signsofsummer · 5 years
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I ukelele pichu’d my photoshop
not enough pokemon ranger
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signsofsummer · 5 years
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“…..What?” Daigo gave Summer a blank stare as he looked at the badge she flashed at him. Was this for fucking real? This had to be some kind of sick joke. Why him? Out of every single god damn taxi in this god damn city, it seriously had to be him? 
He placed his head on the steering wheel, trying to fight off the headache he was getting. Daigo had heard of these “Pokemon Rangers” before, but the only one’s he’s ever seen were doing those nature stuff out in the woods. Hiding themselves like morons in the grass and dirt. 
Official Ranger Business? Did that mean he had no choice but to listen? He’s had plenty of troubles dealing with coppers in the past, and he didn’t want to go say hi to them once mo-
The Ranger’s words snapped him back to reality. “Uh…sure. I guess.” Daigo mumbled as he put his foot off the brake and into the gas pedal. Driving a little faster than normal he normally would, he soon spotted the car the Ranger had been describing.
Yet not wanting to break any speeding laws, he tried to keep a moderate pace. This would not be enough to catch up the car.
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Daigo refocused on the Ranger’s question. “Hide? Lady anyone could hide anywhere in this god damn city as long as they’ve got connections. You know how many alleyways they’ve got here? If they ain’t ever been here before then the easiest place to go though would be the sewers I guess.”
Summer tapped a foot as the number of vehicles between the cab and the getaway car increased. Of course, they were stuck driving reasonably among the traffic while her target sped and wove recklessly across lanes.
Even if there hadn’t been so much traffic around, it wasn’t like she could ask the driver to lean on the gas anyway. Headquarters would cover a taxi bill under transportation costs, but she was pretty sure they’d draw the line at paying for a speeding ticket.
The driver’s response to her question wasn’t particularly enthusiastic, but it did give her some useful information, which was what mattered more in her book.
“The sewers, huh? Not a bad idea,” she remarked. “Voice Nav, while you’re at it, download the layout for the sewers as well.”
“Castelia sewer system added to download queue,” the voice from her styler responded.
Antony hadn’t been operating in Castelia City as long as his other locations, at least as far as the Ranger network and local authorities were aware. But he still may have had enough time to develop the kinds of connections he needed to disappear.
Clearly she wasn’t going to be able to catch him by trying to tail him. If she could figure out where he was heading, though, she might be able to take an alternate route to cut him off.
What Summer really needed was a map. Castelia’s diagonally oriented streets and tall buildings blocking out the sun had messed with her sense of direction, without which she had no hope of guessing where Antony would run. And her styler was taking far longer to load the schematics than she wanted.
“Don’t you taxi drivers usually have those navigation things? I need to take a look at it,” she said, leaning farther into the front seats of the cab to scan the dashboard.
Stop Traffic | Summer & Daigo
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signsofsummer · 6 years
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Pokemon Ranger week, days 1 to 3! Fiore, Almia, and Oblivia. My favorite protagonists from those games.
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signsofsummer · 6 years
After working for the Ranger Union for so many years, one might think that Summer understood what she was supposed to be getting out of these mandatory trainings. The truth was, she usually left the events as mystified about their purpose as when she had arrived. It wasn’t like any of them needed to brush up on their capture styler techniques – the Top Rangers were justifiably recognized as the experts in that field, and constantly shared new strategies they developed through their internal communication network.
Not that she ever brought up her complaints with Headquarters. After all, if she admitted to not learning anything from the training exercises, they might try to make her go through them again! Better to get them over with so she could return to the field as quickly as possible.
While Summer waited for the elevator to bring her and her partner Pokemon up to the designated meeting place, she spied a familiar face. If there was one upside to these kinds of summons to Headquarters, it was the chance to catch up with her Ranger friends. As terrible as she was at keeping in touch when on the job, she still enjoyed seeing them in person.
“Hi Kate! It’s been a while. What have you and Pachirisu been up to?” Summer asked as the pair stepped in the elevator.
Kate didn’t appear to notice her at all, eyes staring off in the distance with her face locked in an expression that looked almost painful. Ukulele Pichu directed a few questioning chirps at Pachirisu, but Kate’s partner seemed just as perturbed as the two of them.
