splintermagic · 7 years
A Word on Sigil/Affirmation Phrasing.
Let's go through converting and affirmation to a phrase for a sigil. In doing so, we can touch on how to best tailor a phrase/sentence to be turned into a functional sigil. So, let's get started.  
Original Affirmation: I will be superior to bad thoughts and low actions today.
Hm, okay. The intention is good, but there is a lot I would change about this affirmation before making it into a sigil.
1: Phrase Tense
Sigils work via continued contact or a slow steady discharge. Because of this, it's usually best to use the present tense in your phrase. Saying I "will be" something is well and good, but it doesn't define when. Saying "I am" is clear, and demands results now. To be sure, there's a little fake-it-'til-you-make-it here, but that's fine for sigils! We're defining intent so that we can manifest it, so let's aim high!
This affirmation works as a spoken affirmation but might lose some punch as a sigil due to the future tense phrasing. Instead of having a hopeful "will be" let's change the tense to the Present. Also, let's get rid of the "today." I want to be this way forever, so let's not limit the positive effect on this one.
Affirmation: "I am superior to bad thoughts and low actions."
2: Clear adjectives
This one may depend on your world-view. If you have a good/bad and black/white worldview, saying "bad" and "low" might be enough, and the phrase may not need any more alterations in terms of adjectives. My world-view does not include a set, universal definition of "bad" or "good," so I need to be a little more specific to get the results I want. Even if you do subscribe to a tidier worldview than mine, it may help to be specific! (I'm not going to get into world-view here, because that's a whole book in itself)
Rather than say "bad" thoughts, I really want to focus on what kind of thoughts I don't want. I'm going to go with "self-sabotaging". This is much more specific, if a little more verbose.  Likewise, instead of saying "low actions" I'm going to go with "hurtful actions."
Affirmation: I am superior to self-sabotaging thoughts and hurtful actions.
3: Caster's State of Being
In the affirmation we have, the caster is "superior to" the behaviors that are listed. That's dandy, but the phrasing still worries me, because humans (or however you define yourself) err, and have bad days. This phrasing is worrisome, because it invites the user to feel shame if a self-sabotaging thought or hurtful action does slip through. Sigils are great, and we should aim for the stars (like I said before), but keep in mind that there are limits to how much energy you can give to it, and therefore limits to a sigil's power.
So, the quick fix would be something like "I do not engage in self-sabotaging thoughts and hurtful actions,"  right? NOPE!
In a sigil, we are aiming to attract things. Sigils aren’t nearly as effective at banishing things, so lets work with attraction. So, we want to make sure we're not using a negative phrase. Anything that has the word "not" in it is weaker than a positive "I do" or "I am."
This affirmation names two negative behaviors, so we have to do some linguistic gymnastics to make this work.  The easiest way is to name behaviors that you want to attract instead of ones that you want to push away. However, that's not the point of this affirmation, and sometimes we just want to get rid of a behavior, so let's give this a shot.
Affirmation: "I am detached from self-sabotaging thoughts and seek non-hurtful actions."
Awesome! This gives us an added bonus of not trying to change our thought patterns completely, but instead work within the framework we are given. This makes the sigil easier to charge and maintain. The "Non-hurtful" isn't maybe the most ideal, but it will do.  "I am detached" works, because it means that yes, those self-sabotaging thoughts are still going to come through sometimes, but they'll just roll off. That's great! In my experience, being able to have a thought but not really buy into it is the first step in meaningful change of a thought process, so we're off to a good start here for long-term change!
Final note:
It would be possible to take this affirmation and split into it two separate sigils and then mash them together, too. Then the phrases would be "I am detached from self-sabotaging thoughts" and "I seek non-hurtful behaviors." It may make the creation of the visual aspect of the sigil easier.
Lastly: Click here to see this affirmation sigil!
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splintermagic · 7 years
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Affirmation Series Sigil #4: I am detached from self-sabotaging thoughts, and I seek non-hurtful actions. 
Bonus: Sigil Phrasing how-to.
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splintermagic · 7 years
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Sigil Affirmation Series #3: From left to right: “My body is healthy” “My mind is brilliant” “My soul is tranquil.” 
