star-wars-imagines · 6 years
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Revenge of the Sith | Return of the Jedi | The Last Jedi
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star-wars-imagines · 6 years
May the 4th be with you!
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star-wars-imagines · 6 years
My apologies!
This account is dying due to my procrastination. I sincerely apologize! I will get to everything when I can. I have some good oneshot ideas from you guys and I could’t thank you more!
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star-wars-imagines · 6 years
Hi I don't remember if I sent a ship request to you already so I'm resending you one if that's ok. I prefer guys. I'm short with long brown hair. Kinda an introvert but I'm funny around friends. I'm really calm, laid back, and I like helping people (from advice to cleaning up stuff). Kinda the mom friend of the group. I'm into traveling, anthropology, movies, and music. I'm a sucker for cheesy-happy stuff. I love your blog!
I ship you with Obi Wan! Your personality clashes well with him.
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star-wars-imagines · 6 years
Hey! Could I have a ship please? I'm 5'3, I have long ginger hair, blue/green eyes, lots of freckles and I'm curvy. I try to be kind, however if I'm pissed off I tent to hold grudges and become petty. I love art, fashion, I wear anything that defines my waist, and I love the sea/sky. I love the imperial look and designs in the movies, always have. Im a leader, dominant, fiesty and stubborn. I like to be in control of situations I'm in charge of. However, im friendly and humorous too. +Extra af
I ship you with Finn! Your personalities clash, yet they tend to help you guys work well with each other
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star-wars-imagines · 6 years
Can I get a ship? I'm a 5'2, angsty, ginger chick who would fight an army for her friends (even though she hates the short jokes they throw at her). I love musicals, costuming, and sfx makeup. I have a history of abuse in relationships and from my mother. I still however try to maintain a positive energy for those around me. I try to compliment everyone so they won't feel alone or upset but if they have a huge ego, I have no issue ripping that ego down.
I ship you with Anakin Skywalker!
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star-wars-imagines · 7 years
cool good to know that star wars is gonna own my ass for the next 15+ years
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star-wars-imagines · 7 years
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A long time ago, in a country not so far away, I was eight years old, doing my best Darth Vader imitation.
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star-wars-imagines · 7 years
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The Obi-wan Kenobi head shake of disappointment. 
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star-wars-imagines · 7 years
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star-wars-imagines · 7 years
Shy Jedi!Reader is Obi-Wan's friend and they have to go on an undercover negotiation mission. On the mission, they have to act like a couple, and they realize they like each other. Maybe a few kisses.(Cody won the bet, and 1/2 of the 212th owes him.)
(Imma make up a few characters and a planet, I hope you don’t mind)
You were walking around the ship when your good friend Obi Wan approached you. He quickly stopped you and asked, “(Y/N), I need you to go on a negotiation mission with me. The Prince of Tarmela hasn’t been very negotiable with us, and we need him as our Ally. Please?”
You were unmistakably excited to go, so you eagerly nodded. “Of course, when do we leave?” “Right now” he grabs your arm and you quickly follow his foot steps until you both get into his ship. As you get on, he hands you some clothes that consisted of a purple top with black bottoms. He got dressed into a matching out fit, except it was much more masculine.
“Looking sharp” he commented as you walked in after getting dressed. “Says you” you replied. “Why do we have to be in a different outfit?”
Obi Wan replied, “his planet does not support us Jedi, so we have to go under cover until we meet him. We will act as a couple, do you understand?” “Mhm.” “Good.”
Soon enough, you arrived at Tarmela and walked through the towns. Nobody recognized you as Jedi, so you quickly hurried to visit the prince.
You both walked along shops and some of the citizens there stopped you to inquire about you. Obi Wan would hold you close, and you would get butterflies in your stomach and blush. Obi Wan seemed to take notice of this and would smile, kiss your cheek, and then lace your hands together. It was something you never thought would happen, but now it seemed like something you wanted long term. Obi Wan was just… amazing. He was so handsome, courageous, kind, and brave. You were beginning to get feelings for him, and unfortunately, you didn’t think Obi Wan felt the same. Up many flights of stairs, the temple was. You both quickly ran up until you finally approached the throne where the Prince of Tarmela sat. You both walked up and bowed. “Why are you here?”
Obi Wan stepped up. “we are Jedi, we came here to negotiate with you. Prince of Tarmela-” “Call me Gatra.” “Prince Gatra… we desperately need your alliance, we aren’t strong enough without your army. We are begging you to negotiate.” He nodded slowly, and thought in silence. You looked at Obi Wan and he looked at you, the etch of nervousness on his face. “You have my alliance.” Obi Wan smiled and bowed. “Thank you, your majesty.” You both descended down the stair case, and Obi Wan slipped his hand in yours and kissed the top.
“I don’t think that’s very necessary, now, Obi Wan.” “I know.” You looked at him. “What..?”
He took a deep breath and stopped. He turned to you and stared at you right in the eyes. “I think I may have developed feelings for you, (Y/N). After acting like a couple down there, it just made me think about having that all the time. And I want you.. I want you to be there all the time, to love and support each other…” You were taken aback and stared at him. Obi Wan’s face fell and his eyes dropped before you lifted up his face and kissed him. It was a gentle kiss, but both you had seemed to be yearning for each other. He looked at you and you both smiled, faces slightly pink. “I’d love to be with you, Obi Wan.” “And I’d love to be with you, (Y/N).” Together, hand in hand, you walked back to the ship and made your way home.
Commander Cody approached you both as you walked back, all over each other. You two kissed and he laughed loudly. “I CALLED IT!! Half of the ship owes me money now!” “What??” You demanded. “I may or may not have made a bet that you two would end up together. If you wouldn’t mind, I have to go collect my winnings.” He walked past the both of you and Obi Wan chuckled to himself, happy to be back.
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star-wars-imagines · 7 years
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Life tips: when about to make the worst decision of your life, make sure your hair look great. 
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star-wars-imagines · 7 years
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rey skywalker week → [day 1 / 2/?] ↳ inheritance or parallels
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star-wars-imagines · 7 years
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Darth Vader #24
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star-wars-imagines · 7 years
I'm here to barter passage on one of these ships please. I'm average height, long straight blonde hair, with glasses and some pudge. Most of my wardrobe is blue or black, mainly t-shirts but occasionally I dress up. I'm a senior in college focusing on computer modeling and fabrication. Tell me what you want/need and I'm confident I can make it. I'm usually pretty chill and down for anything, but mess with my work and I have no tolerance. I love my dog more than anything, and where I go he goes.
Honestly, I ship you with Finn. Your personalities would most likely clash in the most positive way!
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star-wars-imagines · 7 years
Hello, love! I hope you're doing well! If ships are still open, could I have one? I'm a sassy brunette female, who is straight. I have fair skin and green eyes. I focus intently on my studies, and love learning new things. I am incredibly loyal to my friends. I show them love by teasing them endlessly. I love adventure and am a bit on the wild side. Puns and one liners are my thing. I also sing opera 😅. I need someone to balance me out a bit, but go on the adventure with me. Thanks, darling! xx
I ship you with Qui Gon Jinn, you have different personalities, but tend to balance each other out
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star-wars-imagines · 7 years
Hi, can I have a ship from the prequel trilogy please? I am 5'8 with waist length brown hair and blue eyes. I like to read a lot and play computer games when I am not working. I also like to dance, I have been belly dancing for nearly ten years now. I volunteer with a group that provides medical assistance to those that need it at events all round the country, I also teach young people first aid and how treat people in a medical emergency. I am quite shy until I get to know someone. Thank you :)
I ship you with Obi Wan Kenobi
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