smartmoneyeasy · 4 months
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make money online turned 2 today!
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
Not a “Kiss kit”. Maybe something like that! Well, ok, what is really Qiskit? IBM presents this as an open-source quantum computing software development kit https://etechglobaltrends.com/qiskit-latest-sdk-insights/
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
Time is LTD
Time is LTD. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform for collaborative productivity analytics. let's get started... https://etechglobaltrends.com/time-is-ltd-trending-saas-platform/
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
10 Top AI video generators in 2022
Are you getting tired and have almost given up video creation? Or already mess up by wasting time? This is happening when using traditional video-creating tools. Have you ever heard about AI video creation? Sure it is possible. What? Yes of course, now without hesitations you can create text-to-video type content. So this will be an attractive and superb idea to come up with? Yes, things are getting easier with less time. Don’t you like to get into this nice concept “10 Top AI video generators in 2022” so don’t miss the information we made?
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
the solar energy pros & cons
according to scientists. It will last over 500,000 years to meet our civilization's current requirements. Are we ready to mass use solar energy? What should we care about? In this article, we are going to answer the question. Let’s see “ Solar energy pros and cons”
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
AI cyber security ( 5 mts read)
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
industrial robots
Industrial robots: Trends 2022 By TEAM ETGT May 29, 2022 They are already on our doorstep. The global market for industrial robots grows steadily over the next four years, with market size of around $55 billion in 2020. There are 2.7 million industrial robots in use around the world. sure? are they to lose jobs? no, actually it will not! or what will happen? A recent study says, there is no proper knowledge. and also experience of major manufacturers for industrial robotics operations. therefore the article “Industrial robots: Trends 2022” will make your work. let’s see how it’s going on?
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
best SEO service providers
TLDR says 31st of January, 2020: 90.63% of pages receive no organic traffic. See how critical the case is. The SEO struggle is endless. There is no stable answer for this. How fast you notice the upcoming algorithm changes is the matter. appearing top on the SERP is a vital smart game. No matter what the business is. So many SEO service providers are trying to catch the critical benefits and sell them for money. Is it reliable? No harm for Google Adsense? There are many questions still on the board. In this article, we will give a solution worth. This 5 minutes read blow your mind? “Best SEO providers: the ultimate guide 2022”
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
business tech trends
According to a report publication  ‘business today,’ the cloud computing industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17.5% from $371.4 billion in 2020 to $832.1 billion by 2025. Oxford University predicts that up to 35% of all jobs will be automated by 2035 and beyond. Business is a smart game! a recent study says only 8% of companies are able to integrate trending technologies successfully. the lack of decision making has to lose of profit. Or will they lose the stability of the business? How can avoid this case? Read this article(What are technological trends in business?). This 5 minutes read will change your mind, if you are already back in this game.
Let’s get clear on this matter
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
How does Biometrics improve cyber security?By
May 18, 2022
Google blacklists 10000 websites globally every day! An average of 600,000 WordPress sites get hacked every 3 months! There are approximately 2,200 cyberattacks per day, which could equate to more than 800,000 bank accounts being hacked each year! Recently there were high-earning YouTube channels that got hacked even though they had 2 step verifications. what?… Is that true? Yes, it is…according to recent studies. Due to security conditions.  Would your website, online business, bank account, or youtube channel be safe enough? It’s time to take action soon. Well, how to do this? Of course, we bring this vital article with a new vision.  “How does Biometrics improve cyber security? Let’s see how…
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
Affiliate marketing: the best strategy
Affiliate marketing: the best strategy 
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Do you really know about smart affiliate marketing?
It's incredible. Affiliate marketing is a $7 billion-dollar-per-year industry that is rapidly expanding. Despite this, you can do affiliate marketing for free.
But let me clarify.
I don't mean there aren't any costs associated with starting and running an affiliate business. but the costs are absurdly low. well, free means there is a huge competition. You have to have a strategy. Read this article we’ll make you know. Be smart in this. So this article “affiliate marketing: the best strategy” is just for markets that are willing to win the game.
What is free affiliate marketing?
What I mean by free affiliate marketing is that companies do not charge you a fee to join their programs. Simply fill out their application forms and wait for the approval.
Not all of them will accept you now. Some requirements are more stringent than others. Some, for example, want to see that you already have a website in the same or a related niche to the products that their company sells before they accept you.
