survivorloyaute · 6 years
Kenjie’s Jury Responses
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Michael - thanks for the insult but its ok. Because i know what game what i did and im sorry if u think im bad in this game. But yes your right i wanted you out coz ur the only person figure out that my power is not true.
And everything u told me in this game was question  marks thats why i dont trust u. So its fine if u dont like me. But im happy playing this game with all of u im not mad for what you say.
I know I threatened you in the game that i will use my FAKE POWER IDOL against you. because i need to do that to make you believe that my power idol is true. Because you message me that u think its not true and i just responding to your actions. And i saw that ur the only person who told me that its a fake idol.
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The best move i did i did is to make a lie of fake YING YANG IDOL  because of that fabricio trusted me and get scared to vote me. And everyone wants me out but they cant because of the power of FAKE YING YANG IDOL that I MAKE A STORY THAT I CAN USE IT WHEN THE VOTES ARE READ AND I CAN PUT ALL THE VOTES I RECEIVE TO SOMEONE ELS I want! ANd spreading to everyone that Michael and payton are the strongest alliance.
The things that strengthen me is that people buy the story i made about the YING YANG IDOL THAT I CAN USE UNTIL top5. And the trust and connection that i made with Fabricio.
If we swap in same position i might vote u it depends who you play in finals against with. But the only reason i wont vote u if you make it to finals it’s because we never connected so early in the game! But all in all I respect all game moves even u will vote me out,and u stay in finals i will still vote you if I really thinks you deserve it. COZ I ALWAYS THINK IN EVERY GAME I PLAY. I should not take grudges coz the main purpose of this game that we need to learn is to acceptans to accept our losses and move on to the future . But connor thanks for the friendship even we talk late in the game.
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i willl choose #5
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Fabricio’s Jury Responses
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Hey Michael so essentially idk if I really have much to add to your speech, I would like to say however it made think back to the Adrian vote when he called you a rat after the vote reveal and you were (rightfully) upset about him being unnecessarily rude (since blindsiding people it's kindof a about this game not a sin from satan) and how you could use without the negativity.
Now we could argue a bunch about being deserving or not but you have your thoughts and I have mine and I'm sure that would indeed be redundant.
What I do know is that I constantly wrote my toughts down all throughout the game and maybe that will show how much I put into this game, what it certainly won't show is all of the hours I put into it. I might've not been a flashy player, played a bunch of idols or gotten into fights but at least to me it doesn't matter, fun was had, met a bunch of cool people and at the end of the day if you don't think I'm deserving then alright I guess? It doesn't really change my experience and I personally enjoyed it so what's not to like!
So yeah thank you for your words.
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Hi Connor! Glad you had fun hehe
Now onto your questions well I think my best move this season was Seamus's vote out. By making sure he went home either by an idol or for splitting the votes I made sure a big threat was out of the game before he got too close to the end. Also I believe he was one of the main driving forces when it came to getting people to vote together so without him it kinda stopped being another "side". Like after he was out you could tell vased in previous votes we were a "minority" of 3 but next week the lines became blurry as a result of that I believe.
It also led to your idol being flushed so it made the power duo of you and Payton weaker going foward which was good for me.
As for your second question I think my biggest strength was how I always kept my options as open as possible by not alienating people.
Like I never discarded the possibility of working with Seamus even after not voting the way he wanted twice, and made sure he also knew my vote was always flexible and could be used to his benefits.
Same thing I did with you and Payton after the Michael vote like I believe you still saw me as an ally specially bc I was flexible enough to imediatly vote Seamus afterwards.
And the last instance of that was with Scott after the Riley vote. I was the first to let him know my reasoning and that I wasn't targeting him just bc I voted out his ally last week and soon we were having a f2 deal.
For your third question I think you mean how would i vote if me and you switched places and you were at ftc (which is the right way to interpret that question I think? Lel)
I believe I would've likely voted for you but my vote would certainly not be 100% set.
