I'M BAAAAACCCCKKKK! Well sort of! I'm alive and well and have a ton of news to share, however, I am still working on chapter 29! The point is though...I'm coming back to finish The Paths We Take! I told you, I would never abandon my stories 😉 It may be a few weeks before the new chapter is posted but I promise promise, it is coming!
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This is awesome! I'm so excited someone created something for my story. It's perfect @scdramione thank you so much! ❤💚
Board for Slytherin-Goddess214
I was feeling a little creative this afternoon, so I designed this board for @slytherin-goddess214​. 
If you haven’t read the excellent fic, The Paths We Take, you’re missing out on a treat. It has romance, adventure, time travel and is a cracking read. 
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Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13377295/28/The-Paths-We-Take
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The Paths We Take: Chapter 28- Say It Again
Pairings: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini
Synopsis:  When a simple bet during a year end field trip to a muggle museum goes  terribly wrong, four students find themselves unwillingly thrown through  time by an ancient amulet. Can they work together long enough to  survive the multiple time periods, or will they fall victim to the  horrors of the past and remain there…forever?
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13377295/28/The-Paths-We-Take
“Well…At least you made it to the bed this time” Ginny claimed while trying to hold back a laugh.
“Why?” the blonde demanded to know after scrambling to cover the witch beneath him with the blanket. “Why is it that every time we have a moment alone it’s fucking ruined by someone? Why?” he complained as Blaise peeked his head around the corner.
“Oh, shite…” he chuckled while nudging the redhead with his hand. “Looks like the train is finally pulling into the station and it’s bigger than nine and three quarters!”
“Choo choo” Ginny laughed while pretending to pull on a lever.
“Get out!” Draco ordered strongly.
“But we-” Blaise began to contend.
“Out! Now!”
“Is that your school uniform?” Ginny chortled. “Why are you-Oooohh.”
“For fuck sakes, get the fuck out!”
“Alright,” Blaise declared with raised hands, although he kept on chuckling. “Guess we’ll go over the killer of this era later. Though we may need to file a police report after you murder Buttercups’-”
“GET OUT!” he bellowed while grabbing his wand off the bed and slamming the doors closed with a flick of his wrist before charming it locked. Setting the Hawthorn down, he exhaled a frustrated breath as Hermione picked up his wand and placed a silencing spell on the wooded barrier.
“Did Blaise just comment on the size of your dick?” she questioned with a raised brow.
“Bloke has never seen my dick. He was just trying to have a laugh. It wasn’t funny” he scoffed while lowering his head into the crook of the Gryffindor’s neck.
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The Paths We Take: Chapter 27- Unity of the Lost Ones
Pairings: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini
Synopsis:  When a simple bet during a year end field trip to a muggle museum goes  terribly wrong, four students find themselves unwillingly thrown through  time by an ancient amulet. Can they work together long enough to  survive the multiple time periods, or will they fall victim to the  horrors of the past and remain there…forever?
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13377295/27/The-Paths-We-Take
“They do seem really happy given their predicament” Harry spoke as he studied the picture of their friends posing with Caleb and his family. “And this Caleb bloke seems like a good guy. Hermione appears to trust him and that’s good enough for me. Not that I could do anything about it anyway.”
“I wonder if they’ve had sex yet…” Pansy declared with a tilt of her head as she nonchalantly picked at the macaroon on her plate.
“What? ‘Mione and Caleb? Have you lost your marbles?”
“Ewe, no. Not Granger and that ancestor…maybe back in Gettysburg when he was still younger, but ewe, no. I meant Granger and Draco.”
“Why would you care if they did or not?”
“I don’t” she shrugged while dusting off her hands and leaned back against the Gryffindors’ headboard. “I was just wondering. I think they did. She is pretty and I feel she would be able to please him well enough in the bedroom. I’d do her.”
“What?” she questioned innocently. “I would. She’s hot with that haircut. I bet Draco styled it, he’s always been good with hair.”
“Wait, are you…?”
“No,” she chuckled. “I would never date a girl, but that hasn’t stopped me from diving into the pleasures of the female anatomy. We’re beautiful specimens, if I do say so myself” she admitted while Harry just stared at her, speechless. “And now you’re picturing me snogging your best friend, aren’t you?” she smirked.
