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Chapter 9 (Finale)
SMUT ahead, you've been warned.
I walked hand in hand with dean to the impala after blowing Sam a kiss. He opened the car door for me and I slipped in. He closed the door and my heart started to race.
I was going home with Dean Winchester. Holy shit.
My worries quickly faded when he slipped in and started the engine. I scooted closer to him and he put his arm around me. I shivered at the change of temperature and he pulled his leather jacket off and laid it across me like a blanket. I smiled in thanks and laid my head on his shoulder. I just couldn't get enough of him. I could smell the gunpowder and his cologne and quickly realized that was my favorite scent on earth. I could feel Dean tense, and I looked up to see worry lines on his face. I grabbed his face and made him look at me.
“What is it?” I asked innocently, wondering why the hell he wasn't feeling as perfectly happy as I was.
He looked at me and searched my eyes and I felt like he could read me like a book. I felt so seen.
“ You’re sure?” He asked with uncertainty. I just smiled and placed a sweet kiss to his lips that was gone too quickly.
“Never been more sure of anything.” I said flatly. “You’re stuck with me, Winchester.” I said with a laugh and I could feel his shoulders ease. He beamed and kissed my forehead. I still couldn't believe that THE Dean Winchester wanted me and I sure as hell was done questioning and wondering. This felt right, for once.
I slipped out of his arm and grabbed the cassette tapes from the dash and decided on Zeppelin. We didn’t need to talk. I just wanted to be in his presence. I scooted closer to the radio and put in the tape. Dean laid his hand on my left thigh, my body reacted strongly to his touch. I welcomed his touch and help his hand. We rode in silence for hours, stealing glances and jamming. Soon I yawned and felt betrayed by my own body. How could I sleep at a time like this?
Dean could see my inner turmoil. He opened his arms and motioned for me to lay down.
“Ash, sleep. Ill wake you when we get there.” he said with adoration. I laid my head on his leg and he ran his hands through my hair. I was asleep instantly.
I woke up to a sexy voice coaxing me from oblivion.
“Ash, We’re home, there's a bed waiting for you inside.” Dean said with a whisper. I could feel his fingertips on my scalp and practically purred at the sensation. I opened my eyes and for a split second forgot the events that unfolded tonight. I didn't care what time it was, or where we were. I just cared that Dean, my dean was here and that I wasn’t dreaming. I opened my eyes sleepily and I looked up at this God of a man.
I almost choked on the admiration in his eyes. I smiled and said a sleepy
“Hello there, handsome.”
He smiled and kissed my forehead again. I smiled and moved up got my first look at the bunker. It didn't look like much, but I didn't care. It was a place to call home.
“Home sweet home.” He said, reading my thoughts. I felt a pang in my chest knowing that for once I would be safe. Not in a hotel somewhere on the run, but with four walls that were mine. With a hell of a man and his brother. A make shift family for the first time in my life.
Dean was watching me and I knew he could tell what was going on in my mind. I looked over and smiled. I couldn't even form the words. But i knew with absolute certainty that I didn't need to.
Sam had already arrived and unpacked my car. I decided to thank him for that in the morning. As Dean opened the door to the bunker my heart started to race again. I knew that I wanted have quite the time of my life exploring every single inch that is Dean Winchester, but those inhibitions creeped back into my mind as he led me to his room. Sam had put my bag in Deans bed. I eyed his room with curiosity. It was so perfectly Dean in every way. I saw a picture of his mother next to his bed and I remembered our late night conversation that night at bobby’s. My heart hurt for him again to remember all the hard times he had endured. Hell, we both did.
Dean came in with the last of the bags and he could sense my uneasiness. I felt so guilty for him to even be concerned on whether i wanted this. I wanted him, I just would never recover if he didn't want me in the same way.
I was fat
Not his usual type
He has so much experience.
God, would he want me naked?
I was rattled out of my thoughts when I heard Dean speak.
“Ash, I want you to sleep here, believe me, but if you're not ready for that, I understand. No pressure from me. I'm just glad you're here.” He said holding my shoulders to make sure I was looking at him when he spoke. I almost keeled over from his sincerity and I could see the hunger in his eyes as much as he tried to mask it. Seeing how much he wanted me made my nether region respond in tow. The desire this man awakened in me was something not even I could control. I could just burst with love for this man.
“Dean, I couldn't imagine sleeping anywhere else.” I said and planted a kiss to his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned in. I could tell he wanted more, and I couldn't wait to give him just that, but mother nature calls.
Dean grabbed my hips and I swayed them knowing that would get his attention.
“...but shower first. I smell like booze and cigarettes.” I said with a laugh and he released his grip.
I took the quickest shower of my life and felt excitement grow as I got dressed in a skimpy tank top and underwear. I thanked whatever god that I didn't throw away the one pair of lace panties for a rainy day. Dean was showering in another bathroom down the hall. I was surprised to finish before him. I decided to brush my teeth while I wait.
He walked in wearing just his boxers and a gray t-shirt that hugged his frame perfectly. I jumped as he slipped behind me at the sink and hugged me from behind. He put his head in the crook of my neck and exhaled. Chills erupted on my arms and I squirmed with the unfamiliar feeling. As I squirmed I could feel his semi-hard erection and my blood ran cold in the best way. I quickly finished brushing my teeth and made eye contact with him in the mirror. His eyes were blown out with lust and my body eagerly awaited what would happen next. Dean cleared his throat and I watched his Adams apple bob up and down.
“Ash, again if you're not ready for this I understand. You’re fucking breathtaking, but we have plenty of time. No pressure.” He said making sure that I was comfortable. Knowing that Dean was such a good man, putting others comfortability above his own made me fall even harder and awoke me in ways I never thought I would.
I turned around and faced him and kissed the exposed part of his chest. I could hear his breath hitch and smiled in victory. Being able to make this man feel even an ounce like he makes me feel made me overwhelmed with satisfaction. I worked my way up his neck and made sure to spend some extra time on his sweet spot. At this point I felt his erection grow and couldn't help grinding my hips against his large member.
“God damn it ash, you're killing me.” He said with a grunt as I ground as hard as I could against his hips. In an instant he spun me around and had me bent over the sink. He grabbed me upright and had my ass perfectly flush with his rock hard cock. I was dripping with anticipation. He held me tight and slowly started rubbing perfect circles on my left nipple. I threw my head back and sighed at the sensation. I melted into his arms and I felt his right hand sneak past my swollen belly and into the band of my black lace panties. He wasted no time finding my sweet spot and rubbing soft and slow.
“...oh fuck” I said a little too loud and he let out a devilish giggle.
“Feel good, sweetheart?” He whispered in a voice that could have made me cum right then and there.
“...don't stop.” Was all I could manage. This man was going to kill me. I felt his pace quicken and my legs started to shake. I was close and he knew it.
He slipped soft kisses down the back of my neck while his hands worked their magic. I felt like I could die right here and now and be happy. He quickened his pace again and I gasped.
