Player of the Season
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Now we come to more exciting awards yay!! First we have the Player of the Season Award!! We’ve seen some fantastic gameplay season so because of that we will be naming four honorable mentions for the POTS alongside the winner of said reward. Now to begin the honorable mentions we have...
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This may come as a shock for others, but Tommy was a fighter throughout the entire portion of the game. Starting on an all-newbies tribe, he formed a core alliance with Trisha and DJ where they hoped to last till the final three. They were set, as Tommy was the figurehead of the alliance and they managed to survived through several problems. Unfortunately, a series of events transpired where Tommy ended up losing his allies one by one. Despite going into a downward spiral, Tommy picked himself up and planted the Nagano flag on the sands of the merge beach as the last surviving member of the ill-fated tribe. Unfortunately, without strong allies he was quickly picked off in the merge. Despite his flame dying out quickly and several instances where he felt defeat, he never lost his fighting spirit!
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Asa lands a spot on our honorable mentions due to the fact that she played a well played game. She came into this game with a secret pair beware ally in Henry and was placed on one of the dominating tribes during the pre-swap period. Her challenge prowess and likable personality were one of her shining points in the game where she was only truly endanger during that one pre-swap vote. Despite losing Henry right before the merge, she endured the pain of losing her trusted ally and carried the idol they found throughout the end of the game. During the middle phase of the merge, she was a part of the Holy Trinity Alliance that secretly dictated the events of the game from Final 9 unto the penultimate Final 4 where she shockingly voted for her ally JC instead of the major threat that was Eddie. Had Asa voted out Eddie she would have had a good chance to become the winner but she had other thoughts. Despite that, Asa places in the honorable mentions as a player who dominated in challenges while appearing as not a clear threat and carrying her idol till the end of the game
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The moment Chris stepped unto the beach, he knew what he was going to do. In his starting tribe Oslo he quickly became aware of the secret pair of Asa and Henry. He aligned himself with Ashlyn who had a double vote and was the person who everybody talked to in the tribe. During the first swap he found someone who will turn out to be one his strongest allies in Trace. Chris established numerous connections during the swap phases, never truly becoming a target. During the merge phase of the game, despite being heavily associated with Trace who was part of the Ampezzo alliance, he was not seen as a target even when Lily tried to turn the votes against him. He planned the creation of the Holy Trinity Alliance which ultimately saved him from the F9 tie vote. He was able to align with a bigger threat in Trace who he was also able to use a shield in the progress. Despite numerous mishaps on his heart like not being included in the Trace blindsided or almost getting voted out by Asa when Eddie ratted his scheming, he earned his spot at FTC where he might have had a huge chance on winning had the Holy Trinity reached the finals.
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Jack was an interesting player to watch because he was a player who thought things a lot, and when I mean a lot, I mean it. His host chat was filled with his strategic ramblings that you can truly see how much thought he put into every move he makes. Starting out on the dominant tribe of Ampezzo and having a not so final two alliance with Eric, he was in a very good position. It was only when Jack worked hard to save Lily was when he decided to not only be the comp beast player he was. His moves were strategically well planned, from using Allan’s anger towards Ashley Sarah into blindsiding her and throwing a random vote during the Tommy vote to not look bad towards Tommy who was became a good ally to him despite their earlier setback. When the Ampezzo’s became everyone’s bulls eye, Jack saved himself through his gold medals and his immunity wins which eventually allowed him to stay long enough to see the turning points of the game. Unfortunately during the final six immunity challenge he was beaten by JC and found himself at the mercy of the Holy Trinity where they sent him to the jury because they knew they could never take him down in any challenge again. Jack was a strong player both physically and strategically so thus he earned his spot as the last of honorable mentions.
Now, for the PLAYER OF THE SEASON! The title goes to...
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If you would tell us back in November that Nehe is going to be the Player of the Season we would not believe you. Heck, Nehe was an alternate for the cast and we predicted he was going to be a pre-swap boot. Boy, were we proved wrong. Nehemiah came to Chamonix to change his image and improve himself. At the start of the game, Nehe formed a bond with Eddie and despite having instances where his antics were about to get him voted out, he persevered. It was only during the swap phases where Nehe started to play his own game where he used his numerous connections to form strong bonds with his allies. It was also during that time where Nehe formed a tight bond with Allan. Coming into the merge, Nehe was set up pretty nicely. He reunited with his Sochi Boys and found himself in a voting bloc that targeted the Ampezzo’s while playing both sides. However Nehe decided to start making his plans for the endgame when he opted to join the surviving Ampezzo’s in eliminating Max and flipping against the Sochi Boys to send Rodrigo home. Unfortunately a furious Eddie exposed his whole game for playing both sides and Eddie’s wrath eventually caught up to him and got him voted out. Nehemiah truly surprised us this season, and we watched his growth throughout the entire course of the season. For having an amazing story arc the entire game and having everyone see him as an ally, Nehemiah has earned the title of Player of the Season. 
