seldompr · 5 years
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I’ve been living in Estonia for almost 2 years and I had this midset, that there is nothing to see and nowhere to go. Recently, as a result of taking a break from my phone, I’ve come to notice how beautiful this country really is! Again, I can’t be thankful enough for these people ❤️
And about the pause from my phone - I am in no way dealing with it perfectly. I now spend my time being 50% productive and 50% in relapse. Which is actually something I am still proud off. It would be naive of me to think that an addiction I’ve been catering to for years will just disappear in a couple of weeks. And with that, I wish myself good luck 🐾
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seldompr · 5 years
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Went on a walk. It was warm and sunny. A lot of dogs and more people flocking around the blooming trees. I found some trashcans for biodegradable waste, which will ultimately help me in the run of becoming Zero-waste. But any way - I sat down in the grass three times. And every time I saw a friend. So ultimately, I ended up having three different, but beautiful pictures.
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seldompr · 5 years
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I have this relationship with makeup. I love the idea of it, I sometimes enjoy having it on my face and remind myself, I too, could look like those other girls. But in most part, it makes me feel as if I am lying to myself. I like the way my face looks (most days) without make up and I like to watch other people embrace the no-makeup look.
In this picture all I’m wearing is a damn lipstick and a pencil eyeliner smudged to look like eyeshadow. The reason is,
1. I don’t have any other makeup in my dormitory.
2. I would like to have nice makeup, but seeing how rarely I use it, it would just go to waste. As makeup expires, of course.
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seldompr · 5 years
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Meet my palm. I got him for Ilmārs on Valentines day, but we didn’t have any way of transporting him to Tallinn. So the plant just lived at our neighbors all this time. But since our neighbor is leaving, I decided to just take it to Tallinn myself. Why bother? Because he’s (or she) a palm and I don’t want to risk leaving it in a cold and lonely apartment (not kidding about the cold part).
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seldompr · 5 years
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My mom has these wonderful, calm cats. They enjoy laying as close to the face as possible. It’s sweet and all, but it’s spring time and they’re shedding like crazy, so yes, you feel loved, but you also can feel your mouth slowly filling with stray fur.
Still love them ❤️
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seldompr · 5 years
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My sister is getting married!
The wedding is in August, but I’m starting to think of options to wear. This was a find at a trift shop near my hometown. The dress was beautiful and well made, but I didn’t feel that the color was right for me. My mom loved it and tried to persuade me to buy it (or even buy it for me) but Ilmārs kept me level headed and reminded me - Am I choosing for my self?
I didn’t but the dress, but I am looking forward to finding different options ❤️
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seldompr · 5 years
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My beautiful child ❤️
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seldompr · 5 years
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I have had the honor to call these people my friends. They are some of the calmest, supportive and adventure seeking people I’ve had around. It was a wonderful, sunny day. We took a walk (or a lap) around the swamp somewhere in Estonia.
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seldompr · 5 years
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I think my parenting gene is slowly kicking in. I haven’t been able to go past flower shops and not think - damn, I need this plant that I can’t afford to take care of. I think it comes with getting older, even though I am only 21. I am looking forward to settling down somewhere where I will be able to fur fill my plant and animal “desires”. Anyway - good luck to Ilmārs ❤️
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seldompr · 5 years
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I’ve been going to the gym quite regularly. I feel so much more in tune with my body and mind. Something about the knowledge of me doing something good for my body makes me a lot more confident.
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seldompr · 5 years
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Had my first real solo guest performance in Ventspils. Came completely prepared and did my best. Sad that there was nobody filming it or any great photos to keep. But a great experience ❤️
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seldompr · 5 years
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Bird watching
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seldompr · 5 years
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How to face
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seldompr · 5 years
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seldompr · 5 years
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How to slav 2
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seldompr · 5 years
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How to slav
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seldompr · 5 years
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