“Dean, I'm going to cum.” I said breathless, needing him to get me there, pleading for release.
“Cum for me Babygirl, let go.” He pleaded and that was all I needed.
My body tightened and contorted in his arms. My legs gave out but he caught me as I spasmed in my release. He worked my orgasm to completion and I swear I saw stars. I was still drunk on my postorgasm high when he spun me around and picked me up I hooked my legs around him and he laid me down on the bed. He took his shirt and boxers off and my desire continued to grow. Dean Winchester was perfect and I was completely drowning in all of him. I looked at his body and then back to his eyes, there was so much adoration and want. I decided it was time to return the favor.
“..my turn.” I said cheekily and went to taste him when he stopped me with a kiss.
“Sweetheart, I won’t last. You’re too fucking good.” He said in between kisses. I blushed at his comment and laid back letting him feel every inch of me. I threw off my shirt and underwear that was soaked and readied myself for his entrance.
“Dean, I need you inside me.” I said wantonly, bucking up against his length. He took his lips from my neck and looked at me.
“You sure?” He asked again and I bucked again.
“Dean, Just take what's always been yours.” I said in a fit of confidence. I was sure. Sure as hell and needed him to know that.
Dean growled and I moaned as he bucked once and filled me completely. I winced at the sudden stretch and locked my legs around his back. He stopped and watched my eyes. I wrapped my hands in his hair and pleaded…
“...Please move Dean, you feel so good.” I said, giving his perfect hair a tug. Dean left his uncertainty and bucked wildly hard and fast and I was a wanton mess of moans and expletives. I matched him stroke for stroke and soon we were both close. His strokes started to become sloppy and within seconds I tipped over the edge for the second time. Dean followed suit and collapsed on my body. It was perfect. He was perfect.
I caught my breath and ran my hands through his sweaty head of hair. He placed kisses on my collar bone and I held him close. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours. Out of breath and out of energy.
Soon enough Dean rolled over and I shivered at the loss of heat. He quickly pulled me close and I kissed his mouth short and sweet and laid my head on his chest.
“Ash?” Dean said in a whisper, I lifted my head and placed a hand under my chin still resting on his chest.
“Hmm?” I said still in a daze
“Welcome home.” He said and I realized that home wasn’t the bunker or the impala or even the open road, but wherever Dean was. He was my home. He is where I felt safe, loved, and secure.
I kissed his lips hard, and collapsed into his chest. Falling asleep instantly and dreaming of what was to come.
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Chapter 8
3 weeks later
Sam's POV
I headed to the impala after taking care of some nasty vamps north of the bunker and joined Dean. His head was slumped and he hasn't said a word that wasn't hunt related or research related in weeks. His eyes were bruised underneath and I knew that he wasn't getting any sleep. I wanted to scream at him to call Ash, tell him how he felt and at least he would know. I was still confused as to why Ash responded the way she did, but she seemed to be well. We would exchange text messages and she seemed to be fine, hunting and laying low in between hunts. She would never tell me where she was, I guess she knew that Dean would be confused. I liked Ash alot. I just wish I could get inside her brain. Dean had it bad, although he would never admit it. I could tell he was worried about her, but I also knew that mentioning her would be like lighting a barrel of dynamite. I just handed him a bag of stale chips and we headed to the local bar for a drink that would hopefully help him sleep tonight.
Ash’s POV
I opened the door to my Camaro and headed toward the front door of this hole in the wall bar. I was sore and agitated. I just got done following a dead lead for a ghost that didn't exist and decided to drown my sorrows in whiskey tonight.
The past 3 weeks have been hell. I keep telling myself that what i did was for the best. There have been so many times I just wanted to call Dean. Tell him I was sorry, or show up at the bunker, and beg for his forgiveness. Sleeping in shitty hotels and hunting dead ends to keep myself by just isn't working anymore. I needed a drink and I needed one quick.
I stepped into the bar and slid onto a bar stool and ordered a double whisky on ice. I took a long sip and stared ahead of me not noticing the guy standing behind me staring at my ass.
“What’s a firecracker like you doin’ in a place like this” He slurred and I rolled me eyes. I wasn't in the mood for this fuckery.
“ Get lost my dude, I'm just trying to relax.” I said and looked in the opposite direction.
He scoffed and I realized that this wasn’t going to end well. He reeked of cigarettes and desperation.
“Listen you fat bitch, I can teach you some things that'll make you relax.” HE said with a snarl and grabbed my left arm hard enough to make me wince and forced me out of my chair. Just before I got a chance to rear my right arm to give him my best right hook I heard a voice that was all too familiar.
“Look buddy, you're done.” the voice said and next thing I knew Dean had this joker in a head lock and was throwing him out of the bar.
I looked up and saw Sam with wide eyes and I froze. I followed my instinct and followed Dean out of the bar and into the parking lot.
I slammed the bar doors and saw the creep peel out of the parking lot and I saw Dean with clenched fists with his back turned to me. My heart was racing, but the only emotion i could feel was anger.
I wasn't a damsel in distress. I could take care of myself.
“Look Winchester, I could have handled dumbass myself. I don't need a hero.” I said with a scoff and he turned around.
I looked into those green eyes and my legs went weak. He looked tired and looked like something was seriously bothering him. He was hunched over in defeat and for a split second I felt bad but my pride was still burning hot.
“A thank you would suffice. I would have done that for anyone.” HE said and tried to walk past me and back into the bar.
I gawked at his response and grabbed his arm as he walked past me. We weren’t done with this conversation. I don't know if that was the anger talking or the desperate thought that if I let him out of my sight I might not see him again.
“What the hell is your problem, Dean?” I said his name way weaker than I intended.
He whipped around and stopped in his tracks. He was silent and I felt the need to speak again.
“Dean, I haven't seen you in a while, what's wrong?” I asked looking into his eyes, feeling a sense that he could crumble at any moment.
“Why the hell do you even care, ash? It's nothing.” He said and continued walking toward the bar again. At this point I was fuming.
I watched him walk a few paces and ran a frustrated hand through my air. I knew what I wanted to say and I had to say it.
“Dean, stop! Please just listen for a sec.” I yelled and kicked myself for how desperate I sounded.
To my surprise he stopped in his tracks and headed toward me with his hands in his pockets. I walked further away from the bar and stopped at my car and leaned against the hood. He met me and stopped several steps in front of me and stared like I was invisible. I hate to admit it but i felt so small.
“Spit it out, Ash. I need a drink.” He said flatly and I let out a shaky breath.
“Look, I'm sorry for how things went after Bobby’s. I should have talked to you and explained, but I didn't. For that, I'm sorry. I just thought that you should now.” I said fast and with a point looking at the ground because I couldn't face those green orbs again tonight.
Dean didn't say anything for a long while and then he cleared his throat. I looked expectantly and I heard him mumble under his breath
“...fuck it…”
Next thing I knew dean closed the space between us and I almost dodged out of the way, but he wrapped his all too perfect arms around me and pulled me flush against his body and sealed my lips with his. I gasped into the kiss and he smiled. I shivered at this sensation and moved my lips to match his. He pulled his hand behind my head and entangled my hair with his fingers. I shivered again at the cold night air on my neck and moaned involuntarily.
