softwareperfect · 2 years
Genie Script – Wesley’s New Motivation Program
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Genie Script is a new 30-day program designed by Wesley Virgin. Wesley designed it in a manner that enables you to manifest better emotional, mental, and financial status.
Several things might make you unhappy, especially emotional, mental, or financial status. Finding a way to navigate around these issues can be incredibly difficult. Your financial, mental, and emotional health might prompt you to find ways to destress or make essential changes to your financial issues. Fortunately, one of the ways you can navigate is through meditations that revive your outlook on every little thing and make you happy.
Nevertheless, it is found that some meditation programs still fail to give you any results or even inconsistent results. If so, you should consider investing in this program. This review will share with you an honest opinion, all you need to know, and the right reason for investing your time in this one unique meditation program and technique. Besides, this article will help in answering the questions that you have about the program.
What Is The Genie Script?
Meditation allows you to expand your awareness and open your eyes to what the world has in store for you. Other than that, meditation allows you to review your life by reflecting on where you are against where you want to be. It also enables you to put your mind to focus on a goal, hence increasing the chance of achieving it. Genie Script is quite a cheesy name for a product designed for such meditation. It is a new 30-day program designed by Wesley Virgin. Wesley designed it in a manner that enables you to manifest better emotional, mental, and financial status.
This 30-day program is in the format of eBooks, videos, and audios. The Genie script is Wesley's work that was created to work magically, just like a genie. When you use the online program, you will have a positive mindset and, as a result, achieve your desires. Therefore, Wesley gave the program the name GenieScript as he was trying to paint the idea that after its use, you will receive your manifestations, just like a Genie who can make a wish come true.
Wesley Virgin, a self-made millionaire who acknowledges mind, hacks to his achievement. He also acclaims that manifest hacks allow him to turn entrepreneurial ideas into reality. Wesley Virgin is also the creator of Virgin Media, based in Houston, Texas. According to one news post, he could generate an astounding $30 million through mind hacks in a single year through his online promotion. He is continuously involved in assisting aspiring and upcoming entrepreneurs in changing their potentially confined mindsets and time.
Take action now
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softwareperfect · 2 years
Super Affiliate System Automated Passive Income
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Who Should Go for this Program?
If you would want to work as an affiliate marketer or make some extra money through affiliate marketing, this course is for you. The Super Affiliate System offers a lot of information that you need to start making money within a short time.
However, if you are among the many people with the habit of investing a lot of money in various courses and not completing them, this program is not a good choice. It is not designed for people aiming to make millions of money overnight. Affiliate marketing requires a lot of work and dedication.
Does Super Affiliate System Work?
Super Affiliate System provides the skills you require to start your affiliate marketing systems. Nevertheless, the system requires a lot of work and dedication. You have to complete the six weeks program and use the strategies and tools listed in it.
After opening the Super Affiliate Website, one of the first things you will notice is the many testimonials and reviews from people who have benefited from this program. Keep in mind that Super Affiliate System is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It requires time, dedication, and handwork.
Super Affiliate System Review: Conclusion
If you are a beginner-level affiliate marketer, the Super Affiliate System will give you a good starting point. With over 50 hours of quality video content, you will get the information you need to start your journey. The most valuable part of the system is the weekly webinar, which offers the students the chance to discuss their progress. Even though the price is not one of the things you would laugh about, John claims that you will make 10x the amount within one month.
Take action now
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softwareperfect · 2 years
A Tutorial For Pencil Drawing Shading Techniques
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Perfection in simplicity, drawings created using pencils are a simplistic artwork, and have a unique way of capturing an essence seen within a moment.
An artist using a pencil learns to hear what language the pencil voices the moment the fingertips touch the pencil. What weight does this remarkable little tool carry? The artist then consciously records this into his creation algorithm; next the fingers wrap around and take their hold, another milestone. This point of connection is one of the pivotal points of the drawing about to unfold. Feeling how the pencil feels in the fingers, an understanding of how this pencil dances emerges. The language is now understood.
Pencil to paper- the merging of human being with drawing pencil, visible on the canvas.
A Pencil Drawing portrait is an intimate experience, the artist is seeing through a different lens, allowing you to be reflected by the dance of the pencil, and the appreciation of the timeless tool.
