son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
Looking over at her Spencer smiled, "of course." He shut off the egg beater and handed it to her keeping the whisks in the bowl. "I know you can do it," he said softly moving his hand away after a short moment of them touching.
Rolling hie eyes watching her place the ingredients in the bowl. “I wouldn’t be mad at you for making a mistake,” Spencer said softly just before laughing, “Alright, my turn.” He placed the beaters into the mix, “all you need to do is hit that button on the top and slowly move it around the bowl in a circle like so.”
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
Rolling hie eyes watching her place the ingredients in the bowl. "I wouldn't be mad at you for making a mistake," Spencer said softly just before laughing, "Alright, my turn." He placed the beaters into the mix, "all you need to do is hit that button on the top and slowly move it around the bowl in a circle like so."
Nodding his smile widening, “That is correct.” Spencer pushed the bowls toward her. “I won’t leave you to do this by yourself either. I’ll be a better teacher for you,” Picking up the egg beater. “Once you dump everything into the bowls I’ll show you how to use this properly,” he said glancing at it. 
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
Nodding his smile widening, "That is correct." Spencer pushed the bowls toward her. "I won't leave you to do this by yourself either. I'll be a better teacher for you," Picking up the egg beater. "Once you dump everything into the bowls I'll show you how to use this properly," he said glancing at it. 
“Perfect! Lets get cracking, we just dump the ingredients in again, right?” She wanted to make sure she got it right this time, no more messing up. “I don’t want to use magic, I know how to do that. I don’t know how this muggle tool works though.” Daisy was always up for trying something new and as her parents forbid muggle technology she knew very little of the world that operated outside of her little wizarding community.
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
Spencer gave her a half smile and cast a cleaning spell and a spell that refilled the bowls with the needed amounts of the ingredients. He wouldn't admit it but he didn't like using his magic time. He was a muggle at heart. "There we go, it's been reset," he laughed looking at her, "You can use magic just not on some of these muggle tools." 
Daisy nodded, laughing “That sounds like a plan, more questions, less magic.” She set down her wand on a near by table and saluted, “You got it chief! Just let me know what we should be doing, because honestly I have no idea how to fix this.” She was still embarrassed but determined to make up for it. She didn’t want Spencer to think she wasn’t worth being around.
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
Looking at her wand he smiled watching the batter vanish from the front of him. "How about this, we start over like nothing happened? The Ravenclaw will have to learn from the Hufflepuff. This time don't worry about asking questions," He gave her a chuckle and retrieved his wand from the counter. His was so plain and boring compared to hers.
Daisy heaved a sigh of relief, then laughed, “Really? I think this is the biggest mess I’ve ever made.” She saw the batter as it fell but didn’t react in time, and had to cover her hand to suppress a giggle. “I really, really mucked up,” she snorted, taking her wand out. She muttered a cleaning charm, swiping her wand along the front of his shirt. “Don’t be sorry! I’m the one that made this mistake! I’m sorry, after all I was the one trying jump right in to this whole baking thing.” She dropped her hands, sighing lightly, “the ravenclaw with no idea what she’s doing…”
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
Looking around nervously constantly looking around Spencer waited in Hogsmeade for Rosmerta. She was going to take him somewhere but wanted for him to wait and walk he there. To insure his waiting she didn’t tell him their final location. This was the furthest he had traveled alone. Part of him was excited to be out in the world by himself but he hated being around all of the people he didn’t know without someone there he knew. When his eyes weren’t downcast he looked at those who past him warily. 
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
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Spencer Reid in Season 8
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
With a smile that was as big as he could manage Spencer nodded, "I'm sure." Just before he could look up at the ceiling again he felt some batter land on his head and start to drip down his shirt. He laughed softly making a slight face, "I'd say y-you mucked up." This was the first time he had said something even slightly negative about anyone, his face paled slightly, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't I didn't mean to be mean."