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“It Was Absolutely Worth It” - Eddie
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I seriously loved winning the final arena challenge, especially when I KNEW from Eddie that Nehemiah had been considering me as a target. And now he's gone I'm in a decent place, I still have that idol, idk what to do with it
People thought that Nehemiah had the idol but nope! I have it, and no one suspects. People always come to me about how the vote goes down, so I trust that when the time comes, I'll play it correctly - maybe even not have to play it at all. I feel really good about it right now. Another thing of good note: if I'm remembering correctly, I've been voting correctly in the majority ever since merge, or at least if I'm not remembering it correctly, I've done it most of the time. I think I'm playing pretty well right now aaa!! Watch me say this and then next round get voted out jgfhkg, we will see
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Not to be selfish but so glad jack lost immunity I cant be sticking out like a sore thumb
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At this point in the game i honestly dont know what is best. there are a few options. I want to stay true to my f3 with jc and asa but im worried they dont actually want me in the f3 with them. if we voted allan this round i think us as a f3 would be more secure bc why would they want to take jack or eddie to ftc with them that would be foolish. we if we vote jack i feel like we all have a real shot at winning the up coming immunities because he tends to snap on them. but jack is a vote for me and i feel like he trusts me so idk if would necessarily want him out rn. we could also vote out eddie because he is a threat to win the game and ik hell end up voting me out eventually. so theres just a lot of different paths i can try to take
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unless some bullshit happens right before tribal AGAIN, I might survive this shit, Trying to pit Eddie and Allan against each other but I need eddie to stay
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Anyway ladies, I’m getting voted out. I have had a really fun and wild time in this game, it has been such a roller coaster from beginning to end. I have pulled of some pretty iconic moves off when it comes to the Tyler vote, the Nic vote, THE NEHEMIAH BLINDSIDE WHICH IS PROBABLY THE MOST FUN THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN A GAME. Actually maybe getting out Ned in bangladesh was more fun but you get my point. I think everyone is going to tell Jack that it’s me and tell Me that it’s Jack. In the end they will have the final decision and hold our fate in their hands. Which sucks. Asa is telling Jack to vote me which honestly I know her and I are close and I consider her to be my #1 but if she decides to vote me out I literally can not blame her. If I were in her position I would vote me out too so if that’s the case there’s no bitterness in my heart. She’s a sweet girl and I know she’s just playing the game to her best ability because going to the end with both Jack and I is basically survivor suicide. I’m having a very tough moral decision right now because Jack wants to target Asa if by 8 o’clock the votes aren’t with us and try to get Allan to flip with us. The moral decision comes where I feel that just going strictly on game I feel it would be in my best interest to go to Asa and let her know what’s going on so that the target is put on Jack’s back more than it is on my and it may buy me just one more round to win immunity and make it to final four. The thing is I don’t wanna sell Jack down the river like that. I don’t think it’s the game that I’ve been playing this season and I don’t want to do that to somebody who I really do consider a friend of mine outside of this game. But like the thing is if I can just buy myself one more round I can possibly win this game. Jack will be out and that’s a big comp beat out of the game. And the rest aren’t really that good at comps at all so I have a good chance of maybe pulling a run. Either way this is just a really shitty situation that I don’t think there is anyway out of. If I do go tonight, I have no regrets. I have played this game to my best ability and have put my everything into it. Just sucks that I just kind of have to sit here, eat my food and hope that I’m not the target. I don’t really know what to do and things are looking really bleak. I think the only hope I have to hang onto that I think Asa and JC would feel more comfortable going into the final 5 with me because they have more of a connection with me than they do with Jack. Smh, this suckssss.
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THATS RIGHT BITCHES GUESS WHO WON IMMUNITY AND TIED THEY HIGHEST PLACEMENT?? ME BITCH! ME! These hoes are gonna have to realize later than sooner (I hope) that I’m a contender!! Ik there’s no way I’m ever gonna win this game but! At least I won immunity. Now jack’s immunity streak having ass has to go. PLEASE😤!! I’m sorry but I think it’s more beneficial to go to the end with other people at this point and I need to be sitting next to two people who also have very little chance of winning the game. Aka my holy trinity babay!!! Or even possibly Allan but probably not bc he’s really improving in the threatometer. Oof!!
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I didn't really know what to expect when I came into this game, never having played a tumblr org, but I can safely say that I think I've played pretty well and made friends along the way. First starting in the Oslo Tribe, I had a lot of fun just kinda relaxing and bonding with Chris and even Joel, the quiet guy. I already knew Henry fjkghd and being on the same tribe as him was nice. I got bad vibes from Ashlyn, which turned out to be actually warranted when I had tried to trust someone on the other tribe to get Ashlyn out. It has since been probably one of my only mistakes in this game, almost going home. Swapping, I was able to meet Lily and Eric, and reconnected with Trisha who, while had voted me, reconciled with me and we wanted to work together. We ended up going to tribal and Trisha flipped to the other team to vote out one of our own tribemates, Eric.
Like, I liked Trisha a lot but that made me feel weird jkdfgh The next time we were at tribal, Trisha again wanted to vote out another one of our tribemates - Lily. I decided in the event that we would go to tribal again, I would probably be most likely to get voted out, so I had to begrudgingly vote out Trisha.
Theoretically, had Lily and I gone to tribal again, I would've been likely to get voted out all the same, but Trisha had also poor scores in challenges. I can speculate all I want on this, but while I do feel bad for voting Trisha out, I can't say it was really a mistake or something that has set me back in any way. At this point, Lily and I manage to win immunity, which is super cool of us. Henry even managed to find an idol around this point and gave it to me. However, at his tribal, Henry ended up getting voted out and then merge came along. I was really upset that Henry got out and I knew who voted him out. Obviously I didn't act upon revenge blindly, but it was funny because somehow the people that ended up getting out were the ones that were a part of it. Another cool thing is that I've been voting in majority I became good friends with Eddie along the way and I'm really glad for that! In this current tribal, Eddie and Jack are kinda pushing for Allan to go, but he hasn't really done much in the grand scheme of things. So, I'm probably voting Jack out, but I feel bad about that ;__;
Things will only get harder from here on out, considering that Eddie would probably be next after that, and I don't ever want to write his name down
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Don't wanna do a big confessional because I'm upset. Tribal is in 45 minutes. The last vote was dramatic AF. Eddie let me know about the flip to Nehemiah in the last 10 minutes before tribal. I'm bummed me didn't let me in beforehand, but oh well. I still voted for Allan so I could claim innocence if I needed to, but also so i could still tell the truth, that I knew about the vote anyway. I knew Nehe was a threat, but I didn't want him to go. Not too long ago, I was sitting pretty with 3 separate allies who had it out for each other and were at least equal threats to me. That was Trace, Nehe, and Eddie, and just Eddie remains. He's my #1 ally by default, and we're working closely. We DO trust each other, but it's nice to know that even if he didn't trust me or i didn't trust him, we'd be forced to work together anyway because when one of us goes, the other will likely follow if they don't win immunity. Which brings me to this vote. After JC, who is apparently in this game, one immunity, Eddie and I felt fuuuuuuuucked. We were willing to vote out anyone but each other if possible. On call, we talked out a few options. Our best plan was to get Chris and Asa to vote with us for Allan, by pitching the idea that they need BOTH of us in as meat shield. I said to Chris later that night that if Eddie goes, I'm next, and that leaves him and Asa at f4 where the other two would ALWAYS vote against them and go to rocks if need be. When it was announced that we'd be postponing tribal 2 days for the holidays (thanks hosts), Eddie was upset because it gave Allan more time to campaign. But it also gave us more time too, sooo....? But anyway, I don't think anyone was active at all yesterday. It's fine, I wasn't either. Today, though, it was time to get back into game mode. Eddie told me that JC wanted to vote for either me or Allan. Not too surprising. Asa and Chris both took for-fucking-ever to get online today, and when Asa finally showed up that conversation did not go how I wanted it to. I tried to reinforce the idea that Allan wanted to vote for her a few rounds ago and would do so again, but oddly enough she didn't seem concerned about it and was leaning towards Eddie. Weird. She stopped answering me after a while. Eddie and I freaked out for each other basically all day, because nobody is answering either of us. We're all but certain it's one of us. Chris and JC have both come online, but neither will make a goddamn clear statement. I'm still trying to force Allan, but I have messages out to Chris, Asa, and JC basically telling them that I'll do whatever they decide. This is a jumbled mess of a confessional but I'm honestly really upset that Eddie or I are going tonight and I don't want to exhibit coherent thoughts. Goodbye and if it's me, EDDIE YOU BETTER FUCKING WIN OUT.
