stephaniehurt · 11 months
Friday Coffee & A Book...
Photo by rikka ameboshi on Pexels.com Most people don’t have much time to read these days. Everyone stays so busy that the special moments found inside the pages of a book don’t seem to matter. But let me just say, when I do have a free moment, I try to get lost in between the covers of a romance, mystery, or paranormal book. It takes you away from the world we live in and takes you to another…
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stephaniehurt · 11 months
When the story can't go on...
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Good morning! Hope all is well… Today I’m talking about that story. You know the one. The story grabs you by the collar and pulls you around until you do something with it. Have you ever had that happen? Most writers have. But today’s story is one that can’t go anywhere. What? I, as many writers do, have a stack of unfinished manuscripts. The story filled our head…
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stephaniehurt · 11 months
I'm back in the saddle... So to speak!
Photo by energepic.com on Pexels.com I’m back! I’ve struggled the last couple of months with writer’s block. It was something I never thought I would struggle with, but it hit and nothing I did would help. I don’t think my muse was gone, just on vacation. When you put words on paper and then stare at them like they are alien to you, that’s when you step back and take a breather. Have I written…
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stephaniehurt · 1 year
She can’t go back home, ever…
She can’t go back home, ever…
@stephaniehurtauthor Only .99 for a limited time! ♬ original sound – StephanieHurtAuthor –
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stephaniehurt · 2 years
Thursday Throwback... My 1st published book...
Thursday Throwback… My 1st published book…
It’s hard to believe that I’ve been publishing books since 2012. Ten years! To say it’s been an experience is just the tip of sword. This has been the best, most rewarding experience. I’ve enjoyed meeting so many people through this journey. And some of those were authors I admired, which has been an absolute thrill. My first published book was Ghost Lover. This book started when I was a…
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stephaniehurt · 2 years
Technically, it's my Monday...
Technically, it’s my Monday…
Good morning! I do hope everyone had a safe and Happy 4th of July! It’s always rough the first day back to the real life after a three day weekend. So, as the title suggests, today is my Monday. And of course I’ll have to wrap up two days in one. As for my writing, well… Yep, got another chapter finished and I’m on the final stretch to the finish line. This book is pulling me from every…
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stephaniehurt · 2 years
Wednesday Wisdom or not...
Wednesday Wisdom or not…
Photo by Victor on Pexels.com In this journey we call life, there are many bumps in the road. Some are worse than others. But it’s how we handle it that makes the bumps less ‘bumpy’. Or so they say. As a writer, the bumps come and go. Lately I’ve been on a rut filled road that is full of unexpected potholes and speed bumps. But, I finally arrived to the nice, bump free road called creative…
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stephaniehurt · 2 years
The name game...
The name game…
Good morning! The name game… As writers we all do it. The book idea comes into our head and then we have to give the characters a name. It may seem easy enough, but after publishing over 50 books, it gets hard. A character in one of the first books I published had the name ‘figure it out’ for almost half the writing process. But I knew that I could search that phrase and insert the name once I…
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stephaniehurt · 2 years
Monday Coffee Talk...
Monday Coffee Talk…
Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Pexels.com Mondays are made for coffee and contemplating the new week. Some Monday’s are harder than others. But somehow we get through them, one coffee at a time. Now, if you know me, you know I love my coffee. It’s what keeps me going on Monday’s like today. After a busy weekend, this might take the whole pot and then some… Now, as for my writing. I’ve been a little…
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stephaniehurt · 2 years
Saturday Promotion
It’s Saturday morning, so I’m sitting here sipping coffee and writing. One of my favorite things to do on Saturday morning is to work on my current WIP and maybe dabble with something new in the works. But this morning I want to talk about my In Harm’s Way Series. Three in the series have been released, but there are two more to come. This Christian Suspense Romance series has surprised me. When…
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stephaniehurt · 2 years
Following Through with a Plan
Following Through with a Plan
Photo by JESHOOTS.com on Pexels.com   Good morning! Yes, I’m back. It’s been a crazy couple of months. Between writing and tax season, I’ve been so busy. But I’m getting back on track and ready to get this blog back up and running. So, here’s to the rest of the year! How many times have you made a plan and then didn’t go through with it? Maybe you set a book release and you couldn’t finish the…
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stephaniehurt · 2 years
Writer's Block... It happens!
Writer’s Block… It happens!
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Good morning! What do you do when the mental page goes blank? It’s a writer’s worst nightmare. But it will happen, whether you like it or not. I’ve struggled with it lately. Thank goodness it was just a passing thing. It could’ve been worse. The thing to know about writer’s block is that you can push past it. If you can’t get your mind to focus on your current…
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stephaniehurt · 2 years
Sleepy, but writing! Dawgs Win!
Sleepy, but writing! Dawgs Win!
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Good morning! Sipping my coffee as I write this post. Some days coffee is needed more than others. If you’re a Georgia Bulldog fan, then most of you need a lot of coffee this morning. It was a late night, but a good one. But with the morning light, I have some words to put in before I head to the office. The week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve I sat down and…
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stephaniehurt · 2 years
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Safe is sitting pretty this morning! On sale for a little longer! #romanticsuspense #suspensenovel #christiansuspense https://www.instagram.com/p/CYlxQBuuewd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stephaniehurt · 2 years
Good Monday Morning!!!
I’m back! I know I’ve been missing in action, but for the most part, I’ve been writing and working. Sometimes you just have to take a break from things. For me, it was blogging and podcasting. With the holidays, tax returns, life, and a bit of writer’s exhaustion, I just needed to let my brain rest. But now that I’m back, I plan on making up for the lost time. So, let’s start with my upcoming…
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stephaniehurt · 3 years
Friday writing...
Friday writing…
Photo by Thirdman on Pexels.com It’s been a long week of getting my mind back into my current WIP. I’ve struggled to get back to my writing schedule after a couple of busy weeks. Between tax season deadlines and planning a baby shower for my coming granddaughter, I’ve had little time for anything else. And if you’ve read any of my blog posts, you know that my writing is my sanity. So, that…
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stephaniehurt · 3 years
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Broken is out! Grab a copy today! #romanticsuspense #newreleasebooks #readersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CT18o4Brn-c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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