What the fuck was happening????
As soon as my brain decided to start working again I broke the kiss and looked up at the infamous Dean Winchester. Hero, God, badass, total sex icon. He looked down at me and I could swear I saw it in his eyes.
He released his grip and looked down at me and with a smirk he said
“ Should have just done that a long time ago.” my brain was foggy and I wondered if I heard him right.
“Dean?” I said, sounding like that scared little girl that Bobby found after that Djinn attack.
“Look, Ash. I just have to tell you and I know you may not feel the same and I'm cool with that…” He started
“But… I cant be your friend. After you left, I knew that If I ever saw you again I would have to tell you…” He said and looked off into the distance.
“ Tell me WHAT, Winchester?” I said hanging on every word.
He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair and I could tell he was choosing his words carefully.
“ Ash, you're it for me. You're beautiful, badass, and you get me. You get me on a level no one has and I like you, more that I probably should, and more than is probably good for us, but I can’t stop thinking about you. Worrying about you. Wanting to be with you. For real. That night at bobby’s was the best I've had in hell, years, and I can't stop thinking about how I should have done so many things differently, but there ya go. That’s how I feel. “ He said with passion and I got goosebumps from the intensity in his eyes.
Dean Winchester liked me? I stood there dazed and at a loss for words. I felt tears well up in my eyes and realized quickly that Dean was interpreting my silence for rejection.
I stopped listening to my brain for once and let my body take control, I grabbed Dean by his belt loops and led him to the side of the car and whispered with unhinged desire.
“Come, ‘ere Winchester.” And I connected our lips once again, this time was different. I didn't have those usual inhibitions because for the first time I didn’t question Deans feelings. You couldn't question how he felt after that, I've never felt so safe, secure, and for the first time loved. For once I was thinking, I was just feeling, and god damn it felt good.
The kiss was hesitant at first on his part, I licked his lower lip to beg for entrance and he soon obliged. He soon melted and I grabbed a fist full of his perfect brown hair to deepen the kiss. I didn’t really think that I could articulate in words how I felt for Dean Winchester. I hoped against all odds that he would know in this kiss. He was it for me too. I never wanted anyone else but him. Hell, I needed him. He picked me up and placed me delicately on the hood of my car and i wrapped my legs around him. I giggled despite myself and broke the kiss. We just stood there and I appreciated the warmth of his arms around me for a moment of silent bliss. I closed my eyes and tried to remember a time that was this perfect and of course I couldn't. I loosened my grip and lifted my head from his chest and looked up at his perfect face.
“Take me home?” I asked in a whispered tone.
Dean beamed and laughed a full boisterous laugh that you could hear the next town over. My stomach did flips and I giggled again. Something that I realized I would be doing a lot more often.
“Right away, sweetheart.” He said with admiration and he helped me off the car.
We walked back into the bar hand in hand and looked for Sam. He was sitting by the window with a perfect view of the parking lot trying his best to not look like he just spent the entire night spying on us. I smiled and Dean looked annoyed.
Sam saw our hands intertwined and his eyes blew up. He jumped off his seat and hugged me. He whispered in my ear.
“Finally…welcome to the family.” I felt breathless and smiled up at his puppy dog face and elbowed him playfully.
“Ash is coming back to the bunker, it'll be a drive but the faster we move the faster we can get there.” Dean said trying to get a move on, i turned red.
“Eager are we, Dean?” Sam said with a laugh and I turned even more red, so did Dean.
I decided to interject before the brothers got into another bar fight.
“ Sam would you mind driving my car, Dean and I have a lot to talk about.” I said with my best smile. I knew Sam would do anything for me.
“Anything for you, Ash.” He said and grabbed my keys and headed for the door. “See you guys in a couple hours.” Same said with a wink and we followed him out to the impala.
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Chapter 7
Cont. Ash POV
I started breakfast and heard the boys shuffling and waking up. I turned on some music and started scrambling eggs. The boys clunked downstairs in their boots and each were wearing a cotton t-shirt and faded blue jeans. I couldn’t help myself but looked at Dean as he rounded the corner to head to the fridge for a breakfast beer.
Jesus Christ. Did he have to look that good?
I darted my eyes to focus on the eggs that I almost burnt and felt him walk toward my direction.
“What’s cookin’ good lookin?” He asked and I nearly dropped the plate that I was holding. I looked up at him and he had a playful look in his eyes and I felt a pang in my chest knowing that this was just his mindless flirting. Nothing would ever come of this.
“What does it look like, Winchester?” I asked, a bit more cold than I meant to. I felt like being indifferent toward him just made it easier to face the inevitable. I just didn’t have the heart for meaningless flirting. I didn’t have the courage to look at him and just continued to plate eggs and toast on plates for the boys.
We all sat and Bobby and Sam were talking about the finishing touches to the panic room. It sounded like the Winchester boys were planning to get back to their bunker and were heading out today. My heart raced at what my next plan was. Dean didn’t say much. Just did the occasional grunt and nod to the plans that the other two were creating. I ate in silence and just listened. Soon enough Sam turned his attention to me.
“What’s your plan today, Ash?” He asked and my stomach did a backflip. I was dreading this question. I wasn’t even sure what my plan was. I was all of a sudden extremely glad that I could think on my feet.
“I was actually thinking of hitting the road today. Being cooped up for too long makes me antsy. I might try to find some trouble to get into” I lied through my teeth.
I couldn't look at Dean. I knew that this was me telling him that I would not be joining him and Sam at the bunker, but I knew it was for the best in the long run. I noticed in my peripheral view that he had stopped chewing and was staring at me.
“Oh, okay. Well, be safe out there.” He said and I smiled in his direction. He flashed those doe eyes and I knew that he was being genuine.
I immediately got up and started washing my plate. When I was sure that I had washed a hole through the plate I went down the hall and decided I needed to wash off the awkwardness that I felt within my soul.
Deans POV
My mind was racing and I wanted to slam my fist into the table as I heard the conversation that was happening around me. I watched Ash walk down the hall and I jumped up and threw my plate in the sink. I darted outside and made my way to the panic room and swung the door open hard. I walked in and kicked a piece of the metal that was laying on the floor and let out a frustrated grunt. My head swirled with rejection and heartbreak and I cursed myself for even thinking that a girl like her would even be interested in someone like me.
I wasn't capable of love. I destroyed everything I touched. I was nothing. Am nothing.
I was stupid to concoct this ideal life for the two of us. Hunting things, saving people. That was all I would get out of this life and I let myself think that I was, for the first time, capable of a bit more. Idiot.
I didn't hear Sam come in behind me and I immediately tried to compose myself. I want in the mood for his stupid advice.
“Dude, you okay?” He asked and I shot him a look that should have answered his question.
“No, I just want to finish this shit so we can get the hell out of here.” I said with venom dripping from my voice.