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who’s not gonna be on the dvd cover now BITCHES
ugh I didn’t win immunity I really wanted that one too :( now comp beast eddie is on the scene able to be immune this vote where he was meant to LEAVE at. Ugh so annoying. Then he tells me how chris and Allan are considering voting asa or myself so I do some espionage and speak to Allan about voting asa which he says he’d be good with and would have chris vote with him too bc they spoke and he seemed down to vote asa. INTERESTING! Then chris states that Allan’s only worried about asa and I being a duo but neglects to mention they talked about voting one of us hmm. Idk this is gonna be an annoying round but I’m hoping Allan leaves? I think idk. This is v annoying!! Eddie also really wants chris out I’m shaking
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Whew ok so, Chris came to me wanting to target asa and jc, Because they’re a pair And unfortunately for his ass he’s getting thrown all the way under the bus by me right now sjdjdjdjf. its literally like asa and jc just don’t care lmao and its pissing me off like I’m possibly the deciding vote between one of you two going like you could put a little more effort into socializing with me right now i shouldn’t be having to say hello twice in that chat before one of them thinks its a good idea to actually respond in it cause i was talking to both of them one on on and I’m like well id like to come up with a plan with you guys but that would require you answering me in the group chat Idk if I jumped the gun on running and telling Asa and JC. But I just feel like they’re my best best going into the next round. If I lose immunity I can not rely on convincing people that I am a bigger target than other people because I’m clearly the biggest threat. I feel like the only way I will be able to do is if I beg them too or guilt them into even just tying it up and letting it go to fire. Especially because of how close I am with Asa and then kinda JC as well. And now that I’m saving them this round I can use it even more to play with their emotions and make them feel like shit for possibly voting me out. Chris and Allan I just don’t have that connection with at all. this is like so petty but the only reason i kinda want to vote allan out is because if i go out fourth and he stays i won’t be the best placing member of my tribe jnwcdkasjnal
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Basically, Eddie tells me that Allan and Chris seem to want to vote me. Which is perfect, I'll probably idol myself. I don't know who to vote between Allan and Chris however I seriously think that no one suspected I have the idol, because I said to Eddie it would be fine if people voted me, and he said to not give up dfjkhgfgkfgh
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i️ got paranoid so i️ went to allan and eddie saying jc and asa are a duo, and i️ told jc that allan thinks jc and asa are a duo even tho. i️ approached allan about it i️ think it will be between asa and allan
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We're so close to the final tribal council and with only 4 people available to vote for, I AM SO SCARED. I think I've managed to get a majority to vote for Asa but really I have no clue what is going to happen and it could all go very wrong
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At this point in the game I really just to rely on winning final immunity. More so Eddie doesn't win the final immunity. Or the next immunity if its f2. He really tried to get me voted out twice and failed huh so thats a little sad. Me asa and jc all know hes the biggest threat left so one lil slip up and GOODBYE. tbh i feel like jury hates me tho so I probably wont win but im pretty proud of the way i played the game. Like i was able to position myself where I was semi a threat to people but not a huge one, so all the big ones go out first. Very michele fitzgerald tease.
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I actually like some of these games, so that's cool jkghdf maybe it would be nice if I won this challenge!! Looking back on it though, my social game has just been overall pretty horrible, I think. I mean I never started conversations. I know it's one of my weaknesses, but if I actually make it to the end of the game, I don't think I'd win. It's evident in the Rites of Passage that I didn't have enough to say about people that were even in merge. Just feeling a little sorry for myself right now I guess But I'll be proud of whatever placement I get ;w; maybe
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jury member: so jc I didn’t like that.. me:
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So, Chris wins immunity and honestly I feel pretty good too. I’m sitting here the perfect, most well groomed goat. Sis my reputation in this game and any credibility to win was shattered week two so why not relax and not take myself too seriously, I’m just gonna enjoy the experience of most likely going into ftc as a goat and sit in my crown. But best believe I’ll have words to say!! I obviously played a better game than all these hoes while barely trying so they shouldn’t be thinking they’re gonna be great and bitter come ftc. Like these people kind of just handed the game to chris, asa and I how could they not catch on to the fact that an almost completely solidly loyal voting bloc of three were controlling this game? How sad! And I decided mad things in this game like the trace blindside, the nehe blindside, Allan’s vote out was completely my call, everyone voted the way I told them to. Like, I shouldn’t be counted out of being a good game player for the game I did do when I could focus my time. I also was a loyal binch to an extent like the snipers I was randomly added to so I didn’t have loyalty to it like from the jump I was trying to get max to drop that shit but he didn’t that’s why he’s gone I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and the alliance I made with Eddie was tactical to have his vote and it got him to f4 so he should be happy for that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I’ll scream if they vote me out thatd be so messy bc it’d be such a bad idea for them I’m screaming but I’d still have fun @ ftc
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So there's a 99% chance that I am being voted out tonight. Asa is considering forcing a tie for me but knowing my luck that will fall through and I will be voted out unanimously. Maybe I can tell her that Chris will win no matter what and she's basically deciding whether Chris will win or whether I will win? If she feels closer to me which I think she does it may make her decide that she would rather see me win this game especially after everything that I have put into it. I could also go at it by maybe telling Asa that if she ties it for me and I got into the jury I will campaign my ass off for her to win the game. But I don't want to come off as an asshole basically telling her do what I want or your going to lose this game. I feel like I have been too much of a bond and friendship with her to do something like that too her. I feel that whether she votes me off or not a good friend would take it well and not be angry at her. I mean at the end of the day whatever decision she makes is something that I can not hold against her. I almost was going to say that I would make the same decision if I were her, but honestly I can't say I would. Thinking back to Bangladesh I took my #1 ally, Sam to the final three even though she was the biggest jury threat in the game and I took her because of the bond that we made. I felt it was important to be there for her after all the times that she was there for me. I'm just hoping Asa will show me that same kind of loyalty and friendship, but who knows what she'll do. Last night was really tough. This whole season after about final 9 onwards it's felt like my game has almost been similar to a house of cards. I was a big threat and honestly could've easily been taken out way before the final 4. The cards were wobbling and things didn't always seem like they would continue to go in my favor. But each round because of either an immunity win (final 5), my strategic gameplay (final 7), or my social game (final 6) I was able to make my way and find this path into the final four. And then all of a sudden even with all that effort that I put into it I spoke to JC and reality hit me. He gave my house of cards a flick, and everything came crashing down. He told me about the alliance they have had since like day 30, he told me that they've been loyal to each other through out this entire game and that I basically have no shot of making it to the final three. So here I sit in the pile of cards that once used to stand tall and merely 4 hours away from my torch being snuffed. And I have one thing on my mind.... Was it worth it? Am I proud of the game I've played? I can say for a matter of a fact that I absolutely am, and it was absolutely worth it.
