skaia-above · 7 years
Hey guys, I started a new crowdfunding in case things get even worse for Monty and I! I’ll copy and paste the description I made for the fundraiser if you all want to read it before you click on the link.
In case you’re wondering, yes that is my dog. His name is Newt and he will be moving with us along with two cats. If you would like I can get picture of them as well and add them to the post below. I also summarized the total list of abuse from our families so that it was easier to digest. Thanks guys!
Hi, my name is Vonnie and I speak for both Monty and myself when I say we are desperate to get out of the homes we are in. We have an apartment in mind but between Monty’s family siphoning money from his account and every job application I put out being rejected, we’re running a little low on funds.
Monty is out in Colorado and having to drive across country just to escape the hoarders in his home, and their abuse. They scream and yell, blatantly ignoring advice from the professionals he’s seen. He’s mocked for having mental problems and there is no sense of privacy available. His money is stolen straight from his account and they’ve even taken out loans in his name to pay for their own things, but this was when he was 15. They put their 15 year old child into debt because they couldn’t afford the things that they wanted. It’s still not payed off but that’s another matter we can look into later.
For myself, if I had sensible parents I wouldn’t even have to be running this crowdfunding. My mother stole the $6000 dollars of child support my dad sent us and used it without my permission (I’m almost 20 by the way so the money should have gone straight to me) to move houses and pay for her own extravagant wants and whims. My room in this new house is public domain and while I’m up at college is left for the cats to take over. When it comes to all of our pets, the ones that don’t favor her are left lonely and desperate for attention. After years of being told I was getting fat, yelling every time she came home because I hadn’t cleaned right and straight up raising myself, I want out. I want to take my pets with me and leave my money laundering mother behind while I try to rekindle my relationship with my father and baby brother.
Most of this money is going to the first months rent and Monty’s fees for traveling. Moving across country isn’t easy or cheap and that’s our main problem here. With the things going on at his job there’s no way to keep a good amount of savings and have his family keep dipping into it for credit card bills.
Anyway, that’s our sob story, I guess. We’ll be living together and making sure that we can get back on our feet and we whole heartedly appreciate everything you donate. Every dollar is a blessing, so thank you.
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skaia-above · 8 years
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Aesthetic for a Gamzee missing their Karkat and Eridan for anonymous.
-Mod Roxy.
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skaia-above · 8 years
Could local gamzee kin who misses their KarKat and eridan get an aesthetic?
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Sure thing! Sorry for the delay.
-Mod Roxy.
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skaia-above · 8 years
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I’ll seriously agree with Mod Dirk here. Mod Roxy is seriously a lot better at keeping up with requests than the rest of us and we’re all incredibly grateful.
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I, on behalf of the other mods, would like to thank and applaud mod Roxy on their outstanding upkeep and answering of requests. We love you Rox
((i would also like to apologize to the fef captor in waiting for my posts, it’ll get here i promise, i have pretty much everything i need ive just been swamped by college))
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skaia-above · 8 years
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Aw thank you Mod Dirk! I’m happy to be able to help! I know you guys have been busy! I love you guys too! <3
Talksprite cred.
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I, on behalf of the other mods, would like to thank and applaud mod Roxy on their outstanding upkeep and answering of requests. We love you Rox
((i would also like to apologize to the fef captor in waiting for my posts, it’ll get here i promise, i have pretty much everything i need ive just been swamped by college))
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skaia-above · 8 years
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Tinkerbull selfcare for @snipe-hunt
Bath bomb / Shampoo / Shower gel / Soap / Massage bar / Blanket / Stim toy
Hope you like it!
-Mod Roxy.
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skaia-above · 8 years
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I, on behalf of the other mods, would like to thank and applaud mod Roxy on their outstanding upkeep and answering of requests. We love you Rox
((i would also like to apologize to the fef captor in waiting for my posts, it’ll get here i promise, i have pretty much everything i need ive just been swamped by college))
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skaia-above · 8 years
Howdy! May I please have some Tinkerbull self care?
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You sure can my friend! I’m on it!
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skaia-above · 8 years
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Vriska Serket room decor for @purplecowjellyfish
Spider plushie / Scorpio wall print / Pencil holder / Scorpio candle / Vriska decal / Eight ball stress ball
Hope you like it!
-Mod Roxy
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skaia-above · 8 years
hey uh this breaks mod dirks rules, so mod dirk just dont read okay? uh could i please have a vriska room decor and maybe a playlist? thank you so much
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I can do a room decor for you Vrisk! I’ll get right on it!
