Reblog to have something lgbt happen to you this summer
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"Oh... yeah I guess." Armin hadn't really thought about eating. It had taken all of his focus to help Jean and not give in to his urge to run away from the situation. Finally it seemed that Jean was ready to leave. Armin tried not to seem too rushed as he stood and swung his bag over his shoulder. "I'm sure you'll do fine on the test if you can just slow yourself down enough to focus on each step individually."
from.  @strawberry-sea-bunny
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"Yes. You did very well. I checked your answers against mine and they're the same. So as long as I get a good grade, you will too." Armin forced his smile. He wanted to go back to his dorm as soon as possible to decompress. He didn't even care if he skipped the dining hall and just had a few left over snacks. The sooner he could be alone, the better.
from.  @strawberry-sea-bunny
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Armin felt his heart flutter and his belly do flips. He didn't need a ride, but why did he love the idea of Jean picking him up like they were going on a date? Was he getting ahead of things by thinking maybe this did feel more like a date date? Was he reading too much into it? Friends gave each other rides too. It wasn't something only for couples.
I'm free Friday! I have a car, but do you think parking might be an issue if we drive separately?
Armin pressed send and then inwardly cringed when he read his own message back to himself. Did the exclamation point make him seem too eager? Was he making it obvious that he really wanted the ride even if he didn't need it?
@strawberry-sea-bunny After his work shift, Jean walked down the street to a family-owned boutique that stocked a variety of handmade goods. He had passed it many times, but never had a reason to actually venture in until now. Inside, he was greeted by a shopkeeper, likely a fellow student, but he informed her he was just browsing for a gift. Jean wasn’t exactly sure where to start, but since Armin’s tutoring actually improved his most recent test score, he knew he needed to say thank you.
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Armin read his messages from Jean and thought about the three options. They all sounded good, but Jean had unknowingly included Armin's favorite place. He felt torn between being honest with Jean, and being convenient. Would it be the most polite to let Jean pick, or would Jean be upset that he wasn't forthcoming with his opinion?
Armin decided it was safer to text Historia first and ask her opinion. Hey, if an alpha asked me out to dinner and gives me options on where to go, does that mean they want me to pick or would it be more polite to leave it up to them?
As much as Armin disagreed with texting in class, he did appreciate Historia responding promptly. It's Jean, and it's just a thank you dinner for me tutoring him. Do I pick or do I let him?
It's safe and polite to pick from the options he gave you. WHEN IS YOUR DATE THO????
Not sure yet.
Keep me updated! Let's go shopping for a cute outfit for the occasion later!
Armin inwardly groaned when he read Historia's response. He greatly appreciated her help in things like this, but he was pretty sure she was over reacting. It wasn't a date date. At least he didn't think so. He was pretty sure it was just Jean's way of saying thank you and offering to be friends. Either way, he knew what to say to Jean now.
Sushi is my favorite.
@strawberry-sea-bunny After his work shift, Jean walked down the street to a family-owned boutique that stocked a variety of handmade goods. He had passed it many times, but never had a reason to actually venture in until now. Inside, he was greeted by a shopkeeper, likely a fellow student, but he informed her he was just browsing for a gift. Jean wasn’t exactly sure where to start, but since Armin’s tutoring actually improved his most recent test score, he knew he needed to say thank you.
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"That's probably for the best. This problem is complicated and it would be easy to mess up, starting in the middle." Armin nodded as he sat back down. Sitting next to Jean again was somehow both awkward and comforting. Armin still felt off, and not in the happiest mood, but he hoped he could force himself back into an okay mindset. He wasn't sure if being this close would help or hinder his mood, but now that they were both seated he couldn't get up and move without making it even more weird.
from.  @strawberry-sea-bunny
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Armin was studying in his room when he got Jean's text. It was a bit unexpected that his phone would chime just then. Historia usually would text him after class but it was still too early for that. He checked it right away in case she needed him, but found that it was actually Jean that texted.
After Armin read the text he felt like his heart was pounding. Jean invited him out to dinner?! The message said it was as thanks for his tutoring so it didn't sound like a date, but it was still the first time Armin was being invited by an alpha to a private dinner.
Armin had to set his phone down for a minute so he could process what was happening. For the first time he felt... excited at the prospect of doing something social. Even though he was the one that wanted to go off to college and had to beg his parents to let him, Armin still felt scared and nervous about moving into the dorms and taking classes. He'd never truly felt excited.
