spn-fangirl-fiction · 3 years
Supernatural Preferences: Coffee
Dean: Although Dean is a culinary genius in the kitchen, he always prefers to get take out and whether that be for a double bacon cheeseburger with extra fries on the side or his favourite Coffee (Americano/no sugar of course, because, as he always likes to oh so diligently remind you; he’s sweet enough) Dean always prefers to get in his 67 Chevy Impala and drive to the nearest Gas-N-Sip rather than simply switch on the coffee machine and wait a hot minute and although you gripe every single time about the money he wastes on the daily trip for his cup of Joe, you secretly adore how every morning without fail he religiously makes the trek to fetch his coffee because never once has he not brought you one back too. Even if you are still sleeping when he slips out, you always wake to find your coffee thoughtfully decanted into a travel mug from its flimsy paper counterpart so it’s still warm when you finally awake, smiling all the while as you drink it and become energised for the day, not only because of the caffeine working its way into your system and waking you up but also because of the knowingness that Dean always thinks of you. And when you finally venture into the heart of the bunker to find the boys and discuss what the plan for the day is, your eyes always make sure to meet Deans first so you can mouth a “Thank You” slightly toasting your mug in the air with one hand and placing your free hand over your heart in gratitude as Dean smiles knowingly in return with a quick nod and a wink in response.
 Sam: Sam LOVES his froothy coffees (as Dean calls them) and spends hours dabbling with his stupidly complicated cappuccino machine, creating new flavours and cold brews and although you are never usually a fan of the doll house sized coffee cups and ‘Iced Mocha Latte Frappe-whatever-cino’, instead preferring quantity over quality, with Sam you enjoy everything about the cozy little ritual; from the anticipation as he comes up with an exciting new flavour combination for you to try, to the child-like fascination and wonder he creates in you as you watch him work the stupidly complicated contraption with ease, to the sparkle in his eyes as you faithfully sample his latest creation and it inevitably becomes your new ‘favourite’. Sam always grins triumphantly but jokingly chides you with suspicion, complaining that they can’t ALL be your favourite and that might well be true if anyone else was to be his Guinea Pig, but for you, every coffee Sam attentively makes for you automatically becomes your favourite because you are doing your favourite thing of drinking coffee with your favourite person, Sam.
 Castiel: During the long and weary hunts out on the road you often find yourself flagging from tiredness due to a lack of sleep and in a grouchy mood due to (crappy gas station food induced) low blood sugar. No more so than when you are on an all-night stake out with a stoically quiet Cas riding shotgun and you feel yourself start to nod as sleep threatens to pull you under. Within these ‘not quite asleep, not quite awake’ moments you feel a twinge of confusion play in your mind as a slight breeze flutters across your face, unsure if you had left the back window in the Impala open again or you were hazily dreaming it. Then you smile despite your exhaustion as the familiar aroma of chocolatey coffee rises up, filling your nose with its dark yet comforting scent and you look up to see Cas holding out a pink and white candy-striped paper bag with a kind smile, full of compassion for your fragile human condition. The stimulating snack is courtesy of Cas and his Grace flying him half way around the world to Belgium where he buys the best Belgium Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans money can buy for you to munch on and keep you alert whilst you wait patiently for the monster to show up. And for this brief and perfect moment in time, with your angel by your side and your favourite treat to indulge in, you feel a peace and contentment that all is right with the universe.
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 3 years
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Hello everyone! On our blog you will find screencap edits of Dean Winchester from the tv show Supernatural. We try our best to keep the blog updated but the past year or so has been difficult in updating so we are looking to add quite a few more people to the team. So if you are interested in joining us then just go HERE to submit an application!
We are looking for:
People that can be active(originals and reblogs) throughout the days of the week.
People who can create original content(screencap edits).
Preferably people who can create original content 1 to 2 times a week. (however we understand that everyone has lives outside of tumblr)
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 3 years
Supernatural Fanfiction: Unrequited
You decide to leave Kansas once and for all, unable to deal with your years of unrequited love for Dean Winchester any longer.
 Word Count: 2,633
 Pairing: Reader x Dean
 Trigger Warnings: Angsty (but with a healthy dose of fluff!)
