sunsetpolin · 3 years
i very much was not expecting this to end this way aNDY OMG. tom really needs to be humbled wow but harry was so cute 🥺
the trial of the eldest holland | tom holland
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summary: after much debate, you decide to attend the twins birthday having no idea that their brother; your ex would be there. → heartbreak ave.
words: 4.6K
a/n: ahhhhh!! i’m so excited and nervous to see where this fic goes and how people reaction to it!!! this is probably one of the saddest things i’ve written and i think in time my dialogue has gone better. some of the dialogue is taken for glee </3 i know that show is v iffy but i had to incorporate some iconic lines! would also like to thank @t-lostinworlds​, @hollandsmushroom​ and @bvttercupbby​ for helping me out and being such amazing supporters! please go check out their work!! 
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Your eyes were heavy, shattered from the lack of sleep you had been able to catch this week. It just struck a year, a full year of what was believed to be everlasting. Your hands started to tremble, eyes tearing apart at the sight of the chipped, rouge door. The faint music decaying in the background got you trespassing back to memories in the house, happier memories. 
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sunsetpolin · 3 years
fineline | start of interview (0)
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summary: tom has sat through many interviews and his confidence remained strong. however, when he gets asked who his ideal women is, somehow the nerves break through and his eye contact was suddenly on you. 
word count: 3K
warnings: nothing so far??
a/n: so here it is. my first ever series for tom and i’m beyond excited!!! i really hope you enjoy it as much as i love writing this chapter!!! the feedback so far has been insane, and the taglist is just sky rocketing!!  i really hope you like this tooth-rotting fluff series. a really beautiful best friends to lovers trope. feedback is appreciated and pls if you like reblog!!
this chapter and only this chapter is written in y/n’s pov and then the rest is going to be in the eyes of our beloved british babe. 
series masterlist | taglist 
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“I really can’t be arsed for this last interview.” Tom wearily sighed when he entered his trailer after a never-ending day of interviews for his upcoming movie. 
“That bad?” You mumbled in the moment and wrapped your arms around him. You allowed him to rest his head upon your chest, and gently sway him sideways. His thoughts stopped for a moment and squeezed you tighter as if he needed to check if you were really there with him. 
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sunsetpolin · 3 years
work this out | luke patterson 
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summary: loving luke was hard, harder than you thought. but, somehow luke felt the same. he just needed an extra push. 
words: 1.5k
a/n: kinda proud of this? i kinda changed the prompt a little but yeah! pls reblog and share what u think :) 
masterlist | taglist 
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You didn’t quite understand the relationship that you and luke were in; it was something that you could never explain unless you were there when it happened. It’s been a month since you and Luke had a moment, something that was waiting to happen but, neither of you wanted to act upon it.
It was a simple new years kiss. It was nothing but, for you, it meant something. It wasn’t just a quick peck or a light touch; it was something that clarified that this was supposed to happen. You tried to ignore the feelings that became stronger each day whilst Luke just brushed it off.
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sunsetpolin · 3 years
the way this beautiful fluffy work of art made me love harrison more than i already did is insane 🥺
puzzle mania | tom holland
summary: bored in quarantine, you decided to do a puzzle. not knowing the consequences, you ended up finding something new about yourself.
pairing: tom x reader and plantonic!Harrison x Reader
notes: i got this from new girl, when winston was struggling to do a puzzle. & probably typos.
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“I think we should do a puzzle.” You suggested, gravitating your body towards the cupboard full of board games.
Tom and Harrison exchanged looks, concerning looks to be precise. You wasn’t exactly yourself when you were involved with a puzzle— you were a polar opposite.
“I think we should have a movie marathon instead…” Tom suggested, nudging Harrison to sell the idea more.
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sunsetpolin · 3 years
i love he 🥺🥰
this would be your camera roll if you were dating charlie gillespie.
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sunsetpolin · 3 years
can someone please explain to me how this isn’t meant to be rude? i’m so serious if you think it’s okay to go into someone’s ask just to tear them down and say shit to them that you would never ever say to them off of anon fuck you. if you wouldn’t want someone coming up to you and saying you’re annoying don’t say it to someone else. it’s that fucking simple.
andy you’re not annoying your so funny and intelligent and lovely, talking to you is my favorite part of the day please don’t listen to this bullshit.
i don’t want to seem rude but you are really annoying. i get really annoying vibes from you.
thank you, friend 💛
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sunsetpolin · 3 years
julie and the phantoms | master list
✰ fluff | ☽ smut | ❆ angst | ♫ song inspired | ☼ head canons 
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reggie peters
➸ unsteady hands: you paint reggie’s nails thats really it. 
➸ dark room:  reggie comforts you in the dark room. 
➸ peace:  a little something in my favourite character’s pov for day one of @jatp-week​ except i’m incapable of writing in first person.
