A link to all of the things that I have done within the past few months in my Creative Visualization Class :) Have fun!
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A series of story boards for my WIP story, Copycat! A tale that consists of an serial killer and his obsessive copycat.
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A quick drawing of Luna for my visual vignette assignment in school :) I really tried hard on it! 
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Luna’s Backstory
Luna first began noticing she wasn’t like the other kids fairly early in life.
She didn’t like her name, first of all; Ricardo was much too boyish. Plus, she didn’t like having her hair cut short all the time. She wanted it to be long and flowing, like Rapunzel! She didn’t like playing sports; she’d much rather be in the music room, studying with her favorite teacher Mr. McGuire. She wanted to wear dresses and be pretty, not handsome, cute, not cool… She wanted to be herself.
But boys weren’t supposed to do all of that. At least, that’s what her parents had said. Boys were supposed to have their hair short. They couldn’t do anything fun except play sports and had to be ‘brave little boys,’ even if she didn’t always feel so brave.
As she got older, things started to feel more wrong…
She wasn’t a boy. She didn’t know how, she didn’t know why; she just wasn’t. Why did everyone keep saying she was a boy? Just because she had the body of one didn’t mean she was one.
She tried to talk to her parents about it. She really tried to have a good, open communication with them, but it just didn’t work. They insisted that she was a boy, and she just ‘didn’t know what he was saying’. He. He! Never the right word. It just felt wrong, like a jacket that was too small, too constricting.
It wasn’t until high school that she finally figured it out.
The internet was an amazing place; you could look at anything, learn about anything, you could buy whatever your heart wanted! So long as you had the money and it wasn’t illicit, of course. But she liked to learn. Luna loved learning. She went after any and every learning opportunity she could! She learned about music, and love, and the things they don’t teach you about in public school.
But then, she learned about genders.
Her eyes went wide as she read about those who didn’t conform to society’s standards, those who weren’t the norm. She learned, she listened, and she cried. She’d finally found herself. After all this time, she was no longer a ‘he’, or a ‘boy’. She was a she. And that was okay.
Her parents didn’t need to know about that, though. And as soon as she moved to college with her two best friends, she finally felt safe to become Luna. She finally felt safe to be herself, no matter what the world thought of her.
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More Luna Mendoza
Based on Gotham Writer’s Character Questionnaire Part 2
My greatest achievement? Well, I guess that’d have to be the fact that I was able to get a scholarship to the school of my dreams. It’s not a full ride, but it’s better than nothing!
My idea of perfect happiness… What an interesting question! I’d probably just want to have a nice apartment with a cat, living with my best friends in the world :) Wouldn’t that be amazing?
My current state of mind is… frazzled, to say the least. I have a lot on my plate, what with the God of the Underworld himself demanding I find out where the Undeath is coming from! Plus I’ve got school, work, my social life… It’s a lot, but I’m trying my best to keep my head above water!
My favorite occupation? From what I’ve done, or what my dream job is? Because for the former, it’s being a music teacher! The latter, my dream occupation, is that of a famous singer! I’d love to bring joy and happiness with my music!
My treasured possession is my electric guitar! It was one of the first things I bought for myself with my own money, and I’ve had it since I was a kid! I try to take very good care of it so it will last a long time!
The greatest love of my life is music. It has helped me through so many hard times, and I feel like I have to give back in some way. Even if I help just one person with my art, I will be happy :)
I’m not sure I understand this question, but if I had to wager a guess as to the meaning of it… I guess the road trip to San Francisco is really fun! It’s about two hours from us, give or take depending on traffic (usually give), but we always have such a good time there that I’d say it’s worth it!
My most marked characteristic would have to be my kindness I’d hope! I try to be a good person when possible, and I hope it shows.
I feel I’m happiest in the music store I work at, or in my room. Somewhere where I can just enjoy myself, with or without friends.
I most dislike willful ignorance. People who refuse to grow and learn are so frustrating to me.