“Hey, are you okay? Because you look terrible,” she said, waving a hand in front of Kate to catch her attention.
A more polite person may have tried to soften those words, but Summer had never seen the point in hiding meaning under layers of proper etiquette. If something was wrong with her friend, she wanted to help. Or maybe Kate was just lacking a morning cup of coffee. But how else would she know if she didn’t ask?
Mandatory Melancholy (Kate+Summer)
⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡
An obligatory meeting at the Ranger Headquarters meant lots of travel, and lots of travel meant that Kate had a lot of time to herself to think about things. Her adventures, her travels and her friends past and present. Flying on the back of a Staraptor, was meant to be somewhat peaceful, but instead it turned out to be the opposite.
Their landing had been graceful, and Kate should have been peppy and happy, but it was noticeable to both the flying Pokemon, and her own partner that something was off about Kate’s mood. She pat the back of the bird, and smiled gently, signalling that he could leave if he wanted to.
Keep reading
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signsofsummer · 6 years
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Been playing Pokemon Ranger Guardian signs in-between doing work for Uni, and since I’m now done with Uni for christmas, I NEEDED TO DRAW AND YES.
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signsofsummer · 6 years
Summer always enjoyed when her duties as a Top Ranger brought her to Alola. The region didn’t have any permanently stationed Rangers, since typically the kahuna and trial captains were usually able to handle issues as they arose. But occasionally they needed a bit of extra help, or had a task particularly suited to a Ranger’s set of skills, and they would call Headquarters to set up a temporary assignment. She always jumped at the chance. The tropical atmosphere reminded her of Oblivia, and there were so many interesting types of Pokemon to meet.
In this case, Poni Island’s kahuna had asked for someone to monitor rock slides. Heavier than usual rain along with some extra seismic activity had made them more frequent than usual. Adding to the danger inherent in any rock slide was the relative remoteness of many parts of Poni Island. The kahuna worried about people or Pokemon becoming trapped without anyone else nearby, so she asked for a Ranger to monitor the area until it became more stable.
So Summer and Ukulele Pichu had spent the past few days roaming through the Poni Wilds, keeping an eye out for anyone caught by the rock slides. While there were a few close calls, no one had been seriously injured yet, and Summer hoped to keep it that way.
In addition to its natural beauty and varied wildlife, Alola had Ride Pokemon, those trained to help Trainers with transportation or other specific tasks. The locals had been quite amused the first time she used her Capture Styler to convince a wild Toucannon to give her a lift to the next island over, and had gifted her a Ride Pager to use to call for assistance instead. So when Summer saw a Charizard land in front of her, her first instinct was that she had accidentally pressed one of the Ride Pager’s buttons.
On closer inspection, however, this Charizard wasn’t wearing the standard harness seen on all Ride Pokemon. Which meant it most likely belonged to some Trainer, since wild Charizard weren’t exactly common to Poni Island. Summer approached the Charizard, walking with a slow and relaxed motions so as not to startle it. The Pokemon appeared distressed, but wasn’t acting particularly frightened or threatening, so she didn’t feel the need to activate her Capture Styler.
As she drew closer, the Charizard lowered her body and tipped a wing towards her, still calling urgently. Summer recognized the stance - the Charizard was asking her to climb aboard. She gently pulled herself onto the Pokemon’s back and Ukulele Pichu hopped onto her shoulder.
“Alright girl, where do you want me to be?” She patted the Charizard’s side lightly and prepared for takeoff.
no ordinary trainer || red & summer
❄ Red was out training on Poni Island, in a rather difficult-to-reach location away from the locals. This time, Red was working on powering up Blastoise’s Hydro Pump to shatter rocks. With that amount of power, even Pokémon that normally resisted water would have a tough time standing after a few shots from Blastoise’s cannons. Red was doing their own workout, as well- rolling rocks for Blastoise to target. It had been several years since they returned from Mt. Silver, and they had to start coming up with healthier habits. This included exercise, and Red knew that it was only fair to train themselves alongside their Pokémon partners. They couldn’t be the only one getting a workout, after all.