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splintermagic · 7 years
I can’t be the only person who does/did this, but using the vein shapes under their own skin to make very personal sigils.
So the shape of the veins on my inner right wrist becomes the sigil for sending things out into the world, for giving away with the right hand, for generosity, for helping other people, for influencing stuff for the better.
The shape of veins on the inner left wrist becomes the sigil for gaining things, for recieving from others, for being prosperous or lucky.
The veins on the back of the right hand are for making work - a hand holding a tool or delivering a punch. A thing for building something from scratch or afflicting someone with something.
The veins on the back of the left hand are for taking away - Stealing someone’s pain, or their good fortune, or having what’s happening to them happen to you instead.
And assorted others that basically follow around wherever there’s a visible vein. Veins on the chest or thigh are good for things where you need to know yourself or work out your own motivations too.
Bonus points in that, if instead of drawing them on paper you just draw a circle around the originals, you can charge them up with a bit of hard exercise.
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splintermagic · 7 years
I'm going to do this as a March/April thing.
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In this shadow work challenge, we will be exploring our past and delving into some of the core experiences that have helped create and reinforce our shadows. Please keep in mind that shadow work is a highly individual process and there is simply no way I could ever devise any sort of curriculum that yields impeccable results for everyone. It is up to you to give this challenge true substance. This is not a set of step-by-step instructions or specified exercises, but a collection of interrelated subjects that form a generic basis for shadow work that you will [hopefully] be able to build off of. 
The prompts included were designed to be responded to in one (or all) of the following ways: journaling, creative expression, or tarot reading. I recommend journaling and/or creative expression as the basis with tarot as a supplement, but it can serve as a stand alone tarot evaluation as well (which is why I created this Tree of Life Spread). Whatever works for you, go for it! This challenge is only meant to get your mind reeling, and as you will see it’s pretty cut and dry, so I encourage you to use it as you please– get creative and allow it to evolve as you go. 
If you feel comfortable doing so, please share your work and tag “january shadow work challenge”. I for one would love to see it, and I’m sure those who are trying to get their foot in the door with shadow work would appreciate some reference material. In any case, I thank all for participating and as always I welcome public or private feedback! 
(P.S. I did not get to work on/edit this as thoroughly as I would have liked, so please forgive me for any errors or sloppy writing in general! Also, feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any questions. Best Wishes and Happy New Year!)
Keep reading
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splintermagic · 7 years
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Sigil for Affirmation Series #2: I am filled with Energy and Joy
This one has an extra Jupiter-influenced boost.
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splintermagic · 7 years
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Sigil for Affirmation Series #1 - I am the Architect of my Life. I build my foundations and choose my path. 
Sigil requests are open. :3
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splintermagic · 7 years
I am trying to stay more openly engaged in my practice than I have in the past, so heck yeah! Tell me about your new awesome crystal, your spell that fizzled, how pretty that leaf was, and your UPGs!
reblog if it's okay for random people to talk to you about witchcraft
it’s not always safe to be open about our craft and sometimes we all just need someone to gush to about that new crystal we got and that spell that worked surprisingly well
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splintermagic · 7 years
Here’s a Quick Index of SplinterMagic. 
General Witchery
Altars - Altars for Non-Worshipping Witches
Altars - How to Build an Altar
Elements - Elemental Qualities
Magical Timing - The Moon
Magical Timing - Planetary Hours
Sigils - Phrasing 101
Affirmation - I am the Architect of My Life.
Affirmation - I am filled with energy and joy. 
Affirmation - My body is healthy. My mind is brilliant. My soul is tranquil.
Affirmation - I am detached from self-sabotaging thoughts and seek non-hurtful actions.
Anxiety - Stave off a Panic Attack
Begone, Winter! (Winter Blues Banishment)
Tags (includes Reblogs) 
Arts and Witchcrafts - Incorporating arts and crafts into witchery (or vice versa)
Budget Witchery - Witchcraft on a Budget, because YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SPEND MONEY TO BE A WITCH. 
Nerd Witch - Witchery drawing from the sciences. 