 Master List: Click Here
You walked out into the frigid night air that comes with the season change from winter to spring and took a long drag of your nicotine filled poison of choice, leaning back contently against the cold steel wall of the warehouse you’d just redecorated with a nice shade of crimson, courtesy of a freshly sliced and diced vamp nest.
 “Those things will kill you, ya know” a voice gruff with disgust threw out behind you.
 You exhaled slowly and looked up into the smoke twirling lazily into the night sky, suddenly feeling heavy with exhaustion now the adrenaline had burned itself out.
 “Oh come on dude, you know in our line of work, we’re already dead, it’s just a matter of how long we can run from the Reaper before we fly the white flag of submission” You drawled out and smiled wryly with a wink at the elder Winchester.
 Dean started to give you ‘The Lecture’ on taking better care of yourself and you felt your mind drifting, having heard this hypocritical bullshit come from him a zillion times before…like whiskey and STI’s were any better!?
 You and Dean had known each other since you were kids as your fathers had frequented the same Road House. Usually bars didn’t allow kids running around but the Road House was different, Ellen was the motherly type once you got past the hard shell that years of hurt had built up around her and she was soft on kids who had gotten dragged into the Hunters lifestyle through no fault of their own, so she let kids drink free and kept an eye out whilst parents talked ‘family business’. You remember one time you and Dean had made a bet to see who could drink the most Cherry Coke before you threw up and smiled as you also remembered that you’d won with Dean hurling after the 7th giving you bragging rights for the next decade and beyond. 
 But those were more innocent times and as Dean grew into his teenage years and discovered girls, you’d both grown further apart, not because you didn’t like him because you’d always loved the very bones of that boy, but because it killed you a bit more each time you had to hear about his latest conquest. You never understood why Dean always had a thing for the bimbos, the easy conquests and the one night booty calls because he was the most loyal, wise and loving person you knew. Even before his dad started regularly peaceing out and he had no choice but to look after his little brother whenever his dad was busy elsewhere, Dean always had one eye on Sammy, making sure he was cared for and looked after more than his dad ever did. But the older Dean got, the more frequent and desperate the ‘hook ups’ became so you slowly started to spend more and more time on the road, only coming back to Kansas when duty called and he REALLY needed the physical back up or your brain for research. You’d tried to get over him, you really did but every relationship you’d ever tried so desperately to make work had only ever sailed along in comfortable companionship and lowkey felt wrong, because truth be told, they just weren’t Dean and eventually your interest to make it work, along with the relationship just fizzled out.
 “Hey!” fingers snapped hastily in front of your face “Did you hear me?”.
 You shook your head bringing your thoughts and focus back to the present, refusing to delve any deeper into that storage box of hurt, stored away in the darkest corner of your heart labelled ‘Dean’.
 “Sorry, I’m back” you stubbed out your cigarette and slid it back in the pack with the other prisoners awaiting their execution, life was rough enough on the road without wasting perfectly good tobacco because it was only half smoked.
 “You know Y/N, you’ve been off this whole hunt” Dean confronted, never one to mince his words.
 “Just tired I guess” you shrugged.
 “Bullcrap! What’s going on with you? I’m used to your moodiness but tonight it was like you’d given up on life. You barely dodged that last vamp in time… it was almost like you wanted to get bit”. Irritation tinted his words as his eyes probed yours for some kind of understanding.
 “Don’t be so fucking stupid” you hissed and looked away, inwardly winching at the truth he’d just nailed because he was right. You and Dean had done a lot of hunting trips over the years and it was always the same M.O; you calling him for some muscle as back up or him calling you for your knowledge of the Occult and then when the deed was done and the hell forsaken spawn of whatever was sent back to whence it came, you’d share a beer, bump fists and go back on your merry separate ways, except this time you were sick of it and this time it definitely wasn’t going to be a merry ending. No more could you take the pain of being in Dean’s presence and have the hole in your chest filled before he so cruelly tore himself away again, leaving you with sleepless nights and lonely days filled with nothing but the prolonged suicide that cigarettes, booze and the hunting life brings. But this time was different, this time you swore that this was the last time your heart was going to get ripped out and unceremoniously thrown into the trunk of that Impala and driven away until the next time you and Dean met.