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Literally this has been the hardest votes of all time, and I think the decision I've come to will probably make a lot of people upset at me But basically, Eddie became a really good friend to me over the course of the game, and while I have that F3 alliance called the Holy Trinity with JC and Chris, I will probably be voting JC and tying it so that Eddie and JC have to do a firemaking challenge. Eddie and I basically called for like 40 min. and he said that if I did this and he lost the challenge, he would 100% vote and strongly campaign for me to win. Though, I think he'd probably win. In that event, he gave me some rationale for the decision I would make, and it really made sense to me ;w;
Basically, JC and I were kind of the core of the Holy Trinity in the sense that we made the move to flip and vote Trace out, whereas Chris wasn't really a part of that move even though we were in the same alliance. Removing JC from the final 3 gives me and opportunity to present myself as more unique than the other two sitting next to me on Final Tribal Council. Along with that, Eddie wasn't as in control ANYWAYS, and he said that Jack and Trace would respect it more if all three players at the end were players that all played a good active game. JC played well, but only at the very end. Chris had better social connections probably, but lacked in the strategy aspect. Idk, I came into this vote really stressed, and I technically still am stressed as hell - I know JC and Chris would get upset at me probably, and if I voted Eddie out, I would be upset at myself and maybe he would be upset at me too. But I already said I came to this decision to Eddie, and I don't want to lie.
The jury will probably get upset at me as well (I mean there was already inference that Allan was upset at the idol play of mine)
I just have to explain my rationale and bear JC and Chris getting upset at me. I really hope they don't hate me ;__; I feel like I'm dumb, and yeah maybe this is a mistake, but I guess if it is, it's my own fault. I can't keep having any regrets. Even if I don't win, I'll be proud of my placement.
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asa’s chances of winning the game: 
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Eddie - plankton Asa - spongebob
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I can’t believe asa voted me not bc I think I’m a good game player but because I thought it was so obvious that Eddie was the bigger threat??? I don’t even know this is crazy, and there was no hope for a revote which is kinda fake but that’s none of my business. I know I’m losing this comp obviously so I’m preparing my questions as a juror. It’s so sad I wanted to laugh at the losers in the jury and troll throughout the ftc if I saw there was no chance for me to win so it sucks that I won’t be able to do that gag. But honestly at the same time if I made ftc I know my ass would take it super seriously and try to win the whole game even though there’d be no chance for me to win so maybe this is actually good bc it’ll save me time akxjxjd. Mess.
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Gbndfnngnhmhnfhfnkgkhmhnnfngnh Maybe I made a mistake but ITS TOO LATE FOR REGRETS AS I SAID
And idk if I would've won anyways but I feel like I've doomed myself at this rate
Anyways, it's fine, it is a New Year and I don't really mind anymore
I loved this season and I thought I did pretty great, I don't quite look forward to Final Tribal Council but I'm sure it'll be a great memory to look back on and laugh gbfbngn
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10 minutes until the winner reveal!! Not going to lie I feel bad about my chances to win this. Either way I believe that this is probably the best game that I have ever played before. Not in the sense of like the season but like my gameplay through out my season. Losing is going to be tough because I put so much into this game and did everything I could with what I had. I turned lemons into lemonade and I just have to be happy with that. As I said when explaining the meaning of the merge tribe name Survivor is not always about winning, but the struggles that you had face. I faced a lot of struggles and I overcame all of them and got to this point. After that it's out of my control. Being in two different Tumblr Survivor juries prior to playing this game I know how they are. At the end of the day I can only hope that they vote for me. It was a really fun ride and it was worth all the tears, laughter, and anger. And with that, Tumblr Survivor Chamonix has come to a close! It was a fun one, and again thank you to all the hosts and players for making this what it was. I'm out!!!
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“Say My Name And Your Ass Is Grass” - JC
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I BLAME MY MESSINESS ON LACK OF SLEEP AND I JUST WANT TO SAY I THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME JC: oh hey let's just lie abt voting trace! JC, in PM's to me abt 3 minutes before voting is due: omg maybe we should just vote trace instead ME: OK HAHA We discussed last minute that Chris is really close to Trace, and that Trace was a bigger contender in challenges than Allan is FUCK THAT MEANS I JUST REALIZED THAT JACK WOULD BE MORE LIKELY TO WIN AGAIN HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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part of me is glad that trace is out so i wouldnt have had to vote him out later, he just got out a little too prematurely for my liking jdsjfs bc he would have 100% won over me, so i guess im still on board with asa and jc but i feel like they might not trust me as much now bc they broke it first but those are really the people i wanna go to the end with i was kinda shocked he got voted out but at the same time not really. like its a game. people lie. this is the 2nd time ive been blindsided but the vote hasnt been on me honestly this is good tho bc i dont want people to think im traces goat LMFAO like im not dumb i know he would win in the end against me i like to align myself w bigger threats. like whenever i play games with lexi she always gets out before me
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omg aw man I feel bad being dragged by chris ;’( damn am i that bad :[ meanwhile me in the main chat: loveless deserves to be its own single song it BUMPS,, lorde make it happen.