“Dean, what’s going on?” He asked and got closer.
“ I just need to kill something. We’ve been here too long.” I said just wanting to get this conversation over.
“Dean, that’s not it and we both know it. Does this have to do with Ash? Did you do something?” Same asked feigning innocence. I wanted to wipe that concerned smirk right off his face.
“I didn't do anything. I offered for her to come to the bunker, but I guess she decided that wasn’t good enough for her.” I said against my better judgment. I was such a mess of emotions, I was only able to show the emotion that I knew that best, anger.
Sam just stood there and stared for a moment.
“oh.” He said under his breath and I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Sam stop standing there gawking at me and let’s get this damn thing built so we can leave and go home.” I practically screamed and Sam took the cue to get to work. At that moment I heard Ash’s car crank and heard her pulling away from the house.
Good riddance.
Ash pov
I stared at the open road in front of me and felt the beginning of tears sting at the brim of my eyes. I knew that Dean would be disappointed, but I couldn't handle the pending disappointment that I knew I would feel seeing him with someone.
Kissing him
Holding him
Loving him
I turned my music up and wiped my tears away and pressed my foot to the gas. I choked on my tears and hoped to whatever God was out there that I wasn't making the dumbest decision of my life.
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Chapter 6
Deans POV
I woke up alarmed as I felt another body stir in the bed next to me. I opened my eyes and stared into the back of a black haired beauty and all the memories of last night flooded into my mind as I remembered the night that Ash and I shared. Our legs were tangled and my arm was tucked tightly around her. At first I was worried that she might wake up and see me cuddling her, but my body battled with my mind as I naturally squeezed her just a bit tighter. As I relished this moment I thought back to how unforgettable last night was. She was- is perfect. I never let my guard down. Not even with Sam, but with her I just wanted to. She let me get to know her and I felt like someone finally understood me. As much as I wanted to tell her last night that I liked her and wanted to give it a try, I couldn’t shake the knowledge that this life wasn't something that allowed for romance and happiness. We fought and died doing it. That's just the way it was. I refused to bury someone else. I closed my eyes, taking in every moment with us like this and imagined a life where I got to wake up every single morning to this version of perfect. I could feel her body, totally relaxed and her breathing so even and content. I didn't know how long this would last but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that I was here and she was here and we were safe. At least for now.
My eyes bolted open as I remembered my invitation for her to come and live at the bunker with Sam and me. My heart raced at the thought of what she would say. I hoped for the first time in forever. I hoped she would come, even as friends. I could train with her, grow with her and give her that safe place that she missed so desperately. Sam and I would probably be heading back to the bunker today after finishing up with Bobby. I squeezed her again, wishing more than anything that this wasn't the last time I would be able to do that.
I was knocked from my thoughts and heard stirring upstairs. I definitely didn’t want Bobby and especially Sam to find me in Ash’s room. He was already asking too many damn questions.
I got up, careful not to disturb her and headed back upstairs and into the shower.
I woke up warm and feeling rested for the first time in such a long time. I turned over and saw that the other side of the bed was disheveled and my heart raced.
Did Dean sleep with me last night?
I was all of a sudden extremely self conscious and wondered how long he laid there. Did I take up too much room? Or did he wake up disgusted? My heart continued to drop until I remembered the events of last night.
It was nice.
I couldn't forget his invitation to come to the bunker, and thoughts of dread crept into my mind.
I couldn't do that.
Ash, you like him. You could never just live with him as friends.
You don’t work with other hunters. You work alone.
No one can hurt you when you're by yourself.
You have Bobby, that's all you need.
Living with him would be a mistake. He’ll never love you. Get a grip.
I slammed my face into the pillow and knew that there was no way that I could just up and move into the Winchester’s bunker. It was like signing myself up for my own personal hell. Seeing him date, or hook up. I was a moron to assume that his reputation as a womanizer was all just talk amongst the hunter community. My heart hurt at the thought of watching him flirt it up with a skinny blonde bimbo at a bar and watching from across the room. Him kissing her, touching her.
I got up and sat at the edge of my bed and ran a tired hand over my face. Just then I heard a knock at the door. My heart leaped thinking it was Dean.
“Hi, Darlin’” Bobby came in unannounced. Well, I guess it was his house he could do whatever the hell he wanted.
“Hey Bobby! Morning!” I said trying to sound upbeat and like I didn't just rip my own heart out of my chest.
“Morning. I just wanted to come in and talk to you a little bit. We haven't really had a chance to talk.” Bobby said in his fatherly tone. I knew he didn't just want to talk. Bobby Singer never just wanted to talk. I mentally rolled my eyes.
“Bobby, I know there is something on your mind. What’s up? You can tell me anything.” I got right to the point.
“You and Dean were up late.” He said with a warning in his voice.
Shit. I should have known that ole Bobby Singer would be able to hear us last night. I was so shocked and at a loss I didn’t respond when he continued.
“Just be careful with that one, Ash. I love him like a son, but I also love you as my own daughter. Just, be careful.”
I listened to every syllable of what he said so carefully. He motioned to sit next to me in the bed and I just stared into my hands.
“ I can tell you’re sweet on him. This life is a hard one, sometimes it is easier if we don't get everything we want, as much as I hate to say it.” He said, staring at the wall in front of him.
I felt so vulnerable. Was I this easy to read? Could Dean tell? I understood what Bobby was saying. It makes sense. This life stole so much from him! As much as bobby would love to put up a fuck it façade I knew better. I knew that there wasn't a day that he didn't think about his wife and what their life would look like if she was still here. He didn’t want me to meet the same fate. Losing the person that means the most to you.
I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed.
“ I'm always careful. I learned from the best.” I said looking up and smiling in his direction. He smiled in turn and chuckled. I nudged him and stood up.
“ Feel like some breakfast?” I asked and he lit up.
“First I need a drink.” He said standing up and heading for the door. I actually rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen to see what I could whip together.
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Chapter 5
Soon enough the night was getting later and later so Bobby announced that he was heading to bed and Sam and Dean followed in quick suit. I was still a bit wired, but I stayed up to clean up after dinner and then headed down the hall to my room to try to get some sleep myself.
I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. I was wired and my mind was going a mile a minute. I chalked it up to just not having a creature to hunt or a person to save, but at my core I knew that there was a man upstairs that I wanted to crawl in bed with. I moaned in frustration and looked at the clock next to the bed.
3:30 AM
I sprang up from the bed and put my jacket on. When I needed to think I always headed to the junkyard and just enjoyed the dark forest beyond the property. I walked down the hallway making sure to be extra quiet with all these hunters in the house and headed out the screen door and down the trail to my favorite spot.
