shy-asshole · 5 years
Citrine: hey there buddy, what ya, heh, what ya got there?
Oz, holding a bowl: oh nothing much, just my yummy bowl of macaroni and cheese.
Citrine: hah! More like macaroni and SNEEZE- ah-achoo! *violently sneezes on the Mac and runs away laughing*
Oz: *drops the snot covered Mac and cries hard*
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shy-asshole · 5 years
Freakout Hangout on archiveofourouwn
title, though now i’ll start posting new chapters up on there now.
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shy-asshole · 5 years
Freakout Hangouts Ch2/?
Johon and Maxis were rushing to the half vampire’s car as they were being chased by an angry mob of heavy metal fans, all of which were carrying a variety of modified instruments that were more weapon than guitar. Johon quickly got into the driver’s seat as maxis flung himself into the backseat, the heavy metal mob getting closer. Just as they were about to reach the car, Johon finally got it to start up and burned rubber, getting the hell out of there.
“LEARN TO TAKE AN OPINION!” Shouted maxis as he stuck his head out, before ducking his head back into the car to avoid a drumstick, that was turned into a shiv essentially, that was thrown at him. He chuckled to himself as he relaxed into his seat, crossing his arms “well that was awesome!” he said, mainly to himself. “Why, why do I still hang out with you?” Johon asked him as the DJ Frankenstein monster shrugged.
------------------------------------Earlier that day---------------------------
“You heard me” said the franken monster as he looked at the half vampire, tapping his foot rather impatiently. That franken monster was Maxis, who was wearing a sleeveless jean jacket, with a white shirt underneath with suspenders over it. His body parts were of different colors, his right arm was pure white, his left was a lime green, and his head was a mild tan color. He had stitches where the new parts meet his body, but he had stitching tattoos all over his body. Johon rubbed his own arm lightly as he looked away from him and towards the extremely bandaged up fool, who appeared to be flipping through the channels on the hospital tv.
“Is…...is there a possibility i could do a ‘I promise I’ll do it later’?” asked the half vampire sheepishly, as Maxis pulled a tape recorder out and pressed play. “Hey, I got two tickets to the Metal Grinders, You want to come?” “W-what? Oh yeah, sure.”  Maxis pressed stop and put the recorder and crossed his arms “I pay the bill, you go to the Grinders” was all he said as the half vampire sighed softly before speaking up “Alright, alright, I’ll pick you up later.”
Johon instantly regretted his decision, not only was the drive long and agonizing, but he also saw at least forty fist fights, and ten knife fights within the first hour of entering the main building, and the show hadn’t even started yet. And worse of all, Johon felt extremely out of place, which was one of the things he really hated. Almost everyone attending, save for those who were also dragged here, had tattoos covering their bodies, and some even had metal horns welded to their heads, if they didn’t have horns anyways.
It took the half vampire a good hour to wade his way through the easily angered crowd and to his stitched together friend, who was “testing” one of the guitars. “Maxis, when will the stupid show start?” he asked as Maxis puts the guitar down and looked at him. “The show…..hmmm, I think it starts in a few hours”
“Well I don’t have a few hours!” he said in a whisper as Maxis wrapped an arm around his neck in a friendly manner as he soon brought him to the snack table, which was one of the few things that wasn’t “metal-fied”. “Hon, Hon, Hon, you worry too much. Yeah sure these guys are a bit…...physical, but trust me when I say this, these guys are-”
“WHO TOUCHED MY SHIT?!?” Maxis was interrupted when a big, buff centaur shouted, looking at everyone as he held his guitar in his hands. The same guitar that Maxis was working on. He soon eyed in on both Maxis and Johon as he made his way to them “WAS IT ONE OF YOU?!” he shouted as Maxis looked him in the eyes.
“Well can you blame me, all your guitars sounded like shit, so I fixed them.” the Frankenstein monster said with a slight shoulder shrug as the other Grinder fans soon started to surround them, some pulling out a knife or two. The pair would have probably gotten the shit beaten out of them, if Johon hadn’t pointed to one of the chefs and shouted “he paid us to do it!”, and honestly he wasn’t expecting it to work. Once they Grinders were absolutely plumbing the poor sod, half vampire grabbed Maxis by the wrist and started to bolt to their car.
