slyvester101 · 9 hours
Another headcanon for Tucker
Since Tucker is a black man stuck in the military with the same mostly white fuckers in a box canyon for years on end without any kind of salon/hairdresser/barber around, he gets fucking good at doing his own hair.
He orders all the stuff from Vic and has a designated ‘hair day’ for when he undoes, cuts, braids, or generally does his hair care. He gets hella good at it. He can do all the fancy, complicated shit. He can do the very mundane and simple shit too. He even learns how to dye his hair (it’s boring in blood gulch before Donut and Caboose arrived and kickstarted the next decade of shenanigans)
And since he’s the only “hairdresser” in the canyon, it’s obviously his job to take care of anything hair related.
He cuts Caboose’s and Church’s hair semi-regularly. Caboose lets him experiment and cut his hair however he likes, Church gets the same stupid haircut every time.
He helps Tex put her hair up in braids and buns when it’s just not cooperating. When Kai complains about a lack of hair care availability, Tucker gives her a full on spa day, treating and braiding her hair for her.
He also sometimes helps the reds with their hair. Sarge has only ever asked to borrow a razor (something Tucker still hasn’t gotten back), Simmons also gets the same damn haircut everytime, Grif has very curly and long hair like Tucker and often needs help taking care of/braiding it (especially since he’s too lazy to do it by himself) and Donut enjoys getting pampered whenever Tucker does his hair (Tucker doesn’t half-ass this shit. It’s a full production when Tucker does someone hair.)
He helps Wash and Carolina dye their hair. He braids Kimball’s hair into combat braids when she asks. He teaches the soldiers of Chorus how to do complex braids and how to do proper hair care while in an active warzone.
Taking care of hair, cutting, braiding, washing, it all becomes second nature to Tucker. It becomes woven (ba dum tss) into his very being. What used to be something he did out of vanity and necessity became something he did because he genuinely enjoyed it, because it brought him and the people around him joy.
Tucker using hair as an outlet, maybe as a coping mechanism. Tucker giving to others what he wishes someone would’ve given him.
A decent fucking hairdo.
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slyvester101 · 10 hours
Swamp AU Reds and Blues would be a menace on Chorus if you think about it, swamp!reds and blues has better senses on spotting the littlest things from years trying to figure out whether that's Sarge sneaking an attack in the bushes or Caboose lurking in the waters again. Oh you have a cloaking unit? Sorry the reds and blues have the super power called paranoia early on.
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slyvester101 · 16 hours
Secret third option (he’s really good at ONE thing and sucks at everything else)
(That thing is sucking co-)
Red vs. Blue: Lavernius Tucker
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Please reblog for a larger sample size.
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slyvester101 · 1 day
I think so fucking much about how Tucker and Wash and Felix and Locus are basically parallels for each other.
The wisecracking boastful annoyance that holds far to many insecurities that he ever lets on and the war hardened soldier that he relies on for whatever reason
Two sets of the same guys but with far different outcomes.
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slyvester101 · 2 days
Donut: Tucker! Are you free on Friday? Like, around 8 pm?
Tucker, already skeptical: Yeah?
Donut: What about you, Wash?
Wash, feeling the beginnings of a shenanigan: Yes…
Donut: Great! Because I’m not. You two go on without me. Enjoy your date!
Wash: Did he just—?
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slyvester101 · 3 days
He's a taylor swift fan (derogatory)
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slyvester101 · 3 days
Guys everyone in a swamp instead of a canyon AU
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And they all wear camo n shit over their armor
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slyvester101 · 4 days
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lil bit from reformation because ive been itching to draw some meta tucker and im loving that one.
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slyvester101 · 4 days
Imagine Tucker getting fangs after giving birth to Junior.
They say in show that both species they are delegating are more comfortable with them since they are “in-between” which makes sense for Junior since he’s a half human hybrid, but Tucker is just a guy who gave birth to him (which while connects him to the Sangheili, doesn’t really make him an “in-between” in my book).
It would make a lot more sense and be really fucking interesting if giving birth to Junior physically altered his body in other ways than just what happens to one’s body after giving birth.
For example, a headcanon (it may be canon but I have no fucking idea) I see a lot for Tucker is that being the Chosen One gave Tucker epic glowing tattoos/his birthing scars from having Junior look like Sangheili tattoos or glow blue or something. Which is a headcanon I love and will forever associate with Tucker.