The artist has an uncanny ability to highlight the beauty he/she perceives, creating through the pencil drawing not only a flattering perspective but interweaving something that is seen through the face, an aspect of personality, a glimmer in the eyes, to which the heart whispers "Wow" in exchange.
Now there are various ways such a pencil drawing can be recreated using computer programming and for what this offers they are potentially very useful. However, allowing an artist to create this with drawing pencils touches a different aspect altogether, quite simply it is like comparing a photocopy of a badly taken photography of an artwork to the original. It is in the meeting point of the elements- the pencil, the subject, and the artist where the true magic happens.
The Year 1564 saw the discovery of the first pure graphite mine, which catapulted the craft of pencil artistry. After centuries of the pencil in the hands of the human race, the art has evolved into a huge marketplace yet still stays true to its simplistic roots. Photographs are given new life after the pencil artist uses it as fuel for the pencil drawing portrait.
There are many variations found today within the drawing pencil market, with artists having a wide selection to choose from and each dancing their own unique dance on the canvas. Yet it is common for many to stay with a few favorites, intimately knowing each one.
In tribute to this wonderful little creator of beautiful creations, I have gathered an assortment of information on the pencil. Now, let us imagine, just for a moment, that the pencil is an active, conscious little thing. It may appear to be inanimate, yes, but definitely conscious.
Let us imagine how clever the pencil is; used by a single hand (well, with no hands) transcending into the environments of bankers, bookies, poets and artist. The pencil is entrusted with recording the most intimate details on the perfumed pages of a lover's note or the rough notes jotted down by a passionately inventor. A lightweight in essence, the average pencil measures in at seven inches, and holds the potential to create a line thirty-fives miles in length, which is equal to more than two million inches (2,217,600 inches to be exact).
Pencil drawing is a timeless art form, and with the help of technology is expanding a little further. By the submission of a photograph you no longer have to sit and 'pose'.
Allowing the pencil to use some of its thirty-five mile long reserve to create a magical pencil-drawing portrait. They can make great gifts for people you care about or even to have one of yourself, for yourself. Whatever your reason, the pencil is waiting for you...
Draw With Nolan is a free website for kids. The idea idea is to encourage kids from a young age to appreciate and enjoy art. On the site you will find heaps of free drawing and coloring tutorials. Each lesson has a video which shows how to draw the picture as well as color it in. For younger children there is a downloadable coloring page which they can print out. This enables them to follow the coloring in part of the video - or just do their own thing :).
You Can visit the Draw With Nolan page HERE
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softwareperfect · 3 years
FE Unleashed FREE Sales Machine New 2021-2022 Review
The Secret of making money online is the combination of having a good product with a trending, irresistible offer, a quick delivery method, a professional sales funnel, and a Recurring payment system!
With these high-converting funnels, you'll get all this ready for you to start running your online business and make sales as soon as today!
Today, we'll hand you everything you need to get started with a complete online digital marketing business and all the tools you need!
(Our results and the results you see below are not typical and will vary...we show you exactly how it's done.)
See the REAL PROOF for yourself...
Don't Just Take Our Word For It!
Look At These REAL People Getting Real Results From Our Sales Machine
Turn Up Your Speakers!
With Funnely Enough Unleashed, you'll get all this ready for you to start running your business and make sales as soon as today!
Join Us Today And Get These Insane Bonuses Valued At Over $4,491!
Bonus 1: Done For You High Converting Sales Funnels
Setup takes less than 30mins and you will be ready to drive cash producing traffic with our already proven and converting funnels!
(Value $1,997)
Bonus 2: Complete Step by Step Video Training on Setup
Quick start guide to success of getting Traffic ready! With real world results that work online in 2020!
(Value $997)
Bonus 3: Private Exclusive Facebook Group
We’ve got you covered when you purchase this today you’ll access to our dedicated Facebook Mastermind Support.
We'll not only make sure you’re taken care of but we’ll also share valuable tips and tricks.
(Value $500/Month)
Bonus 4: Top Secret Affiliate FB Training
This training was developed for those who are determined and know what they want! We will Focus on growing your social media network to help you gain more authority and make more sales along the way!
(Value $997)
Bonus 5: Access To Our High Converting Exclusive Traffic To Send To Your Funnel and Start Making Sales
This traffic has been tested, optimized, and tweaked for maximum efficiency on advertising spend. We have spent over $1 Million testing this traffic!