That sounds fun. I haven't been downtown in a few weeks. What kind of food are you in the mood for?
@strawberry-sea-bunny After his work shift, Jean walked down the street to a family-owned boutique that stocked a variety of handmade goods. He had passed it many times, but never had a reason to actually venture in until now. Inside, he was greeted by a shopkeeper, likely a fellow student, but he informed her he was just browsing for a gift. Jean wasn’t exactly sure where to start, but since Armin’s tutoring actually improved his most recent test score, he knew he needed to say thank you.
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"I... no. I'll stay. I said I would help you. Plus... I'll feel like it's my fault if you don't get a good grade at this point." Armin replied, feeling a lot of guilt as he set his bag back down. He hated the way he felt like he made a fool of himself and hoped that staying would make him feel better in the long run.
from.  @strawberry-sea-bunny
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Armin felt his body slow down under the weight and warmth of Jean's hand. His breathing started to even out, and the feeling of dizziness started to fade. When he looked up at Jean his face didn't look amused, just concerned.
"I'm sorry too. I... I'm not good at socializing with people my age." Armin said softly. "Especially alphas. I dont... I'm just... I'm sorry I'm not what you probably expected."
from.  @strawberry-sea-bunny
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"I'm g-glad you enjoyed b-bullying me," Armin's voice shook as he started clumsily packing up his things. He couldn't hold back his tears which was embarrassing. More than anything he wanted to get out of the library and somewhere private. His dorm would be ideal, unless Historia was home. He didn't know when she'd be back but she would want to know all about what happened even if she didn't see Armin's tear streaked face.
Thoughts of what to do raced through Armin's mind and he almost felt dizzy with them. The only thing he knew for sure though, was that he needed to leave. Dizzy or not he was getting out of there.
It was almost Tuesday and Armin still hadn’t sent Jean the first text to confirm where they were meeting and if they they were still on for tutoring. Armin had been fretting about it since Jean had asked him.
Of course when he asked his roommate for advice on what to say, she was thrilled to help. Historia fancied herself a matchmaker and Armin had been her most difficult and unwilling project. He didn’t ever go out and party, and he was always a stick in the mud when she invited people over. He wasn’t rude exactly. He’d say hello and smile, but then put his headphones on saying that he wanted to give them their space. Armin was downright antisocial, so when he had mentioned an alpha boy had given him his number, she was over the moon excited.
After a bit of discussion and encouragement from Historia, Armin composed a simple text. He took Historia’s “play it cool” advice to heart. Then he agreed to let her help him choose the perfect outfit for their first meeting.
Hey, Jean. I’m just checking in to see if we’re still on for studying math together tomorrow at 1. Do you want to meet in the library? -Armin
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Armin felt his cheeks heating up in humiliation and anger. Jean wasn't just under his skin anymore, he was fully laughing at him. "This is exactly why I don't hang out with people! What if they end up being rude and inconsiderate like you!? BEING MADE FUN OF ISN'T FUN TO ME! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE-"
"Shhhh! You're in the library!" A girl wearing a library badge whisper shouted to them from between some nearby bookshelves.
Armin couldn't take how uncomfortable his social interaction had gone and tears started rolling down his cheeks. He felt completely deflated now, even though he was still angry with Jean. He sunk back into his chair and tried to wipe away his tears as his hands and shoulders shook. He wanted to be back home in his own bed in his parents house so he could cry properly.
It was almost Tuesday and Armin still hadn’t sent Jean the first text to confirm where they were meeting and if they they were still on for tutoring. Armin had been fretting about it since Jean had asked him.
Of course when he asked his roommate for advice on what to say, she was thrilled to help. Historia fancied herself a matchmaker and Armin had been her most difficult and unwilling project. He didn’t ever go out and party, and he was always a stick in the mud when she invited people over. He wasn’t rude exactly. He’d say hello and smile, but then put his headphones on saying that he wanted to give them their space. Armin was downright antisocial, so when he had mentioned an alpha boy had given him his number, she was over the moon excited.
After a bit of discussion and encouragement from Historia, Armin composed a simple text. He took Historia’s “play it cool” advice to heart. Then he agreed to let her help him choose the perfect outfit for their first meeting.