I think you have a good case for yourself based on how much of a central player you were early merge with multiple people trying and failing to take you out, you alsa uniting your alliance with Riley and Scott with Putin's alliance was also the reason why the votes went that way.
You also found and idol and I think you played it at a needed time even if it didn't change the outcome, better safe than home with an idol in your pocket.
And at late merge specially after Payton was voted out you kinda became the underdog and had a good run.
The negatives I would have with your game would be that you were going home at f6 until Josie striked out and were left out in the dark in a couple of votes (Michael, Payton, Josie and Mo's)
Also all in all I never 100% set my vote in stone before hearing to every ftc speech :p
But I feel like if you were besides Kenjie and Scott yeah you would've probably gotten my vote and even more likely won.
And why should I win? well I was the only one to vote the right way every single time, I only got one vote casted against me and it was before merge. I won't say I was the secret mastermind behind everything but I played a big part in a couple weeks. Now this part shouldn't be a plus as it ideally it should be standard but I was always around and dedicating a part of my day to this org. And finally because I believe I played the better game out of the final 3. (Which I also set up myself bc of that exact same reason)
Anyhow thank you for your questions I hope my answers were satisfying enough :3
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It's ok I don't like me either, I pick fiveee
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Michael’s Jury Speech
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Loyaute: reasons why you suck. First, I would like to say a big thank you to the hosts, any time I get to play survivor I love it which is why it very much saddens me about the calibre of the finalists here before me. In no game should someone who self-voted TWICE should make it further than actual players such as, myself, Seamus, Payton and yes even Riley. I’m not going to congratulate any of you because none of you deserve it. I don’t have anything to ask because I don’t really care but here’s my reasons why you all suck Scott: Since you didn’t put in the effort to play I’m not going to put in the effort to ask you a question or really pay attention to you, the only way you’ll get my vote is because of the meme. In fact I really don’t know why you even turned up. Fabricio: I think you played the best out of the 3 but that’s like saying you’re the tallest dwarf, its basically redundant so I’m not too impressed because lets be real if my only competition in the final 3 was a whiny Man-child and Mr invisible I would’ve won too. Kenjie: I’m so happy you didn’t get voted out because you were the absolute WORST, I have never met a worse social player, you were whiny, you were annoying, you acted like a 5 year old just because you didn’t get your own way, you complained about me not tell you stuff even though when I did tell you stuff, you just told someone else. You have done nothing this whole game, you were terrible socially, you were awful in challenges and I cant think for the life of me anything you did that was strategic, you bring NOTHING to the table and Kenjie when you decided to threaten me with your “power” (which you did not use btw), you forgot to realise that I also have a power, the power to not vote you to win, a power I will happily be using at this tribal council.
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Connor’s Jury Speech
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Matt’s Jury Speech
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I don’t like any of you. You’re all Gross.
Pick a number 1-10.
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Fabricio’s Final Tribal Council
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Kenjie’s Final Tribal Council
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Hello jury’s
1st of all i would like to thank you guys for this crazy , bumpy and yet wonderful experience!
And thank you also for all the help that you gave me. Because without each and everyone of you i will never be in this position were i am right now!
Because you all guys made me my competitive side awake. To fight more and strive to stay in this game more longer.
When i start in this game my 1st thing to do is to make my connection with everyone. And witch is i think i did well coz i make connections with each member of my tribe. Mo, fabricio, payt,gavin.
And i got lucky in that time because we always win immunity and it gives me more time to connect with everyone. And i have this good connection with fab and payt
And i did a alliance chat with them.
So when the swap comes im still with payt and fabricio. And i was so happy that time coz even we lost we have a number to vote someone from the new people witch is MICHAEL AND ANDREW. And then we lost and i ask payt andrew and Michael and they are giving me different names. So what i did is i run to fabricio because i feel that fabricio have good connection with payton and i told FABRICIO THAT payton, Michael and Andrew was in the same IMMUNITY PACT early in the game.