Deans POV
I couldn’t sleep, I felt like my head was going to explode. I couldn't get Ash out of my head. Tonight was perfect. There was a part of me that wanted to just kiss her or tell her that I wanted her, but I just couldn’t. I knew that she deserved better than me. Hell, she deserved to be with perfection and I aint nothing close to perfect. At the same time, I thought of leaving here and never seeing her again and the thought made me sick to my stomach. I got up to try to distract myself and clean my guns when I heard her door open downstairs. I stopped dead in my tracks and heard the screen door close and knew that she had gone outside. I sprang from my bed and looked out the window and watched her walk to the scrap yard and sit on the hood of an old Ford mustang and just stare into the nothingness. I knew I shouldn’t, but the next thing I knew I was putting my boots on and following her.
I could feel the cold metal on my legs as I sat and looked out into the field. I loved to feel the cold fresh air and sighed as I closed my eyes and decided to lay back and look at the stars. I laid there for a little bit and then I heard footsteps coming toward me. I immediately jumped up and grabbed for my gun that was in my bra holster. I pointed it directly into the direction of the noise. I looked and saw Dean standing there looking dishelved with the cutest bed hair. If I wasn't so pissed at him for scaring me, I might have melted.
“God damn it Winchester! I could have killed you!” I yelled putting my gun back and running a hand through my hair to release some tension.
“Sorry, Ash! I just figured you were like me and couldn't sleep and wanted to see if you wanted some company.” He looked like a wounded puppy. I smiled and felt my belly envelope in butterflies at the notion. Wow, he is really sweet. I thought even though I knew this was just a friendly gesture. I took a second to respond. Mainly because I was trying to even my breathing and I also just didn’t know how to respond.
“Thanks Dean, that would be nice.” I chose to say because that's what I meant and I scooted over to make room for him on the car’s hood. I laid back like before and he followed suit. I remembered my thought of wanting to share a bed with me and laughed internally, I guess if i can't share a bed with him the hood of a car is the next best thing.
We laid there in silence for a while and he was the first to speak.
“We’re friends, right Ash?” He asked and I shifted my head to look at him but he was still staring at the stars.
“Yeah, I’d say that.” I said almost as a question, I wasn't sure where this was going, but I did know that at the very least I wanted very badly to call Dean Winchester a friend. Dean was quiet for a long time and I let my mind race with what he wanted to say and finally I added,
“Is something bothering you Dean?” I attempted to look at him again.
“No, I was just thinking friends are such a luxury in this business. It’s nice to have people around.” He said, still staring straight ahead.
“I understand. Bobby’s been the only family I’ve ever had. It’s been nice to have you and Sam around.” I said shifting my focus to the stars as well.
“ Do you think that we can live this life and still be happy?” He asked, bearing his soul. I was shocked at his question. Dean did not seem like the type to bear his soul, but for some reason he chose to be with me and I definitely didn't want to leave him vulnerable.
“I think so. In our own way. Sometimes I want to have a place to call home. Somewhere I felt safe and just knew where I was sleeping after a hunt, but then I get to see the people I save and the lives that I change and I think that's where we find our sliver of happiness.” I said confiding in him. I usually don't let my guard down so easily, but with him it felt natural.
He was silent for a moment and then cleared his throat.
“You know you could, right?” He said and I looked at him puzzled.
“ I could do what?” I asked him to explain what he meant.
“Sam and I have a bunker. We have a ton of rooms and a library and everything that a hunter could need. If you ever want to stay you are more than welcome.” He said, returning my gaze and I felt like I saw a hint of hope in his forest green eyes.
I was taken aback by his option. Live with Sam and Dean? I had known that they had a bunker, but I had never actually thought about living with them there. I looked back at the stars and thought some more. The thought of possibly never seeing Dean, hell even Sam for any long length of time made my chest hurt. That much I knew. I would have to think long and hard about a prospect like this, but nevertheless my heart fluttered at the thought of getting to see Dean every day even if it was through the lens of friendship. Selfishly I convinced myself that knowing him in that way would be enough for me. I knew I was taking too long to answer so I muttered,
“That’s quite an offer, I’ll think on it , Winchester.” I said trying to sound as relaxed as possible to not give off how wild my mind was running on all the possibilities.
“Really think about it, Ash. We would love to have you.” and then he chuckled “Especially if you keep cooking like you do.” he added sort of under his breath. I laughed and then my mind raced with the fulfillment that I had tonight at a table with the boys just laughing and forgetting all the scary for a little while and that ache turned to hope as I thought of everyday life with Sam and Dean.
I laughed along with him and shivered at the cold night air. I had almost forgotten how cold it was. As if reading my mind, Dean interjected.
“Wanna head inside? I’m sure we can find a chick flick for you to watch.” He joked and I punched him in the arm.
“Not really the chick flick type.” I said “I do think I have “Hatchetman” on DVD we could watch though.” I said sliding off the hood of the car and watching Dean follow suit.
“Sold.” He said getting to his feet. Next thing I knew he was sliding his jacket off and handed it over to me. I was caught off guard, but looked at him wearing a face of genuine kindness. I responded the only way I know how,
“Do I look like a coat rack to you, Winchester?” I felt so awkward about this act. This jacket definitely wasn’t my size.
“Just shut up and put it on, you’re shivering.” He said clearly over my bullshit. I took the jacket and wrapped it around me. I knew there was no way that his jacket would fit around me, but was surprised that it fit, but definitely wouldn't zip all the way. I let the smell of his cologne invade my nostrils and tried to keep the squealing girl inside me at bay as we walked back to the house.
We decided to watch the movie in my room because it was the farthest room from Sam and Bobby and we didn't want to wake them up. Sleep was a priceless commodity in a hunter’s world.
I grabbed some snacks on my way through the kitchen and slipped into the room behind Dean. I took my boots off and sat on the right side of the bed making sure to get under the covers. Dean popped the DVD in and plopped down next to me. I noticed that he didn’t get under the comforter and noted that he probably didn't want to get too close to me, I was already taking up a lot of room on this bed.
We ate our snacks and laughed at all the scary parts of this movie which was the only appropriate reaction. Dean could quote the whole movie and I couldn’t stop laughing. The movie was eventually over and we just laid there and talked. We talked about our parents and our journey into this life. He talked about those we had lost and the ones we saved. I talked about how after my attack I vowed that I would never be helpless again. It felt good just to talk to someone so like minded and allow myself to be vulnerable for the first time in my whole life. Eventually I fell asleep with thoughts of the possibility of having more nights like this in the not so distant future.
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Chapter 4
Cont. Ash POV
I finished cleaning the house and stepped back to enjoy my handy work. There was something about a clean house that made my heart happy and I decided to start some laundry. I emptied my duffel into the washer machine and started it. As I was walking back to the fridge I noticed the time and realized that it was time to start dinner. I figured I would show off my cooking skills and make sure that the boys had plenty of beer to drink. I took account of how much booze there was and was quick to note that we needed to do a milk run. I grabbed my keys and headed to the store.
Dean POV
I was sweaty, but proud at how much progress we had made in this room. I wiped the sweat from my brow when I heard the sweet hum of a car and ran out of the room thinking that someone was driving Baby and felt rage well up with each step. I saw Ash peeling out of the driveway in a sweet Camaro and I looked with awe. Just when I thought that this girl couldn't get hotter. I shook my head and headed back inside to Sam and Bobby staring at me.