“No! Hermione is like my sister! I would never-”
“It’s perfectly alright, you know, natural even. And it’s not like she’s your real sister. If she was, then I would be worried.”
“I wasn’t picturing her snogging you.”
“But you were picturing something dirty” she ticked.
“I wasn’t!”
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The Paths We Take: Chapter 26- Discoveries
Pairings: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini
Synopsis:  When a simple bet during a year end field trip to a muggle museum goes  terribly wrong, four students find themselves unwillingly thrown through  time by an ancient amulet. Can they work together long enough to  survive the multiple time periods, or will they fall victim to the  horrors of the past and remain there…forever?
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13377295/26/The-Paths-We-Take
“Holy mother of Merlin...I…I-I found them…” Pansy gasped when she studied the picture of Blaise, Ginny, Hermione, and Draco all posing with the same middle-aged man and two women, before looking to the photograph of Hermione and Ginny kissing the elders’ cheeks as Blaise and Draco appeared to be upset in the background. “They…they’re right there! We have proof that they’re okay…! Wow…” she expressed in shock. “They look so…different and…happy…”
Luna had to agree that the four seemed to have aged, but she knew it was because the group had been through hell and no one, except Harry, had seen them in what felt like forever. Although, the more she studied the pictures the more her mind began to churn.
“Pansy…how-how many years was it from Gettysburg to 1888?” she questioned with a slight tilt of her head.
“Ummm, I don’t know. Gettysburg was, what, 1863? So…twenty-five years. Why?”
“And what does that caption say?” she asked while pointing under the group photo.
“Uh…” Pansy began with a raised brow before looking at the inscription below the picture of the happy seven. “The celebration of pub owner, Caleb Wolf’s, forty-eighth birthday in Whitechapel, London, England, September 27th, 1888. Dark Wolf’s Tavern. Pictured above from left to right, Mary-Ann Wolf, Caleb Wolf, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Lucy Jean Wolf, Blaise Zabini, and Ginny Weasley…Oh, my Gods! Their last ancestor was named Caleb, wasn’t it? Is this him?”
“He’s handsome…for an older man that is…” the Ravenclaw claimed with an awkward smirk. “But why is he in 1888 when he was their ancestor in 1863?”
“I don’t think he’s their ancestor in this era…” Pansy proclaimed while concentrating hard on the picture before her. “Merlin’s beard…! That’s his daughter, Lu…she’s their ancestor!”
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Omg I love this so much
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“People are puppets held together with string, theres a beautiful sadness that runs through him” (X)
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Yes! All this...right here...This is not a joke!
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Come to Bed, Granger
A Dramione one-shot by @geekiebeekie and @syrengrey
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So sweet
This is hands down the purest video I have ever seen
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Beautiful story. Very well written! Check it out!
Blind Affairs of the Heart
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Blind Affairs of the Heart by niffizzle
Obscuro charms, voice alterations, and no exchanging of names. It was the ideal opportunity for Hermione to meet someone who didn’t just see her as one-third of the lauded Golden Trio — except for one catch. The only way to reveal the identity of any wizard she potentially liked was by inviting him upstairs to one of the inn rooms. And there was little chance of that happening!
Loosely inspired by Love is Blind.
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13560512/1/Blind-Affairs-of-the-Heart 
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23778832
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Drew me old time fav OTP 😍
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The Paths We Take: Chapter 25- Hidden Monster
Pairings: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini
Synopsis:  When a simple bet during a year end field trip to a muggle museum goes  terribly wrong, four students find themselves unwillingly thrown through  time by an ancient amulet. Can they work together long enough to  survive the multiple time periods, or will they fall victim to the  horrors of the past and remain there…forever?
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13377295/25/The-Paths-We-Take
"Good morning, boys!" Pansy chirped with a wave of fingers. "Sleep alright, yeah?"
"What the bloody hell is this?" Harry shouted in a mixture of confusion and anger.
Licking his lips, Theo began to scowl menacingly while Neville glanced up at the tipped over bucket magically hovering above his head, when Ron suddenly opened his door, ran out into the hall in terror, only to meet the same fate.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" he screamed as the girls below giggled.