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So getting out trace worked.  He handled the blindside very well which I was not expecting. I knew more than four I don't really have another game plan but like at this point I'm winging it will also still thinking best for my game. Do I stay with Alan?  Eddie? Jack? JC? Like I think honestly I do Kinda know I'll minute now I do kind a have an alliance with a majority of the people still left here if not all of them. Chris and Jack were not happy about the blindside but said they understood.   Honestly we have no reason to be upset even if they were upset because I think it was a very smart move and they were too close to trace to even know about it which Jack understood very well he was shocked but he understood. I did I had to like legit like make sure that the blame was on JC for that trace vote. I planted the seed yes but I did not want like OK well I did want trace out but I did not like make that happen I don't control that and I don't want to like be  what in that position where people are like oh yeah he is controlling everything he let them all to get out trays like I got it out trays but I did not meet the goal to get them out. I knew though like leading up to like the finale I'm going to constantly be looked at as the leader because the way that Jack was talking to me he was like legit my game is now in your hands, protect me, let me know if I'm targeted etc. etc.  same goes with Chris and same goes with JC, asa and Allan like they all they all like look at me for what to do next and sooner or later somebody is going to say why not take him out and I know I that's gonna happen soon because like I don't think I can win this game if I make the finale the jury hates me because I play a dirty game by dirty I mean I've befriended every single one of them and then I voted them out oh well get over it but yeah  I have no chance so either I make the jury or get voted out because I'm looked at as the leader and taking out the leader makes the biggest move like the jury would love whoever takes me out basically I think It'd also help make me win the game if like the jury really hate me and so they really want me out but because that didn't happen they might have some respect for me fighting my way to the end.  Really need to start thinking about who I want to go to the in with and it's very confusing I don't want to go with asa because I see Asa as this likable person who has not made any troubles or anything and  i'm afraid the jury likes her like she really did not make any moves. I don't wanna go with Jc because they's  a goat and I feel that they is a powerful one possibly I don't know I don't I don't know what it is I just don't wanna go with JC.  Chris didn't make any moves Chris really is the best person to go to the end with because like really what did Chris do than follow orders like what did he do so I want Chris to stay as long as I possibly can so that brings me to like legit who gets that final spot Jack, Eddie or Allan. The fact that now like we're at the tribal Jack has a good chance of the target being him And i do want him to stay so that leads to Jack wanted Allan out and no I have no issue with Alan going but that's like damn like I think like I really would rather it be JC I would rather be JC but if Jack wants Alan I'm not going to tell Jack no when I want jack on my side.  Eddie and me has been reconsiling together I don't fully trust him and I don't think he fully trusts me but we're getting there though I do not want to go to the end with him. Like he needs to go soon so maybe I could bring that for Allan to push. If they vote Eddie over jack I'd happily flip and send Eddie home. Screwing once more a chance at winning the game. Hey as long as I'm going to the end and making moves though I don't give a fuck. Fuck the jury and their feelings of me. I am thinking about final tribal tho and how I explain my game because I think really I am playing the best game here and it's low key and under the radar but it's a game that I'm playing and trying to own up and if I could win that'd be dope. Like flop my first two times and legit come back and perfect everything. I said this to myself and in my earlier confessionals. In one season I went home for horrible social game. In the other I went home for horrible physical game. This season I perfected my social game to which everybody in this game trusted no me. I perfected my physical game actually placing high in numerous challenges. Winning arenas and really shocking myself in challenges I thought I'd have no shot in. I also wanted to bring in the strategical side of me. I wanted to show that I can play survivor I can play this game. And Merge has successfully went the way u wanted. Everything that's happened went the way nehe wanted it to go. The only way I loose is if the jury is bitter and doesn't like me for my attitude which means I need to start cleaning up my personality at these tribals.
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Anyway ladies we’re blindsiding nehe this round and I pray that it happens!! I’m going to try to convince jack but i don’t need him if he doesn’t want to do it. Nehe: JC just messaged me asking who he wants to do and saying we have four votes and asking what we should do. Me typing this in my notes app where I’m gathering all my intel in order to expose nehe and blindside him: 
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If jack doesn’t want to do it. We’re going to do the good ole 3-2-1. Allan votes whoever, Jack and Nehe vote Allan, then the rest vote nehe. See the thing is I’m not putting my fate in Nehe’s hands. I don’t mean to be extra but Nehemiah needs to DIE TOMORROW. Like i don’t need his ass pulling out no idol no nothing!!! Like i can’t take any chances with this cause nehemiah is the cockroach that won’t die. Anyway i won’t even be embarrassed if this doesn’t work. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about when it comes to trying to take your fate into your own hands. Nehe is running back and fourth between the groups and being weasel. I could go the easy route and trust nehe and vote with him this round which buys me another one possibly. But I want to play a game that’s deserving of a win and that I’m proud of. I’m not going to follow some 16 year old around because he acts like he’s my only hope. That’s not respectable at all in my opinion. And I know that I’m going to be very vulnerable next round but the thing is if there was any trust in the fact that nehe would actually stick with me next round it would be a good move to go with him. But there is no trust AT ALL. I rather again take my own fate into my own hands and at least if I get voted out next round I played a game I’m proud of than to enable Nehemiah and let him lead me like a sheep to the slaughter and look like boo boo the fool.
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Omg so nehe is a messy crazy bitch and he needs to LEAVE. Like huge really had a safe pass this week and jack would leave but he fucked it up for himself zzz. Honestly people need to learn in this game that they should never say my name. Say my name and your ass is grass. Apparently he’s tellong the other side all the tea we tell him and saying how he wants to vote between Allan and I. At this point he’s gotten too messy that it’s optimal to vote him out and have more stable votes for the next week. What a mess. I PRAY he leaves this week if eddie and jack are playing me I’ll cry. It’s possible they are to flip me and asa but even then I’d rather just go with them for this vote and take another out next week smh.
