skieboones · 5 months
Eu simplesmente amo meanspo
Se cada vez q vc abrisse a boca pra comer, vc tomasse agua, ja estava magra sua idiota.
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skieboones · 6 months
Jesus, I'm feeling so tired, my backs are killing me! I just wanna go home but seems that hours never pass!
I wanna fucking cry!
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skieboones · 6 months
DECEMBER 02, 2023
I consumed around 600cal per day for 4 days (there was days that I have ate a lot less than that, around 250cal), and today I'm starting a 24 hrs fast, maybe more, let's see, I will let your guys know.
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skieboones · 7 months
Can someone explain me the relation between having an ed and start smoking and listen to sad music?
Cuz everybody I know who does have an ed at some point star smoking or at least think about that and love listening to sad songs
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skieboones · 7 months
My legs are tingling,
I'm feeling a little weak,
And I love it!
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skieboones · 7 months
I don't care if you're healthy or unhealthy, 100lbs or 280lbs, if you're trying to lose weight, reblog this and I will follow you. I need support and I'm sure you'd all like some too. We're all in this together.
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skieboones · 7 months
NOVEMBER 28, 2023
Yesterday I was thinking about breaking my fast, but I decided to just drink some energy drink, which, unfortunately, wasn't the non-caloric one because the place didn't have any, so at the end of the night I consumed 487cal in Monster.
I'm not proud that I consumed so many calories, but at least I'm glad it was liquid and not food. Besides, I resisted the barbecue they were having very well and didn't eat anything at all.
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skieboones · 7 months
I was hospitalized and couldn't eat for three days, it was the easiest fast of my life!
Sometimes I wish I just got sick in a fucking coma and just woke up really skinny
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skieboones · 7 months
I NEED to buy a new scale, doesn't know how much I'm weighing it's killing me!
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skieboones · 7 months
NOVEMBER 27, 2023
My girlfriend and I decided to hangout with some friends of her to watch the soccer game. They're eating barbecue, and I fucking love meat! Damn god, whyyy???!!
At least I'm resisting well!
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skieboones · 7 months
NOVEMBER 27, 2023
So, today's fast was well succeed! I'm thinking about breaking it with some juice and tomatoes.
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skieboones · 7 months
Apparently the ideal weight for my height is 131lb, I'm weighing 159lb, it's going to be a long walk to reach the "ideal" and even longer to reach MY ideal.
Wish me good luck!
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skieboones · 7 months
NOVEMBER 25, 2023
So, I've been missing for a while, I've been out of the community for a while because a lot of things have happened.
In short, my life turned upside down, I moved to another city, I started dating again, I tried to commit suicide, I lost my best friend (she didn't die, we just cut ties), I had to stop going to college until I reestablished myself, I moved to live with my girlfriend, so you can all imagine why I haven't started the ana diary yet.
Regardless, I'm feeling well enough to give it another try, so I'll start posting about my eating routine and life if I find something interesting enough to do so.
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skieboones · 1 year
MAY 21, 2023
I'm very upset, I've fasted all day and haven't lost a single pound.
I didn't drink as much water as I use to drink everyday today either because I was really busy at work and I had to finish a college seminar as soon as I got home, which I finished just now.
I was planning to meet a girl that I've been talking to at her house too, but her parents were at home and I couldn't go over there because, well, I don't know if that's a part of my life that you guys will want to know about (let me know in the comments), but we weren't just going to talk if you understand me.
In a nutshell, the only thing that wasn't a mess today, was that I could manage finish my seminar.
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skieboones · 1 year
So... I've been wondering what I should write in my ana diary, but I'm not sure. So please tell me things that you would actually like to know.
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skieboones · 1 year
ALERT: If you do not have an eating disorder, or are in recovery - please block my account - I will post very triggering contents. I intent this to be a safe space where I can share my experiences, life, routine, struggles, and things like that with other in the community. I'm not trying to trigger or incentive anyone.
I intend for this to work like a ana diary, where I will tell things about my day to day and share tips, experiences and my evolution until I reach my UGW. I don't promise bodycheck for now, but maybe someday.
ABOUT ME: I have been dealing with my anorexia since I was 13 years old. Not a lot of people in my life knows about it. I was raised by my grandmother, and since I can remember she always criticized me for my weight, for being too fat, until at the age of 13 when I started to care a lot about it, since she said that no one would ever love me if I continued to look that way (I have Abandonment Issues). That's when I started not eating, to restrict food, exercise till exhaustion, at the time I didn't know what anorexia was and obviously I didn't know I had it, today I understand. I was "recovered", until almost a year ago, when I looked in the mirror and thought I was absolutely horrible, I thought "I lost control", I need my perfect body again, I miss feeling good in my own skin, or at least feel better than I do now. Just to be clear, I'm pro-recovery, I don't wish this for anyone but myself.
I Will Be Updating The Information's Below
FIRST UPDATE: May 19, 2023
LAST UPDATE: May 19, 2023
SHE/HER|AGE: 20|HEIGHT: 5’5”|BMI: 26,5
SW: 159.1lbs|CW: 159.1lbs|UGW: 100lbs
155lbs 🔒 | 144lbs 🔒 | 133lbs 🔒 | 122lbs 🔒 | 111lbs 🔒 | 100lbs 🔒 |
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