 Johon and Maxis were rushing to the half vampire’s car as they were being chased by an angry mob of heavy metal fans, all of which were carrying a variety of modified instruments that were more weapon than guitar. Honestly the pair were surprised that they managed to catch up so quickly, but then they remembered practically fifty people were slaughtering one chef, so they weren’t that surprised anymore. Johon quickly got into the driver’s seat as maxis flung himself into the backseat, the Grinders getting closer. Just as they were about to reach the car, Johon finally got it to start up and burned rubber, getting the hell out of there.
“LEARN TO TAKE AN OPINION!” Shouted maxis as he stuck his head out, before ducking his head back into the car to avoid a drumstick, that was turned into a shiv essentially, that was thrown at him. He chuckled to himself as he relaxed into his seat, crossing his arms “well that was awesome!” he said, mainly to himself. “Why, why do I still hang out with you?” Johon asked him as the DJ Frankenstein monster shrugged.
“Seriously, This is the fourth time I nearly got murdered by a music group, and for what? A freaking hospital bill?!?” Johon shouted as he soon pulled up to a gas station once he felt like he was far enough away. “What, that? Oh I have my bank account set to pay any of our bills, I figu-”
“You what?!? Y-You mean I didn’t have to get nearly skewered by a freaking drumstick?’ Johon interrupted as he looked back at his friend, taking his glasses off and looking him in the eyes. Maxis sighed as he looked away and sighed, thinking for a moment before speaking. “Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, I just…..feel like I need to use something as leverage, you know?”
The half vampire looked rather confused as Maxis continued “we rarely hang out, like just the two of us…..if I had something to make you want to hang out then….” “Maxis” the half vampire said as the franken monster looked at him “These stupid hobbies, the pissing diehard music fans off and all that, are not only the reasons we broke up, but it’s also the reasons why we don’t hang out as much”
Maxis lowered his head lightly as Johon leaned over into the backseat and cupped his cheeks in his hands “tell you what, I think I know a good payment for dragging me to that fucking concert.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Maxis asked as he sat the last box down and stretched his arms, looking at the half vampire. “You’re damn right I'm sure, your apartment is way better than mine. besides , this way we can hang out more, and not lie to me about automatic hospital bills” the half vampire explained, saying the last part slowly as he sat on, what is now, his bed.
“Alright, but you have to pay rent” Maxis stated as he pointed at Johon, who let out a soft laugh “alright alright, thanks again for letting me move in”. Maxis nodded as turned towards the door “yeah, don’t mention it” he said as he left, what was now, Johon’s room.
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shy-asshole · 5 years
Freakout Hangouts | Ch1/?
alright, here it is, the first chapter.
now this is my first fic ever essentially, so feedback and other stuff is appreciated.
now this does have language and such (obviously). also when i get a archiveofourown account, it’ll be up there as well
so....um......yeah, enjoy!
also, there are some design changes
It was an almost normal Saturday morning, well…...almost. Behind the highschool, about a mile or so in the woods, there were two students in a clearing, one who appeared to be setting up a practical mountain of chinese fireworks, and the other who was watching a good 10 yards away from the fireworks. The one who was arming the deadly mountain was wearing a patchwork suit, but it looked like someone had sewn it while extremely drunk, however it managed not to fall apart when the wind blew. Their blond hair reached down to their shoulders, and was dyed orange at the halfway point, with a few braids in there as well. The one by the bushes looked at his clearly insane friend as he stayed behind the vegetation as some sort of protection. The hoodie and jeans he was wearing were torn, moreso on the jeans, and his shoes being covered in dirt. His blue hair reached only to his neck, a part of his hair was red and covering his right eye.He was messing with his skull necklace as he sighed, ajusting his glasses.
“You’re going to get killed Citrine!” He shouted to his friend, who was apparently named Citrine, as they looked back at him and proceeded to flip him off “Go to hell Johon, I’m doing this and you can’t stop me!” they shouted back as they turned back to the fireworks and continued to plug wires into random explosives. 