And i have thi idea in my mind to make fabricio trust me i need to tell him a SECRET. And i told fabricio i found a YING YANG idol. Witch is not really true. AND I TOLD FABRICIO that this YING YANG idol is not ordinary idol. It can be used AFTER THE votes are read. And i told him to that if im the person will go home i can use this idol keep my self stay in the game . And transfer all the votes that I received to someone i want to go home. And i feel that fabricio is buying that lie coz hi always asking me about this idol . Hi always ask me agen and agen how it works.
And beffore my 1st tribal starts in the 1st swap I tell the same thing in my alliance chat with payton and a fabricio that i got this YING YANG IDOL  and how it works. And that when paranoia comes to each and everyone. Fabricio always ask me about idol . And andrew wants to vote payton and Michael and payton wants to vote andrew. So what i did is i vote andrew with payton and fabricio. So i was safe.
And when the merge comes i come back to MO AND GAVIN i check with themand i see if they are still connected to me. And i feel that there is still that connection. And when the 1st tribal merge start. Gavin and mo ask me to vote Michael. And i was thinking if I WORK DIRECTLY TO THEM MY CHANCES TO MAKE MY GAME FURTHER MIGHT BE IN TROUBLE COZ GAVIN AND MO WAS BEEN AWAY FROM ME IN SWAP. And I ALWAYS THINKING THAT FABRICIO AND PAYTON STILL BUYING THAT YING YANG IDOL THAT I TOLD THEM. So thats when I desided to vote GAVIN.
When MATT votes seamus and mo come to me and ask me if we can work together. And vote CONNOR And i have this good connection with MO thats i build in our old tribe and AND I AGREE TO MO and seamus  for voting Connor but it turns our someone flit and make matts out. But beffore that votes happen i told FABRICIO TO VOTE WITH PAYT AND MICHAEL SO THAT WE BOTH HAVE IDEAS ABOUT EACH SIDES.
And it really happens and FABRICIO and my connections with him BECOME SOLID. and we work as one.
In Michaels vote. FAbricio come to me and told me that Payton telling Michael and CONNOR that i GOT A SPECIAL IDOL .
Beffore matt out . I spread this rumor that Michael and Payton is a strong alliance. So when the time Michael should go home . It happen in smoothly because I convinced fabricio to vote with me, seasum and mo. So thats when Michael gone.
And i talk to Payt agen and i ask him in my alliance chat with him and frabricio if his willing to work with me agen coz Michael is out. Payton agree to work with me and fabricio. But I always messaging fabricio that hi should be careful in trusting payt agen.
So when seamus was gone i was not there and i dont know what happenZ.
In riley vote I really saw Riley is powerful player  hi have this connection with everyone and i think hi need to go and everyone feel the same. So hi was out.
In Paytons vote that was a plan that I really want to do but i dont want to start it coz i know payt is a real connected person. But my closest alliance fabricio we talk together and we check each other if we can vote payt and we both agree. And we rally votes for payton and make an alliance chat with ME , MO AND FABRICIO. And we vote payton successful
And even i was playing with everyone I always sure that ihave this connection with everyone and I connected my self to SCOTT ALSO. Because we are in same IMMUNITY PACT.
In top 5 the plan is to vote Connor but connor wins immunity . Me and fabricio start a plan agen and when we saw the players left  WE SAW THAT MO IS BETTER PLAYER THAN SCOTT.
So i come to scott and told him that if u want to save your self vote with me and fabricio and i did new alliance chat agen with FABRICIO ME AND SCOTT.
And SCOTT WAS SO SCARED THAT TIME. Coz hi taught his going home.and i went Connor and ask him if someone told him who to vote. And CONNOR ANSWER IS YES. Hi told me that MO WANTS TO VOTE SCOTT. and it makes me happy coz i taught scott and mo are close!  but me and fabricio plan to vote MO COZ WE SEE HER AS A BIG TREAT AND WHAT I DID IS TO i told scott that MO WANT HIM OUT. And Scott  agree to vote mo. And mo was out. I
In CONNOR vote Connor you know why i vote u and i tell u that i will cote you. And i do respect you as a player..