“Who pissed in your cheerios?” Bobby asked with a smile in his voice.
“Don't start old man!” I said with an attitude. I went back to salting the perimeter of the wall when Sam came up behind me.
“You okay man?’ He asked in his annoying helpful tone.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked, sounding as if he just asked the dumbest question on the planet.
“You just seem tense is all. Wouldn't happen to have anything to do with a certain huntress, would it?” Sam asked with a cheeky smile and my blood ran cold. Fuck fuck fuck. Damn it Sam knew me too well.
“ Who, Ash? Why would I be tense because of her?” I squealed, trying my best to hold my emotions. How pathetic.
“You just seem tense around her is all. She is beautiful, I get it dude.” He said with a chuckle and I stared blankly at his grin and contemplated just punching him in the face.
“ There’s nothing to get, dude.” I retorted with venom in my words. Sam got the hint and we continued to finalize our work for the day and get cleaned up to the house for dinner.
I pulled into the driveway after a successful trip to the grocery store. I got the supplies for pancakes, bacon, sausage and hash browns. I also got a shit ton of beer and a fresh apple pie that was sitting in the bakery. I figured it would be nice to have a little treat tonight. For some reason I was feeling extra domesticated and just really looked forward to doting on the boys after a long day's work. I immediately put on “Here I go again” by Whitesnake and let it ring through the house as I started pouring pancake batter into the pan.
I was in the zone letting the music take me and dancing totally alone in this kitchen and letting my mind think of the only thing that mattered. Good music and these pancakes.
Deans POV
I hopped out of the shower and heard the front door open. I figured Ash may have made a beer run and heard her unloading groceries. I threw on a gray shirt and a pair of sweats. I decided to rub some cologne on my freshly washed neck just in case. I looked in the mirror horrified at myself for acting like I was meeting a high school crush downstairs. Part of me wanted to wait until I heard Bobby or Sam go downstairs before I made the journey. I made a literal huff and headed for the stairs and that's when I heard music coming from the kitchen. Damn she has good taste. I thought as I cleared the last stair and spun around and stopped frozen in my tracks.
She was still in her outfit from earlier and was dancing. She was pouring pancakes out on the pan and licked pancake batter off her perfect fingers and I gulped as I looked down and saw her all too perfect body swaying to the music. My eyes drifted to the swell of her ass and I had to fight the urge to join her. I shifted my weight to get a better angle to watch her and the floor made an obnoxious creak. I cursed Bobby for living in such an old house. I scared her and she turned around with a defensive pose that made me react with my own out of muscle memory.
“Oh my God, Dean, you scared me. I didn’t know you guys were done for the day!” She said as her face turned the most perfect shade of red.
“Sorry about that! You got some nice moves, Ash! Don’t let me stop you!” I said with a cheeky grin. I knew it was futile to flirt but I just couldn’t let that slide. Plus, I made a mental note that my new favorite thing was watching her blush.
She didn’t respond and just glared at me, and then smiled. I decided to change the subject.
“Dinner smells amazing, and the house looks great!” I said trying to ease the tension, just as I said that Sam sprinted down the stairs clearing 2 at a time.
“Ash, you are a dream! You got all this cleaning done AND are cooking dinner?” He said and Ash laughed.
“Thanks Sam! It was actually relaxing. Nice to unwind a bit.” She said finishing up the last of the pancake batter.
Just then Bobby headed downstairs and praised Ash for her hard work and making his place look brand new. I admired her smile and was immediately jealous of Bobby as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her temple.
Jesus fucking Christ. He just HAD to come downstairs and see me dancing around like an idiot. What were you thinking, Ashley. I reprimanded myself as I tried to focus most of my attention on the meal that I was attempting to prepare. My pulse was still racing after his cheeky flirty demeanor and I couldn't get over the look in his eyes. I quickly pushed those thoughts from my mind and just tried to make this meal edible. I put some beers on the table and told the boys to take a seat. We ate in comfortable silence at first, well, until Dean tasted the bacon and I laughed at his moan in delight. Everyone seemed to get their fill and I almost forgot to mention,
“Leave room for pie!” I said jumping up to check on its status in the oven.
“PIE?!” Dean exclaimed and I looked at him shocked at his reaction.
“Dean’s favorite food of all time is pie. You really shouldn't have, Ash.” Sam said in an annoyed tone looking at Dean like he was a toddler.
I laughed and took the pie out of the oven.
“Bacon and pie, huh? You don’t seem like a hard man to please, Dean Winchester.” I said as I was attempting to cut equal pieces of pie for everyone. I could feel Dean’s eyes on me, but figured if he had something to say that he would.
We ate dessert and sat together at the table and played some poker. Bobby always lost and I always won. Those poor Winchester boys didn’t know what hit them. We shared hunting stories and funny encounters. I can’t remember laughing and smiling so much. I felt a pang in my chest and wondered what it would be like to have this all the time. I left those thoughts and just decided to enjoy this time while it was here.
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Chapter 3
The boys were busy working on the panic room as I actually decided to opt out of this project and chose to do some cleaning around the house. Bobby was amazing, but he lived like a pig and I had no issue letting him know that. As much as I hated being undermined or underestimated for being a woman, I couldn't shake my innate need to care and take care of the often overlooked housley duties. I think it comes from my desire (although I hate to admit it) to have a home of my own, with people to come home to every night. I know I could stay with Bobby as long as I would like, but I knew him all too well and knew that at the end of the day he preferred aloneness since his wife died.
I let classic rock play through the house as I finished cleaning the kitchen and started making lunch. I figured sandwiches and beers would do the boys good and I could take them over and check out the work that still had to be done, despite the feeling in my gut at the thought of seeing Dean again. I headed out the screen door, with lunch and headed toward the growing structure just a few lengths from the house.
Deans POV
I was glad to get started on this project to keep my mind off Ash. Getting back to something that was not driving was good for my body, maybe even releasing some tension. Sam and I had been traveling for the last few weeks and as nice as it was to see Bobby, I longed to get back to the bunker. We had almost finished putting the walls together when I heard footsteps coming through the entryway.
“ I brought lunch, boys,” Ash said, looking at each of us with beers in hand. I almost keeled over. She had changed her outfit. She was wearing those same jeans and boots but had a cropped tank on that showed just a sliver of her perfectly rounded belly and she added a headband to her hair to push it out of her face. I stared at her as Bobby and Sam made their way over.
“...Turkey sandwiches with bacon, hope everyone is okay with that.” She added and my stomach growled. Bacon. This girl keeps getting better and better.
Bobby and Sam said their thank yous and I realized that I had not moved yet. I saw Bobby and Sam look over at me and I started walking over and grabbed one of the sandwiches from the platter that she brought over. I took a huge bite and moaned in appreciation, with my mouth full I slurred:
“ Bacon makes everything better.” I said looking over at her and she smiled at my comment. Sam took a bite and interjected
“ Dean has no manners, so ignore him. Thanks for lunch Ash.” He said so plainly. I gave him a bitch stare and started on my second sandwich.
