Police organisations proud to support Swindon & Wiltshire Pride 2017
Wiltshire Police, the Wiltshire Police Federation and Unison Wiltshire Police & Justice have announced that they will jointly become the main sponsors for the 10th Swindon and Wiltshire Pride event, to be held this July with the theme ‘Celebrating Freedom’.
Swindon and Wiltshire Pride Chair Jo Sharpe said: ““This is fantastic news for without the backing and support of organisations Pride wouldn’t happen.  Wiltshire Police has always been extremely supportive of the event and we have worked closely with them to ensure our event is safe for everyone to attend.”
“I would like to send my thanks to Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Lee Hare for being an advocate for Pride and to Wiltshire Police, The Wiltshire Police Federation and LGBT Unison Wiltshire Police & Justice.”
“The support and commitment to Swindon and Wiltshire Pride and the LGBT community shows their commitment to being truly diverse organisations and their confidence in the true values of our event.”
The annual event has been growing year-on-year and Wiltshire Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon have been active supporters of Pride, participating in the events and parade.
Lee Hare, Unison LGBT Officer for Wiltshire said: “I was delighted when the idea for supporting Pride was agreed by all three police organisations in Wiltshire. It is a significant step that reflects the changing times we live in and a significant way of celebrating the 50th anniversary of decriminalisation of homosexuality in England and Wales in 1967.”
“We have made tremendous steps forward to build a more inclusive and understanding society since the days of 50+ years ago. It may have taken many years but we can look forward to a future that celebrates all areas of equality, diversity and inclusion that sends out a clear message that all forms of hate crime should be left in the past and not tolerated in the present.”
Swindon and Wiltshire Pride will be held on Saturday 29 July 2017 at the Town Gardens, Swindon.
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#UKPride film is here!
Thanks to the generous support of Gay Times Magazine, the UK Pride Organisers Network has produced a film showing all 82 confirmed Pride events due to take place this year.
Check out the video here!
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2016 Theme Confirmed!
The theme for the 9th Swindon and Wiltshire Pride has now been announced as “Love For All”. Pride’s aims have throughout its history has been the promotion of equality and diversity within the community and this year’s theme is intended as a strong endorsement and message in support of these aims.
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Pride 2016 is therefore sending out an invitation to the community at large to come and join us in a celebration of the right for “Love For All” and all the progress that has been made in making this a reality for many people and also to join together in a show of solidarity with those that don’t yet enjoy their entitlement to love and be loved.
This event is designed to truly be a community wide event, which is inclusive of everyone. For this reason we continue to strive to make this a free event and as such are fundraising throughout the year, up and coming events include a Ride for Pride on 3rd July (with practice rides on 5th June), and The Pride Beach Party on 16th July, where this year’s headliner will be announced, further details can be found on the Pride website.
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Out of the Can day – London Pride Parade 2015
The story started at group one Tuesday, we applied to join Stonewall in the Parade, a few weeks later we found out that we could! We spent the next few meetings talking about the rules and filling in the paperwork. Then at 8.20am on the 27th June 2015 a sunny Saturday morning we started our journey to Paddington and to our first London Pride and the parade. We were all excited about the parade and recorded our feelings on the Go-Pro.
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We had to go to the University of Westminster to introduce ourselves to the Stonewall Team and to go through what happens before, during and after parade (not forgetting picking up our Stonewall T-shirts). During this we listened to speakers, Carolyn, Wendy and Ted who were proper ancient (but lovely). They spoke about their experiences of growing up and how hard it was to be open and happy, growing up in a society that didn’t accept being LGBT. The parade started at 1.30pm, it was really loud and full of excitement, rainbows everywhere and loads of singing of Abba, lucky we have watched mamma mia at group. It was slow at the beginning but the atmosphere and singing never stopped, everyone in the parade and crowd were embracing the moment.
Towards the end of the parade, we had loads of cheering and high fiving, we were so proud, happy, ecstatic, overwhelmed and that we were making a difference. 30,000 took park in the parade and 1 million people attended. Out of the Can were part of this and we will have this in our memories forever. Love & Hugs OOTC (www.outofthecan.org)
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Amazing total raised at Camp Bingo on 31st January 2016
Lining up for a full house paid dividends for Swindon & Wiltshire Pride 2016 courtesy of the outstanding efforts of Mrs Bridy and Boy Jase.
A fabulous afternoon full of fun and frolics, in the newly refurbished Mailcoach culminated in the thoroughly entertaining Camp Bingo.  
Dazzling performances in-between bingo games from Mrs Bridy and Boy Jase, plus a visit from Mizz Glory Whole. Raised a fabulous £350 towards Swindon & Wiltshire Pride 2016.
The current running total raised so far stands at around £2800;  Jo Sharpe, chair of Swindon & Wiltshire Pride 2016  said “Without the monies raised by the community Swindon & Wiltshire Pride just would not happen. The community support pride each and every year; this sends a brilliant message out to everyone. The committee would like to express a great big thank you to everyone who performed and attended.”
For all those planning to attend the next camp bingo, it will be in The Mailcoach on Easter Sunday (27th March 2016).  Jo suggests that, it’s well worth bringing plenty of change with them, and friends to share in the fun.  You will not be disappointed.
For those seeking some light entertainment before that will be pleased to hear that 13th February sees the Mailcoach & Mrs Bridy hosting the 'Vintage Valentines Unlucky for some'.
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Local Wiltshire Police GLO Officers Win Unison Award
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Swindon & Wiltshire Pride would like to congratulate Police Community Support Officer Lee Hare and Kate Jackson-Collier from Wiltshire Police for recently winning the Unison Get Active - Equality Award 2016.
Lee and Kate have been working within the community of Swindon and Wiltshire for the last 10 years, raising awareness of the work Wiltshire Police do and support they offer. As well as raising money for Swindon & Wiltshire Pride and ensuring that the Police presence at Pride is a positive one.
PCSO Lee and Kate, run a drop-in session at The Mailcoach every five weeks on a Friday night, between 7.30pm and 8.30pm.
Again, Well done Lee and Kate, Swindon & Wiltshire Pride look forward to your involvement for the 2016 event.
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Winter Wonderland Christmas Party!
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Come along and celebrate in Christmas Winter Wonderland style with Swindon & Wiltshire Pride!
HAPPY HOUR: 7.30-8.30
FREE SHOT for those in Christmas fancy dress!
Dance the night away with acts including: System-D, DJ Burnout and the fabulous Mrs Bridy and the Boy Jase.
Take part in some fun party games.
Cant wait to see you all there!
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