(Value Priceless)
You Will Have Immediate Access to:
High Converting Evergreen Sales Machine (100% automated)
Special training for your new business
How to get organic traffic training
How to get paid traffic training
How to scale your business income training
How to create a solid and lasting affiliate business training
The suggestion of action you should take every day to constantly generate sales and income
The most complete and powerful package of tools and training for you to start making money today!
Click Here
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softwareperfect · 3 years
Clickvio is the new way of doing email marketing, without switching out your current autoresponder. Clickvio presents the modern-day email builder, the kind that gives higher inboxing. Which brings higher opens, more clicks, and more sales. Fully tested, fully vetted and it has already been used in 50,000+ live email marketing campaigns.
CREATE PROFESSIONAL EMAILS that land in inbox every time you send.
ADD STUNNING ELEMENTS TO YOUR EMAILS giving them the ‘WOW’ factor and a super-professional edge
INSERT RETARGETING PIXEL and make more money from your campaigns
ADD AN INSTAGRAM POST in your emails to grow your social following and engage your subscribers at the same time.
​​​​​​​ ADD A YOUTUBE VIDEO LINK - a highly engaging and entertaining way to connect with your subscribers.
INSERT AN IMAGE to strengthen your message and include information that can’t be communicated through text.
ADD A COUNTDOWN TIMER to trigger the sense of urgency
ADD A CALL-TO-ACTION BUTTON to offer discounts, ask your subscribers to join you on a webinar or redirect them to your sales page.
INSERT SOCIAL LINKS to let users go to your social media pages and discover more about your products, read reviews about you and find out about the audience that your product serves.
INSERT LOCATION with a location sharing feature
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softwareperfect · 3 years
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Work From Home - Get paid $280 per day by using any social media platforms.
We have 5 small online companies looking to bolster their presence on YouTube. To do this they want to employ several remote workers to copy and paste comments on to their YouTube videos to try and promote discussion and increase the view count of their content. This is very straight-forward work, which you’ll be able to do whilst watching TV, listening to podcasts or the radio. If you’re looking for difficult, challenging work, this probably isn’t the job for you.
Click here to apply
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softwareperfect · 3 years
Make Money With MarketingBlocks
How does it sound, to cash in some insane profits online minus all the hard work?
This is now possible with MarketingBlocks, the world's first AI-powered App that creates online business assets with the input of just one keyword.
You can’t even imagine the number of businesses that are in dire need of marketing services, and you can be their savior by offering a perfect solution for them while charging them top dollar for these services.
Use MarketingBlocks to generate quick and high-converting marketing campaigns for your clients.
From company bio to product descriptions, website copy to social media posts, this software does everything for you instantly.
You can also use MarketingBlocks to create a successful email, social media or digital campaign and watch as you start getting thousands of leads on auto-mode.
Develop your brand image using our automated marketing tool. Monitor your target audience and hit them with the right promotion at the right time.
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The best part is, you get to grab this incredible tool at such a low price today.
Make more money by paying less money!
Why not give it a shot?
You have nothing to lose with a 30-day money-back guarantee. There is no risk involved, promise!
Take a look at all the action here
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softwareperfect · 3 years
Now THIS is truly cutting edge software
For years Luke Maguire has been known as a pioneer on the cutting edge of social media marketing. He has created several best selling and award-winning softwares that have helped countless marketers achieve success on social media.
Now Luke is on the forefront again thanks to a brilliant new piece of software called Profilemate!
Profilemate is the #1 Instagram growth and analytic tool!
It allows you to target the most active and engaged Instagram users following your competitors …
AND convert them directly into sales!
But why Instagram, you ask?
Instagram is the world’s fastest growing social media network with over 1 billion active users
They’re 52 times more likely to engage with your post than a Facebook user … and 127 more likely than a Twitter user!
Instagram is the GO TO social network for 85% of the world’s largest brands.
Yeah it’s that big!
If you are not using Instagram in your marketing, then you are missing out… big time!
With over 500 Million daily users and millions of pages dedicated to any and all niches, Instagram is your go to source for quality leads in any market …
NOW Profilemate allows you to analyze, gather, and contact these users automatically!