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So the plan tonight is that the 4 who came together last night to come together again and vote out Eddie. Everyone’s been super quiet about it tho so I’m a little bit nervous that it’s going to go the way I want it to
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I'm freaking the freak out!!! Did i really get JC and Allan to not vote Jack but Eddie. Honestly I made sure Asa is gonna vote allan but if she doesn't and votes Eddie i will happily flip and vote that boy out. I got no issue lol. Man people are gonna be so mad reading these confessionals
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ive litearlly gotten 2nd in the arena 4 times
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The time has come. 18 have left, and this is only my 4th time being eligible to receive votes. I am a god. But what's a god without immunity? Voted out, that's what. In all seriously, I've been incredibly lucky to win as many comps as I have. Most have been out of my comfort zone, and the victories came just because I tried the hardest. I'm not actually a god. Hilariously, the immunity challenge for this round is the first comp in a long while that made me excited when it got posted, because I was very confident in my victory potential. I finished in second place, ending my streak of being immune for the past 4 tribals. But before we get to the events of this round, let's rewind. Rest in peace Trace, you glorious person. He started to get a bad feeling in the hour before tribal, but I thought it was just natural paranoia. His main concern was Nehemiah having the idol and getting him out that way. Well, Nehe may still have the idol but he didn't need it. As I probably mentioned in my last confessional, Allan told me he had JC's vote, but JC had just told me they were voting for Allan, so I disregarded it. Allan asked me to name threats, and I copped out by saying Eddie, who was immune. In hindsight, I should have seen it coming. The biggest threat in the game was Trace, and that was Allan trying to give me an out and vote with him. I thought we had the votes in the bag, so I didn't take the bait. After Trace left, I learned from Nehe that they got Asa's vote in the last 10 minutes or so before tribal, which was good planning from them. That's all there is to it, really. Trace's downfall was throwing out JC's name as a decoy to keep Nehe calm, because word of that eventually reached JC which gave him motivation to flip. With no Trace, all of my plans that I've had went out the window. I wanted to keep Trace until final 6, maybe 5. I wanted to get rid of Eddie this round. But now, Eddie is my number 1. Eddie was the one who first said that when one of the Big Three (me, him, Trace) left, the other two would follow quickly. I believed that to be true so I thought I was a goner if I didn't win immunity. My plan was to play the "I'm a broken free agent who has nobody left, so i'll do anything to stay" card to literally everybody. I went with it first to Nehemiah, essentially telling him that it was hard to trust him after last tribal but he's my only ally left  so I'm putting everything in his hands. He told me that he has my back and I want to believe him, but given everything we know about his social game it's very hard. Nehe's plan was to split votes between Asa and me this round, but he didn't tell me that. I had to hear it from Eddie. In my conversation with Eddie we hatched a couple plans, and figured that we weren't as dead in the water as we thought we'd be. He still wanted Nehe, of course, and our plan was to get Chris's vote to bring a 3-3 tie at worst, with the possibility of grabbing Asa or JC as well. If one of them won immunity that became more difficult, so our secondary plan was to see if Nehemiah would vote out Allan or JC, but we weren't banking on it. I also talked to JC and Asa that night, basically congratulating them on a good fun move. I was upfront in saying that I felt like an easy target, and JC told me they weren't against me, but Trace would have won at FTC. I can't say that's wrong. Lastly I had a brief exchange with Chris basically lamenting the fact that Trace was gone, but we both agreed that it does at least have the benefit of getting rid of him with no blood on our hands, because he DID have to go eventually. The immunity challenge was PERFECT for me, so of course I lost it. 2048 was my shit back in 2013, as I've always been a numbers/puzzles guy. I got a really good score the night it was posted, but unfortunately, despite spending hours on it afterward, I couldn't best myself and Chris beat me out by a bit. Him not being at tribal threw an immediate wrench in the plan Eddie and I had, and Asa winning gold messed up the plan that Nehe had. So I called with Nehe that night and after we discussed through me being hesitant to trust, he surprisingly agreed to try to vote out Allan or JC. He knows that people seen Allan and him as a duo, but Allan has been getting a little too messy for Nehe's liking lately. We brought Eddie on to the call to solidify what was going down. If all 3 of us stick to our word, we'll have a 3-3 tie at worst. I brought up the possibility of getting Asa to join us by using the information that Allan wanted to vote her out last round before switching to Trace. Eddie and Nehe said they were on board, but I had to talk to Eddie alone afterward because I know he wanted Nehe out ASAP. He's not thrilled that we're being forced to trust Nehe this round, and to be honest I'm not either, but I've repeatedly told the two of them that we're all assertive enough to get the other side to flip in a tie. And now we're at today. I'm running out of time here, so I'll go into bullet point format.
- JC told me they're not voting me out.
- I made my case to Asa. Told her about Allan wanting to target her, told her I WOULDN'T target her, basically made it clear that she could decide how this round goes single-handedly. She admitted to me that she was considering voting for me but I made some good points.
- Asa IMMEDIATELY went to Nehe with the information. Nehe told me that after some though she liked the idea of voting for Allan. She then told me the same thing.
- Nehe says they've been stirring chaos between JC and Allan by telling them different targets (Eddie and I), and the poor communication skills of JC and Allan are making Asa feel sketched out and therefore more likely to vote with us.
- At the moment, it sounds like the other "side" is voting for Eddie. That's good for me, but it puts me at risk if we go to rocks. I honestly feel like I would do it because I don't see how I survive without Eddie, but we'll see.
- Throughout ALL the bullshit of this round, Eddie and I have been struggling with the fact that we don't fully trust Nehe. He is once again the only person who isn't being seriously considered as a target, and I don't actually see a reason for him to keep Eddie and I in this game. 
- I've asked Nehe to let me know if I'm ever getting voted out. I don't expect him to follow through, because I could have the idol for all he knows. I'm just curious to see if he follows through on his promise. Tribal is in 10 minutes. Anything can happen tonight. I've been expecting Allan to go, but in the past hour I've heard Eddie's name and my name. I'm on call with Eddie right now and he has a plan to vote Nehemiah out in a 3-2-1. I don't have time to cover it right now. If Nehe goes, fine. He's a threat. I still want Allan but Nehe is fine too. Well, here goes nothing.
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Fool me once... shame on you Fool me twice ... well that's just not fucking happening. At least you made the jury Nehe!
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Final Tribal Council - Vote Reveal
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Eddie Congratulations on Winning Tumblr Survivor: Chamonix!
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Opening Speeches
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[ Introduction ]
Hello, everyone! I’m so excited to be here with all of you today! I don’t want to make my speech too long-winded, but it kind of did, so I have it labelled and split up chronologically for your reading ease.
[ Pre-merge ]
Starting in Oslo, I got along fairly well with my tribemates Ashlyn, Chris, Henry, and Joel. I carried the team in terms of challenges, and we only attended one Tribal Council right before the swap!
That Tribal Council was the only time I received votes, because of a mistake on my part! During that tribal I was willing to make a big move and get rid of Ashlyn. Ashlyn had been talking in the tribe chat, but didn’t bother to scroll up to notice that there was a challenge. Then, a couple hours before the deadline, she found out that there was a challenge - Geoguessr. She didn’t understand how to play, and despite us in the tribe trying to explain it to her, she just gave up and abstained. While I’m sure that even if she participated, we still would have gone to tribal, but I didn’t appreciate her lack of effort. Immediately after challenge results came and we found out that we were going to tribal, Ashlyn made a new group chat with everyone on the tribe EXCEPT the hosts, when she could’ve just fucking used the tribe chat. So, needless to say, I was a LITTLE annoyed at her. Anyways, I expressed to Jacob that I would be willing to vote Ashlyn, but that backfired because Jacob decided it would be a better idea to alert Ashlyn and make me the target. Right after that, Ashlyn continually made attempts to make me feel bad while at the same time threatening to vote me. However, thanks to my great bonds with everyone else on the tribe as well as her disliking Jacob anyways, my tribe managed to convince Ashlyn to not vote me.
[ Swap ]
After that debacle of a first tribal council, the swap came around and I found myself with two new people, Eric and Lily, and Trisha, someone who I had talked to last tribal council. She apologized for voting me, and we ended up getting along great! I talked to Eric and Lily as well and I thought they were very nice. We won immunity in the first challenge of swap, but I was saddened to see that Joel was voted off.