My biggest fear used to be death; I didn’t know what happened afterwards, and had been raised to believe that being the person I am would make me burn in Hell forever. Now that I know that isn’t the case… my second worst fear is just not knowing if I’ll die. Or how. Can I die at this point? I mean, probably, but how will it happen? Will it hurt? I don’t want it to hurt.
Food! I always go extra when I’m cooking, making more than enough for my friends and I! That way, if people want more, they won’t have to feel bad :)
… I don’t know if I want to answer this question.
(Footnote: Her most despised person is her ex boyfriend, Andrew. When he found out she was trans, he physically assaulted her and threatened her life. She hasn’t dated since.)
My greatest regret is not trying harder in high school. I did do the best I could, but my best was mostly B’s. I know I could have done much better.
I would love to be able to be a bit more booksmart. I know things, but I wouldn’t consider myself a smart person. Not like Ruby.
I’d like to live in Europe! Maybe Spain or Italy! Somewhere sunny, warm, and with lots of water!
The lowest depth of misery, for me, is to live in a world where I don’t feel safe. Where I cannot feel safe, for whatever reason, just because I am me. I am lucky to live in an open minded community, but I know it’s not the same everywhere.
The quality I most like in a man! Let’s see… they have to be kind, funny, smart, and down to earth! Curly hair is always a plus too!
Same as what I look for in a man :)
My optimism. I always hope that good things will happen, and when they don’t I end up being crushed.
As I said before, I hate ignorance. Especially if it’s willful; you can’t just live under a rock your whole life! You need to realize that there are people out there who do not conform to your worldview, and that it’s okay!
When it comes to my friends, I value kindness the most. If you respect me and are kind to me and others, I will return that kindness tenfold.
I know this is kind of silly, but when I was a kid, I used to love this show called ‘Walk with Me’. The main character, Lockett, was always helping others and being kind to them. It made me happy, and I wanted to be like that when I grew up!
My heroes in real life are Jackie Meyers, the famous singer from the band The HeartBreakers. She makes such beautiful music, and I aspire to be like her some day.
My least favorite virtue is patience! You cannot sit and wait for things to happen all the time, or else they’ll never get done! It’s better to be proactive than reactive.
If someone is wearing something that does not fit them aesthetically, but they appear happy with it, who am I to say that it looks bad? Let them be happy.
I use exclamation points and smiley faces a lot. Some people say it’s annoying, but how else am I supposed to express myself?
I’d want to be born as my true self. I wish I hadn’t been born in the wrong body.
My favorite names are Willow, Luz, Maria, Rosemary, but my absolute favorite is Luna.
I would like to die in my sleep. I think that would be relaxing. Just have a nice dream before I die.
I would like to come back as a cat! I think it would be fun to explore the world through the lens of an animal!
My motto is “Do what you want, so long as you harm no one.”
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Information on Luna Mendoza:
Based on the Gotham Writers Workshop Character Questionnaire 1:
What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Luna Mendoza
What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
She has short, frizzy black hair. However, she tends to wear long pink wigs. Her eyes are brown and her skin is tan
Luna has a round, slightly misshapen nose from a childhood bullying incident.
Her fingers are rather calloused from playing various instruments, but besides that she’s rather plain.
Luna’s closest friends are her roommates, Ruby Harlow and Dahlia Park, both fellow students  going to nearby colleges. Ruby is a rather stoic, cynical mortuary sciences major while Dahlia is a mellow, peace keeping cosmetology student. Both have their secrets, but Luna still loves them and makes sure that they know it.
Luna was born in the small town of Ocean Hill, California. Recently, she moved to Summers Cove, California in order to pursue her education and get away from her family. She now lives in a two bedroom apartment shared by three people; she and Ruby share a room.
Luna isn’t one to anger easily. That isn’t to say she is never upset, though. When she does get angry, she goes either to her closet (in which she’s set up a tiny recording studio for herself), or she takes a walk. It depends which one will grant her more privacy.
Her biggest fear is hurting others. This leads to a lot of stretching herself thin a lot more than she’d like. It’s usually Ruby and Dahlia who have to pull her out of these situations.