“ I mean he’s not wrong.” She said to my defense and I stopped chewing and looked over at her with admiration. She just winked and sat down on the stoop where we were all eating right next to Bobby.
When she winked my blood ran cold. Did she like me? Or did I imagine that? A woman like that should throw me to the curb. She was beautiful, strong and could hold her own. I was only capable and getting with the local bar girls that only lasted for a night. I wasn’t capable of loving a woman like that- I could never give her what she deserves. I halted my train of thought and looked over at Sam who I noticed was clearing his throat to speak.
“ How long are you staying, Ash?” He asked and then sipped his beer looking in her direction.
“A few days probably. I don’t really have anywhere else to go unless another creature decides to go on a murderous rampage between now and then.” She said with a chuckle and she took a long slurp of her beer. I took too much time noticing the way her hands gripped the bottom of the bottle as she pressed it to her lips.
“Ash was here to visit, she got done completely wasting a nest of vamps just out of town. They didn't stand a chance.” Bobby said with a proud heave of his chest. She knocked him in the shoulder and laughed.
“It was nothing.” She said matter of fact.
“That’s not nothing! You went by yourself?” I interjected, not really holding back on how protective I felt toward her all of a sudden. I had only known this girl a few hours and I already somehow felt responsible for her.
“Sure did.” She said coldly. I met her glare and realized that I had shoved my foot in my mouth.
I was flustered and my face turned red.
“I didn’t mean-” I started and she interrupted me promptly.
“It’s okay, Dean. underestimate me again and we’ll have to take this outside.” She said with a playfulness in her voice and I stared at her in disbelief. I was tongue tied and could not find the words to return to this woman who quite literally had me by the balls. Just then, Sam howled in laughter.
“Cat got your tongue, Dean?” He yelled and I angrily snatched the sandwich out of his hand and finished it in one bite. To get back at Sam for his comment, but also shoving my mouth with food so I didn't have to respond to her.
“ Ash, I like you! I can never get Dean to shut up! We need to keep you around more often!” Sam said, giving me a jerk look and then returning his gaze to Ash who was chuckling to herself.
“ Ain’t that the truth!” Bobby laughed and I finally swallowed the wad of food in my mouth.
“Alright, alright, I get it.” I said starting to feel like the child in the back of class with a dunce cap on.
“Sorry, Dean, I promise I won’t pick on you anymore.” Ash said looking directly at me and I caught myself really hoping that she didn’t keep that promise. I would gladly be the victim of endless torturing if it meant keeping that smile on her face.
“I’ll hold you to that!” I said not at all meaning it.
I realized my cheeks hurt from smiling so much as I took another swig of my beer. Lunch with these boys was fun and I couldn't remember a time where I just sat and laughed and let loose. I didn't come to lunch intending to make Dean the object of amusement, but hell I enjoyed it and god was it good to laugh a little bit. I knew he would never be into me, but I could have a little fun, right? I watched the boys talk about their next plan and confirm with Bobby on his vision. Halfway through the conversation I noticed the muscles protruding through Deans cotton t-shirt every time he moved his arm or shifted his seat. I couldn't shake the overwhelming urge to run my fingers along his arms and kiss his-
“Thanks for lunch darlin’” Bobby said and kissed my temple. I was shocked out of my thoughts and gave him a smile.
“Anytime.” I said getting up and gathering the trash to take back to the house.
“Breakfast for dinner tonight boys, with lots of bacon.” I said hoping that this notion would extend an olive branch to Dean for my stunt earlier.
“YES.” Dean exclaimed and I laughed knowing that he forgave me for now at least.
0 notes
Chapter 2
I woke up to the sound of laughter coming down the hallway, I was startled to hear that someone else was here and sat up to listen.
I couldn't hear what they were talking about but I could hear 2 different male voices and because I was curious I sat up and headed to the bathroom in the middle of the hallway to see if I could get a better look. I brushed my hands through my hair and put it in a bun at the top of my head and headed for the door.
Deans POV
Sam and I were stopping to spend a few days at Bobby's before we headed back to the bunker. We were hunting a nasty wraith, but Bobby-that old fart- helped us out just in time. I flicked the cap of the beer that Bobby handed me and took a long gulp. As I tipped my bottle I noticed someone coming from the bedroom at the end of the hallway and immediately my eyes flicked to see who it was.
I only saw her for a moment, but that image was burned into my mind. She was wearing faded blue jeans that hugged her deliciously wide hips perfectly, she had a haunting look in her eyes and her jet black hair sat in a perfect bun on the top of her head.
I coughed as I choked on my beer and Sam caught my struggle not really knowing why I was choking.
My mind wandered as I tried to seem engaged in the conversation that Sam and Bobby were having about who-knows-what. I stared at the bathroom door as if staring hard enough would let me look into the room and see her again. I was stunned, I racked my brain to think of who this girl must be. It wasn't every day that there was a gorgeous woman in the Singer household. Just then the bathroom door unhinged and she walked through the door frame, I quickly averted my eyes to the conversation again to avoid eye contact.
I walked out into the hallway and directly at the end was a bowlegged god of a man wearing an olive green jacket, ripped blue jeans and worn out brown boots. I looked at his face and his all too perfect hair and immediately darted into the bathroom. I closed the door and backed up against the door.
‘Whoa’. I thought about trying to figure out why the hell this man was in Bobby’s kitchen. I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath.
I looked at my belly, my flabby arms and my double chin and again came to the sad realization that a girl like me didn't get a guy like that and any thought about how hot he was or how perfect his hair was just didn't do me any good. I ran a hand over my face and let out a breath I was holding and decided it was time to move.
I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to grab a beer and meet Bobby’s new guests. I was still extremely curious as to who these mystery men were.
“Ash, come meet the Winchesters! They are gonna hangout for a couple of days.” Bobby said, putting his arm around me as he spoke.
‘Ah, the Winchesters’ I thought. I had heard all the stories of the Winchesters. Bobby spared no detail. I had learned a lot from their previous hunts when I started and always wondered if our paths would ever cross.
“Nice to finally meet the infamous Winchesters!” I said with a smile and looked at who I presumed was Sam (the tall one). I couldn't bear to look at the handsome man sitting to his right in the old dusty wooden chair. I shook his hand and smiled again.
“I’m Sam, we’ve heard a lot about you!” He said as he returned my handshake. I was right in my guess as to which one was which. I swear he had the most genuine smile and eyes I had ever seen. I just nodded and forced myself to look over at the other infamous brother as he cleared his throat and stood up quickly, almost knocking the chair to the ground.
“I’m Dean.” Was all he said as his eyes trailed up my whole body and stopped at my eyes. I looked into his eyes and they were the most brilliant shade of green I had ever seen. There was so much there. I could stare for hours but made a quick glance and reached out my hand to match his.