But keep in mind that free affiliate marketing is the norm.
Of course, if a company attempts to charge you to become an affiliate, it is not an affiliate program. That could be network marketing or another business model, but no legitimate company with an affiliate program charges for applying or being accepted into their program.
Why would they?
 It's a complete win for the company. They only pay out a commission if they are certain of making a profit. That is why it is free to join.
Nobody would accept a company's offer to become an affiliate if they charged a fee at least nobody who understands this business model.
You cannot effectively do affiliate marketing for free. Yes, you can sign up for the programs for free. But then you'll need to register a domain, purchase hosting, and create a website, blog, or whatever you want to promote the products you want to promote.
What role does affiliate technology play in an affiliate program? 
Are you ready for challenges in 2022?
These technology providers enable brands to track and measure the performance of their programs, as well as properly pay their partners in an efficient and timely manner.
Depending on the program, it serves a variety of functions/roles
1. Autoresponder
2. Landing pages/funnels
3. Automation
4. Affiliate marketing platform
What is the strategy for smart affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy in which one company compensates another for referred business. The primary goal of affiliate marketing is to help website owners reach new markets.
Is this one of the four smart online ways to make easy money?
You are not alone if you want to make more money with your online business. There are millions of others like you out there. You will need to do a variety of things in order to make more money. Unfortunately, many business owners believe that there is nothing else they can do. This is simply not the case. If you own a small business that sells products or services online, you can boost your sales by launching your own affiliate program.
 How do I find real products (Niche strategy)  
This is an important part of affiliate marketing. Don't be in a hurry up. Just wait for a survey on what you are going to promote. This is not a difficult job, but later on, also you can change the products and services. When you grow up in this business, you will come to know that “if I didn’t change my product niche, it would have been better”. This is why we recommend you as a beginner once you select the “type of product”, it’s wise enough at starting. Later on, you will be able to jump to other trending products too. It is possible. We advise fresh affiliate marketers like this.
The psychology of marketing
Online or offline businesses just check and see that “what are products people wish to buy mostly” put on customer’s shoes. Or “what I want to buy mostly”. So, this is the critical point to start. If you don’t like some of the product streams, as humans, others are the same fairly. Some are with high gravity. People choose them without thinking twice. And the first impression is enough for selection. Find that product niche. This game is always connected to psychology.
Why do I need to know a profitable niche? here are the top 4 reasons
It's better to know why. Everyone has talents, skills, and attitudes. In consideration of the product niche, your goal must be to determine whether the niche itself can create high value. concern on these features;
You might have knowledge of some specific products. Or services. May be highly interested? Why not you probably can start from them?
There are trending products in the marketplace & highly popularized. This means many people wish to buy them. Insist with them. You are now well on the game.
When engaging with social media, you might know the interests of the audience. Consider those products often.
Always watch out for the trending features. Like the seasonal demands. An example, new year gifts, Christmas gifts, and summer dresses. autumn t-shirts etc.
What are the trending products for affiliate marketing?
Just search  Google. But within the strategy, it’s better to find out by yourself. If your traffic source is strong enough to get sales, almost won. As an example, web hosting services are trending.
READ MORE HERE https://etechglobaltrends.com/affiliate-marketing-the-best-strategy/
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
AI copywriting
AI copywriting tools: performance analysis
What is copywriting?
It is difficult to create and maintain a high-quality copy. Using the best AI writing software can simplify your life. Any content writer will need a lot of research, time, and skills to write a good article. it does not only rank well in search engines. but also engages and converts your target audience. It's similar to this. Writing clear and concise copy in any format, such as ads, marketing materials, and websites, for virtually any audience and industry. Whether you're a content writer, a business copywriter, a freelance writer, an author, a YouTuber, a backlinker, a guest poster, a social media marketer, an entrepreneur, an SEO, or a digital marketer, you'll need to spend more time searching so that you can start writing your collected ideas for whatever your business is. so this story is about AI copywriting tools: performance analysis. 
This problem, however, will no longer be an impediment to you if you use AI writing assistant tools to help you create high-quality content at a higher volume. As a result, you can get started sooner and grow faster.
Let’s get started.
What exactly is content?
You've probably heard that content is the king. Sure it is. But putting our thoughts into words isn't always easy. it leads to marketing your company, product, or service. To keep readers interested, the content should be; 
Is using AI writing tools legal?