He was too late batter was flying everywhere. Watching the chaos Spencer blinked finding the mess funny. This was the first time he has ever seen cake batter hit the ceiling. He ran a hand through his hair before slowly and hesitantly her walked over to her as the batter stopped flying everywhere. “Daisy, It’s ok, no need to be sorry,” His voice was soft and reassuring as he reached a hand out to her resting it on her shoulder. He lowered himself to her level, “I didn’t tell you how it worked, this is mostly my fault. You didn’t ruin it. There is always more ingredients. This time I’ll show you how it works.” 
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
Nodding slowly Spencer said, "alright Lyla." He looked at the ground, "can you make me more of that herbal tea to help keep nightmares away. They're back and I have a test coming up."
“Yes, of course, Spence. What’s wrong?” She shifted her weight as she looked at him, chewing on the inside of her lip before sighing a little. Finally, her smile returned to her face. “Sorry I vanished the other day, I’ve been dealing with a lot. But I’m all yours now! Promise!” 
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
"First, what happened? You're acting funny," looking at her his big brown eyes worried.
Lila, I need your help…
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
He was too late batter was flying everywhere. Watching the chaos Spencer blinked finding the mess funny. This was the first time he has ever seen cake batter hit the ceiling. He ran a hand through his hair before slowly and hesitantly her walked over to her as the batter stopped flying everywhere. "Daisy, It's ok, no need to be sorry," His voice was soft and reassuring as he reached a hand out to her resting it on her shoulder. He lowered himself to her level, "I didn't tell you how it worked, this is mostly my fault. You didn't ruin it. There is always more ingredients. This time I'll show you how it works." 
Figuring that she had it all under control Spencer started to make another part of the cake. His favorite icing. It was his own recipe and kept it to himself. He used this time to think and understand what he was feeling. This was new to him. It was a form of happiness that spread through him like a potion. Listening he could hear the beater turn on for a moment then stop. Furrowing his brow he thought nothing of it and kept working on the icing. He hummed a strange tune and turned just in time to see that she was uttering a spell. His brown eyes widened, “Daisy… that spell…”
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
Figuring that she had it all under control Spencer started to make another part of the cake. His favorite icing. It was his own recipe and kept it to himself. He used this time to think and understand what he was feeling. This was new to him. It was a form of happiness that spread through him like a potion. Listening he could hear the beater turn on for a moment then stop. Furrowing his brow he thought nothing of it and kept working on the icing. He hummed a strange tune and turned just in time to see that she was uttering a spell. His brown eyes widened, "Daisy... that spell..."
“First you need to put everything in the bowl,” Spencer laughed softly looking at her. He picked up the egg beater and looked at her through the beaters. She looked so excited, seemed so happy. Being around someone like that was almost infectious. All of Spencer’s constant fears, worries, everything seemed to be slowly melting away. “Then this nifty thing is all yours,” Setting the egg beater near her.
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
Lila, I need your help...
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
"First you need to put everything in the bowl," Spencer laughed softly looking at her. He picked up the egg beater and looked at her through the beaters. She looked so excited, seemed so happy. Being around someone like that was almost infectious. All of Spencer's constant fears, worries, everything seemed to be slowly melting away. "Then this nifty thing is all yours," Setting the egg beater near her.
Daisy focused on his words trying to grasp everything he was saying, she didn’t want to mess up again. “Okay, so, let me get at that egg beater I want to help!” She was determined to prove to him that she wasn’t some narrow minded pureblood who didn’t care about what muggles did. 
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
Standing there watching her and smiling Spencer felt good, better than he had in a while. A small blush crept across his face and he looked away from her when she complemented him. That was something he was most definitely not used to. "Now, we got to make the batter," he said as he handed her the things to mix together, "Everything is ready to pour into that big glass bowl. Then you use this handheld machine called an egg beater to mix it all together."
Daisy smiled, pleased he felt comfortable defending his roots in front of her. Most people in Hogwarts would shoot him down on the spot, but she let him talk. A small part of her didn’t really like what he was saying but that bothered her, her parents purist attitudes were leaking out. She hated that. She smiled, “You are well rounded, and as much as everyone refuses to admit, much more well rounded than a lot of people here.” She turned to the oven and turned it to the temperature he said. “Whats next?!”
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son-of-a-muggle · 11 years
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I don't really know a place...
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