 You turned to storm back to your car and leave all this shit behind but Dean had other ideas and grabbed your arm, spinning you back around to face him before letting go and squaring up to you.
 “Really? So I’m wrong then? tell me to my face that you didn’t just have ‘a moment’ back there and froze on purpose because you’d given up and wanted to get taken out” Dean angrily barked out.
 Frustration rose up in you to a boiling point and made you say the first thing that came into your head without thinking about the consequences; “Fuck you Dean! I can’t do this anymore”.
 “Shit” you breathed, regretting those immortal words before you’d even finished the sentence because you knew you’d just opened a door that couldn’t be shut.
 Dean blinked stupidly for a few seconds until he got back with the programme “Can’t do what anymore?”.
 “THIS!” You screeched whilst waving your hand in a sweeping gesture to indicate the both of you. Exasperated and resigned to your fate you sighed heavily, dropping your head and placing your hands on your hips as your hair fell over your face helping you feel less exposed.
 “I can’t do this anymore Dean… I can’t be around you anymore, this is the last time we hunt together, I can’t keep putting myself through this, it’s fucking torture and it’s cruel!” you risked looking at him from under your hair to gauge any sort of reaction to the bombshell you’d just dropped but all you saw was that same blank expression as before.
 Dean’s face twisted with confusion like it hurt to think until he gave up and his features smoothed out again “Okay sweetheart, you’re going to have to tell me what the hell you are talking about because I have no frickin clue but we clearly have a problem here”.
 Dean waited whilst you huffed and started pacing, trying to decide whether you should just walk off into the sunset never to be seen again or throw it all out there once and for all, let the chips fall where they may and probably walk into the sunset never to be seen again anyway.
 ”Screw it” you whispered under your breath. “I mean it Dean, I can’t do this anymore”.
 “Do WHAT?! For the love of Christ will you just speak in plain English!” frustration engulfed Dean’s words until you almost felt sorry for him.
 “I just told you!... Us!” Your hand started motioning between the two of you “This!... Being around you Dean… I can’t… I can’t take it anymore… my god forsaken heart can’t take this anymore… I…. I…” tears started to sting your eyes.
 Screw it
 “I LOVE YOU DEAN!” you screamed the words that you’d wanted to say for so long, that had been brewing and building for what felt like eons “And I know the feeling is one sided so this is it for me…it’s just too painful being around you and pretending that we’re just friends, which for you is obviously the case but for me it’s so much more, it always has been and…” you raked your hair out of your face and let the tears fall “it always will be. So I’m leaving, for good this time, don’t call me, don’t try and find me, I’m done” you scrubbed a hand down your face to wipe your stupid tears away not that it did much good, you were verging on ugly crying at this point but you were too broken to care.
 “Is this a joke?” Dean looked genuinely hurt but you supposed that your life long friend telling you that they never wanted to see you again would do that to a person.
 “I think you need to look up the definition of a joke because I am dead fucking serious” you retorted with a level stare that pierced Dean’s green eyes.
 “You are unbelievable, UNBELIEVABLE!” Dean threw up his arms in exasperation “You hit me with this out of nowhere and expect me to just let you walk away!?”.
 “Well… I… ah…” you fumbled to make words form but you weren’t tracking what Dean was saying, this wasn’t the response you expected, in fact, you didn’t really think Dean would have a reaction at all because at the end of the day he obviously only saw you as a fair weather friend; good to help him out of the mire every now and again but nothing more than that.
 Dean stared incredulously “Just how selfish are you!?” he made sure to annotate the ‘you’ just enough to make you feel like a prized asshole.
 “Fuck YOU Dean! I’m not the one playing with people’s feelings like you do; a different girl every night!? Just how selfish are YOU!?”.
 “Yeah… well… I guess I don’t really have an answer for that…” Dean trailed off, looking both hurt and regretful. “Truth is they were just distractions and maybe some small part of me wanted you to be jealous”.
 “Jealous?” You repeated wearily as you were just too damn tired and broken to be pissed anymore.
 “Yes, jealous! God Y/N do I really have to spell this out for you?” Dean asked briskly as he searched your eyes for an answer.
