silversparrow1112 · 3 years
Also something to note is that sarees (or saris) aren't worn only by Hindus in India. 😊 It is a cultural outfit in almost every country in the Indian subcontinent, meaning Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc. People of different religions in these countries wear saree as traditional clothing, of course in their own cultural style.. but essentially the cloth is saree. So it's more of a traditional, cultural clothing than a religious/sacred one.. and even then.. it depends on the people.. many people are inviting and welcoming to outsiders wearing their religious garments respectfully. But I don't think any desi (person belonging to the Indian subcontinent) sees it as a negativity when a foreigner wears a saree whether for daily life or simply just to try because they admire it. In fact, we love to see people wear it. So don't worry about it and wear it if you want to 😊 Moreover, I think saree makes anyone look a lot more beautiful than regular clothes tbh. ❤
I have seen a few young desi kids on instagram call it "appropriating" when they saw a white girl wearing a desi outfit like.. ??why? It's literally appreciating our culture instead since there's nothing disrespectful going on.. it felt like they were just trying to act "woke" or so. But I can say with confidence that desi people in general don't really care if others try on our traditional clothes.. we like it instead if it's done with no disrespect. 👍🏻
Can white Hindus wear saris?
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silversparrow1112 · 3 years
The Minneapolis police are back to publicly being terrorists now that George Floyd’s death is out of the media cycle.
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Directly from the article:
Bayle Adod Gelle was deep in sleep late Wednesday night at his home in Eden Prairie when he heard loud banging on the door.
The intensity of the sound at 2:15 a.m. left Bayle confused. He trudged down the stairs from his second-floor bedroom. As soon as he reached the living room, he found his wife there—surrounded by more than a dozen officers from the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office. The officers allegedly pointed their guns at him and his wife, Bayle said, and then tied their hands tightly with a cord.
Awakened by the bangs and commotion, three children—ages 4, 7, and 9— joined their parents in the living room. Officers allegedly pointed guns at them, too, Bayle said.
“I felt very scared,” Bayle said in an interview with Sahan Journal at his home Thursday evening, some 14 hours after the police raid. “I thought they were going to kill us.”
The police search felt like it took forever—maybe two hours, he said. Bayle kept asking the officers who they were and why they’d come to his house. (In the end, the police appear to have found nothing, and took no evidence with them, Bayle said.)
They told him “shut up,” he recalled.
Bayle said the officers ransacked the house and never showed him a search warrant— until the end. That’s when they told him his son had been killed.
Bayle said that until that moment, he had no idea that nearly 8 hours earlier Minneapolis Police officers had fatally shot his 23-year-old son, Dolal Bayle Idd, in an altercation at a Holiday gas station in south Minneapolis. It was the first police killing in Minneapolis since Officer Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd about a dozen blocks away.
Here’s the full article
they had to move out of their house on new year’s eve to a nearby mosque.
please share, I haven’t seen anyone talking about this
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
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i want all hijabi wlw/sapphics to know that i would die for them without hesitation
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
Anime is still a mistake
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
The LI wars, etc. aside, tbh Open Heart : Second Year has a really depressing plot. Most patients at Edenbrook aren't cured and die or are cough* killed accidentally cough*
There are attacks happening inside of the hospital, people dying, funerals happening, budget cuts, big pharma companies taking advantage of patients, etc,etc.
All in all its like a cloud of problems burst over Edenbrook, like can't a single thing ever go well around here? It's exhausting, monotonous and overly extra. It's stressful to read it, it is no fun, in times of a pandemic, already difficult times, Open Heart Second Year serves only one thing and that's more of distress.
The thousand plotlines introduced at once and not a single one being handled well has made this book a complete mess.
Open heart 1 was well written brought joy while reading, sure there were ups and downs therein too but it was balanced whereas in OH2 it's just agony, problems and sadness.
I don't want to hurt anyone but I really don't want Open Heart book 3
Also dear, Pixelberry don't dive into stories you can't handle, be it Distant Shores, TRR series, OH series you've managed to ridicule them all, it might be a laziness or mistakes on your behalf, but it has sent the quality of this app rolling downhill. Have some shame!
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
That's the worst part.. that we have no way (we do, but for that people need to come together 😔) to stop China from doing this.
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and yet the world is silent…
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
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disclaimer: I am east asian. if anyone who is not white sees anything wrong with my phrasing, inaccuracies, or insensitivity, or something I missed, please feel free to add on. I'm just one person with one perspective; none of what I say should be taken as The Singular way to draw an Asian character. if you havent done so already, please take the effort to expand your view of Asian culture outside this one tutorial.
if a white person reblogs this and adds something stupid I'm going to bite and kick you like a wild animal
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
Sims series (sims 4 not so much)
sonic hedgehog
Worms Worldparty
Captain Claw
Miniclip games :P
Gangster(or Gangstar I don't remember)(it's like exact GTA but free and on phone)
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
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The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
Omg girl u're finally back!! I missed ur fics 😭❤❤
Direction – Sixteen | Hunt x HWU MC (Danielle)
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Summary: Bitches be back at work… how’s that gonna work out?
