kind of terrifying how absolutely ecstatic white queer ppl have been to finally be able to spew the most disgustingly antisemitic rhetoric in public with zero consequences.
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Also, notice the "only one" dogwhistle, everyone.
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idk i just wonder if ppl who think like this 1. realize that they are using fascist rhetoric while claiming to oppose fascism, and 2. care to take into account the extensive decades long history of “zionist” being used as a dogwhistle for “jew” across the political by not just individuals but also by government institutions that lead to the persecution and state sanctioned murder of jews. regardless of how you feel about the actual ideology that is modern day political zionism, if this history is not something you’re taking into account when discussing zionism, you are going to be doomed to repeat a very bloody past.
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So, I recently learned about the “say their names to save their lives” campaign on social media that has helped Iranians sentenced to die by the regime in the past.
I am now asking you guys for help with that again.
There is an Iranian Jew named Arvin Netanel ben Siona, whose execution date is set for this Saturday. The Iranian Jewish community have tried endlessly to pursue his release, but to no avail.
Please spread his name.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Going "not all pro palestine folk/pro palestine protests are antisemitic" to a jew complaining about antisemitism from pro palestine folk is like a man saying "not all men" to a person complaining about sexual violence from men.
Like obviously no shit sherlock, not every single person is being antisemitic. No group is a monolith. But just like how men need to call out other men or otherwise they are complicit, you also need to be calling out antisemitism otherwise you are obviously complicit.
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📸 from naiquen2024
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Don't know what to call this. This is my experience with the "antizionism isn't antisemitism" crowd. This isn't even hypothetical anymore. This isn't even remotely subtle.
People are yelling "Jews are shit" in front of a synagogue in Germany and all other people are hearing is that hate speech specified against Jews in a Jewish religious center in a country nowhere near Israel is somehow fair and civil commentary of the actions and policies of the Israeli government. They see this rabid and barbaric display of hatefulness against minorities and these comments are the only thing they think of saying about it. It's the only thing that comes to mind.
I don't give a shit how these poor excuses for activists are a loud minority. I don't give a shit how its not wrong that criticizing Israel isn't antisemitic. I don't give a shit how Israelis are calling all of it antisemitic as a cop out. This is the face of people hopping on the bandwagon and picking a sports team to cheer for in a geopolitical hot mess where people have their actual lives affected by it. These commenters are just the people who didn't have half the brain to shut up and keep it to themselves. Who knows how many other people think that exact thing and only keep silent because they know it looks bad to be bad.
There's no moral lesson to this post, I just came to share this disgusting thread I screenshotted because it seems so relevant today with so many new people pulling this exact shit thinking they're heroes.
Oh and by the way I took this screenshot way before October 7th. This wasn't even the response to anything in particular that happened at the time, people just do that.
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watching people immediately side with joost just because they think israel has something to do with all of this drama when ALL that's been confirmed so far is that he may have gotten in a physical fight with a woman who works on production is making me want to scream
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I don’t know who the fuck ben gvir is but the fact you’re trying to deflect criticism from netanyahu for his genocide of Palestinians is sickening
is this bc i said i don’t think we talk enough abt how ben gvir, a prominent right wing israeli politician who is currently calling for the resettlement of gaza, should be thrown into a wood chipper. bc i thought y’all would be on the same page here.
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I'm testing a theory. Will you follow me on a thought experiment?
Imagine you are explaining a deeply held belief about something that should change in the world. When you finish, the person you are talking to has a question: "But how would you account for...?"
When you answer that, they have another question: "but wouldn't that cause trouble with...?"
After that answer, another question: "what about...?"
And so on.
Assuming that all questions are reasonable and asked in good faith,
No results button, no "I don't know." Choose one.
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Sorrynotsorry but countries that turned away Jews during or after the Holocaust and are still actively practicing colonialism should look inwards first. This is the same fucking bullshit as always - if you target the Jews, point at them as the source of all evil, the king need not be held accountable for his own actions.
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to all my trans mascs:
who have many other gender identities
who identify as lesbian
who are nonbinary
who are binary
who are feminine
who are masculine
who don’t fit into the stereotypical idea of trans masc (eg. tons of masc traits and instead have fem traits)
who love being feminine
who love being masculine
who are androgynous
who are genderfluid
who are aspec
who are allosexual
who are bisexual
who are straight
who are poc
who are chubby
who are fat
who plan on transitioning/or have already done so
who don’t want to transition
who kept their birth names
who changed their names to something different than their birth name
who are neurodivergent
who are disabled
who are deaf/blind (was originally dead by accident but hey if ur transmasc and dead shoutout to u)
who are wheelchair users
who use canes
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these are the best cards on the planet and no one can tell me otherwise
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??? why are “friends with benefits” now considered a cringe straight people thing???? friends can fuck. it’s literally fine
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The leftist movement as a whole has really decided to fully and gleefully engage in some good, old fashioned Nazi levels of Jew hatred, kicking every single leftist value to the kerb in the process, while having the absolute gall of accusing anyone not taken in by their filth of being “on the wrong side of history” and “genocide defenders.” The irony.
Beneath contempt.
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