Here are just a few of the things it can do:
* It will get you tons of Instagram followers, hands-free - legally and ethically..
* It allows you to automatically send a message to all your new followers.
* Profilemate interacts with and engages your followers on your behalf
* It deploys advanced machine learning to constantly improve your reach and results.
Yeah… the keyword here is “automatic” again. Profilemate does almost all of the work for you, based on your simple input.
This is by miles the most innovative and powerful Instagram marketing software ever created.
I’m talking about siphoning hundreds to thousands of customer leads from your competitor’s pages every single day!
That’s why as a social media marketer you need to get on board… otherwise you will quickly be left behind.
Don’t get left behind - take action today - and dominate social media in 2020 and beyond!
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softwareperfect · 3 years
Content Research & Creation doesn't have to be a headache, or cost a fortune...
Outsourcing - Hiring freelancers is expensive AND seldom gets you the quality results you want!
D.I.Y. - doing it all yourself, by hand simply takes to long too be practical...
Web Apps - Automated apps get limited results & fail to give you the big picture...
Now there's a tool that pulls together AI and advanced search techniques to give you real USEABLE content in minutes!
Let This Cutting Edge App Do The Heavy Lifting FOR YOU:
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softwareperfect · 3 years
We had an amazing workshop yesterday.
All our attendees enjoyed it... The feedback has been coming in non-stop.
And because of this, we've decided to do an encore session.
If you missed the first live session we had yesterday or you're interested in going through the training a second time, then signup below!
Inside, you'll learn;
[+] A simple, 3-step system that anyone can copy & profit with, without having any skill or experience
[+] How to make money online by selling premium, hot selling products to your audience without creating a single product yourself.
[+] The perfect shortcut for starting a profitable online business - revealed step by step
[+] How to launch your first digital product without doing a single work or spending a dime - All your marketing assets & product support comes done for you.
[+] Plus - you stand a chance of getting RESELLER access to 5 HOT-SELLING Apps + HUGE bonuses valued at $997.
Don't miss it.
We are going to be starting at the exact time & we won't hold back any secret during the training.
Signup & Reserve your seat for the next session
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softwareperfect · 3 years
The SEO Game just got MUCH harder. Not for me, though!
If you are still doing SEO the hard way, you may want to read this.
All marketers have a clear GOAL in mind. They want to build websites with tons of traffic that converts and makes money.
How To Rank Websites After All These Google Updates??
Marketers also know that they only need two things to succeed online. The first thing is CONTENT. You need to provide good content for your visitors. You need to create VALUE.
You also need visitors that will read your content and buy something from you. As many visitors as possible. And the best and cheapest way to get many visitors is SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
As you know, content is the foundation of SEO as well. To get those "high quality, contextual" links, you need content. TONS of content that is published all over the web. With a link back to your website.
The second thing is KNOWLEDGE. Not just any knowledge. EXACT knowledge. You need to know what to do with all that content in order to get visitors. You need to know EXACTLY where to publish it.
The Easiest Solution
Well, the only thing you actually need is a good, nay, GREAT article spinner. I'm using the BRAND-NEW version of Spin Rewriter (the new version was just launched TODAY!). With its special ENL semantic spinning algorithm, it's able to create TONS of unique and perfectly readable content. With a single click. No work required.
Spin Rewriter developers also added the extra article generating algorithm in the newest version. From now on, Spin Rewriter will only generate the most unique articles out of the spinning syntax, which will make your content even more UNIQUE and Google proof.
The guys at Spin Rewriter really went the extra mile for you. Every new user of Spin Rewriter also receives a 60-page 34-days to 7,000 Daily Visitors SEO Blueprint that reveals just what to do with the unlimited source of content to set up websites and improve Google rankings. Simple, EXACT, day-by-day instructions. You can find a video with all the incredible functionality right here.
This way, you'll finally have EXACTLY what you need: A website with traffic that makes money.
Don't forget to take advantage of the 5-Day FREE Trial!! There are no strings attached... and you can grab it here:
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softwareperfect · 3 years
The Most Affordable And Easiest User Friendly Page Builder You Will Ever Lay Your Eyes Upon!
With Easy Page Buildr your customers no longer have to worry about editing complicated HTML code, as we have taken care of that, and they no longer have to worry about anything to do with website design as we have taken care of that too… Adding their own personalized details is as easy as clicking a mouse…
This Really is as Easy as it Gets!
