shanememedej · 6 years
GHOST STORY TIME? when i was younger, maybe 11 or 12, my family had three dogs. two of them were fairly small, but one (hershey) was a really large dog. my sister and i would usually walk them all when we got home from school so they could run around in the park near our house. but one day, it was super snowy and cold (probably two feet of snow in all, it was crazy) so we didn’t want to take the dogs out. since we had some free time, my sister and i went up to our room to do whatever (1/?)
(2/?) when my parents got home, they yelled up to us to ask if the dogs were in our room, but they weren’t. we all kind of panicked because it was super shitty outside and the dogs could’ve been in danger alone. but when i went downstairs to check the living room, the dog door on the back door was COMPLETELY GONE. the dog door had a lock because it was fairly big (we were scared of someone sneaking in) and there’s no way that even hershey could’ve taken the whole thing out. there wasn’t
(3/?) a hole that made it look like it had come out of the door, just the flappy part that the dogs could go through was HALFWAY ACROSS THE YARD. we’d had that dog door for several windy winters and that had never happened, not once. when my parents rushed outside to get the dogs, they were super spooked. they’d been out in bad weather before, and had never acted like this because of anything. the worst part was that there weren’t any footprints except for the dog’s, and hershey wouldn’t
(4/4) stop barking all night and into the day. he almost never barked, so that was really unsettling. i don’t know, we were really spooked.
that dog door should not have done that and I am........... Afraid. and there’s so much to think about how it could have happened. AND THERE WAS A LOCK................................................................ WHOMST.
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shanememedej · 6 years
one day in 6th grade the glass table on our back patio suddenly shattered into a million pieces and like at first we didn’t think anything of it but turns out my cousin had just killed herself so we think it was her just like saying her goodbyes and then my aunt said that she felt my cousins presence around the time of her death too
OooOOOhhHhh that is. first of all I’m sorry about your cousin, because that had to have been rough for you and your family, but I get the feeling of her being around.
some years back when my dad was sleeping late because he just got off a really late shift at work, and my mom and sis and I were all downstairs when this happened. my dad woke up for a hot second when he felt the edge of the bed dip down as felt a weight/presence there, but he didn’t see anyone there, and it was gone. he found out later in the day one of his buddies from the Army had died, and he explained to me that the whole coming over and sitting on the end of someone’s bed was something done all the time, so he feels like it was him coming and seeing him for one last time.
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shanememedej · 6 years
so I'm a teacher at a preschool and the school is an old building and has some pretty creepy parts and one day I had the kids playing in the basement because thats where they have to play when its raining and I have them all lined up to go back upstairs and my back was to a very dark and EMPTY hall and the kid at the front of the line points directly behind me and says 'who is that man?' and I looked and there was no one there and I was shook
why are kids so in tune with ghosts and shit. anyway that preschool.......... Haunted. No Thanks. More Lights, Please.
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shanememedej · 6 years
this video had a deeply unsetting dark and powerful malevolent energy
It was not meant to be experienced by the human conscious
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shanememedej · 6 years
I went on a ghost tour thing for my birthday a few years ago and saw some spirits. One of my friends who went with me has some family who is really into that kinda stuff and has some sight and he told me what to look for and how to see them. There was one specific one I remember really well that was just like a shadow-y shape/silhouette of a man walking toward us from between some trees. It gave me a headache to look at and I blinked after a few seconds and it was gone.
anything involving unknown people walking into or out of like, cornfields or trees really is off-putting to me for some reason, and I’m wondering why you got a headache because that is some odd shit. I’m at a college that’s in a fairly haunted town so I hope I can go on a ghost tour sometime soon because that’d be rad
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shanememedej · 6 years
So I was staying at my boyfriend's house last week and only one of his other housemates was in at the time. We all woke up in the night to loud music playing from the stereo in their front room which was definitely off when we went to bed. The next morning the three of us were in the kitchen when we heard loud footsteps from upstairs. I had suspicions that the house was haunted from small other odd occurrences but now it's safe to say I no longer like visiting that house.