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Final Tribal Council
Kenjie, Fabricio, and Scott
You have come as far as you can go. The power now shifts to the Jury.
This is how this will work.
Opening Speeches are due September 10th at 10EST. This is your chance to address the Jury as to why you should win.
Jury Speeches are also due September 10th at 10EST. This is your way of telling the finalists how you feel about their games.
Jury Speech Responses are due September 11th at 11EST. This is your chance to respond to the Jury about any of their comments and questions.
Jury Votes will be due September 12th at 10EST. At this time the votes will be read and a winner will be crowned.
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
New Final Immunity Challenge
I deeply apologize for my absence. I picked the last challenge in hopes that I could complete it with you all in a timely manner but it seems like that is not the case.
Your new challenge is called Count the Steps
For this challenge you will be picking up, going up, placing, and going down steps. It will work like this.
I pick up step 1
I place step 1
I pick up step 2
I go up step 1
I place step 2
I go down step 1
I grab step 3
I go up step 1
I go up step 2
I place step 3
I go down step 2
I go down step 1
I grab step 4
And so on and so forth. If you mess up at any point you must go back and start over You cannot remove or edit messages. Finding out that you have done this will result in a disqualification from the challenge.
The person with the most amount of steps placed will win immunity. (meaning that they have to have completed going down all the steps for it to count)
This challenge will end September 8th at 9PM EST.
Let me know if you have questions. Once again I sincerely apologize.
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Final Immunity Challenge
First things first, Connor I will take back the necklace.
For the LAST time, immunity is back up for grabs.
The winner of this challenge will win a spot in the Final Tribal Council, where they will have a chance to plead their case in front of the Jury.
You are going to be competing in a Virtual Maze.
You will go on Google Hangouts with one of the hosts. The host will be screensharing an image. The base image looks like this:
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You will be maneuvering through this virtual maze by telling the Host which direction you want to go: Up, Down, Right, or Left
As you go through the maze, the picture will change, showing walls that signify places you CANNOT go, For example, if you said that, with the above image, you wanted to go Right and you were shown this image:
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You went Right (meaning if you were to go Left you’d end up in the same spot, so your next logical move would be to go Up, where the image would change again).
Throughout the maze you will encounter three different challenges that must be completed before being able to move again. If you are to complete a challenge and at some point you end up back at the same square, you do NOT have to redo the challenge. Your three challenges are:
Endurance: You will have to balance on one foot for a certain amount of time that could vary throughout the spaces. If you fall your time will restart. And if after three times you cannot stand for the time allotted, five minutes will be added to your time. So you will need an open space where we can see your feet/body.
Numbers: You will have to say a four-number code in order to move on. The numbers will either be 1, 2, 3, or 4 and they will not repeat (meaning you could have 1234, 2341, 3142, etc but you could NOT have 1123, 4421, 5312, etc.) Each time you encounter a new space with this challenge, it will be a different number. Meaning if you solved the code and it was 1234, that will never show up again throughout the challenge.
Trivia: You may want to study up! You will be asked questions about this season. Once you get the answer right, you will be able to move on.
We are not setting a deadline for this challenge, but that doesn’t mean we won’t end the challenge. This is a challenge that could take a while or it could not take long at all, and since it has to work with both the host’s busy college lives and your own personal schedules, as long as we’re proactive we shouldn’t have much trouble finishing the challenge.
If you have any questions, please ask!
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Immunity Challenge #8: RESULTS
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With a score of 7, congratulations to Connor for winning a spot in the Final Four!
As for the rest of you, one of you will be the next person voted out and will be the next member of our Jury.
You have until 10PM EST tomorrow to figure out who that is.
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Individual Immunity Challenge #8
For today’s immunity challenge you will be playing Mastermind.
Each one of you has a unique color combination that consists of 10 of the following 30 colors: Red Purple Black Silver Grey Blue White Navy Indigo Gold Apricot Crimson Coral Maroon Platinum Burgundy Yellow Pink Lavender Cyan Slate Ivory Plum Green Magenta Ebony Ash Frostbite Orange Violet
In order to complete this challenge, you must place all 10 colors in the correct order. When you are ready to do the challenge, message your host chat. You will send us a NUMBERED list of 10 colors.