It’s not only the easiest user friendly page builder you will ever use, but it also packs a powerful punch when it comes to creating everything you need to sell and deliver your products online, including a complete sales funnel.
With Easy Page Builder you can create a complete funnel very easily, such as Sales Pages, Affiliate Pages, OTO Pages, Squeeze Pages, Download Pages, Webinar Pages… And a whole lot more!
#easypagebuildr #salesfunnel #salespages #affiliatepages #otopages #squeezepages #downloadpages #webinarpages
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softwareperfect · 3 years
A new system that puts other DFY systems to shame has just released.. and it’s incredible.
If you’ve ever wanted to own your own business
[x] Without setup fees
[x] Without technical challenges
[x] Without having to make sales pages
[x] Without struggling to find people to sell to
[x] Without trying to make a high end product
=> Then you should have a look at this incredible DFY package
It sells for you and then goes on to sell more, because… if they don’t buy your inbuilt $100-$500 (you choose your own price) offer after 30 days of engagement, training, education and sales promotion on your behalf...
The software will automatically send out highly targeted offers
But do it quick!
Right now they’ve just launched and are giving away full access for under twenty bucks.
Grab your copy today and I’ll see you inside the members area.
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softwareperfect · 3 years
Hey, have you tried Upstox yet? I've been trading with them and thought you’d love it too! Upstox is one of India's largest and fastest-growing brokers with over 50 lakh users. The app is easy-to-use, for both pro traders and beginners, and allows you to invest in Stocks, Futures, Options, Mutual Funds, and more. Opening an account is fast and paperless! Sign up now with my link to open your FREE account and enjoy brokerage-FREE investing up to Rs 1000 for the first 30 days:
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softwareperfect · 3 years
Do you want to profit hundreds of dollars in the next 2.5 hours?
Making money online isn’t a tale. But in fact, you have to find the right thing, and the right place to sell. And this is why 95% of people failed to make money online.
Great news! There’s a chance for you to actually turn a small investment into hundreds of dollars or even more (your choice)
Web Agency Fortune from my friend Dawn is a system that lets you create beautiful, high-converting websites for 11 types of local businesses: Dentist, Family Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer, Child Care, Pet Grooming, Pizza Restaurant, Coffee Shop, Chiropractor, Roofing Contractor, Tree Service and HVAC Contractor.
Within minutes, you will be able to set up a ready-to-use WordPress website that business owners will happily pay for. And once you sell a website to a business, you’ll have a great chance to offer other services like SEO, Social Media, PPC Advertising and more.
Grab Your Copy Here
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softwareperfect · 3 years
Powerful cloud-based ad creation tool to Create any kind of ad under the sun.
2000+ Proven to Convert ad Templates that grab the viewer’s attention.
Create Converting ads in less than 60 seconds. High-Converting Google Ads with proven to convert templates in all possible placements Training on how to reach 1000’s of potential customers using $5 The insider’s Ads profit Workshop
High-Converting Social Media Ads with 2000s of templates in 9 Social platforms
Done For you Niche-specific Ad copy pack
DFY target audience in 50 highly profitable Niches.
Ebooks for step by step guide for Ad creation on 9 social platforms included in Adsly.
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softwareperfect · 3 years
[Traffic Secrets] Russell’s book is coming!
Did you read Russell’s Brunson’s last two bestselling books…
Dotcom Secrets or Expert Secrets?
If you did, then you know how much they impacted your business.
Without a doubt, those two books changed the way I approach marketing, sales, and funnels.
Which is why I’m so excited about the release of “Traffic Secrets.”
I’ve been waiting a long time for this.
And it’s finally here!
He’s giving special access to his most loyal #funnelhackers and fans to Pre-order “Traffic Secrets” NOW.
(I already pre-ordered mine!)
It’s FREE. All you gotta do is take care of the shipping.
Your book gets shipped on May 5…
But you can claim your copy now.
And if you want the audio version (which I’m all about), that’s available as an add-on option if that’s your thing... (AND you wouldn’t have to wait for the hard cover copy to release!) 🤯
The first run is going to be insane, and most likely copies will sell out.
So pre-order your copy now.
Pre-order “Traffic Secrets” NOW
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