I actually have a similar experience from YEARS ago in my grandparent’s basement.
so in their former house they had a basement that was always real fuckin cold, you know how basements be. anyway there was my sister and I, my two cousins that live here in NC, and my other aunt’s middle and youngest kids there together. (don’t know where the eldest was at the time but their houses were right next to each other with a shared driveway, so.)
my grandparent’s had an old Jack-in-the-Box up on an equally if not older wooden shelf and it popped open on its own and we all froze and my sis (who was the oldest in the room) went and closed it. it happened again and my sis closed it. my girl cousin, Hope, that lives in NC with her family had said it might be the spirit of her paternal grandmother looking over her, and we were like “okay” and kept fucking around. then it opened a third time and fell off the shelf and we all FREAKED and ran up the stairs as a large mass and burst out onto the kitchen floor and we were scolded because there was a guest over THAT WE DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT but whatever.
when we went to bed my sister was like “it’s old it’s probably just the hinges” and I was like “SURE SHELBY” and I went down the next morning and the box hadn’t opened. if it was the hinges being old af it would have opened in the night. now that I think about it, I don’t remember which of us went back down and closed it and put it back, if any of us did. it’s been years so I’m not sure, but I’m assuming someone did.
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shanememedej · 6 years
idk if my brain made it all up because i've been watching too much spooky shit but i had a dream about a little girl with black hair and she was dirty with uhh.. dirt. and i woke up around 3 am with the feeling of being watched, and i remember hearing her voice? but also i didnt feel scared. i felt safe. thats what creeped me out the most lol. also i just saw shit in the corner of my eye uhh fuck this house m8
oh honestly fuck that house m8 little girls that look like Samara from The Ring (I’m assuming) are creepy enough but the feeling that you felt safe ? NAH
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shanememedej · 6 years
( blood tw i guess ) i do think i have a weird connection the paranormal maybe. or its just my brain being weird but. as a kid, i had a reccurent dream of a skinless man. some could be very cartoonish, other pretty terrifying. he like bled everywhere. it was really creepy and it still gives me the heebie jeebies
oh that is. that is truly something my friend. if you weren’t exposed to anything creepy like that, then that’s very weird why your brain could jump to that with nothing you know of contributing to the image and that it’s just there. I would still get the heebie jeebies too if I as a child saw a skinless man in my dreams, because that should not be happening
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shanememedej · 6 years
I remember waking up in bed, not knowing why I woke up, only that I was awake and staring at a woman's back while sitting in bed. I was still half asleep, but somehow my nine year old mind seemed to have jumped to the most logical conclusion when I saw this strange woman staring at my cousin from the door frame. And by most logical conclusion, I didn't mean that I assume someone had broken in and was a killer slash thief, my most logical conclusion at the time was that this woman was a ghost.1/?
2/?The thought of encountering a ghost right at that moment at god knows what time in the morning filled me with fear, and had me holding my breath. I never took my eyes away from the woman while I gently shook my mom awake until she grumpily ask me what I wanted. I asked her slowly in a whispered, “Can you see her?”
3/? My mom turned to look where I was looking, she saw nothing, but I told her, still looking at the woman's back that there was a woman in front of my cousin’s door frame, I told her, “ She has shoulder length hair, and is brown. She is wearing a fushia pink shirt, light brown knee length pants, and ugly grandma’s sandals, just like abuela's.”
5/5 Maybe she thought I was joking, or maybe she thought I had been watching to many movies or whatever is that excuse parents used against their child when they don't believe them, because the next thing she told me is to go back to bed. And maybe I should had done something else, maybe I should had stood up and walked to the woman, to this day I wonder why I didn't do anything else  besides laying back in bed and covering myself with the bed cover, and hoping that the ghost wouldn't get me.
Side note you said 5/5 but I’m assuming 4 and you lost track because HARD SAME but anyway.
what really gets me is that you could see her but your mom couldn’t, and that her back was to you rather than facing you. I’m sure you’ve considered that it was your grandma/abuela but it’s possible, if you haven’t. in any case, that is Spooky and I relate to your reaction
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shanememedej · 6 years
you ever wonder how shane would feel after looking at your account?
it’s got his name in the url but tons of ghost stories so obviously he’d want to fight me, a challenge I’m willing to face.
