sgeconfessions · 2 years
Hey, I think I’m one of the very few people who noticed this, but in The Last Ever After, there’s a giant plot hole concerning Hester and her mother’s nemesis, Hansel and Gretel.
They are depicted as an old couple, and Hester should be the same age as her classmates (unless I missed/forgot some information about her actually being older and not aging).
The thing is, Hansel and Gretel were CHILDREN in their story. And even if they were young adults (after graduating SGE) in Soman’s universe, HOW on Earth would they be so old during that book? Even if they were in their early twenties, and Hester is 15 (as she was apparently 4 when her mother died) they would be at MAXIMUM in their early 40s.
I’ve seen this discussion on Amino and some people tried to use an “explanation” of how the Candy Witch used dark magic to have Hester at an old age, and then I saw this claim pushed in one of the following books (not sure which one now). The thing is, this doesn’t explain HOW HANSEL AND GRETEL AGED SO MUCH.
People also claimed that maybe the Witch did not die during the story and escaped to have Hester several years later, however, this makes zero sense since the latter herself is upset that she has to be in one group with the people who killed her mother.
Few explanations I can think about arethat Hester is actually way older than her classmates, but doesn’t age, or that she was frozen for several years and then unfroze when her mother’s nemesis were old. Or that H&G were in their fifties during their fairytale, or that the gingerbread they ate made them age quickly. 🙄
Please tell me if I’m completely dense and if there is some explanation I missed. I mean, the handbook still hasn’t come out in my country.
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sgeconfessions · 2 years
Hey, I think I’m one of the very few people who noticed this, but in The Last Ever After, there’s a giant plot hole concerning Hester and her mother’s nemesis, Hansel and Gretel.
They are depicted as an old couple, and Hester should be the same age as her classmates (unless I missed/forgot some information about her actually being older and not aging).
The thing is, Hansel and Gretel were CHILDREN in their story. And even if they were young adults (after graduating SGE) in Soman’s universe, HOW on Earth would they be so old during that book? Even if they were in their early twenties, and Hester is 15 (as she was apparently 4 when her mother died) they would be at MAXIMUM in their early 40s.
I’ve seen this discussion on Amino and some people tried to use an “explanation” of how the Candy Witch used dark magic to have Hester at an old age, and then I saw this claim pushed in one of the following books (not sure which one now). The thing is, this doesn’t explain HOW HANSEL AND GRETEL AGED SO MUCH.
People also claimed that maybe the Witch did not die during the story and escaped to have Hester several years later, however, this makes zero sense since the latter herself is upset that she has to be in one group with the people who killed her mother.
Few explanations I can think about arethat Hester is actually way older than her classmates, but doesn’t age, or that she was frozen for several years and then unfroze when her mother’s nemesis were old. Or that H&G were in their fifties during their fairytale, or that the gingerbread they ate made them age quickly. 🙄
Please tell me if I’m completely dense and if there is some explanation I missed. I mean, the handbook still hasn’t come out in my country.
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sgeconfessions · 5 years
Hey I've got no idea if you still come on this blog but would it be okay if I (pumpkinpaperweight on my sge blog lmao) ran a confessions blog? Bc I realised now there's not one anymore and I admit,,, I like to stir the pot. A lot. I know you said knock yourself out but I just wanted to check!
Oh yes pls! If you want to stir the pot be my guest, after all, this one died a long time ago lol
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sgeconfessions · 5 years
acot spoilers but
One Last Confession!
I just never even understood why the “spansel” had to be a thing like couldn’t Arthur just have had a fling with Evelyn? Couldn’t it just have been a random mistake? I feel like the spansel in ACOT really ruined Evelyn Sader’s character and that makes me a little bit angry
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sgeconfessions · 5 years
nvm. Since I don’t own the blog and the owner left Tumblr for Good, I think I’m just going to have to let this blog die. However, if you ever wanted to run another SGE confessions blog, knock yourselves out!