 “Yes I think you do” you bit your lip and held your breath unsure as to what exactly would be spelled out.
 Dean scrunched his eyes closed and rubbed the bridge of his nose like he had a migraine coming on before taking a deep breath and turning his attention back to the shit show that was going down between the two of you.
 “Y/N you know I’m no wordsmith but I want you to really hear what I’m about to say”. You nodded in response unable to do much else due to the tension in the air. “Y/N you always have and always will be too good for a skeezy hunter like me and honestly you deserve someone without all the baggage that a skeezy hunter like me comes with. You love wholly and unconditionally, it’s one of the many, many things I love about you and it breaks my goddamn heart to see you hurting after a break up so there’s not a chance in hell that I’d ever put myself in a position where I could be the cause of that hurt unless we were both prepared to go all in, it’s why I’ve always kept my distance from you… emotionally anyway… why do you think I’m always dragging you down here?”.
 “For back up?!” You breathed, unsure if you’d actually spoken aloud or just thought it.
 “Well… yeah… but there’s a dozen other hunters in the area I could count on for that, female hunters too, but with none of them do I feel like half of me is missing whenever they’re apart from me, that I worry about 24/7 when they’re not with me, that I think about first thing in the morning and last thing at night, none of them am I so in love with that I would go all in with, and by all in, I mean; we’re in this relationship until one of us leaves to meet our maker and not a damn second sooner, I’m talking End Game here, do you understand what I’m saying right now?!…” Dean searched your eyes again, willing you to get what he was telling you.
 And then it dawned on you; just a tiny sliver of light at first but as your mind chewed over what Dean had just said you realised that your love may not be quite so unrequited after all and you felt your face break into a smile for what seemed like the first time in over a decade.
 Dean threw up his arms in mock irritation “I think she’s got it” he yelled into the night jokingly to try and ease some of the tension that had gone above and beyond a crescendo at this point before turning serious again and setting his jaw in earnest “I love you Y/N, always have, always will”.
 “You know” you leaned in conspiratorially trying not to laugh from the elation that was slowly but surely creeping into every fibre of your being after all those years of anguish “You could have just asked, after all, you know I’d be a cheap date with my affinity for dive bars” you snickered and playfully punched Dean in the arm “And anyway…” you threw in nonchalantly with your best poker face “If you ever did hurt me, I know a curse that would infest your holiest of holy’s with the fleas of a thousand camels” you idly kicked at the dusty road with the toe of your boot and hid your smile by letting your hair fall over your face as you looked down so as not to break your perfectly executed bluff.
 Dean straightened himself up, shook out his arms, rolled his neck on his shoulders and jumped up and down a few times like he was about to go toe to toe with Rocky Balboa and you had to wonder if your bluff had worked a little too well and he was preparing to take you down but then Dean’s face turned on that trademark dazzling smile as his green eyes twinkled “Hi, I’m Dean, can I buy you a beer?”.
 “Throw in a piece of pie and I’m yours” you smiled innocently, not missing a beat.
 “That’s my girl”, Dean murmured as he stepped in close, filling the space between you both and brought his lips down to yours but stopped short and pulled back a little so he could search your eyes again.
 “Just do me one small favour please?” Dean whispered pleadingly.
 “Anything” you breathed without hesitation.
 “Leave your camels at home?...” Dean smirked with his boyish charm “At least for the first date anyway”.
 “Deal” You laughed as Dean filled the space between you again for a kiss, sweet and tender at first but soon becoming passionate and all consuming until all you knew was Dean and damn did it feel right.
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 3 years
Supernatural Imagine: Insomnia…
You smirked to yourself as you stirred your chamomile tea and idly thought that if your line of work didn’t kill you off, the lack of sleep definitely would.
You picked up your mug as you yawned for what seemed like the zillionth time and shuffled to the Nook of the bunker which had an old TV and fusty leather sofa which was surprisingly comfy for something that the uptight men of letters had owned; usually all their stuff was straight backed and tweed.