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➸ kiss me again:  alex tries to teach willie how to play the drums 
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sunsetpolin · 4 years
oh i’m not even gonna tell y’all the amount of times this made me cry 🥺
guardian angel| luke patterson
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gif by @emziess
summary: after running away from home, luke settles down only to be awoken by a guardian angel that steers him into redemption. hesitant at first, he refuses to make amends however a slight nudge causes him to finally make peace. when a shady hotdog stand kills the band, luke never got to say thank you. 25 years later, he returns and realises that his courage has made a massive different on his guardian angel. 
paring: molina!reader x 90s!luke 
warnings: smut, death and swearing
word count: 13.3K
notes: this is basically an alternative ending to the pilot episode. reader is rose’s little sister, same age as luke in the 90s. 
masterlist | add urself to my taglist 
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The argument began when Luke reached his door, he didn’t even need to question his mother’s indignant face that he wasn’t going to have dinner on his plate. The words that were thrown elevated into a barricade of Luke’s failure’s that he hoped they would have forgotten. There wasn’t heat in her voice, more of a broken voice box that crackled when his name was spoken.
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sunsetpolin · 4 years
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sunsetpolin · 4 years
aww this just made my whole day thank you sm angel im so glad you loved it 🥺💖
kiss me again - willex
pairing: alex x willie
word count: 1522
summary: alex tries to teach willie how to play the drums 
warnings: brief mentions of anxiety, drum language that i had to 100% google because i am definitely not a drummer (if you are and it is wrong please correct my dumbass i will not be offended), and like a lot of fluff, like so much fluff. 
requested: no, did this one on my own and i’m hella proud of that
imagine me finally writing something that wasn’t reggie wow. I’ve had this idea in my head for like an extremely long time and i needed to write it. i was going to post it for day 3 of @jatp-week​ because willex is absolutely my favorite ship but i got extremely anxious becuase of the election and haven’t really been participating in the rest of the week, hopefully its okay that this is a lil late.
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alex’s favorite moments were the quiet ones 
he constantly lived in a state where he felt like everything felt like it was on the verge of falling apart. there was always something to freak out about as soon as they faced one obstacle, the next one was placed right in front of him, never allowing him to enjoy his victory for too long. He learned to accept it. life was never going to remain still enough for him to catch his breath, it would always be constantly changing. 
the only problem was, alex hated changes. at least he did until he was tackled to the ground by a certain ghost on a skateboard. okay if he was telling the truth he still hated changes, but they were definitely easier to handle whenever willie was around. when he was next to willie he just felt like he could fully take a breath, it didn’t matter what else was going on around him. 
the thoughts that would normally just be echoing around in his mind until he finally just gave in and let them consume him, were drowned out by the overwhelming sense of calm alex felt when willie smiled at him. 
so let’s rephrase the opening line, alex’s favorite moments were the ones he spent with willie. and today he was having one of those moments. 
he invited willie over to come watch the band rehearse because an extra pair of ears would never hurt when they were coming up with new stuff to preform, especially if it meant he got to watch him from behind his drums while he was vibing to one of their songs. but as soon as willie showed up, it seems the rest of the band decided that they were all too busy to practice. julie said she forgot she had to work on a project with flynn while luke and reggie both just poofed out without an excuse. alex knew what they were really doing though. 
“well looks like it’s just you and me, hot dog.” willie said with a smirk, clearly catching on to what the rest of the band had been up to as well. “what a shame too, I was really looking forward to seeing you wail on those drums.” 
alex felt his heart start speeding up as all the heat rushed to his cheeks. he found that since his hug with julie the other day that he could feel things a lot more like he used to when he was alive. he really hoped that the fact that he was technically still a ghost meant that willie couldn’t see the way his words affected him “i-i um could still play something for you” he looked down towards his own drums. “if you want.” 
willie didn’t say a word, he just nodded eagerly at the cute blond in front of him. he also couldn’t help but smile at the fact that his words made him so flustered. 
alex quickly started playing the drum parts to one of the songs that him and the band were working on earlier. he let himself get completely lost in the beat, he looked completely at home when he was playing the drums, like the only place he was ever meant to be was sat behind that drum set. 
when the song was over willie couldn’t help but start clapping and wooing like he was in the crowd at one of his shows even though it was only them in the garage. “that was amazing alex!” 
the taller boy ran his fingers through his hair partly to get it out of his face but also because he needed something to do with them. “oh um you really think so?” alex was never really good at taking compliments from other people but he wanted to believe willie. 