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splintermagic · 7 years
cosmic witchcraft 101: candles and constellations
When I’m doing cosmic spellwork, I like to try and reflect the energy of the constellations I’m working with by arranging my candles into their shapes. This can definitely work with any candles you have on hand, but I love to match the color of the candle to the color of each specific star in the constellation!
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I’ve done a few spells with Orion, so I’ll use it for an example. I chose to work with the brightest seven stars in the constellation. You can just look at the sky or pictures to figure out what colors you’ll need, but I like to match what I see with each star’s individual stellar classification.
The Harvard spectral classification system divides stars into seven groups using single letters of the alphabet based on their spectral characteristics. If you want to learn more about spectral classification, you can read more here on Wikipedia, but all you really need to know is the star’s letter and that letter’s corresponding color.
O (blue)
B (blue-white*)
A (white)
F (yellow-white*)
G (yellow)
K (orange)
M (red)
*For the blue-white/yellow-white stars, I usually just pick the color that looks closest to what I see in the sky.
Since most constellations have lots of stars, it’s really easy to spend an egregious amount of money on traditional candles. A more affordable option is birthday candles! I got almost 50 for less than $10. I was able to find purple ones, so I added a candle for the Orion nebula here.
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You’ll need something to stand them up in; I used salt (which I would not recommend - it took a ton of salt and a long time for me to actually get them to stand them up) but something like sand or soil would probably work. Or you could just bake a magickal cake to go along with your spell!
If you have enough candles on hand, you can represent bigger and brighter stars with bigger candles. Here I used two large taper candles to represent Betelgeuse and Rigel.
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Most importantly, remember there’s never a wrong way to connect with your stellar objects of choice. If the stars you want to work with are yellow but blue corresponds with your intent, choose whichever color suits your fancy! Maybe represent each star in the constellation with different colors to match your different intents. Ultimately, this is about your connection with the cosmos  ✨☄
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splintermagic · 7 years
I totally second the knitting needles as wands in a pinch. I didn't have my nice crystal wand one time when I got to a ritual once and totally used my janky plastic knitting needle instead. Worked like a charm. :3 Same for crochet hooks. Plus, color correspondences, numerology, and all those other fun things!
Witch Tips
This just might be my old soul, but knitting has helped me immensely in practice and is really worth the investment. You can:
-Knit charm bags instead of buying them (Seriously you will save so much money because yarn is dirt cheap and you can get so many colors for different intents.)
-Use yarn instead of ribbon for ribbon magic (It might not be as aesthetically pleasing, but it works)
-Knit scarves and mittens and hats with charged yarn (Or you can charm the yarn with whatever intent you want!! I have a few enchanted scarves already for protection from the cold!)
-I don’t use a wand so this might be wrong?? (I’m still a bit of a baby witch) but i’m sure if you’re a wand or pointer type, your knitting needles can probably be used for that in a pinch (And it doesn’t look weird when you tote them around.)
It’s also pretty good for those of you in the broom closet because it’s a method of practicing in public (Which helps me with my anxiety? Idk about some of you but it does with me) and it doesn’t look as conspicuous. When people ask what you’re knitting, you can just say ‘A scarf’ or ‘Baby booties’ or just hit them up with the old ‘I don’t even really know yet, I’m just practicing!’ Plus!!! Knitting is a therapeutic practice in itself which makes it DOUBLE therapeutic!
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splintermagic · 7 years
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Combo of: “I am content and stable” “I can breathe” 
Meant to keep an anxiety attack at bay, or to make triggers less difficult to deal with. (I keep mine on the back of my work phone, for example).
Sigil requests are open and encouraged!
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splintermagic · 7 years
Nerdy Witch Idea
Use molecular structures as sigils. For example, I’m trying out a DMT molecule for enhanced dreams/visions. One could also try a melatonin molecule for sleep, or a dopamine molecule for happiness. Or use the molecular structure of a crystal or herb with the properties you need. The possibilities are endless!
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splintermagic · 7 years
Cheap, discreet witchery! I usually just draw them on myself, but I'm waaaaaay out of the broomcloset. I wish I had thought about/known this before though!