Hey, Jean. I’m just checking in to see if we’re still on for studying math together tomorrow at 1. Do you want to meet in the library? -Armin
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Armin narrowed his eyes at Jean. "I feel like you're mocking me. First you tell me I need to get out more, and what you do for fun, and then when I give you an example of something similar I've done, it's not good enough for you? Now you say you 'wouldn't be against it'. No one is forcing you to go."
Armin felt himself getting angry now. Not just because of the things Jean was saying but because of the way Jean was getting under his skin. It was causing him to get flustered and it made speaking in a proper omega way difficult. He wasn't behaving the way he had been brought up to, and it took Jean less than an hour to break through his barriers.
It was almost Tuesday and Armin still hadn’t sent Jean the first text to confirm where they were meeting and if they they were still on for tutoring. Armin had been fretting about it since Jean had asked him.
Of course when he asked his roommate for advice on what to say, she was thrilled to help. Historia fancied herself a matchmaker and Armin had been her most difficult and unwilling project. He didn’t ever go out and party, and he was always a stick in the mud when she invited people over. He wasn’t rude exactly. He’d say hello and smile, but then put his headphones on saying that he wanted to give them their space. Armin was downright antisocial, so when he had mentioned an alpha boy had given him his number, she was over the moon excited.
After a bit of discussion and encouragement from Historia, Armin composed a simple text. He took Historia’s “play it cool” advice to heart. Then he agreed to let her help him choose the perfect outfit for their first meeting.
Hey, Jean. I’m just checking in to see if we’re still on for studying math together tomorrow at 1. Do you want to meet in the library? -Armin
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"Orchastra's are live music. You didn't specify what kind." Armin retorted. Jean wasn't actually attacking him, yet he felt defensive. It seemed to Armin like he would never find someone he could truly connect with. He hoped that even thought Jean obviously wasn't from money that maybe their personalities would match, or maybe they'd have similar interests.
Tutoring was proving to be more difficult than Armin had originally thought. Erwin had made it seem easy. He wished he could talk to his old tutor to get some advice, but he didn't have a way to contact him. Besides that, it would probably be too awkward to talk to him at this point anyway.
It was almost Tuesday and Armin still hadn’t sent Jean the first text to confirm where they were meeting and if they they were still on for tutoring. Armin had been fretting about it since Jean had asked him.
Of course when he asked his roommate for advice on what to say, she was thrilled to help. Historia fancied herself a matchmaker and Armin had been her most difficult and unwilling project. He didn’t ever go out and party, and he was always a stick in the mud when she invited people over. He wasn’t rude exactly. He’d say hello and smile, but then put his headphones on saying that he wanted to give them their space. Armin was downright antisocial, so when he had mentioned an alpha boy had given him his number, she was over the moon excited.
After a bit of discussion and encouragement from Historia, Armin composed a simple text. He took Historia’s “play it cool” advice to heart. Then he agreed to let her help him choose the perfect outfit for their first meeting.
Hey, Jean. I’m just checking in to see if we’re still on for studying math together tomorrow at 1. Do you want to meet in the library? -Armin
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"I haven't been to a live music performance since last December. My family always goes to the see the Trans Siberisn Orchestra for Christmas. We usually go to summer orchestral performances too, but I was sick for thi- Why are you converting to fractions?" Armin pointed to Jean's paper. The answer was supposed to be in the form of a decimal so he didn't understand why Jean was adding extra steps.
It was almost Tuesday and Armin still hadn’t sent Jean the first text to confirm where they were meeting and if they they were still on for tutoring. Armin had been fretting about it since Jean had asked him.
Of course when he asked his roommate for advice on what to say, she was thrilled to help. Historia fancied herself a matchmaker and Armin had been her most difficult and unwilling project. He didn’t ever go out and party, and he was always a stick in the mud when she invited people over. He wasn’t rude exactly. He’d say hello and smile, but then put his headphones on saying that he wanted to give them their space. Armin was downright antisocial, so when he had mentioned an alpha boy had given him his number, she was over the moon excited.
After a bit of discussion and encouragement from Historia, Armin composed a simple text. He took Historia’s “play it cool” advice to heart. Then he agreed to let her help him choose the perfect outfit for their first meeting.
Hey, Jean. I’m just checking in to see if we’re still on for studying math together tomorrow at 1. Do you want to meet in the library? -Armin
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"Well what do you do for fun then? How often do you go out?" Armin asked, feeling a little annoyed. He didn't come here to get told he was bad at socializing. He already knew that. He came because he thought he'd get to talk about achedmics the whole time and not be judged on his social skills.