Back to my original point, I think Tucker should become a bit more… uncanny after giving birth to Junior. He gets stronger and more agile, His canines get longer and sharper, his reflexes are quicker and his instincts hone in on danger faster, maybe his vocal box changes so he can speak Sangheili better. Whatever the case, it becomes increasingly more obvious that he’s no longer completely human, just like Junior isn’t completely Sangheili.
And then you can have situations where Tucker takes off his armor and scares the shit outta people.
Like imagine Church shitting himself when Tucker smiles one day and all he sees are his new sharp fangs or Wash sneaking double glances and constantly trying to get Tucker to smile to check that yeah. Those aren’t normal teeth.
Imagine the people of Chorus having a healthy fear of the kinda terrifying and slightly unsettling look of Lavernius Tucker.
Imagine everyone being so used to Tucker’s less than normal physique that they forget how scary he can look to newcomers.
Idk, I just think it’d be fun.
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slyvester101 · 4 days
Ok, is Simmons first name Richard and he has the nickname ‘Dick’ or is his name just Dick? Because on Ao3, his tag is just Dick Simmons, but I’ve seen people (mainly on tumblr) tag him as ‘Richard’.
I think it would be way more funny if his name was just Dick. That’s his birth name, that’s what’s on his birth certificate. Dick Simmons.
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slyvester101 · 4 days
grimmons animatic to the song small car with big wheels. to recover from rvb restoration
[originally posted december 2022]
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slyvester101 · 6 days
*after Tucker opens a gate*
Tucker: "Got it!"
Wash: "Nice." *holds up a fist*
Tucker: *obviously very excited for the fist bump* "Ohhhhh yeah!" *bumps Wash's fist*
Wash: "You wanna blow it up, don't you?" *Tucker nods* "Psssh."
*Tucker proceeds to do an exaggerated fist bump explosion*
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slyvester101 · 6 days
Tuckington brainrot in 2024 anyone????
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slyvester101 · 7 days
I think we’re all sleeping on the fact that Carolina had an Azula breakdown arc.
Carolina strived to be perfect, to be the best, the strongest, the fastest, the smartest, to be number one. Her dad directly approved of it and made her competitiveness towards success worse as time went on.
Carolina lost all her friends because of it, got backstabbed in her eyes by York because he wanted to do the right thing. Got dropped off a cliff because of she wanted to be right, she wanted to win.
Her ego was her downfall and everyone went down with her.
Imagine Carolina dropping on Wash and the sim troopers and her hair is choppy and greasy, she has eye bags practically sewn permanently onto her face, her plans are frantic, manic, messy, nothing like the ones she made during the early days of Freelancer.
She’s nothing like she was during Freelancer.
Imagine Washington looking at Carolina and knowing just from the crazed glint in her eyes that he could genuinely, maybe even easily, beat Carolina in a fight.
He’d realize with horror and dread that he was no longer the worst fighter of his squad.
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slyvester101 · 7 days
Wash : “Tucker bumps his leg into mine under the table, and when I glance at him, he’s not even looking my way. He’s just reminding me that he’s here, that nothing can really hurt me.”
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slyvester101 · 7 days
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true love
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slyvester101 · 7 days
Wash remembers the first day he saw Tucker without his armor.
They were at Valhalla, long after the fight with the Meta, finally settling down into a routine that felt… natural. That being said, Wash was still a little stiff around base, unsure what to do or how to act with nobody around to give him orders.
Well, Tucker would give him the occasional order, but it was more of a snarky request he never expected Washington to complete or a bitchy reply to whatever melodramatic comment Wash had made.
Besides, Tucker seemed hesitant to give any actual orders despite being the highest ranking on base, leaving Wash to just… hover.
He’d train in the morning, going on simple runs while he healed up from fighting both Tex and the Meta before gradually moving back to his regular training regimen. Sometimes Caboose would join, giving Wash a run for his money with how difficult he was to take down in a spar.
Tucker never seemed keen on joining, not much of a morning person himself, though he obviously trained at some point since Tucker could wield his plasma sword like a pro.
It was a shame they trained at different times. Wash would really like to wage his knives against Tucker’s sword.
It was that fateful sunny day, however, that finally gave Wash that chance to wager.
