shinsous-bae · 4 years
Pen Pal
Tamaki x Reader
318 words
After three years of being pen pals you fly to Japan to see your friend Tamaki. When he gets the terminal number wrong you call each other as you walk to meet each other (All characters are aged up into there early twenties)
This was it. After three years of letters and face time calls you were finally going to see him. You gripped the suitcase as you navigated through the airport terminal. Looking down at your phone you looked at the message then to your watch.
“He’s three minutes late” You whispered to yourself. You hoped to god he didn’t forget he was picking you up or got lost. 
as if on cue you felt your phone vibrate in your hands. unlocking the devices you nearly laughed at the text.
  was it terminal 1 or 4?
                                                                        Not even close tama. terminal six
you sent back. Your phone then started to ring and you smiled as you answered his call. His voice was deeper through the phone, but his stutter still clear as day.
“S-sorry Y/N I’m coming now.”
“It’s fine, tell me what did you this week. I didn’t get your letter in the mail before I left for the airport.” 
There was a short pause on his end before he started to talk about his hero work and how he had captured three villains last week. The hustle and bustle of the airport were drowned out but his voice. Three years of weekly letters, you had kept every single one in a large basket under your bed at home. If you were ever sad you would read his words of encouragement and feel instantly happier. And within those three years, he’d become your closest friend. You had poured your heart and soul into your letters and you had grown attached to him.
“Y-Y/N?” Hearing your name brought you out of your daze.
“Sorry what?”
You heard the faint beep of your phone and looked down to see Tamaki had hung up on you. You were about to ring him back when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your middle and a familiar voice saying.
“I love you.”
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