones? (we are!)
remember that this is just for fun, and if anything feels invasive you do not have to answer the question! feel free to replace any question with a fun fact about your system or anything if you don’t feel like answering something! take care🫶🏻
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systeminquiry-exe · 2 months
Actually me when there's a million people in Co
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systeminquiry-exe · 2 months
Fruit themed Ask Game!
geared towards DID/OSDD systems that wanna babble about themselves <3
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🍎- what’s the one food that’s always instantly gone in your house?
🍐- what’s something you do to calm you down?
🍊- what sort of language do you use when referring to yourself/your system? What’s your reasoning?
🍌- What is a piece of misinformation always grinds your gears?
🍉- what are your collective interests?
🍋- what are your collective disinterests? The dumber the better
🍇- do you have a big sweet tooth? Who’s the worst of the bunch?
🍓- share any inside jokes you have together!!
🫐- does anybody have an unnatural hair color in the innerworld? Any particular reasoning?
🍈- if you have any syskids in your system, what’s your favorite thing to do with them/their favorite thing to do?
🍒- do you have a favorite metaphor for systemhood? You don’t need to justify it, it can be silly <3
🍑- what’s an awkward thing/situation you’ve switch in to?
🥭- you can spawn one animal in your innerworld as a class pet, what would it be?
🍍- what’s one thing an alter/part loves, that another one hates?
🥝- think of an alter/part, what’s something you love about them?
🥥- which alter/part was the toughest nut to crack?
🍅- ..what’s your controversial opinion?
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systeminquiry-exe · 2 months
We do not mean to be quiet, we are just not used to being allowed to talk as ourselves. We spent many years masking as on person. It's hard to break that habit.
But we want to be part of the community.
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systeminquiry-exe · 2 months
hey you
yeah, you.. the system thats doubting if ur valid
guess what
ur valid n loved n i hope u find joy
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systeminquiry-exe · 2 months
You are allowed to love being a system, after all, it is what saved your life
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systeminquiry-exe · 2 months
Ask a system
I'm bored so system asks time! (And I'm crazy so I'm making my own) Send an emoji in our asks and we'll answer that question!
🎨 - How did you come up with your system name?
🖋️ - Do you have a collective identity? If yes how did your system decide on those things?
💾 - What is your headcount?
❤️ - What type of CDD do you have?
🧡 - Are you diagnosed? If not, do you plan to?
💛 - Do you have a high or low split tolerance?
💚 - Is your system introject heavy or have little to no introjects?
💙 - Who are your frequent fronters?
💜 - Do you switch frequent or go longer periods between switches?
🌠 - How much amnesia do you experience?
🎶 - Can you switch 'on command' or is that hard for your system? Does it vary between alters?
⚔️ - Is there anyone in your system you don't get along with?
🌺 - Are you 'out' to anyone as a system?
🖤 - Do any of your alters have things that are just theirs or is everything shared within your system?
I definitely made this just for us but if anyone else wants to repost and use this for their own system feel free to do so! -⚔️
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