“yes! are you kidding?” he took a couple steps closer to the drum kit that alex was still sitting behind. he made sure to look straight into his eyes when spoke because he wanted the drummer to hear and believe every word he said. “you’re a rockstar alex. I would kill to play drums like that.”
alex felt the glitch in his brain right away, he couldn’t handle willie standing in front of him looking at him like that. his beautiful brown eyes had so much love in them, and right now it was all directed towards him. he felt like he was going to explode he was very well aware of the fact that he hadn’t said anything in what felt like several minutes, he hadn’t done much of anything except stare at the boy in front of him. then he got an idea.   
“i could teach you.” he heard the words come out of his mouth before he actually thought the idea through, but when he did he silently thanked whoever was above that it was a good one. “yeah! i could teach you, you know if you want” he tried to play it cool but the thought of the ghost in front of him sitting at his drum set, sent a flutter through his body.  
if there was one thing willie had gotten good at it was reassuring alex when he seemingly had started to think about something a little too hard. he reached over and put a comforting hand on the other boys, before a huge smile took over his face. “i would love that” 
alex was about to stand up to give willie his stool so he could get the entire feeling of playing, but willie had another idea. with a smirk he disappeared from sight, alex looked around to see where we went until felt him appear right in front of his eyes. willie poofed right into his lap. “since there was only seat, i figured we could share.” 
“yeah, that’s fine,” alex said through a voice that was much higher than the one he regularly speaks in. he could feel his throat closing up, he had never been this close to willie, he was literally pressed up against him. the affect willie had on him wasn’t fair. he closed his eyes and took a deep breath to allow himself to focus on the task at hand. 
“so-um usually i would start with the high hat, which you hit on 8th notes” he gestured down to the cymbal at their side. he took one of his drum sticks and demonstrated how that would sound. he almost found himself having trouble keeping the tempo because he could smell willie’s hair. he didn’t think ghosts needed to use shampoo or anything so he didn’t know what the scent actually was, but whatever it was it was very distracting. “and then you want to add the snare drum on the second and fourth quarter notes” he tried to demonstrate that to him but he couldn’t without completely wrapping his arms around willie. he was hesitant to do it but, he the fact that willie had no problem with sitting in his lap gave him a little bit of extra courage. 
when he was fully in between alex’s arms, willie couldn’t help but relax into alex. if he was being honest he wasn’t even paying attention anymore, he didn’t think he could repeat the steps alex was doing if he asked. he turned to look over at the drummers face and there was that look again of him being completely at home, even if it was mixed with a little bit of a nervousness. he guessed that was because of him, which made him blush a little bit. willie was never really one to count his blessings, but he was so thankful that he decided to go skateboarding down hollywood that day.  
“did you get any of that?” alex finally asked willie who had been staring at him for a while, he didn’t even notice when alex added in the bass drum. 
“not even a little.” willie breathed. by now alex was looking back at him, his blue eyes were bright and full of something he couldn’t put his fingers on. he felt himself leaning in, without even thinking about it was like he was drawn to him. alex must of felt the same way cause his eyes were trained on his lips. 
neither of them would be able to tell you who initiated it, but soon they found themselves kissing. it started off slow and soft but somehow it still made them feel like the world melted away. neither of them had felt anything like this before, it was magic even the way their lips fit together was like they were made for each other. alex was the first one to pull away but only because he needed air. 
“wow,” willie whispered. “where’d you learn to kiss like that hot dog?” 
alex couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh. with a new found sense of confidence he reached forward and tucked a piece of hair that was in willie’s face behind his ear, leaving his calloused hand on the boy’s cheek. “don’t worry about it, just kiss me again.” 
julie and the phantoms taglist (don’t be afraid to ask if you want to be added): 
@marinettepotterandplagg​ @mzzjads​ @moviesbooksandfandoms​
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sunsetpolin · 4 years
my brain has convinced me this means he got a call confirming season 2 and now i’m just screaming
Owen’s 20 second live 😂💗
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sunsetpolin · 4 years
Yes ma’am, Madison! Yes ma’am! 🙌🏼🙌🏼
All I want for Christmas is...youuuu 🎄
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sunsetpolin · 4 years
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sunsetpolin · 4 years
me: haha, it’s kind of funny that I have a color I associate with each of the boys because of clothing choices, like orange for luke, red for reggie, pink for alex… kind of… like a sunset. 
me: oh. 
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sunsetpolin · 4 years
you know what they say: you are what kills you
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wonder why he got killed by a hot dog.... @sunsetgillespie
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sunsetpolin · 4 years
he’s still in oklahoma
and he’s still bored
the entire cast except for owen: yeah i think we’d all love a season 2 we had a lot of fun making it and we’d love to do it again.
owen: please for the love of god announce a season 2 netflix i’m so bored here in the middle of nowhere, my life is quickly losing purpose i miss all my friends kenny please tell me what is happening right now i’m losing my mind.
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sunsetpolin · 4 years
I just assume Owen and Jeremy prep to play Alex and Reggie by switching brain cells
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