She is a closeted transwoman. She’s does what she can to pass, but is still closeted to her family. This is why she wears wigs, rather than growing her own hair long.
She loves their shared cat Lilith. Lilith’s antics always makes Luna smile, even on a rough day.
Luna has had two exes in the past, one a boy and one a girl. She ended up leaving both of them due to a mutual understanding that they were better off as friends. She has since lost contact with both of them, but thinks about them fairly regularly.
There are a lot of things in Luna’s fridge, not all of them hers. The things that do belong to her are some sofrito, recaito, vegetables [spinach, broccoli, etc], and some yogurts. In the freezer, she keeps some ice pops, meat for cooking, bread, and some frozen foods just in case she doesn’t have time to cook. In her room, she tends to keep everything rather neat and organized. She keeps a keyboard and a guitar in her room, and on her nightstand is a picture of her parents. In the trash can is a few sheets of music that she decided weren’t good enough to see the light of day. They usually get taken out immediately after though and stored, in hopes that they can be salvaged.
Her nails are well kept and brightly colored (usually green since she loves floral themes), and she loves wearing sandals. She has a favorite pair that has pink flowers with straps. She sometimes wears slippers too, her favorites being black with cat ears. She rarely wears socks and running shoes unless she’s meeting with her family.
When Luna thinks of her childhood kitchen, she thinks of the smell of freshly cooked rice with beans and steak. The smell is something she attempts to recreate in her own kitchen since she has little contact with her family at the moment.
For Luna, it’s easy to throw away miscellaneous garbage; old makeup, empty nail polish containers, random cans of soda, clothes she doesn’t wear anymore, so on and so forth. What’s harder for her to throw out are old sheet music, drawings she made (even if they’re bad), pictures, and mostly sentimental stuff. She is a very sentimental person and she doesn’t like throwing things away, even if they are objectively garbage. It’s usually Ruby who has to talk her into it.
On Saturdays at noon, she’s usually working at the local music shop as a teacher. It doesn’t make the best money, but it’s enough to help them scrape by. She loves teaching children what she knows, and she’s rather good with them. Some trust her enough to talk to her about personal matters, which she always takes very seriously.
One strong memory that Luna has is her first and only attempt to come out to her parents. She has asked them what their opinion was on trans people, and they had immediately gone on a rant about how it was ‘unholy’ and ‘an abomination on God.’ She had to lie to them when they asked her why she had asked, telling them that she knew someone in school who was gender nonconforming. After that day, she has kept it a secret from her family, knowing that one wrong move could lead to them stopping their funding for her schooling and leave her homeless.
When getting ready to go for a night out, Luna tends to invite her friends and dress in clothes that she likes. Depending on the weather, that would either be a red sweater with jeans, or a tank top with a skirt. She still wears her sandals. She isn’t one to party, but if she’s invited to one she won’t say no. For the most part, ‘going out’ simply means finding a nice venue for her and her friends to enjoy. Usually mini golf.
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Meet Luna Mendoza! I’m still working on my digital art skills, but she is a 23 year old trans Latina woman who studies music at the nearby community college :) Stay tuned for more info about her!
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How It Felt
Horror movies have always intrigued me. Why? I don’t know for sure, or else I’d tell you. All I know is that as a kid I would be on YouTube consuming as much horror content as I could. Trailers, clips, sometimes even full fledged movies if I could find it. One of the more interesting parts of horror to me, though, is that of the psychological.
The moment that I truly learned to appreciate the genre was when I was twenty. I was still in community college, and a friend and I decided to see Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue together on the big screen. It was being celebrated for its twentieth anniversary if I remember correctly, and I knew that this was a once in a lifetime chance.
The movie itself was great, but what really got me was how well Satoshi Kon was able to make me, as a viewer, feel like I was going just as crazy as the main character Mima. All done through animation as well. I was abuzz the whole night thinking about it. I rewatched it several times in order to get the full scope of the movie, and became completely obsessed with it. Almost as obsessed as the main antagonist, themselves. I would love to make an animated psychological horror feature someday. Show that animation can be scary, and not just for kids.
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