You switched on the TV and smiled as Food Network lit up the screen, Dean had obviously been here last, you felt yourself drifting as the soothing sounds of sizzling onions from the TV filled the Nook but your arm twitched, nearly spilling your tea. You tutted at yourself as you swiped away the droplets which had splashed out of your mug and huffed with frustration as you tried to settle once again, realising that this was one of the two main reasons that you couldn’t sleep after a hunt; either your muscles twitched violently without warning due to post traumatic muscle memory from the adrenaline or your brain replayed the nights events behind your eyelids like a horror movie; flashing up images of near misses or one of the Winchesters getting blind sighted and knocked to the dirt whilst you grappled helplessly with another monster.
“Can’t sleep either?” Dean’s gruff voice startled you out of your rumination.
You raised an eyebrow in thought and stared through the TV as you acknowledged Dean’s question “what’s new dude...what’s new...” 
“Yeah” Dean sighed in agreement as he dropped down beside you. “Oh I love this show!” Dean exclaimed as he saw the street food trailer chefs showing off their culinary skills.
“Why does that not surprise me?” You chuckled as you watched Dean instantly get sucked into the pictures flickering across the screen.
“Chamomile?” You offered Dean your mug of sweet yellow tea but Dean only scrunched his face up in response. 
“I think we can, and do, deserve better than that” Dean jumped up with a spring in his step as he made his way over to the crystal decanter on the drinks trolley and flipped over the matching whiskey tumblers so they were ready for use before pouring out two healthy shots of golden bourbon.
“Now we’re talking!” You beamed as you cast aside your dingy flower water.
Dean carefully handed you your tried and tested sleeping potion as he once again took residence beside you and propped his bare feet on the low table piled high with books from some forgotten research session.
“To sleep” you raised your glass in a mock toast.
“To sleep” Dean nodded as he chinked your glasses together and took a swig of whiskey with a wink.
Dean relaxed back into the sofa and placed his strong arm around your shoulders as he pulled you into him, kissing the top of your head before turning his attention back to the screen.
You curled up beside Dean and nestled into his side, holding your glass with both hands for comfort and let the safety and security of Dean’s presence soothe you and keep your mental demons at bay, wishing that you could stay like this forever...
After a few moments of sadness you smiled to yourself contently as you made peace with the fact that a few hours spent like this was pretty much a lifetime in hunters years.
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
Supernatural Imagine: It’s okay to not be okay…
You heard a soft knock on the door even though the door was ajar and knew immediately that it was Sam, Dean would have just walked in but Sam was always a bit more respectful about privacy. You smiled wistfully as you thought about how Dean must drive Sam crazy as much as he did you.
“Hey, Y/N, can I come in?” Sam asked, voice thick with concern.
“Doors open” you mumbled.
“That’s not what I asked” Sam answered kindly as he pushed the door open to look at you.
“Take a pew” you nodded over at the space beside you on the bed as you slammed your laptop shut in frustration “can’t concentrate on this episode of Gotham anyway”.
“I’m sorry…hey is everything okay?…you were real quiet at the bar and you didn’t even argue with Dean over the last piece of pizza like you guys usually do” Sam looked over at you as he made himself comfortable on the bed.
“Yeah I’m fine, just tired you know?…sorry I’m not very good company right now…” you drawled as you absently started to pick at the label of a bottle of warm stale beer you’d been nursing for the past 2 hours.
Sam huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose as if irritated by something, you looked over and cocked an eyebrow in silent questioning, waiting for Sam to explain his sudden change of mood.
“Stop okay, just stop…please?” Sam asked pleadingly.
“Stop what?!” you blurted, confused.
“You always do this…this bullshit gameface you always think you have to put on…you don’t have to entertain me and no gameface is ever needed or wanted…just be you…okay?”
You froze as anxiety took over, you’d been slowly sinking further and further down into the all too familiar black hole of depression and didn’t have the energy to keep up appearances any more.
“Y/N?” Sam prompted gently as a tear escaped down your cheek “Hey…hey…it’s okay” Sam whispered as he pulled you into a tight hug while you broke down, words tumbling out of your mouth in a flurry…
“No, it’s not Sam…it’s really not okay…I have this heaviness in my chest that won’t go away and I feel like I’ve fell down into a black pit with no way to get out, I have a happy personality combined with this sad soul and sometimes the sadness wins and I can’t keep the darkness away any longer…” You cried into Sam’s chest as he kissed the top of your head and rubbed circles on your back, soothing you and making you feel safe.