I crafted a sigil just a minute ago and was trying to think of a discreet place to put it so it wouldn’t attract attention. As I was rummaging through my bag for post-it notes, I found a crushed box of dollar-store band-aids.
And then it hit me!
I used a pen to draw the sigil on the cotton pad, charged it with intent, and put it on a pulse point on my ankle so it would stay charged throughout the day.
Voila! Totally discreet, incredibly cheap. Now they’re cheap band-aids so they probably wouldn’t be good for anything long-term. But for quick charms it’s great! Plus you could easily incorporate some color magic with different colored bandages, and they have that double meaning of “healing” that you could play with.
I can’t believe I never had this idea before!
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splintermagic · 7 years
Altars for Non-Worshipping Witches
Altars can be strange for a witch that doesn’t worship any entity in particular. Most examples of altars are dedicated to a goddex, so those of us who don’t worship any entity in particular can feel a little lost. 
Altars for Concepts and Seasons: 
It is 100% possible to make an altar to a concept or a Season. An altar can focus on love, or death, or Spring, without involving any deities or entities.
Here’s a guide on how to arrange altars that don’t need to center around a goddex. 
Altars for Entities and how that works for Non-Worshippers: 
As a witch that works with entities, however, I will occasionally make an altar to a deity or spirit. These are meant as more of a gesture of friendly intention/camaraderie than any sort of act of worship. They are similar to making a pie for someone when going over to their house. It's a gift that shows gratitude towards the host as well as demonstrating that one is willing to put in work to help, even if the host is going to wind up with the majority of the work.
Altars can also serve as a means for an entity to manifest. The altar allows the witch to direct their energy to a specific entity, which may then be able to use that altar to manifest. Also, this collection of dedicated energy can be used in situations where an entity wants to trade energy for the witch's desired effect. Having an altar where that exchange takes place allows the witch to decide when and where the energy exchange will take place. This can be useful for needy or careless entities that might otherwise just drain the witch whenever they feel like it.
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splintermagic · 7 years
How to build an Altar
This is how I, as a non-worshipping, budget-conscious witch, build my altar. All of these suggestions are just that, suggestions. Take what moves you and ignore what doesn’t. Also, I’ll say this a bunch more times, but YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON YOUR ALTAR. 
In short, altars are not necessary (to my path.) Magic is an extension of Will, so altars may be a useful tool for focusing, but they are not required for casting in my opinion.
That being said, I really like altars. Not only do they provide an object to focus on during casting, but they also allow for creativity with a magical mindset. The practice of crafting a beautiful altar is an act of magic in itself. Selecting the right backdrops, objects, and arrangements to best represent whatever the creator is commemorating or celebrating in their altar is a way to force oneself to get more in tune with the energy of the subject of the altar. Like everything else physical, they are wonderful tools.
Sample Altar:
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Rich, Layered Fabrics: Beautiful layered fabrics create the base and backdrop for the altar. Lace layered over a heavy brocade, or different patterned fabrics in colors relevant to the season/entity/focus set the mood of the rest of the altar. The above diagram shows a relatively minimal amount of fabric. It can be pinned to the wall behind the altar, and be used as drapes over other objects to create altars with multiple levels.
If you don’t have fabrics laying around, then use whatever! Have some pretty gift-wrapping paper? Have a spare bed-sheet? Construction paper? Scrap paper with doodles on it? Whatever works, works. You don’t have to spend money to make a pretty altar.
 Lots of Candles: This is a purely arbitrary preference. Candles are often associated with magic, and the wide variety of colors makes it easy to add relevant colors. Different types of candles add different ambiances to an altar as well. Tea lights have a light, airy, fae feeling, while pillar candles feel stable, earthy, and blend well with certain goddex-entities who think highly of themselves.