Would anyone be interested in being a mod for this blog? I definitely lost interest in managing this blog but I don’t know if anyone would like to still see this blog so
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sgeconfessions · 5 years
okay so it won't let me message you but I'd be open to being a mod
okay so big problem that I just realized: I can’t make you a mod because I’m not the owner of the blog, and the owner kind of...disappeared and never really came back. I’m so sorry for this! Especially cause I made that post sigh
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sgeconfessions · 5 years
Would anyone be interested in being a mod for this blog? I definitely lost interest in managing this blog but I don’t know if anyone would like to still see this blog so
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sgeconfessions · 6 years
aight so theres all this bout aric and rafal being awful characters flying around, especially “only horny eleven year olds could like aric” and id like to put out there that i’ve been a sge fan since the second book was released and i love rafal and aric’s characters. are they good people? of course not. are they good villains? hell yes. villains are supposed to interfere with your favorite character’s happy ending and they’re supposed to manipulate and destroy, that’s what makes them such interesting characters. that’s my take on it anyway. (not sure if this blog is active/also i have no idea how these tags work)
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sgeconfessions · 7 years
The Sister Scam
I commission that the sge Tumblr community officially unofficially call the making of Agatha and Sophie sisters in book three, The Sister Scam™. Because, honestly, that was a bs plot decision, and a blatant hiding-your-gays move. Tbh, I never liked agaphie, but making them sisters not only ruined the ship, but is really fucking (excuse my French) weird. Let’s make this a thing!
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sgeconfessions · 7 years
Man I don’t even like Agaphie (I just didn’t really like their chemistry or them together, tbh, I preferred Tagatha, though both ships have pros and cons) but they shouldn’t!! have!! been!! sisters!! Even though I could sort of tell it was coming with the whole Callis owed Stefan, no one knew Agatha’s father thing, people should have been left to ship what they wanted, and not forced to abandon Agaphie because suddenly it was incestuous. Jesus I love the series and the characters but Soman made some bullshit plot decisions
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sgeconfessions · 7 years
I feel like the fandom doesn’t really appreciate Hort that much :(
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sgeconfessions · 7 years
Why is it that with all the pretty evers, everyone wants to ship them even though they’ve been told their whole lives romance is all they are, but with Nevers who have been self sufficient and are generally closed off people, everyone jumps on the “they need to find happiness within themselves first! They’d be happier alone” like if you don’t wanna ship people who are not conventionaly attractive just say it
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sgeconfessions · 7 years
I want to fist fight anyone who thinks Aric is an okay person
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sgeconfessions · 7 years
i can't see hort x beatrix. if hort and sophie are a bad match, then hort and beatrix are twice as bad, because beatrix is just as shallow as sophie and doesn't even know or like him. plus she still sees evers as superior to nevers, so she probably wouldn't treat him very well either.
I can see your reasoning but i guess people just ship it cause it would be an interesting Ever/Never dynamic 🤷🏻‍♀️
I don't really know how it originated, actually
PLEASE use the submission option when submitting a confession
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sgeconfessions · 7 years
I,,,,,, Rafal is an actual fucking pedophile who groomed a twelve year old girl into a relationship and then mind controlled her with magic and pressured her into marriage who thought they would be a cute ship
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sgeconfessions · 7 years
real pissed that hort's goal of making his father proud and getting him a good burial place was brushed aside like... "oh my dead father's alive lmao time to KILL HIM FOR SOPHIE'S SAFETY NO HESITATION" wtf i dead ass nearly adopted that lanky ass during the first and second books what with all the loneliness, insecurity, and daddy issues WHAT HAPPENED
I had never given a thought of that, but I realize this is true. Was that plot line ever closed? I can't recall. But yeah, Hort's character still needs some touch up here and there in certain aspects, and the lack of closure for this is one of them
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sgeconfessions · 7 years
Bruh same on agaphie like I don’t even like that ship ((personal issues)) but what the fuck they were dating
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