It was early, even for Wash. The sun had barely made it over the horizon, the canyon still quiet as most of its residents slept.
Wash was practically buzzing in bed.
He didn’t want to wake Caboose, couldn’t even if he wanted to. When Caboose was asleep, he was dead to the world until he got his eight hours. (Like clockwork. Wash was impressed.)
He also didn’t want to wake Tucker, but the itch in his skin wasn’t going away even after pumping out enough push ups to make his arms sting or running around the canyon enough to get his legs aching.
No, what he needed was a spar. And a good one at that.
Tucker seemed like the kind of guy to understand that kind of itch. Wash thinks he’s seen it in the few times he’s caught him practicing katas with his sword.
Angry and rushed and hard, yet still powerful and firm and artful.
Wash would like a fight with that. Wash would really like a fight with that. Which is what got him into this situation.
In his defense, he did knock on the door.
He just also… forgot to wait for an answer.
He was antsy, alright? He hardly had the patience to wait for Tucker to wake up enough to answer him.
He really should’ve waited.
Tucker laid there bare, the only thing covering him up being the blanket tangled around his middle (and thank fuck for that). Miles of dark skin that Wash didn’t even think to consider was under that aqua armor shined softly under the morning sun along with the long connecting marks of gentle blue tattoos covering his body. Wash trailed them up and down the length of Tucker’s body, dully noting the two marks that curled over his face.
That must’ve been a bitch to get.
Tucker definitely worked out to some degree if the lean muscles covering his body were anything to go by, Wash noted with a mild appreciation—
Wait. No. That’s not what he’s for.
He snaps his eyes back up from where they were, admittedly, staring at Tucker’s thick thighs up to his face and—
Were Tucker’s eyes always open?
“Enjoying the view, sweetheart?”
Wash flushed from head to toe as Tucker flashed him a lazy grin and oh fuck Wash can see the sharpness of his canines from here.
“Uh.” He said dumbly, brain still figuring out how the fuck Tucker’s voice was so grumbly even though he wasn’t wearing his helmet. “I was just— I just wanted to know if you wanted to have a spar with me?”
The end of his sentence trailed off as Tucker sat up in his elbows, blanket falling further down his stomach to reveal some thick, jagged looking scars of blue. It took all of Wash’s willpower to not just stare at the artwork across Tucker’s skin.
“Dude, it’s like, butt-fuck o’clock. And not the fun kind. Why are you even awake?” Tucker didn’t sound annoyed, just curious, mostly groggy and maybe a bit amused.
Wash shuffled as Tucker blatantly checks out his own armor free body, feeling a little self-conscious about the sweat making his shirt cling to his chest.
“I uh, couldn’t sleep. ‘M a bit restless.”
Tucker looks him over a bit more critically, taking note of the way Wash practically vibrates out of his skin. He flicks his eyes up to Wash’s and all Wash sees is plain and simple understanding. His shoulders drop a bit.
“Hm. Yeah, sure. I could go for a spar.” Tucker’s gaze shifts again and Wash feels like he’s pinned to floor with the intensity of it. Tucker leans back on his elbows more, shifting just enough to make the blanket fall just between his legs, leaving very little to Wash’s imagination.
“I could go for more than a spar, if you’re up for it.”
Wash blinks.
Blinks again.
Did he mean…?
His body buzzes in excitement at the implication, his fists squeezing tight to keep it from spilling out of him. “I’ll get my knives. Meet you out in the yard in ten.”
Wash is bolting out down the hallway before he can spot Tucker’s confused expression.
He’s finally going to be able to test Tucker’s swordplay.
This was gonna be fun.
Tucker watches with mild interest and confusion as Wash slips from view before letting himself plop back down onto his bed.
When he had awoken to Wash eyeing him up, he thought it was gonna end with both of them in here. Apparently, Wash is a lot less observant than previously thought. Or maybe he was just stupid oblivious.
Spending years with the same group of people while in the middle of a military operation was not indicative of good flirting skills and comprehension.
Tucker would know, he had to relearn so many things about sex and the art of seduction after all the years he spent in Blood Gulch.
Maybe he could give a fee pointer to Wash.
In the meantime, he had a freelancer’s ass to kick. Tucker didn’t spend all that time playing with his sword for nothing.
This was gonna be fun.
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