Definitely ok. They are constantly improving both the user experience and the algorithms! That’s why they are popular. If there was a matter of legitimacy, this AI copywriting software business is over no?
Is (AI) copywriting software going to end your copywriting career?
What are the chances that a copywriting script or bot will put you out of business? It's a big question, but it's also an important one. Because AI has already advanced significantly. And it excels at many tasks that humans do not. Consider driving, which is a complex task. AI drivers are already safer than humans on the road. It's only humans. our mistrust of machines and our desire to drive that is preventing it from becoming a reality.is it? Let’s think about it.
Will AI be able to replace copywriters?
We don't believe it will ever completely replace writers. But there's no denying that these AI copywriting tools are incredible. And more AI software will come up to identify “who wrote this copy? A robot or a human”. But still, Google isn't concerned about this matter? It will, soon or later. 
Is Automated Copywriting risky? 
Maybe, it can violate Google Webmaster Guidelines!  
There are an increasing number of AI software products on the market. They use AI technology to help speed up the content writing process. However, according to Google's John Mueller, this content violates the Google Webmaster Guidelines: "For us, these would essentially still fall into the category of automatically generated content, which is something we've had in the Webmaster Guidelines since almost the beginning."
Mueller confirms that if it is discovered that the content was generated using AI technology, Google will classify it as spam. He confirmed that Google may be playing a cat and mouse game in order to continuously identify AI-generated content and flag it as spam while ensuring that the best content on Google is still generated by humans.
Can Google catch AI-generated content?
"Google's algorithms aren't capable of automatically detecting content generated by language models like GPT-3," Miranda Miller, Sr. Managing Editor at Search Engine Journal, says. And I'm not sure how the future will unfold there, where sometimes people will do something and get away with it, and then the webspam team catches up and solves the problem on a larger scale.”
According to Mueller, AI-generated content falls under the category of auto-generated content, which could result in a manual penalty.
However, without the assistance of human reviewers, Google's systems may be unable to detect AI-generated content. We are too searching for this further. If it is a critical issue we will make you know soon. It’s not bad to be alert. But there is a definite risk!
Is AI content worth it? 
Without a significant website or framework to back it up, AI content isn't good or valuable enough to earn backlinks. Playing with AI content on a test website is far safer than putting a well-known website at risk.
AI content performs better so far?
Yes, looks like no issues so far. But our prediction is there is a significant risk to this. Everyone using AI copywriting is enjoying it until now. Bt we are pretty sure Google doesn’t like this. And up to now, they don’t have a detection module. Wait it may come within the next Major update? and they will tell creators what is the effect now. Then everyone using AI-generated copywriting has to make a decision. Or without notifying you, Google can rank low even. This is the biggest  threat. The thing is you may not know why. And Google never says that. Only, they might ask you to “read again the terms and conditions”. Don’t underestimate the capability of Google. They will make a solution soon!
Why are content creators still trying to cheat Google?
This will be the end of the content writing game. or a reason to get blacklisted soon or a possible reason for cancellation Adsense even.
What are the leading ai copywriting tools? How do they perform?
We present you with a balanced review. Even though we are not promoting them directly. But of course, indirectly do so. 
01 Grammarly 
This is the most popular one in the market. There is a free version + premium one. The free version is enough for general purposes like article writing, email corrections, etc. Grammarly is a game of the English language. I have used this for more than 1 year. See my insights…
Is Grammarly a perfect tool?
The simple answer is ‘NOT’. a recent study on Grammarly accuracy found only 72%+/- correct. Then why are there so many in use? Well, It’s flexible and easy to use. Hence for general human conversation no need to be 100% correct. Do you agree with me? Yes, it is…
Why is it so important?
It has many good features. Such as;
Suggestions: it shows the word suggestions with an underline automatically. Can recorrect quickly or ignore. But here also Grammarly English is not perfect. 
Long sentences are available in the premium version.
Add as Chrome extension: it’s not difficult to connect. just add it as an extension.
Can AI copywriting tools be used for thesis writing? 
NEVER! Copywriting is used for general purposes only. The main thing is it cannot understand the context. just placing words here and there makes a mess totally. In the end, you will wonder what I was suggested and what is written by the AI tool? What is a sample context? Just check what it is here. So for special tasks, there are other proofreading tools. Read here to get more details on why you should not use Grammarly for specific tasks.