In the second challenge, we ended up losing and having to go to Tribal Council. Trisha went to me quickly and said that we should vote Eric off. Along with that, she mentioned that she had talked to people from the other tribe about it. So, voting off someone from our own tribe and having already discussed it with people that weren’t even in the same tribe - that sounded like a recipe for suspicion to me. However, I decided that I would go with it for now, because if she had been willing to tell me all that, it showed that she trusted me at least somewhat. When Lily found out that Eric was the target, she was upset and explained that it would be unwise to vote off our own. I agreed, but the likelihood of Trisha flipping was little to none, so there wasn’t much I could do about that. Eric was voted off.
We lost the next challenge, and again Trisha wanted to vote off someone from our own tribe - Lily, and also had talked to Tommy about the vote. While I was still honored that she didn’t want to vote me off, I realized that she had a lot of connections socially. Along with this, if we were to lose the next challenge, I would be the most probable victim. This vote was saddening because I had similar interests to Trisha, and she was a very nice girl. However, I had to think about my own best interests in the game.
Lily and I had become close to one another because it was just us in tribe of 2. Losing immunity at this time would have meant one of us would be going. This didn’t happen though, as we won immunity!
It was around this time that Henry had given me the idol, which was a really big honor. Henry had given it to me because he trusted me and was worried about me being on a two person tribe.
[ 2nd Swap ]
However, we swapped again after that and I was generally safe. I swapped onto a tribe with Eddie, who I had began bonding with more during the Trisha vote, and Trace, someone who I had not talked to before! Henry and his tribe lost the immunity challenge during this round, which was likely considering it was a double tribal council. We had discussed on whether or not to give the idol to him to play, but he trusted his tribemates and didn’t want to waste its use. Of course, what happened was that he ended up getting voted out, leaving me with the idol.
[ Merge ]
Merge came around, and I was excited! I won’t go into big details about the how the votes went down here since everyone else has been a part of most of them and probably already discussed these. However, if you want me to explain my rationale or point of view on some of them, definitely do ask!
From here on, I was never considered a threat at any point, which was good for me. While I will definitely not lie that conversation was not my strong suit in any way possible, people still continued to confide in me and let me in on how the votes would go, and I’ve voted correctly in the majority every single time during merge and even before that. I never had any necessity to use the idol that I knew I had.
[ Tying the Vote ]
In regards to tying the vote between JC and Eddie, I wanted to give my rationale behind it. Firstly, Eddie campaigned to me really hard to tie the votes for him. If I did it and he lost, he would 100% vote me and campaign for me in the jury. This was very appealing to me because it’s always reassuring knowing that! Of course, this was if he lost. Secondly, if he won, which Eddie did win, there were multiple pros in if he made it to Final Tribal Council. JC and I played very similar games in that we were quiet and made many moves together. If JC wasn’t in the final tribal I would be the only one out of the three who could take credit for the majority of the moves that were made in the end game. If JC were in the Final Tribal Council, I would not be able to take the credit for the moves we made together because it would only just give people a reason to vote JC as well. I know Eddie and Chris had great social games that would clash, which means that they would have to struggle to get votes from the same people, which would cause a potential split, whereas more people would be leaning toward Chris rather than JC.
[ Conclusion ]
In conclusion, I played an excellent Under-The-Radar game. I was generally never perceived as a big threat at all. Because I was seen as likeable, I was in the know for all the tribal councils I attended and have voted correctly every single time. I had an idol, which was reassuring, and I never needed it. I never told anyone about me finding the idol either, and no one suspected that I would have it. I was helpful in challenges during pre-merge, making me an asset, and I won two crucial challenges. The first one was during the Nagano Tribe consisting of only two people. The second one was getting gold in the final Arena Challenge when I really needed it, hearing that I would have been a target during that round.
If you have any questions please please ask me and I will clarify!
I’d like to thank the hosts for making my first Tumblr Survivor game a blast, and regardless of what happens, I’m definitely very proud of how far I’ve come.
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Hello everyone, I just wanted to say thank you all for playing this crazy ass game and making it fun and interesting and for me to write a story to get to where I am right now as a finalist. I’m going to start by saying that I have tried playing tumblr survivor for over two years now, but have been rejected like 6 times, so getting to play for the first time now and making it to the finals I am pretty proud of myself even if I’m about to get snatched by the jury sdhufdj. Anyways I do think I have my strengths and weaknesses in this game and I’m willing to admit both.
I came into game very quiet and honestly not really expecting to go far. I was immediately drawn to asa from my starting tribe. It started getting tricky at DJ’s vote, when  I realized that the other tribe, the majority tribe, had to choose between me or max. Ashley flipping was iconic but the tribe was still choosing between me and max so thats when I really started to try to make connections. I was able to slither between that vote and the tribal council where henry got out because again it was either between me or henry.
Now we get to merge and my main strategy was to kind of act clueless in the beginning. Which I did. I wanted to eliminate the thought of me being a threat in the beginning so if I were to make it to the end portion of the game people wouldn’t see me as much as a threat as like trace, nic, max, or jack and vote me out. Survivor is about finding the right balance of making sure you aren’t too threatening but still having a redeeming story to tell when you make final tribal council, which I am here to enlighten within my opening statement, your questions, and my closing statement.
You also need to have trust which is why I decided to form the alliance “the holy trinity” of me, asa, and jc. And we were tight, until final 4 obviously. But without them, without those extra votes to support you, I would not be here in the finale.You need trust in survivor in order to get far, which is what I established. I also tried to get close to Nehemiah and Trace, and it worked because I knew they wanted to work with me. But at the same time, as MUCH as I love them, I knew I couldn’t take them to the finale because they have a much more outgoing game and it was transparent.
I tried to get to know most of you personally. I took the time out of the day to talk about our daily lives and establish a connection and on a personal level I actually like all of you, just when it comes to the game obviously someone needs to be eliminated each round.  I knew when to and when to not try for immunities. When I thought I needed it, I got it. And no one really viewed me as a comp threat despite having just as much individual immunity wins as Eddie because it's all about perception. If you can get people to believe that you aren’t a threat and try to dumb down what you do behind the scenes then people won’t want to vote for you at tribal.
I think I did a pretty good job at manipulating these perceptions and making it seem like I didn’t know what was happening but when behind the scenes I was talking to everyone about the vote, making sure my name wasn’t being thrown out. And if it was I acted on it, got rid of my name on the chopping block, which is the reason why I only received votes at 1 tribal, and at that tribal only 1 person genuinely wanted me out.  I was such a social threat but no one really thought about it, Michele Fitzgerald found dead in her boots.
