shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
Also, don't forget that we hope to find someone by October 15th, so if you're interested in joining the team and you haven't messaged Rae, please do so! <3
If you’re interested in being an admin on snt, read the post above and contact Rae! We’d love to hear from you. (:
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
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home + tumblr + about the site + site schedule + face claim + advertise
welcome to shiny new toy! a site that attempts to forgo the typical rp site lulls by opening and closing during scheduled months of the year. set in a fictional city in southern new york state, we are a character-centric site that is all about creating a stress-free and encouraging atmosphere for our players to write, create, and collaborate.
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
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Psst, those of you with tumblrs should totally do this thing right here.
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
If you're interested in being an admin on snt, read the post above and contact Rae! We'd love to hear from you. (:
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
We've been open for almost a week!
And we have already gotten to 66 registered members, 881 posts, and have some really beautiful plotting and posting already.
We are so, so excited to have you all and to have gotten this kind of response. Seriously, your kindness and enthusiasm for the site is everything we hoped for. We look forward to getting to know you all more and more, and for so many fun weeks to come.
Thank you all so much for joining us!
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
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http://shinynewtoy.jcink.net/index.php?act=idx http://shinynewtoy.jcink.net/index.php?act=idx http://shinynewtoy.jcink.net/index.php?act=idx
welcome to shiny new toy!
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
just under three hours to go until we open! who's excited???
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
shiny new toy week - DAY SEVEN sharing is caring (about me)
okay so HIIIIII everyone, i’m rae, and i’m really really excited about shiny new toy!  i’ve been looking forward to our opening pretty much since the idea hit me, so i’m crazy nervous as well because, y’know, the usual “but what if everyone hates it” pre-opening jitters.  honestly i just really want to see what everyone thinks and to see who joins and get to plotting!
i’m real big on sibling plots, and i do most of my writing after i’m done with work in the evenings.  sometimes i have later shifts, and on those days i tend to pop in for a while before i have to leave.  but when in doubt, you can find me online pretty much any time after 8 pm.  i use skype to keep in touch with people and to plot, but i’m also big on PMing people.  sometimes i PM people about plots rather than post in their plotters just to make sure they don’t miss anything, so if you ever get a PM from my admin account and then another one saying “WHOOPS WRONG ACCOUNT BEFORE,” that just means i wanna plot wit’ chu.  i’m bad at remembering to switch accounts sometimes, oops.
idk if anyone’s into word-matching or anything like that, but my posts typically end up in the 300-400 range.  but i never expect anyone to match lengths, so if you’re not into that then no worries.  if you are into that, now you know what to expect. :)  aaaaaand that’s about it, i think!  i can’t wait to plot and write with all of you!
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
snt week, day seven:
about you.
omg I’m really not very good at all at talking about myself, so we’re just gonna’ do a super-quick rundown, and if there’s anything anyone wants to know, you’re more than welcome to leave me a message in my ask, or just come talk to me! I got into this whole RPing thing…God, twelve years ago now?…and I’ve just really come to enjoy creating the characters and entwining their lives with other characters’, and the sense of community that comes from that, both in-character and out. I have met some of my dearest friends because of this - because of the simple action of going into plot pages and saying ‘hey how about…’ - and I couldn’t be more grateful.
I am also incredibly attached to certain faceclaims, and emotionally-attached to way too many television/movie/book characters to the point that they make me cry on the regular. (Emma Swan, looking at you. Which often dovetails with Jamie making me cry about Killian, which leads to both of us crying at 2am, but that’s beside the point.) idk I’m very boring, but I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you. <3
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
Snt week day 7: About you!
Hello hello hello!!!!!I’m Steph and I’m old 25, but almost 26 getting my AA in English in the fall or spring but hopefully the fall. I love theater( as anyone that knows me will tell you), writing, books, and watching endless amounts of tv shows. I am usually on during the day and till like 11:30ish, but I do most of the posting in the afternoon-early evening. I look for a friendly environment with plotting, and wanteds. I really like the community aspect of sites, and I look for characters that are developed and have their own story to tell.    I really like getting to know people on the site as well, not just name/alias and age but like the kinds of things they like to do when they’re not rping. Wicked Gif hooray! 
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
shiny new toy week ➨ day seven
about you!
hey! so i’m skippy as y’all know.  most of the time i’m gonne be on mid-day or in the evenings…or like in the middle of the night.  i get really rambly with plot page replies, just in advance.  and i get super finicky with coding. i love fun character friendships.  like when three to five characters get this awesome bond worthy of the marauders.  i’ve had that once or twice and it’s so much fun, so i’m looking forward to getting something like that maybe????   in a site i usually look for enthusiastic and welcoming members and a nice atmosphere.  mission accomplished.
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
SNT WEEK - day seven: about you! ➥ Okay, so, hi, I’m Jamie, and I’m really excited to be one of your admins! I’m a night owl generally, but my schedule this year involves a lot of night classes, so it looks like I’m gonna have to learn to do replies during the day instead of the wee hours of the morning, so… that’ll be interesting. I’ll probably be around and posting between, like, one and six. Also, expect me to spam plot pages as soon as they exist because that’s another thing I like to do, even if I’m sometimes a little lazy with formatting my own plotters (because, ugh, images and coding and yiiiikes so much wooork).
As far as what I look for in a site, I’m always looking for friendly members who are excited to be on the site, and who are welcome/willing to plot with everyone. I dunno, man, I’m super into the whole “community” aspect that can come out of RP even though, lbr, we’re all here to write, and I really just love that homey feeling that some sites give off, y’know? I’m super excited about snt hopefully being a lot like that because we’re all about reducing stress and making the site a place that’s just FUN and exciting for everyone. <3
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
midnight? which timezone? c: also i'm super duper excited!!! :D
EST! c:
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
snt week, day six:
highlights from your characters’ apps.
I haven’t actually started writing either app yet, because let’s be real, I’ve been going to bed pretty much as soon as I’ve gotten home from work every night for like, the last week and a half, but. I plan on doing Jackie’s app according to a list of superheroes. Because of course I am.
And I think Natasha (Tatiana Maslany) will be written like it’s an episode guide. But that’s all you’re getting on that because sHE IS GONNA BE A SURPRISE FOR EVERYONE.
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
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shiny new toy week ➨ day six
highlights from your characters’ apps
so i’m still in the planning stages buuuuuuuut i’m behind and i wanna catch up.  with aubrey i’m going to be doing a countdown app starting from her current age.
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
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shinynewtoyrp-blog · 10 years
SNT day 6: Highlights from characters apps
Rules of the Ford Home aka Lana has broken almost all of these.
Be a “perfect child” IE:get good grades only A’s and B’s, attend church every Sunday, do your chores, be in bed at curfew ect ect).
Respect authority and all decisions are final
Be a good non judgmental person to everyone
Don’t loose your virginity until it’s with someone you want to marry and/or you are already married(spoiler she’s broken all of these)
Be your own person and we support you in everything you wish to do
We as your parents will treat you wilt respect should you follow all of thes
Fifteen favorite books
Charlotte’s Web- E.B. White
Madeline books-Ludwig Bemelmans 
Clifford Books-Norman Bridwell
Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day-Judith Viorst 
Matilda –Ronald Dahl
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory-  Ronald Dahl
Alice’s adventures in Wonderland-Lewis Carroll
The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn-Eric Ives
A Song of Ice and Fire-George R.R. Martin
The Harry Potter series: J.K. Rowling
The Hunger Games Trilogy-Suzanne Collins
The Fault In Our Stars-John Green
Looking for Alaska-John Green
The First Elizabeth-  Carolly Erickson
Les Miserables-Victor Hugo
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