What is the special purpose? 
If you are a student for a master's degree or higher, it will be necessary to write scientifically. There is a logic behind the context. Then it follows a further specific theory. And the most important thing is building a strategic context. This is a special task and general AI copywriting tools never handle such advanced work. AI copywriting tools are just a game of the English language.
Can AI write better in 2022?
The quick answer is yes if done correctly. Jasper gives a solution for this, an AI-powered writing assistant who will handle all of your writing needs so you can spend your time growing your business rather than staring at a blank screen. Jarvis( previous name) AI is here to assist you if you want to improve your content writing. Jarvis AI will write for you at the speed of thought! This AI copywriting software can quickly and efficiently generate any type of text that you require. also can take over your social media posts, blog articles, and even website copy with a few clicks. Jarvis AI copywriting assistant services are available for free, with a bonus of 10,000 words. That means you can generate approximately ten articles of 1000 words each for free.
How to use ai content for more sales?.
Create and Sell Content For Social Media Ads, Blogs, Websites, Ecom Stores, Sales Pages, videos, Quora, SEO, Company Profiles, and More Without Writing A Single Word. Discover time-saving shortcuts for creating better visual content for your digital products, online courses, sales funnels, web pages, ad campaigns, social posts, and more.
Whatever type of business you have, digital content marketing is a powerful way to attract more customers and increase your sales. One of the most important aspects of your business or organization is copywriting. Copywriting is the process of convincing customers or clients to act. It is the way your product or service is positioned. It's how you educate people about its advantages and persuade them that it solves a problem for them.
How to use a real-world example to demonstrate how to do this with your own company and promotions.
For Youtube
You could be a fantastic content creator, but if you don't know how to write good copy for your videos, no one will watch them.
Writing video scripts is difficult and time-consuming. It's also critical that your videos reach as many people as possible in order for them to convert into leads or sales. Using Artificial Intelligence, you will be able to create professional-quality YouTube video scripts in minutes with this script writing software tool.
Copy.ai is a new artificial intelligence (AI) copywriting tool. Copy.ai is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to assist you in creating amazing marketing copy for your business.
How can you use Copy.ai to create amazing marketing copy to promote your product, launch a business, or hold an event?
How could you possibly use this as an alternative to hiring expensive copywriters and content writers? To create outstanding sales copy to promote your products and services. In the Demo video on their website, you will learn how to use the Copy.ai artificial intelligence tool to create your own marketing copy in minutes. This is your chance to learn more about the most advanced copywriting tool for business owners, entrepreneurs, and online marketers.
Copy.ai is transforming the marketing landscape. Previously, a company would hire a copywriter to write marketing copy for them, and that person would have to be extremely creative and skilled in the art of writing.
Is that a better option, Copy.ai?
This software can now do all of that work for a company. The software is intended to learn how your customers think and then use that knowledge to create highly effective copy that will help you sell more products. Copy.ai assists brands in writing better marketing copy in a fraction of the time and cost of writing the copy manually. Finally, there is a tool that will assist you in writing better copy in just minutes. It will also save you hours of work. So, today or right now, add it to your cart to promote your business as you see fit, and both you and your customers will be pleased.
What will the AI content writer or assistant look like in 2022? as a summary
Some tools can even help you quickly and easily create persuasive, engaging, high-quality marketing copy and content. The Content Writing Assistant helps you create Unlimited, Unique, and High-Quality Content in Seconds. Make content for;
Digital Ad Copy - Marketing
Ads on Facebook
Google Adwords
Ads on LinkedIn
Copy for eCommerce
Product Specifications
From Features to Advantages
Copy for Sales
Copy of the Pain Agitate Solution
Before-and-After Bridge Copies
Topics for Thought
Blogging Software
Blog Concepts
Blog Highlights
Introduction to the Blog
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
Why is Edge AI so Important?
The special thing is Edge AI is designed to locate data sources that are very close to individual devices globally. At the same time, all data handling management is assumed to manage through AI. or a significant role in this technique. In the commercial world, this edge AI will offer convenient, accurate, and fast service to its customers.
Absolutely good for medium and high-level businesses. similarly, Edge AI is the extension of Edge computing.
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
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smartmoneyeasy · 2 years
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