storyswap-color-au · 9 months
Is this your AU or is it a variation of this concept?
We didn't create storyshift nor underswap, nor storyswap, no. We did make storyswap color, though. - Fms
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storyswap-color-au · 2 years
Yo crei que era Asgore quien absorbia el alma de Chara en la ruta genocida, pero entonces ¿es ella quien absorbe el alma de Asgore y vuelve a pelear contra Swappy hasta la muerte?
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Por cierto, es elle, Chara es no-binaria. - Fms
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storyswap-color-au · 2 years
Since in Genocide, Chara absorbs Asgore's soul, wouldn't that mean Frisk would lose the ability to SAVE? How can Chara possibly be defeated with the power to come back?
With the power of plot convenience. Jokes aside, it's probably the same reason Frisk even has a attempt to retry the Asriel fight.
- Fms
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storyswap-color-au · 2 years
Yeah, so, here's plot question. Sorry if i'm mistaken. Why didn't Asriel just take Chara's Soul on genocide so he would contain all 7 souls and could be God?
He like swappy thought they died, and when he tried to find them, they had already left elsewhere.
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storyswap-color-au · 2 years
Eh visto que Asriel posee ciertas haibilidades interesantes, Capacidad de ver otros aus en sus sueños, sentir cosquilleos en su cabeza cuando otro universo anda cerca, y en su pelea veo que el punto de guardado es alterado como si Asriel cambiara el lugar donde apareceremos despues de morir. No se dejo muy en claro cuando intento abrir portal a otro mundo pero... ¿podria viajar a traves de aus si quisiera con las habilidades extrañas que posee?
No, no puede viajar a través de AUs como le plazca.
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storyswap-color-au · 2 years
Una duda, el traje de Alphysuki es usado por Alphys o tambien es un robot manejable como el de Alphysuki-sempai?
El traje es usado por Alphys si mal no recuerdo.
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storyswap-color-au · 2 years
Is this au cancelled?
What do you mean cancelled? The story is finished. I don't know what did you expect.
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storyswap-color-au · 3 years
Storyshift classic (new) Au trio
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The classics AUs (fell and swap) in the Storyshift style with their respective refreshing version!
Storyfell design
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storyswap-color-au · 3 years
Ya esta seria una pregunta casual pero quedarme sin la duda, ¿El sprite original de Asriel es el que esta en la biografia de personajes, o en el fan game?, es que note que su vestimenta es un poco diferente
El sprite en el blog es el diseño canonico, pero no tenemos intenciónes de actualizar el juego con este.
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storyswap-color-au · 3 years
perdon si la pregunta ya te la han hecho muchas veces pero habra una nueva update de storyswap color?, o habra algo nuevo?
No. Storyswap Color ha sacado toda su historia, por lo que ya esta terminado.
- Fms
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storyswap-color-au · 3 years
Asriel Genocide Battle game page says "You are not allowed to use any assets from this game for any other project period". MrEpic's SoundCloud page says "I prefer you don't use songs for your AU projects, unless related to the AU I made it for". So that means we allowed to use it if we are making a SSC-related fangame, right?
That would be correct. Strictly Storyswap color though, no "SSC x UF" or something like that.
- Fms
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storyswap-color-au · 3 years
Hi! could you tell me which weapon was used on the genocide route? a knife or a chainsaw ?
I think Lolika had the idea about making it a microphone- at least the toy knife equivalent. Otherwise, I have no idea.
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storyswap-color-au · 3 years
Primero que todo pido disculpas por mi falta de comprension, pero agradecerias que respondieras esto(vi la pregunta que hiciron dellos evento-X y no entendise la respuesta), el Overwrite afectaria a storyswap? La destruccion de los ausque también afectaria?, porque asriel seria la excepción sobre el no afectar el evento-X?
Jakei dijo que no afectaria a AUs los cuales sus creadores dicen que no lo afecta. Ergo, no lo afecta. Digo, aparte que Storyswap color en si no era Meta en su naturaleza, osea que no funciona a base de “codigo” como se dice en el fandom.
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storyswap-color-au · 3 years
How would Storyswap Asriel and chara's reaction be if they survived the event in the ending of underverse (with every au being destroyed)
I don’t think anyone but Asriel would know it ever does happen. The X event doesn’t affect non-code universes if memory serves right. ... Either way, I don’t see why it’d affect them. 
- Fms
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storyswap-color-au · 3 years
Asriel habra podido ir a otro au ademas de tantamount?
Canonically, no.
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storyswap-color-au · 3 years
When Chara dies her body will be turned at dust or her body will die like any other human?
Take a wild guess.
- Fms
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storyswap-color-au · 4 years
This likely seems obvious but I need a definite answer. Chara's bio notes that their relationship with TTM Frisk is, to some, "romantic in nature". But then, in the date dialogues, Asriel says to Chara, off-screen, "Just pretend they're Frisk." in regards to the hangout, which is platonic to Chara. So what does this mean? Are Chara and Frisk actually in a relationship romantically, or are they just so close that it seems like they are in one? It's likely the latter but I just want to make sure.
They’re not in a romantic relationship, they’re kids. They’re not there yet. Romantic stuff would likely come post-pacifist, but even then, that would come around the time both are like, ~24.
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