-Mod Roxy
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skaia-above · 8 years
May I get some positivity for a Terezi Leijon who really misses her Gamzee and wishes she had more memory of him?
You most certainly can TL!
I know missing your canonmates is hard. Sometimes it feels harder when you’re a swap because it’s not even canon. (Speaking of my own personal experience there.) But know that no matter how long it takes I believe you find them again! It’s rough to wait for them. It’s very easy to lose hope. But keep that head of yours up! I wish you the best of luck finding your Gamzee.
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I know not having a lot of memories sucks. But I hear meditating sometimes helps! I listen to homestuck songs sometimes and just close my eyes and sometimes I get memories like that. As far as I know there’s no sure fire to gain memories but I wish you the best of luck getting some more. But you’re always valid my dear! Have a wonderful day!
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Talksprite Credit to @chuchumi
-Mod Roxy.
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skaia-above · 8 years
*SAME RULES AS THE OTHER ASK* if you do positivity too I could use some nice words. I miss my Gamzee and my Kankri a lot, 8ut I can't find them. Plus I've 8een getting a lot of memories where I was so hungry I had to share meals with my lusus and I feel awful a8out what I did to them. Thanks for doing this though, and thanks for letting me vent
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Hello again Vriska! You’re always free to vent here!
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Now as for the cannibalism. You did what you had to. Not everything from every timeline is pretty. In some of my timelines I had real problem with drinking and I’m still ashamed of all that I did. But, the point is that it’s in the past. You are in a new timeline with new possibilities! You don’t have to share meals with your lusus anymore. I know you feel bad and it’s okay to feel bad. But at some point once you have acknowledged how you feel and what has happened which you have already started to do. Know that it’s okay to move on. You did what you had to do and if you ever met someone who may have met that fate I think they might be understanding. Either way you have a whole new world of possibilities in front of you so I say make the best of it!
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Talksprite credit to Chuchumi.
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skaia-above · 8 years
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Vriska Serket Selfcare for @distressed-honking
Shower Gel / Shampoo Bar / Bath Bomb / Massage Bar / Bubble Bar / Fun / Squishable Worrible / Blanket / Stim toy
I tried to make everything as calm and happy as I could! <3
-Mod Roxy.
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skaia-above · 8 years
*TW: CANNIBALISM, AND A REQUEST AGAINST MOD DIRK'S INDIVIDUAL RULES, IF YOU ARE MOD DIRK PLEASE FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THIS ASK* I am a Vriska, so I felt like I should pro8a8ly put that there. 8ut I would love some fashion or self care, if any of you are willing to do it. If you do fashion id prefer something a 8it emo with no orange/yellow and if you go with self care id prefer no 8lue8erries or the smell/taste associated with them. Thank you!!!!!!!!
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I can whip up a selfcare post for you! If any of the other mods want to do the fashion then they can feel free to! (Also thanks for following the rules.)
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skaia-above · 8 years
hey! this blog is awesome but im on mobile so i cant check the rules..
General Rules
We will not do any request that involves Incest/Pedophila. Any Stridercest (includes DirkHal) will get you immediately blocked.
Nothing Nsfw.
Please see if your request has been fulfilled before.
If you’re a swap please say who you are swapped with or some things you liked from your canon.
Individual Mod rules. (For if you request a certain mod.)
Mod Hal’s rules - No DirkHal. Don’t mention/talk about ARquius. Will do Aesthetics, playlists, positivity, writing prompts, answer questions and fashion.
Mod Dirk’s rules - Don’t mention/talk about Vriska. No ships with Dirk and a girl. No Rose with a guy. Will do drawing prompts, writing prompts, and answer questions.
Mod Roxy’s rules - Will do no requests involving Caliborn. May occasionally do requests related to Bro but otherwise will not. Will do selfcare, positivity, answer questions, playlists, room decor, and aesthetics. May occasionally take fashion requests, writing prompts, and/or drawing requests.
Mod John’s rules - Nothing besides the general rules. Will do any type of request (fashion, aesthetic, playlists, etc).
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skaia-above · 8 years
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so since I haven’t been very active as a mod on here I kinda went over board on the Feferi Captor ask and there will probably be a couple posts including the requested aesthetic and probably a fashion post
whoops I was an over zealous mod, my bad guys
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skaia-above · 8 years
hiya!! could i get an aesthetic for a feferi captor, involving lots of red, blue, and computers?? thank you!
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Yeah, I’ll get right on that kiddo
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