❄ In the middle of training, however, Red could feel the ground shake, the sound of a rockslide, and soon, the loud cry of a Pokémon, begging for help. They could tell instantly it was a Granbull that was in trouble, considering the Fairy type Pokémon was a common sight in this area. Red immediately called off the training session, feeling an instinct rise in them to help the suffering Pokémon.
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❄ “Let’s help them, Blastoise-! Follow me!” Red called out as they followed the sound of Granbull’s cry, leading Blastoise behind them. They jumped down the side of a short cliffside, landing on their feet. Blastoise followed, though his weight caused the ground to shake a little. Running around the side of the cliff, Red finally came across a pile of rocks that had resulted from the rockslide earlier. Granbull was trapped under the rocks, and it was up to Red and Blastoise to help.
❄ Though Red had been training Blastoise to break rocks, they knew that asking Blastoise to use Hydro Pump on the rocks would only end up hurting Granbull. So Red instructed Blastoise to lift some of the rocks instead, hoping to figure out which rocks had fallen on the Pokémon’s body. Red was trying their best to lift some of the rocks as well, though they didn’t have very much upper arm strength. “We’re here to help… I promise I’ll help you escape,” Red assured Granbull. They wouldn’t give up, no matter what. But they could at least admit that having another person around to help wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Red sent out Charizard, telling her to fly around the area to find someone who could help. And Charizard was not one to turn down the needs of an injured Pokémon.
❄ After a few minutes of searching, Charizard spotted a young woman in uniform, a strange device around her wrist. From what Red told her, she knew that this woman was a Pokémon Ranger- someone who enlisted the help of wild Pokémon to help people and Pokémon in need. Charizard landed near the Ranger, calling out to her, begging for her to help a Pokémon in trouble. Meanwhile, Red was still trying to lift some of the rocks without hurting Granbull, hoping that Charizard would come back with someone who could help…
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signsofsummer · 6 years
♪ for Summer?
Hell-on / Neko Case
Earthquake Weather / Beck
Emmylou / First Aid Kit
Ragged Wood / Fleet Foxes
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signsofsummer · 6 years
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im playing almia rn and…..I remembered how much I love them all……….
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signsofsummer · 6 years
A faint tingling sensation came over him all of a sudden that morning; one that was different from the chills he’d get from a ghost crawling around in his shadow. Morty rarely felt a presence like this, but it was one that he recognized from before. He recalled a time from years ago, when he just happened to be exploring the dilapidated tower by himself, the sudden appearance of a powerful Pokemon before him left him in awe. That feeling from back then, it was unmistakably  similar to now, and to ignore it would be a wasted opportunity.
At least one of them must be nearby.
The gym leader told himself this as he made changes to his plans for the day. A late afternoon spent catching up on reading would have to wait another time. There would be plenty of chances for berry picking before the end of the season. He’ll have another day off to relax soon.
He hadn’t been expecting visitors today and had no reason to anticipate anyone coming over. But an intuitive feeling alerted the gym leader that he might have unexpected company right now. His first suspicion was Eusine, forgoing a courtesy call ahead of time while tailing Suicune all the way here. It made enough sense to him, given the circumstances.
Sure enough, his intuition hadn’t failed him as he felt the vibration of the knocking through the door when placing his hand onto it. He slid the door halfway open, just a mere few seconds after a woman’s voice from on the other side announced herself at his doorstep.
What he had not anticipated was a complete stranger standing at the door of his home. A trainer maybe? The way she was dressed made it hard for him to tell. She certainly looked more professional than the average trainer that would stop at his gym. Although, trainers typically didn’t show up at the gym leaders’ houses for a battle, especially on their day off. No matter the reason for her being here, he was prepared to turn her away in favor of his own plans to investigate the Burned Tower.
But it simply wasn’t in Morty’s nature to brush someone off like that. Whoever she was, surely she had business that was important enough for her to find his home. He could spare some common courtesy for now.
“Can I help you?”
A tall man opened the door, tall enough that Summer had to crane her neck to look him in the eye. He was dressed rather simply for someone in such a traditional town who supposedly knew so much about Johto’s legends, but there didn’t seem to be anyone else home.
