shetlandfics · 4 months
Dougie knows our Duncan/Jimmy fics exist 100%
2.47 in - "Mark Bonnar, I've obviously spent ten years in love with"
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shetlandfics · 5 months
Dougie and Mark in Agatha Christie
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shetlandfics · 7 months
Shetland series 5 through Tom Morton's slash goggles
Morton slashing Duncan and Jimmy again.
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shetlandfics · 7 months
If Jimmy fancies someone, he might as well assume they're caught up in a murder.
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shetlandfics · 8 months
Shetland series 4 through Tom Morton's slash goggles
Shetland-based journalist Tom Morton hates Shetland (the tv show) but also ships Duncan and Jimmy.
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shetlandfics · 8 months
Shetland series 4 - the net closes in on Duncan Hunter
Lars the nazi puts the finger on Dunc
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Jimmy shifts focus
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Jimmy faces the worst case scenario
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Duncan knows he's fucked
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Jimmy knows he's fucked
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shetlandfics · 9 months
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The many moods of Donna Killick:
1. Hannibal Lecter
2. Baiting Jimmy
3. Baiting Duncan
4. Doting mum
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shetlandfics · 9 months
Alright, here it is - my shippy Jimmy x Duncan take on shetland s6e6 (shipping is what my blog is all about after all)
The drinks - later on in the episode Jimmy’s dad talks about how he could recognise his wife’s footsteps. Jimmy seems to know it’s Duncan walking in before he looks up - and immediately gives him the drink he poured for himself, and then continues to - very intensely - stop Duncan incriminating himself. Acts of service and protection, right there
He’d asked Cora to expedite Donna’s autopsy. He’s pulling all sorts of strings to help Duncan.
When the fiscal tells him about Donna’s letter accusing Duncan of murder (I knew she’d done something like that!) he is devastated.
Jimmy and Duncan on the beach together, happily remembering old memories. They’ve got such a long history together, they’ve been through so much together. Jimmy hates HATES having to tell Duncan bad news. And it’s Jimmy constantly saying ‘we can fight it, we can fix it’. We we we. Not you, not I, we. Together, as a partnership.
‘Wouldn’t do your reputation much good’ Duncan says and Jimmy replies ‘it’s not going to do me much good seeing you go to jail either’ THATS A SHIPPY LINE IF EVER I HEARD ONE and then they exchange a long significant gaze…
It’s Duncan who points out Jimmy would have to lie, that’d he’d have to pervert the course of justice, the very crime he’s just arrested people for. But apparently Jimmy is ok with that if it means protecting Duncan
and isn’t this miles away from when Jimmy insisted on questioning Duncan in the original Killick investigation! He chose the law over Duncan then but now he’s choosing Duncan over the law - he’s become more important to Jimmy now.
Jimmy is strained and tense all through this.
It’s Duncan who has to remind Jimmy that covering this up is wrong (cue big heartfelt sigh from Jimmy) Duncan says he won’t ruin Jimmy’s career to save himself. Then there’s one of those arm brushes they do and Jimmy watches him walk away.
Look at that. Classic. Meaningful glances across the grave. Duncan watching Jimmy after Jimmy has looked away. And even though Jimmy walks back with the nurse he continues to watch Duncan.
So - when Jimmy realises Duncan has gone to the station he runs after him to save him. But he’s too late, and can only watch Duncan confess and Jimmy is devastated. Deep painful sighs, saying ‘we can fight this’ and Duncan telling Jimmy he won’t drag him down with him and Jimmy can only watch as Duncan throws his life away to protect Jimmy….
Jimmy is bleak and broken. Duncan is determined to protect Jimmy. All they can do is look at each other for one last time as the charge is read…
Bloody hell. I have been shipping for years - I love a really angsty ship - and that’s one of the most angst-ridden shippiest episodes of anything I’ve ever seen.
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shetlandfics · 9 months
Season 6 of Shetland is on Finnish tv, finally, so obviously I’m re-watching it again. 
Somehow I forgot to pay proper attention to the moment Donna Killick decides what it’s going to take to get back at Jimmy Perez. That moment of oh. ‘He’d be devastated without you around, wouldn’t he’. What makes it chilling is that right before that moment, less than minute ago, she was as friendly as we’ve seen her with anybody, almost soft with Duncan. She is genuinely grateful for his attempts to connect her to their son. And still. This is how she’ll get Jimmy, so suddenly Duncan is fair game.  
And then after that scene, we see Duncan go home to Jimmy, so we see how much Donna is right and we know it will hurt. Perfect example of characters doing what they must, according to their personalities and history, there is no getting off this train until the crash.
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shetlandfics · 9 months
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shetlandfics · 9 months
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Jimmy Perez contemplating the fate of poor Robbie Morton. Shetland S3E2
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shetlandfics · 10 months
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North of Everywhere and Nightfall, headland, home by Dorinda, collected in a cute little A6 tête-bêche hardback.
The cover paper is marbled and the book cloth baby blue to match for a bright sunny seascape mood. The endpapers are Notpla 140gsm and are made with seaweed! Recycleable and biodegradable. Fun fact: when applying paste to this paper to prepare to paste the ends down to the case, the little dark flecks of seaweed in the paper turn bright green. :D I’m ridiculously excited to have found a use for this paper, I bought ten sheets (minimum order) out of curiosity and then was a bit stumped, but it’s got a great texture and thickness and I’m a little in love with it.
The fics are BBC Shetland, Jimmy/Duncan, one of which I’ve read and loved and the other I haven’t yet but now that they’re bound together I’ve no excuse to not dive right in.
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shetlandfics · 10 months
How Shetland accidentally became all about the Shusbands
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shetlandfics · 10 months
"If I know anything, it's that by now I'm stuck with you. So."
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shetlandfics · 1 year
Three new Shetland fics for May
The original cast canon may be over, but the fic continues! Three new authors have joined us and there's plenty of room in Lerwick for more.
A Pact - Duncan/Jimmy
a sense of place (going home) - the fandom's first podfic! Rhona
Heifern't you had enough of me - Duncan/Jimmy
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shetlandfics · 1 year
Times are hard, and friends are few, tara to fuckin' you.
A message from Duncan to Meg.
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shetlandfics · 1 year
That subscriber doesn't know what they're missing!
Jimmy is looking to the future, and starting to realise he should maybe be listening to his heart rather than his head
Written for day three of Shetland Fic Fest 2023 for the prompt "season 7 fix-it" because it had to be done
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