You will be sent back the list with either a star (*), exclamation point (!) or and X next to the colors.
The star (*) will indicate that the color is on the correct place on the list. The exclamation point (!) will indicate that the color is on the list but is not in the correct spot. The x will indicate that the color is not part of your combination.
You will keep making guesses until you have all 10 of your colors in the correct order. The person with the lowest amount of guesses will win individual immunity. We will ask you a tiebreaker question at the end of your round to break the tie.
You must have completed this challenge by tomorrow, Tuesday August 28th at 10pm EDT
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Individual Immunity Challenge #7
Today we will be playing Who Said That?
It’s fairly simple. We have compiled a list of ten quotes from the confessionals of players that have been voted out of the game. When you are ready to get started, you will click the link to this Google Form and you will answer each question with the name of a voted out castaway, both jurors and prejurors. The person who correctly identifies the most confessors will win a guaranteed spot in the final five.
Some important things to note:
In the event of a tie, there is a tie breaker question you will answer on the Google Form.
There can be multiple confessionals from the same person
This challenge is due for 10:30PM EDT on August 24th.
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Tribal Council
If anyone has a Hidden Immunity Idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.
No one stands.
I’ll read the votes.
First vote: JOSIE (Self vote)
Second vote: PAYTON
Third vote: JOSIE
Fourth vote: PAYTON
We are tied. Two votes Josie, two votes Payton. Three votes left.
Fifth vote: PAYTON
Sixth vote: JOSIE
Tied again. Three votes Josie, three votes Payton. One vote left.
Seventh vote...
And the next person voted out of Survivor Supreme: Loyaute...
Payton, the tribe has spoken.
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Individual Immunity Results #6
With a score of 25...
Congratulations, Connor! You have won individual immunity and a spot in the final six! 
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As for the rest of you, tribal council will be held tomorrow August 23 at 9:00PM EDT!
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Individual Immunity #6: Word Ladder
For this challenge, you will be given a FOUR LETTER WORD. (Ex. WIND) Your job will be to change one letter of your given four letter word into another four letter word. You will continue this with every word. For example:
[8/21/18, 9:27:44 PM] Emily: wind [8/21/18, 9:27:46 PM] Emily: wand [8/21/18, 9:27:49 PM] Emily: sand [8/21/18, 9:27:51 PM] Emily: sang [8/21/18, 9:27:52 PM] Emily: hang
Notice how with every word, I change only one letter from the word just above it. You will continue this until you either 1. REPEAT A WORD or 2. MISPELL A WORD or 3. RUN OUT OF TIME. You will be allowed FIVE MINUTES from the moment I send you your four letter word. If I sent you your letter at 9:27:44PM, you would have until 9:32:44PM to think of as many words as you could.
1. Five minutes. 2. No repeats. 3. Change one letter per word. 4. No proper nouns (Ex. Names of people or cities).
You are NOT allowed to edit or delete any of your messages! Once you edit or delete a message, you are out.
if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask your host chat! When you are ready to compete, just message your host chat and we will send you your word and start your timer.
This challenge is due tomorrow August 22nd at 9:30PM EDT! Strikes will be given out if you do not notify us that you are not participating.
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survivorloyaute · 6 years
Tribal Council #???? Idk man
If anyone has a Hidden Immunity Idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.
No one stands.
I’ll read the votes.
First vote: RILEY
Second vote: CONNOR
Third vote: RILEY
Fourth vote: CONNOR
We are tied: Two votes Riley, two votes Connor, four votes left.
Fifth vote: RILEY
Sixth vote: CONNOR
We are tied again. Three votes Riley, three votes Connor, two votes left.
Seventh vote: RILEY
Eight vote... and the next person voted out of Survivor Supreme: Loyaute...
Riley, the tribe has spoken.
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