“Yeah, I need to show you something,” she said, pushing past him through the doorway.  She wanted a flat surface to unroll the map onto, and there was just enough space behind the man to spread it out fully. Ukulele Pichu noticed her heading inside, and dashed across the street to follow her, abandoning the patch of flowers he had been investigating.
“Entei. Suicune. Raikou.” She traced the red, blue, and yellow markers on the map with a finger, each path ending a few miles outside Ecruteak. “Recent sightings suggest that they will all reach this city soon, but I’m not sure why they’re headed here,” Summer explained. There could be any number of reasons, from benign to terrifying, but judging from the reactions of the witnesses she’d spoken to it was at the very least an unusual phenomenon. 
“So, what do you know about Johto’s legendary beasts? Have they done anything like this before? Are they usually hostile or calm when approached by humans?” she questioned, staring up at the man expectantly. Her capture styler would note down any relevant information in he gave her in the browser entries for each Pokemon, so that she could look it up later if needed.
“I’m Summer, by the way. Top Ranger for the Ranger Union. And this is Ukulele Pichu. Just trying to figure out if a disaster of apocalyptic proportions is going to befall the town or not,” she said. She attempted a smile to ease the severity of her statement, but it ended up somewhat strained.
Beasts of Legend | Summer & Morty
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signsofsummer · 6 years
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moodboard for Ranger Summer / @signsofsummer.
❝we’ve always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible.❞
x x / x x / x / x x / x x
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signsofsummer · 6 years
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Legendary Beasts
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signsofsummer · 6 years
Beasts of Legend | Summer & Morty
Summer marked off another location and scribbled a date underneath the spot. She stepped back to survey how it fit with the rest of the data she’d gathered. The map of Johto was covered with red, blue, and yellow circles. At first glance, the marks appeared to be randomly scattered across the region, but Summer had noticed that when she traced them in chronological order, they spiraled around each other, converging on Ecruteak City. Sure enough, the sighting she’d just recorded fit into the pattern.
The first sightings had started months ago, and Summer made note of them out of habit. The movements and agitation of legendary Pokemon coincided with disasters, both natural and man-made, more often than simple chance could explain. Sometimes the legendary Pokemon were themselves a disaster. Keeping track of rumors, however unconfirmed, gave her a lead she could use to be in the right place at the right time to lend a hand.
Recently, the sightings had become more frequent, and the pattern of their approach towards Ecruteak revealed itself. The descriptions of the legendary Pokemon matched those she had bonded with in Oblivia. They were even called by the same names, but something made Summer suspect that these were not the same individuals as beasts she knew from Oblivia. Johto had no songs of heroes riding the beasts to victory, no references to the summoning runes she had learned in Oblivia. She wondered how Johto’s legendary beasts might react to call of the signs, if they would notice them at all, but hoped she wouldn’t have to find out.
She wasn’t sure why Johto and Oblivia ended up with similar legendary Pokemon, although that seemed to be the case. Maybe if you believed hard enough in a legend, it just popped out of the ground and started roaming the region. It certainly wouldn’t be the weirdest idea she’d heard.
Still, it would be useful to have more information about what these particular Pokemon meant to the region, and what they might foretell. When she asked around Ecruteak about who might be able to explain the legends to her, they all directed her to the same person. Rolling up her map and tucking it under her arm, she knocked on his door.
“Hello? Is anyone home?”
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signsofsummer · 6 years
Another day, another lousy drive. Daigo had just gotten off with a woman who thought herself queen of the world. He didn’t know what kind of stick was shoved up her ass, but she did nothing but complain and complain. Why didn’t he drive faster? Why was he driving so recklessly? Didn’t he know how important her job was?
His shift was over, and he should’ve been heading back towards the old man’s place. Yet here he was cruising down the road, with his head held in his hand. It’s not like he really cared…he wasn’t paying for the gas. Right now he’d have time to simply unwind and calm dow-
Daigo looked to the side to see some girl in a strange costume waving desperately towards cars on the side of the street. What was this some kind of strange cosplay? A huge part of him simply wanted to pretend he didn’t see anything and keep driving, but a particularly annoying small voice kept reminding him of all the times the old man had saved his sorry ass.