I can go on and on about it, but I’d rather leave the rest to your questions and will be happy to explain anything you want cleared up. But thank you again <3
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We are trying to have live tribal tomorrow if you cant make it please get in your questions, preferably through video thanks
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Final 4 Tie Breaker Results - Day 58
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Eddie and JC battled one another by racing on who will catch ten balls first. After that ordeal, the winner of the tie breaker is...
Eddie! Congratulations you have won your way to the final 3!! I’m sorry JC, you played a good game but unfortunately you have been eliminated and have become the 10th and final member of the jury.
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Tribal Council #21 - Day 57
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Theres nothing left no more powers to save you just immunity if you got it or your wits so lets get to the votes...
First Vote:
Second Vote:
Third Vote:
Fourth Vote & the 22nd person voted out and the 10th member of the jury..
Is not determined yet
what this means is we have a tie, so we will be going to a fire making challenge
Asa and Chris you have both secured your spot in the finals, For JC and Eddie you will have one more challenge to earn your spot
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Final Immunity Results Day 56
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Before we get to the results we would like to commend you all for a job well done on these challenges! Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, here are the results!! First let’s look at how each challenge went down.
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A side note, for the puzzle, to those who weren’t able to finish it, the percentage of their puzzle was taken into account. Now here’s the final point tally!
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Congratulations Chris, you have won the final immunity of the season and have guaranteed yourself a spot at the final tribal council where you will plead your case to the jury! As for the rest of you, after working hard all season one you will just fall short on making final tribal council.
Your votes are due tomorrow December 31st 9pm est! Good Luck!
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Individual Immunity #10 - Day 55
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Welcome back to your final immunity challenge, today you will all be playing a gauntlet of challenges...
For coming first in a challenge you will gain 4 points, and second gets 3 points and so on and so forth....
You will be doing Five different challenges
Puzzle (x)
Flashgame (x)
Trivia (message host chat)
Sporcle (x)
Grid 16 (x)
You cannot talk to anyone about any of the challenges!!!!!!!
Challenge will be due December 30th @ 11 pm Eastern
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Tribal Council #20 - Day 54
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21st person voted and 9th member of the jury, Allan you have been voted out of Tumblr Survivor: Chamonix!
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Individual Immunity Results #9 - Day 53
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After a grueling 18 hours we have someone that is over 7 hours ahead of who is currently in second place and with about 6 hours to go it is impossible to catch up..
The winner posting 72 times... is Eddie congratulations you have won final five immunity and have 1 in 4 shot of winning this game!
For the rest of you tribal is December 28th @ 9pm Eastern
This is the last time idols can be played!
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Individual Immunity #8 - Day 52
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Immunity is back up for grabs.
Your next immunity challenge is call Hand on a Hard Idol, a Survivor classic. The goal of this challenge is to be holding onto the idol for the longest amount of time.
This is how the challenge will work. The five of you will play the challenge in your private chat, where you will post every fifteen minutes. To start the challenge you will say [insert name here] holds onto the idol and every post after that will be [insert name here] is still holding onto the idol. It must be phrased like that or you will not receive the point. Each time you post you will receive one point.
You may not post more than once in fifteen minutes; however, you may take longer than fifteen minutes to post again. For example, if you post at 10:02 pm, you may not post again until 10:17 pm, but you are allowed to post again later than that (for example, at 11:37 or 7 am, it doesn’t matter).  You will not be penalized for neglecting to post every 15 minutes, but you will be penalized if you post again under 15 minutes. This will continue until the deadline, where we will count up the total number of times you posted. Whoever has the most points, wins Immunity and guarantees themselves a spot in the final four ! (If there is a tie, we will go into a sudden death elimination endurance challenge).
This challenge will start in the morning at 7 am EST in your private chat. This challenge will last a full 24 hours. Than you will have 12 hours to decide who to vote for, cause tribal will be that night!
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Tribal Council #19 - Day 52
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20th person voted and 8th member of the jury, Jack you have been voted out of Tumblr Survivor: Chamonix!
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Individual Immunity Results #8 - Day 49
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It is time to find out who guessed their medallions in the shortest amount of guesses...
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With 6 guesses congratulations JC you have won immunity and guaranteed yourself in the Final 5!!
Remember the Golden Lodge is no longer in effect that means you can now vote during tribal council!!
For the rest of you, after 49 days one of you will become the 20th person voted out Chamonix and the 8th member of the jury. Head back to camp and prepare for tribal.
Votes due at December 24th 9pm est!! The hosts are open to talk about the time due to it being Christmas Eve tomorrow.
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Individual Immunity #7 - Day 48
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Welcome to your next immunity challenge. Chris I’ll take back the necklace. Once again immunity is back up for grabs and after last tribal I think a lot of you might be wanting this!
For today’s immunity challenge you’ll be playing Mastermind.
You will each be given a box with 30 Medallions. Each medallion is a different color. Each one of you has a unique color combination that consists of 10 of the 30 colors. You must place the correct medallions in the correct order in order to complete the challenge.
Here are the 30 colors:
Red, Purple, Black, Silver, Grey, Blue, White, Navy, Indigo, Gold, Charcoal, Crimson, Blood Orange, Maroon, Platinum, Burgundy, Yellow, Pink, Scarlet, Cyan, Slate, Ivory, Plum, Green, Magenta, Chartreuse, Ash, Vermilion, Orange, Violet
In order to complete this challenge, you must place all 10 medallions in the correct order. When you are ready to do the challenge, message me or set up a time with me to complete the challenge.
You will send me a list of 10 medallions that will look like the following example:
I will send back the list with either a star (*), exclamation point (!) or an x next to the color.
The star (*) will indicate that the medallion is on the correct place on the list
The exclamation point (!) will indicate that the medallion is on the list but is not in the correct spot
The x will indicate that the medallion is not part of your combination.
Each of you has a unique combination so there is no way to cheat on this challenge however you are not allowed to discuss the challenge. This includes discussing your time, your combination or a strategy.
The person who completes the challenge in the least amount of guesses will win immunity and be safe from the vote. In the event that multiple people complete the challenge in the same amount of guesses, the person who started the challenge first will win immunity.
This challenge is due by 9pm EST tomorrow, December 23rd
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Tribal Council #18  - Day 48
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19th person voted and 7th member of the jury, Nehemiah you have been voted out of Tumblr Survivor: Chamonix!
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Individual Immunity#7 - Day 47
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It’s time to find out who has won individual immunity and will be going to the Golden Lodge  (The medal bonuses have been applied btw)
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Congratulations Chris you have won individual immunity and secured your spot in the Top 6!!
For the rest of you I’ve got nothing. Head back to camp and prepare for tribal council where someone will be the next person voted out of Chamonix.
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