Maybe if he could change the subject to be about Jean it would take the attention off of him. If not, he could always leave early or just act busy by taking out his other homework. Then they wouldn't have to chat.
It was almost Tuesday and Armin still hadn’t sent Jean the first text to confirm where they were meeting and if they they were still on for tutoring. Armin had been fretting about it since Jean had asked him.
Of course when he asked his roommate for advice on what to say, she was thrilled to help. Historia fancied herself a matchmaker and Armin had been her most difficult and unwilling project. He didn’t ever go out and party, and he was always a stick in the mud when she invited people over. He wasn’t rude exactly. He’d say hello and smile, but then put his headphones on saying that he wanted to give them their space. Armin was downright antisocial, so when he had mentioned an alpha boy had given him his number, she was over the moon excited.
After a bit of discussion and encouragement from Historia, Armin composed a simple text. He took Historia’s “play it cool” advice to heart. Then he agreed to let her help him choose the perfect outfit for their first meeting.
Hey, Jean. I’m just checking in to see if we’re still on for studying math together tomorrow at 1. Do you want to meet in the library? -Armin
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"I went to kindergarten and elementary for a couple years, but I was bullied pretty hard. My parents pulled me out and I've been tutored since I was 9." Armin explained briefly as he capped his roller and put it away. "I know I should do more social things. My roommate tells me that too. I started coming here to study instead, but I don't think this is what she meant. She thinks I should join a club or go to parties with her or even get a job on campus but... I dunno. I don't want my GPA to suffer."
"Oh! Wait. You multiplied this incorrectly. This should be 24 not 28." Armin pointed to Jean's paper. It wasn't a big mistake but it would throw off the whole equation.
It was almost Tuesday and Armin still hadn’t sent Jean the first text to confirm where they were meeting and if they they were still on for tutoring. Armin had been fretting about it since Jean had asked him.
Of course when he asked his roommate for advice on what to say, she was thrilled to help. Historia fancied herself a matchmaker and Armin had been her most difficult and unwilling project. He didn’t ever go out and party, and he was always a stick in the mud when she invited people over. He wasn’t rude exactly. He’d say hello and smile, but then put his headphones on saying that he wanted to give them their space. Armin was downright antisocial, so when he had mentioned an alpha boy had given him his number, she was over the moon excited.
After a bit of discussion and encouragement from Historia, Armin composed a simple text. He took Historia’s “play it cool” advice to heart. Then he agreed to let her help him choose the perfect outfit for their first meeting.
Hey, Jean. I’m just checking in to see if we’re still on for studying math together tomorrow at 1. Do you want to meet in the library? -Armin
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"Uh... no, I don't really know." Armin replied, feeling deflated. His shoulders hunched a little and he was started to feel extra self conscious. "I've never been to high school or had any real friends who did. I don't know what's it's like. I just figured... you look and dress so cool. I figured someone edgy like you might be embarrassed to be seen with a boy in a pink bunny sweater."
Armin had been taught how to keep his emotional scent pheromones in check. It had really been stressed to him growing up that it was important to smell neutral outside of the home. If he got too overwhelmed from bottling up his emotions, though, his control would start to falter. He quickly reached into his bag and pulled out his scent neutralizer. It was disguised as a roll on tube of perfume, and he hastily applied it to his neck and wrists.
It was almost Tuesday and Armin still hadn’t sent Jean the first text to confirm where they were meeting and if they they were still on for tutoring. Armin had been fretting about it since Jean had asked him.
Of course when he asked his roommate for advice on what to say, she was thrilled to help. Historia fancied herself a matchmaker and Armin had been her most difficult and unwilling project. He didn’t ever go out and party, and he was always a stick in the mud when she invited people over. He wasn’t rude exactly. He’d say hello and smile, but then put his headphones on saying that he wanted to give them their space. Armin was downright antisocial, so when he had mentioned an alpha boy had given him his number, she was over the moon excited.
After a bit of discussion and encouragement from Historia, Armin composed a simple text. He took Historia’s “play it cool” advice to heart. Then he agreed to let her help him choose the perfect outfit for their first meeting.
Hey, Jean. I’m just checking in to see if we’re still on for studying math together tomorrow at 1. Do you want to meet in the library? -Armin
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