Words: 900+
Notes: HI BITCHES, I TOLD Y'ALL I’M HERE TO STAY UWU (And sorry it’s short again, I’m just getting back into it, be nice to me.)
❥ Previous Chapter: Fifteen ❥ Moodyvalentine’s Masterlist
Keep reading
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
“we were born wrong”
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
Bruh can PB treat their other-than-the-forced LIs properly?? Please???
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This whole storyline hits so much harder when you're married to Maxwell. That's his dad trying to steal his daughter, saying he's not capable, when Maxwell was so worried about being a good daughter before his baby was born.
This is just so horrific for him and all I want is a scene where he and MC actually get to talk about it 😭
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
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This is a start, but this should have been a bigger conversation and frankly should have been a conversation MC and Maxwell had even if they're just friends, not just quickly slipped in at the end of a diamond scene.
This isn't someone a bit distant, like Bradshaw and Isabella, who's trying to ruin their lives. It's Maxwell's father. It makes the whole thing especially malicious.
That has an effect on both of them and they deserve to talk about it.
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
You explained it really well and thinking abt it (altho I stopped reading this shitshow long back.. still miss my Max 😔❤) makes me emotional abt how much this character had to go through and PB doesn't serve him justice at all, especially with their writing in the Royal Heir series. Not addressing and helping him overcome his mental health issues (I feel his insecurities a lot. I also share some of them) and just brushing them aside is so sad and pathetic. PB needs to do better and they better treat him right after all this cause the man deserves a damn break and unconditional love. 🤦🏽‍♀️
It Really Does Just Suck to be Maxwell Right Now
So, if you’re romancing Maxwell, it really just… sucks to be him. Here he has his wife and daughter who he loves more than anything in the whole world, and he has to watch as his father tries to rip his daughter away from them. But, even more than that, this has got to be hitting even harder because he never thought that he WOULD have a family of his own. 
First of all, MC is the love of his life and he never ever thought that she would feel the same way about him. So, he’s ecstatic when she does but also a bit uncertain because he has some insecurities which ran so deep that he was always too afraid to be in a serious relationship. He always believed that no one would ever take him seriously and that he would just be the cool, fun uncle who never settled down because, who would ever take him seriously enough to be with him? And MC does. So, he gets to marry the love of his life and is ridiculously happy because the coolest, prettiest woman loves HIM. Maxwell never thought that this would happen so this is like a dream to him.
Then, he and MC have a daughter and she joins their family and Maxwell absolutely ADORES her. Remember, Maxwell never thought that he would get married, much less have a child of his own. So, this is all amazing to him and he feels so incredibly lucky. His daughter brings him so much joy and he has fought tooth and nail along with MC to do everything in their power to protect their daughter because he loves her. 
So, then his father tries to rip his daughter away from him and MC. This has got to be just monumentally tragic to him. He finally has his own family and even though things haven’t always been perfect (*cough* Bradshaw and Isabella *cough*), they all love each other so much and he’s just so ridiculously happy. Now he has to watch his father, who sucked the joy and life out of Bertrand, financially ruined their House, and is probably some, if not all, of the reasons why Maxwell has those insecurities of him run so deep, try to rip his daughter out of the arms of him and MC basically just for power. To use his own granddaughter as a pawn for him to gain power and leverage and control. 
To know that the man who monumentally fucked over Bertrand and Maxwell try to gain custody of Maxwell and MC’s daughter, his own GRANDDAUGHTER, and know that they might not ever see her again and the worry that if Maxwell’s father gets custody of his daughter, he won’t treat her with the love, respect, and care she deserves. Most likely, know that his father will end up screwing Maxwell’s daughter up, one way or another, and that Barthelemy will be the cause of her having insecurities just like the way he caused Bertrand and Maxwell to have insecurities, ones that ran so deep it nearly cost Bertrand the chance of having a relationship with Savannah and Bartie and the chance of Maxwell ever having a family
And NOW Maxwell and MC have to go around to all the people who stabbed him and his family in the back (except Olivia, we stan a loyal queen) and argue WHY they should be able to keep their daughter. 
Just… poor Maxwell. Really, this has just got to be devastating and incredibly challenging for him. He really wanted the chance to reconnect with his father again and have a relationship and show him that he’s changed, that he’s matured, and show him his beautiful family. Instead, Barthelemy basically just screwed Maxwell over again and showed him that he doesn’t care about Maxwell or Maxwell and MC’s daughter. 
Long-ass post but with all of this stuff going on underneath the surface just… wow. Maxwell deserves a long-ass mental health break after this and all of our love and support. Poor guy. 
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
the security guard watching mc give raf that super suction 3000 through the security cameras
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silversparrow1112 · 4 years
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