He had promised to be better.
So he reluctantly slowed the taxi, and opened the window before turning towards the girl with his best attempt to look somewhat friendly. 
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“Where can I take you lady?”
As soon as the taxi slowed, Summer yanked open the door and slid into the backseat. “I need you to follow that car, the blue one that just turned onto 5th Avenue.” She leaned forward between the front seats and pointed at the vehicle through the windshield.
To try and assure him she wasn’t a complete nutcase, she flashed the capture styler on her wrist and said, “Official Ranger business. Your help would be appreciated.” As a Top Ranger, she was allowed to assign herself missions, so technically she could make anything she wanted official Ranger business. But Headquarters wasn’t likely to promote anyone who would abuse that power for free Casteliacones. Not that Summer hadn’t considered it once or twice.
“Hey Nav, can you pull up a map of the nearby streets?” she asked, pulling the styler closer to her face so that the software could pick up her words more easily.
The screen glowed light blue. “Downloading maps now,” intoned a computerized voice as a progress bar displayed. “Sorry Summer, this may take a few minutes.”
She really should have downloaded the maps before starting the mission, but at the time she’d been in such a rush that the step seemed like another time-wasting formality. If this came back to bite her, she might have to start taking Headquarters’ boring procedures more seriously.
“Hey, driver, you know the streets around here, right? Where would you go if you were a criminal trying not to get caught?”
Stop Traffic | Summer & Daigo
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signsofsummer · 6 years
Stop Traffic | Summer & Daigo
Summer’s feet thudded against concrete as she tried to keep visibility on her target. Antony Richards was wanted in several regions for unlicensed capture and sale of rare Pokemon, as well as suspected involvement with more than a few criminal organizations. When Summer had gotten word of his dealings in Castelia City, she’d flown in as soon as she could. Although they’d successfully freed the Pokemon, the mission didn’t end there.
Guiding a gaggle of confused and restless Pokemon through the streets of Castelia had not been a smooth operation. Eventually, they had organized a small parade with Ukulele Pichu leading, Pied Piper style, while playing a calming tune. But in the initial chaos, Antony managed to slip away. Summer had directed Pichu to continue herding the Pokemon to the nearest Ranger base and took off just in time to see the man stepping into a car.
The downtown traffic had slowed the getaway car at first, but it was beginning to pick up speed and Summer was rapidly falling behind. Unlike in Lumiose, there weren’t any Gogoat for her to jump on to get an extra boost. There likely weren’t any wild Pokemon roaming the city streets large or fast enough to help her out. That left one option.
“Hey. Hey!” Summer called out to the passing cars, waving her arm to try and hail a cab while still running to keep the vehicle in sight.
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signsofsummer · 6 years
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“The curtain rose and burned in the morning sun And the mountains bowed down like a ballet Like a ballet of the heart“
@signsofsummer - Summer
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signsofsummer · 6 years
aesthetic meme: list your muses aesthetic. anyone can do this, list your muse’s aesthetic from tastes, smells, outfits, and sceneries. add as many subjects as you like, it can help with people tagging you in aesthetically pleasing things towards your muse!
tagging: @psychicexpert , @amour-refoule , @plasmaliri (if you want to! and anyone else who wants, I couldn’t remember who already did this the first time it went around)
TASTES: grilled cheese, filtered river water, freshly picked berries
SMELLS: a campfire burning low, cold mountain air, damp earth
SIGHTS: glowing circles, a raised platform, lines of light against the sky, an overgrown forest path
SOUNDS: the twang of a ukulele, defiant shouts, a crackle of electricity, birdsong early in the morning
SENSATIONS: the impact of water against skin as you dive into the ocean, a leaf brushing against your cheek, wind streaming through your hair
OUTFITS: scarf, vest, fingerless gloves, tinted goggles, diving mask, primary colors
BODY: compact, athletic, brown hair cropped short, rough skin, sharp reflexes
OTHER: constant travel, independence, apocalypse, destiny
tagged by: @gildinglillies (aka I stole this from myself since Summer’s blog wasn’t up when it was going around a few months ago)
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signsofsummer · 6 years
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Ukelele pichu
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