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shanememedej · 6 years
my mom has a ghost story that freaks her out to this day. when my sister was a baby my mom was home taking care of her. she put my sister on the couch while she went to grab a bottle of milk. when she came back to the living room she found my sister on the floor not crying or anything. she was swaddled and everything a foot away from the couch. they were the only people at home
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shanememedej · 6 years
yo idk if you’re still taking ghost stories buuuut my friend was cat-sitting for some weird neighbors when the power went out, which is fairly common where we live. she texted me to ask whether ours had gone out too- we live in the same neighborhood- but it hadn’t. it only got worse from there. she wasn’t familiar with the house layout and used her phone as a flashlight, but did manage to coax the cat into his crate(???) before he freaked too badly. the owners were hella late at this point.(1/3)
so, logically, no one else should have been in the house. but around 7 she heard someone coming down the stairs. a kid from the house across the street, eric, stood there in a muddy blue smiley-face tshirt and asked her what she was doing. she was terrified of even the CONCEPT of ghosts, so he left before she could even think of answering him. later, eric’s mom told us that he had been out of town that day. eric and my friend have never met each other before. (2/3)
she only recognized him from pictures, and REALLY shouldn’t have known about his favorite blue smiley-face tshirt. (3/3) sorry this is so long lmao
OH MAN.................. OH BOY. on one hand I’d think that like he got home early and snuck in just to fuck with some stranger but I don’t know (1) him; (2) how far out of town he was; and other stuff I’m sure but GOD that is eerie. I don’t like that
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shanememedej · 6 years
(1) this might sound silly but i encountered two ghost cats (or maybe the same ghost cat twice) in my childhood. the first time, i was lying in bed and my cat was camping out in this big dog crate we had bought for her for discipline bc she had a tendency to claw furniture and stuff. i felt a small weight crawl onto my legs and settle down, and it felt like my cat, but it was impossible for it to have been her! when i looked down at my legs the weight vanished and nothing was there.
(2) the second time happened probably about 4 years later, when i was in my living room late at night. everyone else had gone to their bedrooms and the lights were off, but i had forgotten something important in there and went back to get it. as i was turning around to go back to my room, i saw the faint, pale outline of a cat with glowing eyes out of the corner of my eye. at this point in time there were no cats in my house at all (parents divorced and my dad took the cat from part 1 with him)
ooooo that is some spooky stuff. you never hear much about ghost animals, so that’s pretty cool. I can’t help but think about what it could be, like if they belonged to a previous owner of the house or something.
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shanememedej · 6 years
nah nothing was happening at the time that i can recall i just remember being really calm afterwards
honestly that’s super interesting and pretty cool. it must have been bizarre to see but I imagine his presence was super comforting, as you say you were really calm after that. I sound like some weird investigator always saying “that’s fascinating!” but it really is.
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shanememedej · 6 years
one time when i was rlly young i was in bed and my sister was sleeping next to me (this is while we still shared a bedroom) and i was up rlly late for no reason and i saw this rlly tall figure standing inside my doorway and he said in a really deep voice "it's gonna be okay" and then disappeared and my mom said i described him really similarly to my great grandpa who died before i was born
OH MAN stories about seeing relatives that have passed a long time ago always Spook me but that is wild. I am curious to know if anything happened around that time to warrant his saying of “it’s gonna be okay” because in other stories I’ve read that tends to happen
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shanememedej · 6 years
Sorry to hear about the friendship drama :((((( I
it’s ok !! I’m not entirely sure if I’ll make more content, maybe pop in once or twice and spend some time on here a bit periodically just to see what the latest News is. I do enjoy my time being on here but it’s not as appealing as it once was. I still will always love the people I met on here tho !!
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shanememedej · 6 years
(1) So I’ve seen spirits tons of times in my life, I’ve never really felt threatened by them. But for the most part I just feel them there, like a presence or a very strong emotion from an entity in the room. A few years ago, I was at a sleepover at my friends house. Her whole family, including her 4 yr old sister was asleep. Until 3 am (witching hour) rolls around, and I hear someone screaming bloody murder. I was still awake, so I got up and ran towards the screams. It was her little sister
(2) She had her hands over her ears & was screaming “They’re watching me!”, “They won’t leave me alone!” Or “They’re trying to get me!” I ran in her room & immediately felt something was very off. A dark feeling, but I couldn’t see anything. My friend came in & calmed her sis down, but she kept repeating herself. After, I️ wasn’t gonna say anything about the paranormal, but my friend who is a Shane-level skeptic turned to me & asked “Could you feel that too? Like something was in there with us?”
OH BOY so (1) sorry for taking 8 actual years to reply but (2) OH BOY that is..... truly very horrifying but I hope the sis is okay and hasn’t had any negative experiences since then. sleepovers are always the prime place for supernatural/paranormal shite to happen u know. Cursed.
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