sonyo-writes · 3 years
unpopular opinion: sometimes... fandom isn't that important. sometimes fandom isn't "that deep" to someone. sometimes people don't interact within the fandom and like to watch from afar. sometimes people just want to look at cool art or read cool fanfics, and that's it.
let's normalize fandom being a hobby or an interest and not a lifestyle. normalize taking a step back, taking time off and disconnecting from fandom without feeling bad. it's okay and healthy to prioritize yourself over media instead of consuming it 24/7. it's okay to set boundaries and enjoy something the way you need.
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sonyo-writes · 3 years
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
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“I’d say the twins were powerful rather than skilled, and they were super competitive.
Atsumu kept getting better at setting every time I saw him. And when he was paired with Osamu, they were perfect.
Eventually, people started fearing the Miya Twins.”
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
「 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗯𝗼𝘆 」
miya atsumu x reader
synopsis → atsumu just wants to cuddle. you, on the other hand, don’t.
warnings → none 
word count → 764
「 tracklist 」
↳ miya atsumu, my mf husband oh my god. i can’t even explain how much i love this man especially after today’s episode, he is just HJHHJKJBHBHJ i’m so in love with his pisshead ass. anyway enjoy yet another short lil blurb.
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“get… off of me!”
atsumu whines, high pitched and child like as he falls onto the floor between your couch and the coffee table. his arms fold over his chest in a pouting manner, lips curled into a frown, eyes focused on the ceiling. you huff in relief, pulling your laptop back onto your lap and resume typing.
“why don’t you wanna cuddle?” he keens, stomping his feet on the carpet. could he get anymore childish?
Keep reading
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
How They Kiss You
Total Word Count: 688
Warning: tooth rotting fluff :)
Pairings: gn!reader x ft. Atsumu, Kita, Osamu, Suna, Oikawa
A/N: Gentle reminder that my requests are open, so feel free to send me whatever hcs you’d like to see !
This man loves neck kisses and you cannot convince me otherwise. He’s the type to come up behind you when you’re not paying attention and just plant a kiss to the crook of your neck, leaving you all flustered and him grinning because he knows what he does to you. He’s not super big on PDA but he would kiss you in public on the cheek, the forehead, the nose, even a gentle one on the lips if there were others around (he will use you as an armrest when you go out just to piss you off). Though, behind closed doors, he’s definitely a bit more aggressive and messy with how he kisses you
Say it with me now–hand kisses. Whether it be to your wrist, your palm, your fingers, knuckles, he would be so gentle with how he kisses you. He loves to take your face into one hand and bring you closer to him so that he can kiss you. Most certainly not into PDA but I can totally see him locking pinkies with you when you’re out in public, even him resting his head on your shoulder (no matter what height you are) and giving you a kiss on the shell of your ear
Like his brother, he also likes neck kisses but god does he love forehead kisses so much more. Osamu is the type to take your face into both of his hands and just stare at you until you’re squirming around and asking him what the hell he’s doing, to which he’d only laugh and kiss your forehead. If you’re shorter or taller than him, you’ll be getting constant kisses to the top of your head where he’ll use a hand to pull you into his chest before kissing you on the crown of your head and holding you as tight as possible
Lazy kisses. Such lazy and absent-minded kisses but that doesn’t mean that he means them any less, in fact it goes to show how comfortable he would get around only you. He would put his chin on the top of your head or your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you so that you couldn’t get away, and slowly kiss whatever was nearest his lips while talking with you about the most random thing. He would definitely collapse on top of you on the coach or on the bed and pin you underneath him with his weight so that he can fall asleep comfortably on your chest and listen to your heartbeat–it helps him sleep but he would never admit that to you
PDA. And lots of it. If you’re not comfortable with it, don’t worry he would never cross any boundaries without your consent, but if you are? Oh boy, be prepared to be paraded around and shown off 24/7 bc when he falls in love, like really falls in love, he falls hard and he wants everyone to know how amazing, beautiful, stunning, literally any adjective he can think of, that you are. Oikawa would kiss your nose when you do something he finds cute (which is practically everything) or if he’s just staring at you for a questionably long amount of time, he’ll kiss you with the biggest smile bc you make him so damn happy how could he not? He’s also the type to take your hand and kiss your knuckles, teasing you by acting overly chivalrous, but know that he means every word he says when it comes to you, even if he does play it off as a joke bc sometimes he’s worried that if you knew how much he was enamored by you, that you’d leave him (wow this took a completely different turn but oh well, moving on). Oikawa is also another one to kiss the crown of your head, especially when he’s hugging you and uses one arm to wrap around your waist and the other to cradle the back of your head. His kisses can be short, fleeting, when he’s in a rush but any other time? they’re passionate, long and drawn out so that he can take his time
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
How Samu and Tsumu got their nicknames...