Birthday candles totally work, led candles are fine, Christmas lights are rad. Anything that can light up your altar does the trick. Again, do not feel like you have to spend all kinds of money on your altar. Your local metaphysical shop appreciates the sentiment, but if it’s a good one, they’ll tell you the same thing. ;)
 Seasonal Plants/Entity Plants: A seasonal altar usually will have seasonal plants. If it is winter, pine trees or bare sticks usually do the trick. For summer, green leaves and weeds pulled out of the garden do well. I prefer to take plants that are abundant or plants that would be destroyed otherwise. Sometimes potted plants make their way onto the altar, but not when it is dedicated to a specific entity (so that their life isn't being offered to an entity, and so that the entity doesn't attach itself to the plant and stick around once the altar is dismantled).
For an entity-based altar, plants associated with that entity are best. If there aren't any, a little bit of greenery doesn't generally offend anyone, so seasonal plants can fill in. In some cases, fake black roses, or other fake plants find their way in. I'm big on aesthetic in channeling tools, and unnaturally-colored plants can add an ambiance that  others can't. It can also be difficult to find sunflowers in the dead of winter.
 Stones/Natural Objects: Feathers, stones, shells, bones. If anything can be found, it can go on an altar. The stones tend to be tumbled crystals from Magus Books, the local metaphysical shop (and my job).  These objects fine tune the energy of the altar somewhat. Using stones and other natural objects can create the difference between cozy, productive winter (citrine, a passed on wooly caterpillar, fur) and a dark and lonely one (bones, overly-introverted stones).
 Stone Orbs: Similar to the Stones from the above description, the stone orbs fine-tune the energy of the altar, just a little more forcefully than the smaller stones. However, using crystal balls made for scrying seems only to amplify the rest of the altar's energy, even if the stone association doesn't quite make sense. Black obsidian is a favorite. These also provide focal points for meditation.
 Bowl or Chalice of Water: Though water might not make sense to include on every altar energetically, it is receptive enough to not through an altar out of whack, generally. There are a couple different reasons to include water.
The first is as a very basic offering if one is working with an entity. Not all entities may actually like water, but it is generally inoffensive enough that it isn't taken the wrong way. Providing a physical type of nourishment to a non-corporeal spirit seems strange, but they seem to appreciate it.
The second reason is that water is receptive, and therefore collects energy. Having a collection place for energy can help to keep any excess energies that collect at the altar from flinging themselves around the room. Plus, if the altar is for an energy that one is lacking, and would like to have, that charged water is great to drink! Otherwise, anointing oneself with it can have a similar effect.
The third reason is mundane safety. Lots of candles with excessive lace, sticks, dry leaves, and other flammable components means that it isn't terrible to have a bit of water on the ready. Cats, being the wonderful agents of chaos that they are, also have a tendency to make a candle-heavy altar a somewhat dangerous place. Better to have water around and accessible.
 Statue (if Applicable): Statues are mostly useful for entity-based altars. A nice statue can really pull an altar together and make it clear who and what the altar is for. However, statues are expensive, and unless one is working with well-known goddex-type entities, it can be hard to find a statue that isn't…well, silly.
 Round Mirror: Round mirrors are great for spirit based entities. They act as a tiny little portal that the entity can usually use to aid manifestation. For some spirits, putting the mirror into the bowl/chalice of water can be really helpful to establishing the connection. Having the mirror can also create a kind of on/off switch for an altar. Don't want the spirit involved in whatever you're doing but also don't want to dismantle the altar? Turn the mirror upside down, so the reflective part is facing down. It's a symbolic door-closing, and symbols are everything.
Old mirrors from compacts are perfect. 
 Symmetry: Admittedly, aiming for symmetry is a completely arbitrary aesthetic choice. Those sorts of things matter, though, when the altar is seen as a tool. Does the altar move you? Is it beautiful? Do you connect with it? Those are the things that matter. Symmetry, for me, is one of those things that matters, because I find it beautiful and balanced. 
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splintermagic · 7 years
Spell Time: Begone, Winter!
To balance and restore the winter-weary witch, with a protective boost.