“Seriously, I don’t think Maxis is going to pay for hospital bill this time, despite him being an idiot” Johon said, muttering the last part under his breath as his crazy friend continued to work “I’m pretty sure this is illegal”. That got their attention as they turned around and looked at him “oh please, once I get enough followers and resources to overtake america and finally make it into a communist nation, my government will make it legal!” they said as they turned back around and plugged one last wire in and clapped their hands.
“Well no offense, but your government sounds like it belongs with the Soviet Union, in the depths of hell” said the half vampire as the fool turned around and started to walk towards Johon, which was where the plunger was conveniently place “ Oh please, my government is perfect. You see: the government will own everything, however the people will own the government,ergo the people will own everything.”
“That sounds like shit” Johon stated as he crossed his arms as his friend made their way next to them as they went to the plunger “not as shitty as gardening, I mean you can’t get any worse than that” the fool said as they put their hands on the plunger and slammed it down. Then…..nothing, which confused Citrine extremely.
“Did…...did I plug them in right?” they asked, mainly to themself, as they went over to the firework mountain to expect it. Johon was watching them until he noticed a lady at the plunger, looking rather emotionless.
Her hair reached to the middle of her back, and was green with purple highlights. She was wearing a white dress with actual flowers of varying colors all over it. There were flowers going back underground at her feet as Johon started to stutter with his words “E-Eliz, what are you-” the half vampire couldn’t finish his sentence, because as soon as Citrine rearranged the wires, Eliz slammed the plunger down, effectively blowing the fool up as she and Johon looked on at the explosion, the fool hit a tree behind the two and groaning lightly.
The druid soon walked over to Citrine, kneeling down and looking at them “Don’t. Shit. On. My. Hobby.” she said slowly as the fool gave her a weak thumbs up.
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shy-asshole · 5 years
I’m back.....technically
alright, so it’s been a while, so I’ll cut to the chase, I’ve been having some motivation issues. I wanted to get back to this blog, but i didn't. but now that school started back up, i’m going to get back in this blog.
now i’ve made some mistakes during this blog, which i wont say because my anxiety forbids it. long story short, im going to redo the whole blog, which means that im going to delete most of the posts (which is pretty self explanitory).
but, i have some good news! i’m thinking about making a fanfic about my four bastards (and then some) now the fic itself may not have any cannon characters, mainly because i don’t feel confident enough to write them out. anyways, i feel like the fic might explain the characters better than just some fun fact posts (which i still plan on doing, along with the memes, im not ready to give those up yet)
anyways, imma get going now, hope all of those who stick around a good show, because it’s (hopefully) going to be one hell of a show
- Tsunami
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shy-asshole · 5 years
Johon:Maxis, I don't get it, how are you so god damn confident?
Maxis:well, I have help from my PHD.
Johon: Maxis, you don't have a PHD....
Maxis:oh yes I do:my phucking huge di-
Johon: alright, alright, I get it
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shy-asshole · 5 years
Random thought
Alright, for some reason, I am starting to see citrine as a communist supporter, I don't know why, but now that I thought of it, I am sticking with it. So from now on, citrine is a god damn Communist.
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shy-asshole · 5 years
Honestly how maxis announced his job is how i would xD
I know right, me too if I had the confidence honestly XD
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shy-asshole · 5 years
how Maxis announced he got a job
Maxis, on social media: ”So my math teacher told me if I kept my grades the way they are, I’d have to go work at a crappy fast food place, well spread the word people...”
maxis, zooming the camera out to reveal that he’s wearing a employee uniform of a crappy fast food place: “I START TOMORROW BIIIIITCH!!”
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shy-asshole · 5 years
just made an about page so you can see the basics of the four FreakShow hosts, hope you enjoy
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shy-asshole · 5 years
(Hey, it’s me: Tsunami. I know it’s been a bit, but I’m back with some facts of the (kinda) edge lord Johon. Like before, just five facts)
*Johon has major motivation issues, one day he’ll be super into a project, the next he’ll drop it completely. Because of this, Maxis always forces him to keep working on a project he’s on, even if he has to chain Johon to his desk.
*Despite that, the only thing he will never lose motivation on is playing videogames. It’s the only thing he’ll never abandon, that and his friends and something else.