Baby Aran's voice is so cute!!!
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
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You useless piece of trash. Any piece of trash that can’t score with those sets should let someone else play already… Why, you… Abusive, tyrannical pig! You may be on your game, but there are days that we aren’t! If I’m off my game, that’s just what that means, you stupid ass! Does Wittle Atsumu-kun never make a mistake?! What’s wrong with calling a piece of trash a piece of trash?! Look in the mirror sometime, dumbass!
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
i wish i could tell you the air was warm like summer’s breath on the back of your neck. i wish i could tell you that butterflies were still flitting from open flower to open flower and tasting with their feet all the wonders of the world. i wish i could tell you that the ground beneath you was rock solid and a firm foundation, one to build your home upon and offer to your descendants. i wish i could tell you that people are what they say they are, nothing more and nothing less. i wish i could tell you there are those who do not want to hurt you, and instead to cherish you and hold you like the marvel you are. i wish i could tell you the pain is temporary and that you get what you deserve in the end. there are so many things i wish i could tell you.
but once, you told me not to lie. you were crying, and your cheeks were ruddy in the winter cold. there was snot trailing to your upper lip, and i swore your tears froze as they dripped from your jaw. your eyes were squinted shut and i would have held you, but my hands were ice, and it was me who made you like this. how could i make it better? and your breaths were short and gasping, nearly frantic if you weren’t who you are.
you asked me ‘why?’ and i didn’t have an answer. not a good one, at least. you pounded on my chest with whatever weakness you held on to and asked me again. and again. and once more, for good measure. i couldn’t answer you.
and later that night, when we lay apart from each other, separated by the uncertain expanse of sheets between two bodies on a queen-sized mattress, you told me something. you told me that ‘it hurts when you lie’ and it was then, it was only then that i realized what i had done. your back was facing me, but i could feel you biting the inside of your lower lip, preparing yourself to say the rest of your piece. you asked me, you begged me, ‘please don’t do it anymore.’
but i am weak. i am weak, borne of man, slave to my desires, trampled beneath a master i have no desire to overthrow. so weak that i can’t even bring myself to shoulder the guilt i ought to feel for making you this way. making you hurt.
i am sorry. i swear to you, i am. but i know that doesn’t change anything, it doesn’t change what i did. i guess i just wanted you to know.
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
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I rewatched both shows at the same time, of course this was gonna happen
 (i know Ed’s leg is in the opposite side shh)
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
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Hotheaded Prince Zuko in Book 3 with his dramatic outbursts and that one time he was emo. 
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
Me: wow this fic was amazing. I will leave a well written comment to express my appreciation and to detail all the ways I enjoyed and engaged with this incredibly nuanced and well written text. 
Me commenting on the fic: 
hhhhh hurty feelings but good 
lolllll grumpy man funny
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
every month i forget about my uterus’s inevitable betrayal up until the very moment it stabs me in the gut. i’m a fool
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
Do yourself a favor. Sound up. Enjoy.
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
i think zuko and sokka riding an ostrich-horse (or any of the other numerous mountable animals in the atla world) together is something that needs to be considered more. the necessity of being pressed chest to back. the opportunity for whoever’s riding back to admire the other’s neck and shoulders. arms wrapped around their waist so they won’t fall off. probably trying to smell them in a totally not creepy way. whoever’s on front can just softly lean back against the other. both tryna control their breathing and heartrate bc what if he hears it. traveling somewhere together alone. they trade places after they stop to let the animal get some food and water.
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
I'm a simple reader, I like it when the pov switches back and forth between one character thinking "I am so ugly.....too rugged and broad shouldered and good at chopping logs to ever be attractive to this beautiful ethereal person.....even now they stare at me in disgust" and the other character who is thinking "NUT but I must control my passion.....they know how lecherous I regard them and pity me for my hopeless lust NUT NUT NUT"
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sonyo-writes · 4 years
If Zuko is 5"3 and Iroh is shorter than him then that makes him like. 5"0 right. Imagine being a soldier during the seige of ba sing se getting ready to fight the dragon of the west and you come face to face with this danny devito looking ass and he just starts breathing fire at you
Prince Iroh, Dragon Of The West, during the Seige Of Ba Sing Se, colourised:
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