Energies utilized:
Potential Tools:
Tea light (Optional: Diffuser with cleansing or Summer-y oil)
Music (Non-Lyrical upbeat music)
The Sun/Solar Stones (Citrine)/A really bright light
Ice cubes
 Timing Considerations:
The second Solar hour of a Sunday (8 hours after Sunrise) might be the best for this ritual. If that isn't possible, any time on a Sunday would work, or any solar hour of a different day. Avoid times ruled by Saturn if possible. (Click here to learn more about planetary timing)
Before bringing solar energy in, there needs to be space for it! This part of the ritual chases away the sluggish energy of winter to make room for reinvigorating solar energy.
1) Find a sunny indoor place to do this ritual, if possible.
2)Starting with stillness, feel the heaviness and weariness of Winter in your body.
Notice it in your bones, feel the pull on your skin, feel the sluggishness of thoughts that have been in a cold body for too long.
3)Create a small flame.
A tea light in a diffuser with some kind of cleansing or summer scent would be best.
4)Focus on the energy of the flame.
Try to pull its warmth into your fingers, chasing away the stiffness of a long winter. Candlelight is fire made tame and receptive. Try to keep Fire's energy that way as you push it through your body.  Winter wears a body down, and fire is wily. Keeping the energy as a small candle flame makes accidental damage or inflammation less likely.
Next, the empty space we just created needs to be filled with solar energy. Winter is low on sunshine, and it really does affect us over time. Filling oneself with Solar energy acts as an energetic balance to the Lunar energies of Winter. The Moon is great, but balance is key!
5) Once you are sufficiently warmed turn your focus to the Sun.
If the Sun isn't out, use solar stones (Citrine is good). Alternatively, use a really bright light and close your eyes, so it seems like sunlight is coming through your eyelids. It's the imagery that counts here.
6)Feel yourself filling with Solar energy.
Feel it uplifting you, and chasing away the frost in your bones. Imagine or feel it on your skin, lightly dancing, full of promise of Spring. Continue to soak in this solar energy until you feel balanced. If you're not sure how to tell, try 10-15 minutes. To soak in this energy you might want to move! Dance, practice a martial art, or do some kind of light exercise as you soak. If you need music, upbeat music without lyrics might be the most helpful (instrumental Celtic might be a good bet).
The next step is to protect this balance. In order to do this, we are actually going to use a Winter energy – icicles. The idea here is to make sure that your energy stays a little more self –contained than usual. You want to be recycling that solar energy. Using clear icicles also allows you to collect more solar energy! (Think of sunlight shining through icicles.) If you have trouble visualizing and tapping into icicle energy, touch ice cubes during this part to help you focus. The other benefit of the icicles is that they act as a kind of energetic camouflage to those that are sustaining themselves through other's energy. You will still feel like winter from the outside.
 7) Take the Solar energy that is bouncing around inside you, and refine it down so that it is stable.
During this part of the ritual, stay as still as possible. You might visualize the solar energy collecting around you chakras, or the pit of your belly, or someplace else that it can be kept long term within your body.
8) Once the Solar Energy is stabilized, work on building a wall of clear, beautiful icicles around yourself.
Keep them off your skin, but keep them close.
9) Slowly bring yourself back to a normal state of being.
Eat something or clap your hands to ground yourself. You should feel recharged, but not manic.
 If you wish to reinforce this ritual, you can either make a sigil or use the below one. You can either place a piece of paper with the sigil on your person, or write the sigil on yourself somewhere. I prefer to write mine in the inside of my wrist.
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This ritual can be altered as necessary, of course. It is written without petitioning any other entity than one's self, but an invocation could be easily worked into the beginning of each section. Any other sort of tool could also be worked in. This ritual is meant to be simple and adaptable.
 An Earthy Variation:
A possible variation is to use the energy of verdant plants instead of the sun. Using house plants to help tap into the energy of warm-projective-Earth could be used in place of filling oneself with solar energy. Beware sapping energy from the plants themselves, though. The plants should be used as a gateway into the energy of warm-projective-Earth, rather than as the source of it.
Replace the Balance Section above with this:
Place your fingers in the dirt of the houseplant, and tap into the energy of  the element Earth. Visualize vines growing inside your body (I prefer to use blood vessels as a general path) until it is a tangled mass of green, verdant energy. You may want to sway like a leaf in the wind, or close your eyes and meditate. If the Sun is available, turn your face to it.
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