*That something else is Dungeons and Dragons, and no, I’m not talking about a kinda similar brand in the monster prom world, I mean the actual D&D, and the half vampire will even pirate it from the human world if he has to.
*With the help of Maxis, he and Johon are currently champions of those robot battling tournaments somehow, mainly because Maxis’s over the top ideas Combined with Johon’s simple ideas often make their bot self destruct on it’s own.
*Despite the fact that he’s half vampire, he has to eat actual food, sleep at night, and other vital living things. The only thing he got from being of vampire descent was his fangs and his eyes, and that's pretty much it. 
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shy-asshole · 5 years
(howdy, it’s me, Tsunami, and I’m here to bring you five facts about Citrine! Why five......I don't know really)
*Citrine used to work for a gang called “The Laughing Skulls” in their early resurrection, however the gang got disbanded due to leadership failure
*Now they are now a merc, taking random ass jobs for any amount of money, and I mean any amount, you can give her ten bucks and ask them to kill someone, they’ll do it without a second thought.
*You know that one person that will never stop bugging you about something stupid, they are that person.
*Out of everyone in the FreakShow, they fuck up the most, as such, Eliz has to keep a close eye on them. If Citrine is Drowning of the teachers, it’s safe to assume Eliz is home sick
*They have a huge collection of illegal Chinese fireworks in their basement, and I mean HUGE, like it nearly fills the entire basement, all of them being stolen of course
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shy-asshole · 5 years
yet another stupid meme
Oh god
Citrine: “Huh, I guess she took the term ‘drop dead gorgeous’ to a whole new meaning”
Eliz: “You killed a supermodel C”
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shy-asshole · 5 years
another stupid thing
Why the FreakShow doesn’t hang out at Maxis’s place after a party :
Maxis, drunk with a pot on his head: “Look, I'm a pot head!” *Laughs like a idiot
Johon: *Gently takes the pot off of Maxis’s head*
Johon: *Proceeds to hit him across the face with said pot*
again, im sorry
-Mod Tsunami
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shy-asshole · 5 years
Probably something that would happen
why the freakShow doesn’t hang out at Citrine’s place:
Johon, getting pelted by cereal boxes: “Why do I hang out with you guys?”
Eliz, getting pelted by plates and bowls: “Damnit Citrine!”
Maxis, just entering the kitchen: ”Are they drunk again?”
Citrine, wasted as fuck and throwing a milk jug at Maxis as they stand on the counter: “I’m making mac and cheese, AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!”
I'm sorry
-Mod Tsunami 
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shy-asshole · 5 years
Time to get the show on the road
alright, I have introduced the four main characters and now we can finally open asks, so ask away
you can ask questions about the four, whether to me or directly to them, um....send in little starters, and the other usual stuff
now this is my first time doing this, and the fact I’m naturally a anxious, so im nervous. if any haters see this blog, please go easy on me
all jokes aside, you may now ask away
-Mod Tsunami
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shy-asshole · 5 years
Tumblr media
(Artwork by my brother @ RoyalPandemic on Instagram)
This is Maxis, the “Strategist” of the group(which is a fancy word they use for someone who picks where they hangout)
Maxis Farx is also in the middle when it comes to age, being 20. He is a Frankenstein monster, and unlike most of them, he doesn't have those metal prongs on his neck. He did at first, but he got them removed because they were, quote: ”cramping his style”. Instead he now has these metal fingertips that help him absorb electricity, though whether or not these work is debatable.
He was once a reputable D.J., however a controversy crumbled his fame and he became a nobody. The reason  why he’s with the :FreakShow” is so that he can feel better about himself, that he might feel better if he hangs out with other “losers”.
Maxis is about average intelligence, he’s not dumb but he is also not super smart. As stated before, Maxis was once a famous D.J., being called “D.J. Thunder Flesh”, so he’ exceptionally good at using that equipment. he’s also good at playing other instruments like the guitar, keyboard,  the bass, and the violin....his parents wanted him to play at least one classical instrument.
And there you have it, the last character on the blog. I might make another in the future, but for now that is it. Time to get the show on the road!
-Mod Tsunami
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