Our hands connected and his skin was red hot and felt like I had been shocked by an instant attraction. It felt so natural, yet so foreign to be touching this man. I shook his hand a few times and was all of a sudden so thankful for the fact that I had to lie and act for a living because the goosebumps on my arms and the pounding of my heart would have surely given me away otherwise.
“Nice to meet you.” I choked out and quickly looked to Bobby and praying that he would change the subject as soon as possible.
“The boys are going to stay a few days to help me build a panic room. Things have been slow and figured I would put these idjits to work. Hope that's okay with you.” Bobby said, taking his arm off my shoulder and looking to me for approval.
“The more the merrier.” I said trying to find out what the next few days would look like with excitement but also a dread that comes from years of just longing for the wrong person. It was impossible to not imagine those callused hands on my thighs, his lips on my collar bone, his body against mi-’
“Awesome! Let’s get started” Sam exclaimed, knocking me from my thoughts and I blushed despite my attempt to have a poker face. God, this was going to be hell.
Deans POV
My thoughts were scrambled and I was overwhelmed by emotions as I got to meet this badass hunter that I had heard so much about. Ash, I had heard that she was attacked by a Djinn and decided to get into the life. As stupid as she was to choose this as her forever, I admired her for taking life by the balls and turning into a pretty well known huntress. Bobby had mentioned her a few times as they have crossed paths and he was always impressed by her fighting skills and her fuck it attitude. I didn't know that she would be here, but was excited about the prospect of getting to know her more. She smiled a brilliant smile that made me weak in the knees and I wanted to know what it took to keep that smile on her face more often.
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Be Careful. Intro & Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Final Chapter
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Be Careful
Ash is a badass plus size hunter that has a past. When she meets the Winchesters she feel things that she didn't think were possible. Will she have what she wants? or what she needs?
Authors Note: HIIII! This is my first fic! I have been super inspired by the talented writers around this supernatural fam. So, any pointers, ideas, or corrections are HIGHLY encouraged. Happy reading!!
I woke up sore and hungover. I looked at the clock and it read 6 AM. I looked at the ceiling and then looked at my pile of scattered clothes clumped and bloody on the side of the bathroom wall of the motel that I was using while on my latest hunt. ‘Glad it isn't my blood’ I thought as I flipped onto my side to pull the covers up and over my shoulders. I yawned and rubbed my eyes knowing full well that there was no way in hell that I would be able to fall back asleep now that I was awake.
I was in Sioux Falls for the weekend and was helping an old friend with a coven of vampires that were getting out of hand. Bobby Singer. That old son of a bitch may be a pain in my ass, but he is like a father to me and taught me everything that I know after that Djinn almost killed me 3 years ago. He came in right on time and I never went back to my life as a boring, single, bartender with no future. I joined the life ready to live whatever time I have left actually doing something that made me feel good and like I had a purpose.
I sat up in bed and tried to recall the night before. After the hunt I headed to the hole in the wall in town. I remembered that the name of the bar was “Lloyd’s” and it was exactly how it sounded. I headed to the bar to drink my night away and try to get some entertainment from people watching. I was not one for a one night stand. I'm a bigger girl, I have evened out these last 3 years by muscle and just training to be the best hunter I can. Nevertheless, I had wide hips, thick thighs and a tummy that most men turn their nose up at. To be honest, I have come to terms with the fact that romance wasn't for someone like me, traveling and living this life just wasn't in the cards for me. Plus, I can get myself off better than any man so why would I go through all the bullshit? …Right?!
I got up from bed and ran my hands through my nest of hair. I had tan skin, and long black hair that flew halfway down my back. I looked in the mirror and noticed that it was probably time to tweeze my eyebrows, which annoyed me. My bright green eyes stared back at me and I yawned again. I got undressed from my usual tank and sleep shorts and headed to the sweet relief of a hot shower. I would have to head out of here soon so might as well get a move on.
I finished my morning routine and gathered my things in my black duffle and took a final look at the room to make sure that I wasn’t forgetting anything. I looked at my phone at it read 7:30AM. I noticed I had a missed call from Bobby while I was in the shower. Figures he would know that I was awake. I called him back as I was getting into the front seat of my black 1967 Chevy Camaro that Bobby gave me from the scrap yard when I left my whole life behind. He answered on the second ring:
“Hey, Ash. Thanks for helping me with that nest last night. I didn’t get a chance to tell ya.” He said, sounding like a doting father. I smiled into the phone. He really was a softie sometimes, but only with me.
“No problem, old man! Happy to do it!” I assured him.
“What are you up to this weekend? There hasn’t been a lot of chatter, wanted to see if you wanted to help with some research? Or put those old bartending skills to use and pour my whisky for me?” He laughed and I followed suit. I planned on heading to the scrap yard anyway. Bobby’s always felt in a weird way like a second home to me. I chuckled again at the thought that I had only known this man 3 years and I feel closer to him than I ever did to my own parents.
“I can do that, but it’ll cost ya Bobby Singer!” I joked, “I'll be heading that way now, it shouldn't take more than 15 minutes.”
“Okay, see ya soon ya idjit, drive safe!” He said and hung up the line.
I smiled and put my phone in my center console and started the engine. I put in a Zeppelin tape and rolled my windows down. This is my favorite thing these days. Music on and the wind in my hair. I sang along and sped down to Bobby's compound. I let my mind wander and I looked out the side window. I saw people walking their dogs and getting their morning cup of coffee. I looked and watched them live their perfectly mundane lives in peace. I saw a couple on a bench that looked like they were sharing a bagel. They were laughing and holding each other and I felt a pang of loneliness in my chest. As fulfilling as this life was, at the end of the day I had to admit to myself that I wanted that. Love and acceptance and a man to hold me at night. It just wasn't my happy ending. I felt the tensity in my shoulders released as I saw Bobby's house come into sight.
I pulled in and walked to my trunk to get my duffel and weapons to clean while I stayed here for god knows how long. I made my way up the driveway and just let myself in the front door. Bobby was sitting at his desk reading a book and sipping from his glass. He looked up as I walked in.
“Welcome home, sweetheart! Make yourself at home.” He said as he got up to get me a glass. I moaned in disdain, still not completely over my hangover.
“ Thanks, I think I'll just head down the hall and clean my guns if you need me.” I said walking down the long hallway to the extra bedroom.
“Hungover?” He asked obviously seeing that I looked like shit and turned down a perfectly good glass of whiskey.
“Yup.” I said quickly putting some extra emphasis on the “P” sound.
I headed down the hallway and into the extra bedroom, I laid my weapons down on the dresser and plopped on the bed. I curled in a ball and let the comfort of being in a place I felt safe just sink in. Going from hotel to hotel was something that I still had to get used to. The only thing that I missed about my life before was knowing where I was going to lay my head at night. I sighed and wrapped the blanket around me and kicked my boots off. I fell asleep almost instantly.
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got tested for the sleepytired and it came back positive
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Hamilton currently.
that moment when you like a show so much it invades every aspect of ur life and ur like 
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ok hear me out
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this mfs are literally the same person
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