"This was you?" Harry questioned in surprise while looking over the railing.
"Of course, it was!" Theo asserted before Pansy had a chance to open her mouth. "Though, I didn't expect Lovegood to be in on it! You do know what this means, Pans?"
"Oh, I know" she smirked.
"It's four against two, we outnumber you! And the last time this happened, Draco, Blaise, and I wiped the floor with you!"
"Outnumber? What in skipping stones is going on here?" Neville inquired while holding his hands across his arms to try and stay warm, until the conversation was over, and he could change his wet clothing.
"Outnumbered, yes," the Slytherin Princess continued while slowly closing the book in her hands, ignoring the perplexed Gryffindor, "but unlike last time, my dear friend, you now only have Gryffindors on your side. Draco and Blaise aren't here to help you."
"That just means the wilder and more courageous my squad will be!"
"True..." she ticked with a wicked grin. "However, Theo, you're missing one vital detail...I...have a Ravenclaw on my team."
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Amazing One-Shot guys! Check it out! It's so beautiful and well written❤💚
In Search of Sunrise - In_Dreams - T, one-shot - Unable and unwilling to walk away from a dare, Hermione is forced to stay up all night with Draco Malfoy. Sometimes, one night is enough to begin to understand a person.
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I can't stop watching this!
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The Paths We Take: Chapter 24- Admittance
Pairings: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini
Synopsis:  When a simple bet during a year end field trip to a muggle museum goes  terribly wrong, four students find themselves unwillingly thrown through  time by an ancient amulet. Can they work together long enough to  survive the multiple time periods, or will they fall victim to the  horrors of the past and remain there…forever?
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13377295/24/The-Paths-We-Take
“Wow…” Blaise expressed, breaking the enchanting silence. “I take back what I said last night…I have no idea what the hell you just spoke but forget Hermione…! I wanna marry you now…!” he claimed, causing the girls to laugh as Draco narrowed his brows and chuckled.
“The betrayal!” the bookworm expressed with a hand clasped over her chest.
“Sorry, Buttercup…But unless you can speak a seductive language, I’m marrying Draco instead. I already live with him, might as well make it official!”
“I refuse to marry someone who cuddles with a teddy bear every night when he sleeps” the blonde retorted with an impish grin.
“You leave Mr. Snuggles out of this! He’s been by my side since I was a baby!”
“You’re nineteen years old, mate! I think it’s time you let him go…”
“Says the person who wet his bed fourth year after having a nightmare about dragons when witnessing one in…in a book” the Italian retaliated, careful with his words so as not to confuse the light-haired muggle intently listening.
“That was one time!”
“You wet the bed?” Ginny snorted while holding her stomach as laughter overtook her.
“It was one time…” Draco pouted while crossing his arms and huffing sharply through his nose. “One…”
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The Paths We Take: Chapter 23- Demons Within
Pairings: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini
Synopsis: When a simple bet during a year end field trip to a muggle museum goes terribly wrong, four students find themselves unwillingly thrown through time by an ancient amulet. Can they work together long enough to survive the multiple time periods, or will they fall victim to the horrors of the past and remain there…forever?
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13377295/23/The-Paths-We-Take
"Honestly, Red, have a little bit more compassion for the man!" Blaise chastised while stepping out of his room and walking down the hall towards where Lucy was standing. "Unbelievable! All of you!"
"Hey, I'm not the one who was caught!" Ginny expressed with a hint of anger in her voice.
"No, but you're the one making Draco feel ashamed for something he can't necessarily control!" he snapped, causing Ginny to lower her hand and frown. "Gods, Ginny! Do you ever think before just doing something?"
"What has gotten into you?" she asked in befuddlement. "I wasn't the one jesting him. I just laughed at the situation like anyone else would have done."
"That is just as bad!"
"Blaise, what is wrong?" Hermione queried, knowing that what had happened wasn't a good enough reason for him to flip out the way he was. She knew Draco would be fine in the morning and laugh it off because they were all friends who could joke about anything. She honestly couldn't understand why Blaise was so angry.
"Nothing!" he claimed while pressing his tongue against the inside of his bottom lip. "Like always, everything is just bloody fine"
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