“It’s okay to not be okay Y/N!” Sam assured “You don’t have to bring anything to the table apart from yourself…whatever version that may be at the time…you find yourself in a hole and I’ll jump down with you, you are not alone in this, we all struggle sometimes, I don’t want you to go through this alone…let me be there for you, that’s all I ask of you, please don’t hide yourself away from me"
“Misery does love company” you joked sadly.
“And I love you” Sam murmured into your hair as he hugged you tighter still.
You heard footsteps approach as you stayed wrapped up in Sam’s arms.
“Everything okay?” Dean asked, clearly worried at the sight of you in tears.
“No” you sniffed “but that’s okay” you smiled at the relief those words held and looked up at Dean who had brought a couple of beers in with him “Any pizza left?” you asked expectantly.
Dean beamed as if proud of himself “Saved the last piece for you kiddo” Dean winked as he handed you and Sam fresh beers.
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
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10.03 - Soul Survivor
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
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3x16 - No Rest For The Wicked
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
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spn-fangirl-fiction · 8 years
Supernatural Imagine: I Don’t Wanna Go
Inspiration: ‘Volcano Girls’ by Veruca Salt
Imagine trying to get Dean to take late check out because you don’t want to get out of bed…
“C’mon babe, get up, we gotta go”
You yawned sleepily and opened your eyes to see Dean whizzing around the motel room, shoving various weapons and miscellaneous items of clothing into your shared duffel.
“Just five more minutes” you mumbled groggily and shut your eyes again only to be rudely snapped back to reality by Dean slamming the duffel onto the bed.
“No! You do this every freaking time Y/N and its midday before we even get breakfast” Dean grumbled.
You couldn’t help but smile at the truth as you knew exactly how to get your own way when it came to Dean.
Dean sat on the bed beside you to put his boots on and you slid your hand under the back of this shirt, lazily rubbing circles on his lower back.
“Come back to bed baby, it’s nice and warm in here” you murmured coyly as Dean finished tying his last bootlace and jumped up.
“Woah! What’s the rush?” you started as Dean spun around to face you, placing his hands on his hips in annoyance.
“Don’t make me leave you here sweetheart, because I will! I’m not getting distracted by your…your…womanly ways AGAIN!” Dean barked huffily.
You smiled and propped yourself up on your elbow, looking up at Dean through your lashes “You’re so cute when you’re angry honey”
Dean tried to keep a straight face but cracked when you started giggling, you took your chance at his distraction and shot forward, grabbing him by his belt buckle and yanking him down onto the bed, his feeble protests were soon silenced by your mouth meeting his, you could feel Dean’s resolve waning with every second that ticked by as you kissed.
“DEAN?! Y/N?!” Sam hollered as he banged on the door impatiently “YOU GUYS READY TO GO? C’MON WE GOTTA HIT THE ROAD!”
Dean made a move to break away but you rolled over on top of him and pinned him down by straddling him and holding his wrists down on either side of his head.
“So….what’s it gonna be Winchester?” you grinned down mischievously “Me and this warm bed or a long cold drive with Sam boring us all morning about possible cases?” you started planting kisses along Deans jaw and down his throat, Dean groaned with pleasure and that’s when you knew you had him so you stopped and backed off but kept him pinned as you let your hair fall around his face.
“GUYS?” Sam pounded on the door again “YOU IN THERE?”
Dean searched your eyes debating the options as you raised an eyebrow in question “Tick, tock Dean” you prompted as you held his gaze.
“LATE CHECK OUT SAMMY!” Dean yelled in response.
“OH C’MON! AGAIN?!! YOU GUYS ARE UNBELIEVABLE!” Sam complained but knew you’d won as you heard his heavy footsteps take off in the direction of the motel office.
You loosened your grip on Dean’s wrists as you beamed down in victory and melted when he returned the smile, dazzling you with his forest green eyes.
“You’re a bad woman Y/N” Dean grinned and pulled you down into him before rolling on top of you and kissing you deeply, this time keeping you pinned beneath his warm heavy body.
“You know you love me” you breathed as you both broke for air.
“Busted” Dean purred into your lips before kissing you once more.
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